I watched “Hustlers” last night

Have you seen this movie??
What was the point, to make women who don’t strip feel good about stripping?
It felt like nothing happened and they barely stripped or did anything else??
I danced in 2008, we didn’t dance 5 feet in front of a guy lol.
Stuff like this makes girls want to try stripping when…it’s really not like this at all!
Also, accessory thoughts:
In the 2008-era I saw girls doing drugs itc all the time and now I see it rarely.
The part they did with Russian girls was accurate.
Mostly very unrealistic movie. 🤔🤔
last commentYeah, pretty stupid movie. I watched it on an airplane flight once. Glad I didn’t pay to see it.
Sugar baby asked me to take her when it opened. After I saw it, I was ticked off that none of those women went to jail.
I got a lot of it but I just couldn’t get through it, it just wasn’t a good movie. I am local to that club Show palace in Long Island city, it’s like the only nice club in the outer burroughs.
Girls do drugs all the time... more than ever I think.
And you'll pull a Jacksonville in Vegas 🤡
Haven’t seen it, but I e heard Adam Sandler’s new movie “hustle” is pretty good. Some say maybe his best yet, but I’ll be watching it sometime next month after my Paramount subscription ends and I get to watch “Beavis and Butthead do the Universe”!
The movie is not about strippers. It is about criminal cunts who do their dirty work in a fake strip club setting.
It's a morbid deviation of 'girl power' and women's empowerment that in reality is neither.
I thought it was marginal as a movie. The fact that it really didn't match my experience with strip clubs wasn't a problem with me. Movies pretty much always get that shit wrong, regardless of the field. Pushing Tin doesn't accurately portray air traffic controllers. Any Given Sunday isn't a look into real football life. Blow isn't typical for a drug dealer life.
I found it boring.
It wasn't that bad. When it came out girls were so happy to see a movie about strippers. Some saw it as inspirational. Lots saw it as stripping going mainstream.
Some of you just sound butt hurt coz it's a Robin hood tale.
forced myself to sit through the trailer. no thanks. just more 'woke' miscast revisionist history.
there were SCs in '08. otherwise all bullshit.
The problem is that many people who don't know better will probably think what's shown in the movie is typical of how stripping is. But I think it does exist as a seedy fringe. The movie is based on the writings of an actual sex worker. Aligns with revelations from Cardi B about her days as a stripper.
"Wolf of Wall Street" also portrayed sex workers. As stupid doormats. When guys have the fantasy that that is what real sex workers are typically like, they're at high risk for their reality being Hustlers.
I actually saw it with a fav. I got the impression there was a bit of fantasy fodder in it for her. Like how there might be a bit of fantasy fodder for us in Scarface with Al Pacino. She has high EI, and could play PLs bad if her heart was hard enough to do that.
Some of you are offended by strippers making money in a movie? You don't relate to the wall street guys. You're on here talking about eating less and bargaining with hookers ....coz you're broke 2😭😭😭😂😂😂
“The problem is that many people who don't know better will probably think what's shown in the movie is typical of how stripping is. But I think it does exist as a seedy fringe.”
YES. This is what I meant by, is it supposed to make women who don’t strip feel good about stripping.
What does EI mean?
It was weird for me that Jlo wore a g string bc it’s really not required… 🤔 and big female stars don’t usually get that naked in movies.
Also I’m the Jlo in the story besides the scamming and drugging. And kid having.
^ well it wasn’t as good as Top Gun that’s for sure.
EI is Emotional Intelligence https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Emotional_intelligence .
Also why was Lizzo in this movie, wtf
Yeah, it was pretty silly. I heard the Asian actress lost her mind when she found out Lopez was going to be the top-billed actress, and had a full-on diva fit until Jen told the studio to let her have it.
So the story itself was a silly perversion of female enpowerment and financial populism. Using sex and drugs to rob men who go to strip clubs should be sort of okay, especially when they're scuzzy Wall Street types. Two wrongs can make a right, if you were born with a uterus and you're wronging someone born with a penis. Typical Hollywood Oscar bait. Pretty buzzy for a while, but entirely forgotten until someone starts a post like this.
