Tying Dancers with STD and other ailments

avatar for Muddy
There is some recent on goings going on at one strip club on here where a dancer that's on this website was being accused of having something and it's getting ugly and she's clapping (no pun intended) back hard in submitting a comeback in a review that I doubt gets approved (Big drama I know, I know, OMG OMG OMG)

I'm not taking a stand one way or the other but I was curious where is your guys line on that is? Universal Precaution anyway? (aka everyone has something) that would be very relevant info that we need to know. Or should it be left to PM's? Or should we all just go raw dog and let the chips fall as they may. Lets hash this one out.


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avatar for doctorevil
2 years ago
"Or should we all just go raw dog and let the chips fall as they may."

Yeah, why not?

But WTF are you talking about? Post a link.
avatar for Muddy
2 years ago
Well I took an oath of secrecy as to not add fuel to the fire.

But then again due to the fact that I have the integrity of a 6th grade girl in middle school, I’ll spill. The club is Purple Orchid and the dancer addressed the situation in a review she submitted that I can’t see anymore because I voted on it already.
avatar for shadowcat
2 years ago
I was told by a dancer last week that another dancer is not working right now because she has herpes. I have told my close friends but since she is not working I see no point in putting it in a review or discussion.
avatar for JimGassagain
2 years ago
^^ LLoyd has the gift that keeps on giving. LLoyd knows all too well about luggage. You can never get rid of him.

avatar for psycho_trick
2 years ago
i saw it. gave me a great idea for bashing certain reddit trolls. how's bubble-yeast sound?

i appreciate and encourage the warnings.

avatar for rickdugan
2 years ago
IME accusations leveled at dancers about STDs are almost always bogus. Most often it's other dancers spreading the rumors, but every so often a butt hurt guy will do it to get back at a girl for something. Personally I do see the value in indulging that crap on here and I don't blame the girl for trying to fight back.

As far as yet another condom debate, no thanks.
avatar for BubbleYum
2 years ago
I feel such rhetoric should remain in private messages to avoid slandering individuals should they actually be clean of whatever is suspected. Making such accusations can really damage a dancer's reputation. It's all drama on and gossip on here and whatnot, but don't forget some dancer's lives are supported solely from stripping and whether such a claim is true or not, she could possibly lose her job just from rumors getting spread as the nature of this topic is a bad look for any club.

But if private messages don't suffice for those who lack respect for someone's job and reputation, there is always that portion under every club preview page to start a discussion under that club's page rather than write a review. It bypasses waiting on reviews to be approved/rejected and is public, but does not grant VIP access.

avatar for rickdugan
2 years ago
Sorry, my last sentence should have started with: "Personally I do NOT see the value of indulging that crap..."
avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
2 years ago
Though it's possible for such a rumor to be true, most often the source is a rival dancer or a disgruntled customer.

If I got a warning from a trusted local via PM, I'd probably take it more seriously. If it shows up in a review or comment from a rando, then I probably wouldn't let that change my normal behavior.

And "normal behavior" includes wearing a condom. If you're not doing that, then you own the consequences.
avatar for Mate27
2 years ago
What happened to the review?
avatar for Tetradon
2 years ago
I'll share in PM, especially since it's not a medical diagnosis. Recently I got propositioned for extras by a girl with what liked like two gigantic cold sores on her lip.
avatar for twentyfive
2 years ago
this is the type of shit that moron's waste their time with, it's the internet equivalent of slut shaming, I wouldn't ever believe such nonsense, kick the poster the fuck out.
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
2 years ago
Tuscl reviews aren't the place for it.
avatar for IfIGottaBeDamned
2 years ago
@Mate27: The review was almost certainly rejected. Both Muddy and I rejected it, so only two more down votes needed. It was a ALL CAPS rant and nowhere close to meeting the standards for TUSCL reviews. In the rejection comments, I recommended that she reply in the original review’s comment section.
avatar for gammanu95
2 years ago
Just read the comments of the most recent review. The commenter who made the potentially libelous comments is one of the most ignorant and toxic losers on this board. Since those comments do directly impact a person's reputation and potential earnings, the commenter could find himself in the hot seat.
avatar for rickmacrodong
2 years ago
If the STD stuff is true then it should be noted and exposed just like a ROB or scammer. It all comes down to the integrity of the person making the claim.