Did you hear that Jennifer Lopez introduced her daughter during some event using gender neutral pronouns? I'm not surprised, but it's all so fucking silly.
summary: hustlers is a flick of an excuse to enable J-LO to show off her 50+ year old body and that she still has it.
did not know that jlo was technically not the top billed actress. she probably didn't care as she still made way more than the asian one. without jlo this flick goes straight to cinemax and airs on 3:45 AM.
The Asian actress is pretty big time, she’s the main character in Crazy Rich Asians, which was huge.
I’m very certain Jennifer Lopez has work done on her face and body because of her age and her wealth. Idc that she does but just probably is reality.
Also I think they should have done implied topless scenes at the very least bc ain’t nobody not getting at least topless itc.
I read that the real life person who Jlo played sued her for $40 mil bc they didn’t tell the story 100% correctly and it resulted in her defamation. Such as, ‘we would never make our own drugs, that’s what a drug dealer is for.” (How defaming that must be). She lost.
NYC was my stomping ground during that '08-'11 timeframe. There was definitely a lot of dramatic license taken with this movie, but I suppose that is to be expected for something being produced for mass consumption.
For starters, this romanticized stuff about how easy the money was in '07 and early '08 was kinda' silly. Yes there were guys spending big amounts in the CR, but you'd better believe that they were getting a lot more than what was portrayed in the flick. High spending produces high expectations and even then there weren't many guys dropping several thousand without also leaving a few mL lighter. 😉
Then there was the nonsense about the Russians, like they suddenly infested clubs and dirtied them up by giving $300 blowjobs. Neither is true. For starters, there were only a handful of clubs in NYC that would even hire Russian girls and in a good percentage of them a BJ would have either been impossible or also come with a big CR tab. I will agree that many of those Russian girls were beautiful, but they knew it and tended not to sell themselves cheap. I had a Russian favorite at the time, who I was seeing ITC and OTC, and got to know a lot about how the Russian dancer crews operated in NYC.
Like they say, black don't crack. A darker complexion seem to generally be advantageous for women over 40.
russian girls generally use a russian agency to get bookings. agency is usually owned by one guy. he has to pay a club a fee for the girls to work at a club. the owner also collects a booking fee from each girl. in addition the girl still has to pay the club fee to work, which means they have to pay 2 fees before even the dressing room to change. the agency hires one or two drivers to drive these vans from nyc, usually brooklyn. then the driver goes from one club to another to drop off the dancers and later on picks them back up when shifts are over.
You mean human trafficking?
There’s a lot of Eastern European girls working in the US, especially in Vegas, my bff in Washington was from Estonia. Never heard of anything like that.
^ Generally my understanding as well, though to be clear the primary purpose of the agency structure is to allow the girls to work around documentation issues. And in more far flung clubs in Philly and CT, the van is often dedicated to girls working at that specific club.
But to be clear, this isn't a control situation. Too many silly shows over the years have characterized Russian strippers as trafficked, which couldn't be further from the truth. They do what they want, go where they want and otherwise live like anyone else. They are almost all here in the hopes of getting a green card and, once they have it and can work here legally, they no longer need the agency structure to work in the clubs.
About 10 years ago a joint ask force headed up by the FBI raided a few NYC clubs under the belief that they'd find trafficked Russian girls. Not only did they not find any evidence of trafficking, but they actually ended up charging a number of the Russian girls for marriage fraud, lol.
My last post was directed at rat.
nah psd - no trafficking or anything of that sort. the main reason a lot of told me why they use the agencies is transportation. a lot of them don't know how to drive. there was even an american girl that used the same agency as one of the russian girls because of those reasons. i can't blame them - it beats relying on public transportation after closing time.
I agree rattdog.
I’ve seen that in a few clubs NYC area clubs. Many of the Russian dancers don’t immediately get a drivers license when they come here. The cost of a car, tolls, and upkeep, isn’t worth it for dancers living in certain areas by NYC.