How risky is monkeypox like can you get it just from touching a dancers buttocks or breast or shoulder? Apparently just touching one of the pustules is enough
avatar for BubbleYum
2 years ago
If someone has an std, that's THEIR business. Anyone seeking full service takes that risk and always has. Exposing a dancer with an STD on any public forum ever whether here or another will only do more harm upon that person's personal life and probably their mental health. Don't be that selfish prick and violate someone's personal life on a public forum over their health issues. It's an extremely low and shitty thing to do. And if it bothers you that much, don't seek FS from dancers.

BTE, if you had an STD, it should be exposed for all of the world so no dancer will talk to you and no club will let you in. Use that to tictac brain you have, idiot. Same concept. Don't be a douche and ruin someone's life. The fuck is wrong with you. 🙄

avatar for psycho_trick
2 years ago
bubble_yeast is a diagnosed std/monkeypox claptrap. stay the fuck away.
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
2 years ago
Bubble yum if you weren't really just a troll and were a hoe with an std who infected me I'd expose you lulz
avatar for psycho_trick
2 years ago
'dancers' worried about their jobs and rep, but who spend their off-duty hours disrespecting, insulting, and trolling the hands that feed them deserve a lot worse than a negative msg board comment. especially when they're spreading disease at work.
stop whining like little bitches and being scared off by a few old men in their underwear.

avatar for rickmacrodong
2 years ago
Bubbleyum stds are supposed to be exposed before offering someone full service. It’s immoral to offer full service but not tell people about STDs. Yeah if i had an std I wouldn’t lie about it and i dont see how it would have any impact on clubs letting me in or dancers talking to me. People can take the full service risk but they’re supposed to know about the std then decide
avatar for psycho_trick
2 years ago
yeah bubble_hiv, answer the man.
two dancers and even a bouncer warned me about her/his infested junk.

avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
2 years ago
If word gets around in a club that a girl has an std the managers will get involved. Ask them to bring a test before they work or fire them. If girls are talking it's embarrassing af for girls.

Bubble yum is a guy and a troll so he wouldn't know that
avatar for whodey
2 years ago
BubbleYum you are right that an STD is nobody's business but the person with the diagnosis. Unless that dancer is offering extras without telling the men and then that is a problem. In most jurisdictions it is illegal for someone who is diagnosed with an STD to have sex with someone without disclosing the STD. Sure the extras are illegal to begin with, but someone doing extras without disclosing a diagnosed STD is on a whole different level.

Do you recall a board member (must likely a lying troll, but still) on here talking about having sex with dancers despite being diagnosed HIV+ and not telling them. He was universally attack for what he was claiming to be doing and I wouldn't blame a dancer that knew his identity if she told every dancer she could to avoid him. Why would it be any different for a dancer if she is risking spreading a disease without telling customers.

Of course, in the case that started this I have know knowledge of the dancer and if the allegations are true or not or if she does extras or not. If the allegations are fake or she doesn't do extras then there is no reason for anyone to discuss her health.
avatar for rickmacrodong
2 years ago
Icee why would a club care about a girl having a std? You say more than anyone how strippers arent hookers and how people deserve to be robbed if they proposition dancers for otc or extras.
avatar for Muddy
2 years ago
Interesting points all around
avatar for psycho_trick
2 years ago
well it was another great topic muddy.
avatar for Champphilly
2 years ago
Forget all. Monky Pox risk is high in gentleman clubs.just skin to skin contact enough catch this pox. Avoid going to clubs until monkey pox goes away.
avatar for BubbleYum
2 years ago
"Ask them to bring a test before they work or fire them"

If you actually knew anything at all about how clubs work, then you'd know most dancers are independent contractors. It would be illegal as fuck for a club employee to demand an STD test. They can ask for doctor's notes saying if the dancer can work or not, but they absolutely cannot ask for STD test results.

If I'm a dude, then the TUSCLers I've met in the past should be questioning what they're into. Despite being a female, I'm 100% more of a man that you are or ever will be. And that goes towards all of the other little sissy ass whine baby bitch men trying to be internet tough guys on here.

How the fuck am I smarter than you, a (cosplay) pimp. I'm a dancer and obviously more intelligent than you are. Go away, Nicole. You embarrass us by being here.

avatar for rickdugan
2 years ago
@Bubble: If Icee didn't say stupid things he'd rarely have anything to say at all. Most of the club managers that I know wouldn't even want to hear about it and/or would brush it off as silly side drama.
avatar for rickdugan
2 years ago
===> "If the STD stuff is true then it should be noted and exposed just like a ROB or scammer. It all comes down to the integrity of the person making the claim."

IME these claims almost always come from butt hurt Johns and other dancers with an axe to grind. Also all too often we hear about it not from anyone directly affected, but as regurgitated gossip passed on by others. This is the reason why it is normally best not to engage in this gossip or even tolerate it.
avatar for BubbleYum
2 years ago
"bubble_yeast is a diagnosed std/monkeypox claptrap. stay the fuck away."

Bubble_yeast lmfaoooo 😂😂😂😂 I know you think you're hurting my feelings, but your attempts bring needed comedy to the boards.
The quote above is actually really funny. 💀 I'm proud of you, sport. Please keep it up.

avatar for rickmacrodong
2 years ago
Rick and Bubbleyum regarding the independent contractor thing it seems like some clubs are “hiring” dancers as employees but not giving any benefits and paying a $2 hourly rate. Basically hiring them on a waitress salary sort of thing. How does that work compared to the independent contractor thing? Can they hire them at $2 but otherwise treat them as ICs and not do background checks. Is there something to look out for with clubs doing that vs the IC clubs
avatar for rickmacrodong
2 years ago
What kind of butthurt Johns would spread those claims Rick? A dancer refuses the otc offer so they go around saying she has an std?
avatar for rickmacrodong
2 years ago
Its funny to constantly say strippers arent hookers and anyone propositioning them deserves to be robbed then simultaneously say strip club managers ask for std tests
avatar for BubbleYum
2 years ago
Clubs are supposed to have contracts for us to sign when we're hired. Not all of them do, but most do at least. That contract will dictate if the dancer is an employee or independent contractor. As I.C.s, we pay the club tip out/stage rent/house fees. It's the same thing, but has different names across the country. We can wear whatever we want as long as it follows the local ordinance. We can wear our make-up however or not even put any on. We can refuse to talk to some customers and also work when we want to.

Dancers who are employees are treated as such. Their schedule it made for them. They can be told to sit with a table/booth or have "sections" of the club assigned to them to hustle (kinda like a waitress, but not serving food or drinks). They can be told what to wear as in apparel with the club's logo, colors to wear, etc. Employee dancers can file for workman's comp if injured and file for unemployment if fired. Most girls hate the idea of being an employee because all of their money has to be given to the club at the end of the shift and they're cut a paycheck. Yes, they do get hourly wages, but I don't think it's $2. I've only ever been an I.C., so that's basically all I know for how employee dancers are treated. California requires all dancers to be employees now. Deja Vu chain clubs offer the option to dancers. Every club I've worked at in Detroit has the employee part of the contract etched out and I'm always told to "just ignore that part".

avatar for rickdugan
2 years ago
The vast majority of club use the IC model. California and Massachusetts are the general exceptions to the norm.
avatar for ilbbaicnl
2 years ago
The underlying sick (Hitler sick) concept here is that, because sex work is a commercial service, you can make a human being into a product. The risks of fucking are the same, paid or free. High bareback, much lower with a condom, only zero if you abstain.

If it's no good for you with a standard condom, seek out a FSSW whose OK with female condoms, and give that a try.

For testing to be effective, SWs would get tested regularly, and prospective PLs would submit a DNA sample. The SWs would save a semen sample from each customer, which would be tested for STDs. If the test was positive, the semen's DNA would be match to the PL's DNA, and he would be civilly if not criminally responsible.
avatar for rickdugan
2 years ago
===> "The SWs would save a semen sample from each customer, which would be tested for STDs. If the test was positive, the semen's DNA would be match to the PL's DNA, and he would be civilly if not criminally responsible."

You're on a role. Any other stupid theories you'd like to share tonight?
avatar for Manuellabore
2 years ago
From reading the thread, the dancer whose mention in a comment prompted this whole discussion attempted to submit her own review in response, suggesting she has something to say in response. While a review doesn’t seem to be the way too go, wish she’d see her way clear to reply to the original comment. If her intent was to deny it, that could carry some weight against a “word on the street” type remark.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
2 years ago
This is a touchy subject – for one, too-easy to ruin a dancer’s (or PL’s) reputation in the club by making a false-accusation – also; if a PL “catches something”; depending on his level of mongering he may only be assuming he got it from ‘X’ dancer.

OTOH – if it’s known for sure; other than hearsay, then kinda-hard to keep-it to yourself and put others at risk whether it’s custies or dancers.

As others have said, I guess it has to do w/ the source of the allegation; but I think most PLs would be wary if they hear ‘X’ dancer may have something unless they knew the dancer well and could somewhat trust her.

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