If a dancer has a few drinks, the van is a safe way to get home.
===> "nah psd - no trafficking or anything of that sort. the main reason a lot of told me why they use the agencies is transportation."
That's what they claim anyway. It's true that they call what they pay to the agency each shift a "ride fee" - or at least it was when I frequented the NYC metro area clubs. But the real reason is immigration status.
Most of these girls come over on a tourist visa, which does not allow them to legally work here, and then many just don't leave when the visa expires. I won't pretend to understand all of the legalities involved, but apparently contracting the "agency" to supply dancers provides some type of buffer between the club and the girls' legal work status. Even still, only a % of the NYC metro clubs are willing to hire the Russian girls even with this arrangement in place.
Psd are you gonna pull a Jacksonville bin vegas?
You're not funny. I'm talking about how she lied about dancing in Jacksonville and made the dumbest lies up when she didn't see Rickdugan ....coz she's a troll profile
^ Icee, my comments had to do solely with her story - I wasn't asking to see her. More important though, I'm not sure why you feel the need to troll her with it through countless threads. Just let it go already.
She attacked me first. Then said she'd be in Vegas. Then when I showed interest in er offer of meeting all of a sudden vegas flights were too expensive and she ignored me. She's an obvious troll. But gets her ass kissed coz for some even a troll of a hoe is yhe only contact they have with a woman.
Iceefag you're a twat, and a wimpy piece of shit, nobody attacked you first, you are the instigator as always, but that's your usual MO, start a fight then claim you're being attacked, you seem to dish it out just fine, but you can't take it when it's aimed back at you.
Like you attacking me now 20fag. And every day as your posting history proves...and you're defending other trolls as usual
^ Crybaby twat, your own posting history shows the truth. You can't handle your business like a man so you revert to form, by making allegations and slurs, I'll be in Vegas in September. I fully expect you to be hiding in the wilds of LA pussy.
Are you threatening me agajn?
I've never seen it. Don't want to. I've seen enough snippets and read enough complaints about it from OGs to where I have zero interest in the movie.
Iceefag take it anyway you like, knuckleheaded dope fiend
Try it lil bitch nigga
Try what you little twat ?
How inaccurate is P-Valley ??? I watched some of that last night and couldn't stop laughing at how ridiculous the stage show tipping was.
Everything you ever wanted to know about P-Valley
Fucking NPR.
In better clubs, at least some dancers, invest time, thought, and effort to be at the top of their game. They pretty much always have jelly/resentment towards dancers who can be much lazier and still bank, due to a physical characteristic. Big boobs, big butt, petiteness, whatever triggers a large number of customers. Skin color can also be the physical characteristic, but not the most common one.
I've been fortunate enough to get dances for $400 - 600 per hour from several beautiful black dancers. And yes, I know that an equivalently beautiful white dancer could probably get hundreds more per hour than that. But, $500 an hour annualizes to a million a year. So no, don't think I'm a racist human trafficker, appropriating black bodies or whatever the fuck. Like everyone I have my financial limits, so I do the best I can with what I have, making it more likely I'll be the regular of black dancers rather than white ones. I don't feel obliged to lift them into the one percent, but I don't think that makes me a racist exploiter. Many a time I've given sex workers up to double what they asked for, because I'm not taking advantage of someone who doesn't know their earning power.
Even black sex workers often avoid black customers. Which is not fair to the majority black guys, who are as decent as anybody. But sex workers feel like it's a way to reduce the number of pimp wannabes they have to deal with. To talk about rude, threatening behavior towards sex workers as though it's primarily a racial thing is seriously dumb.
I just started watching P Valley yesterday too. The story is…sucky.
The women are FINE, the costumes are awesome, the stage performances and the background stage action—to me, these are real strippers and I love that.
It is not super realistic, no one is fat or ratchet in this small poor town where money is just flying everywhere.
Have to see more for better review.
Anybody else seen this movie? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Center_of_the_World Not typical of stripper-PL interaction, but seemed plausible.