
Clubbing vs. Mongering

Avatar for booji boy
booji boy

Preamble for the trolls: If you're on my ignore list, by all means fill this up with as many inane replies as your little self can muster. I won't see them and I won't care.

Preamble for them that reply to the trolls: If you can't resist responding to the trolls, you'll be ignored as well. Have at it, get it out of your system, and rest assured that I will remain blissfully unaware of it.

That being said...

I have to say that one of the casualties of Covid for me has been jonesing to get out to the clubs. I still make and look forward to my semi-regular pilgrimages to Tijuana but I see that as mongering rather than clubbing. I even made a trip down to Costa Rica knowing full well that I was going after independents and not hunting for that perfect club experience... In other words, I find that I can take the money I would spend in three months of clubbing, put it aside, and blow it on a trip to someplace where sex work is fully legal and know I'm getting a sure thing at the other end of the negotiation.

Anyone else feeling the same?

Discuss! :)


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Avatar for Warrior15

Covid isn't really the reason, but the timing is about the same. I have replaced clubbing with sugaring. And instead of OTC dates and going to clubs to meet the girls, I spend my time on Seeking to find the girls online. I guess you could call that mongering, I guess.

Avatar for wallanon

I thought this was going to be a thread to talk about the differences between clubbing and mongering. I'd rather club, because to me if I'm outside of the clubs then I might as well be looking for a regular hookup.

If I think she's a civvie and she turns out to be working? It's happened.

Avatar for booji boy
booji boy


I guess it's a difference in terminology. Ultimately SA is about sex work from the point of view of this forum. My own preference seems to be to "seek" that away from where I live, and maybe that's because I like to travel to far away places. I do have a club ATF that I visit with locally once in a while, but we live far enough apart that the chances of meeting on the street are pretty much zero. Does that ever factor into your decisions?


The differences between the two are pretty clear IMO. I think if you're not into OTC then it's kinda a moot discussion for you? I've come around to the idea that a lot of the places I like to visit are open for P4P and it's an attractive prospect...

Avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)

That's a good distinction. Mongering vs clubbing. I don't monger.

As far as clubbing goes. I feel like I'm starting all over again. The way clubs changed was too fast.

The vibe has really changed. The recession is the elephant in the room

Avatar for Warrior15

Mongo, I have a unique life. I LIVE in one city, but own a business in another. I do all of my clubbing/mongering/sugaring in the city that I work in. In the city that I LIVE in, I"m a saint. So actually, my sugar babies almost become my girlfriends. In fact, I have had a couple of them refer to me as such when introducing me to their friends.

I've also used Seeking in other cities that I have traveled to. I attract a different type of girl when I do that. Those girls are basically escorts that are using Seeking to find their customers. I go to Miami frequently and used to club there a lot. Now, I get 3-4 sugar dates each time I go.

Avatar for CJKent_band


Pics and Vids or it didn’t happen.


Good Times, Good Times.

Avatar for booji boy
booji boy


Makes sense. I've always been curious about the sugaring sites but I have a native distrust of them after what happened with Ashley Madison. That may change this fall as I'm planning to pick up & set up a burner phone on my next trip to MX. I'll have an alter ego to use then...

Avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael

The mongering scene where I am isn't horrible, but it's not great. I haven't had the patience for Seeking.

So, it's strip clubs for me.

Avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)

If I were going to pick up a hooker I'd just go to a hotel bar or a regular club before last call. The online thing is too much effort. But just face time her it'll be easy to see who to choose.

Avatar for wallanon

"I've always been curious about the sugaring sites but I have a native distrust of them after what happened with Ashley Madison."

Winner. Game and match.

Avatar for wallanon

"The differences between the two are pretty clear IMO. I think if you're not into OTC then it's kinda a moot discussion for you?"

Silly mongo. Trix are for kids. You've been around here long enough to know better.

Avatar for wallanon

The question was if we would rather shop online, go to the club, or hunt in the wild. My answer was go to the club, because it's really not that hard for me to find something workable there.

And I enjoy not knowing what's behind door number 3. Just the other day I threw a few hundred bucks down a dry hole in front of a fellow TUSCLer and shrugged it off. Shit happens. Then got an OTC play a little later when I wasn't even trying. That's why I club, because I get bored with sure things. But I also live in driving distance of three towns with a lot of options.

Don't ask a question if you're going to get all pissy when someone answers it in a way you don't agree with.

Avatar for booji boy
booji boy


Wasn't trying to be pissy. Not sure why it put a burr in your saddle and apologies if it did.

Avatar for Warrior15

" And I enjoy not knowing what's behind door number 3. "

I think this is a funny statement. This is probably exactly why I have never ordered an escort from any website. I just don't trust it. But I have gotten over the fear on Seeking. Have I been catfished a couple of times ? Yes. But most of the girls on Seeking are college girls or young girls with low paying jobs. I've had pretty good luck with it.

Avatar for san_jose_guy

"Clubbing" requires a certain cavalier mind set, wanting escapism, tune out. If of course don't go for that.

"Mongering" is where you are seriously interested in the women and so of course FS is sought, and just wasting time and money are minimized, as are chemical mood alterants.


Avatar for psycho_trick

SC/OTC here as well.

Wall's reasons plus the atmosphere, pheromones, game, and variety. I'm also very satisfied with consistently hitting 4, 5, and occasionally 6 numbers in the stripper lottery.

Avatar for georgmicrodong

Prefer clubs even over sugaring. Reason being, at least for me, something like seeking is a lot of work, more than is worth it to me. And unlike clubbing, doing that work isn't very much fun. In the clubs, I can have reasonably priced fun even if I don't find someone for ITC sex, or OTC adventures. For the price of a few drinks and some food, strippers can be pretty fun, especially when the club isn't that busy.

As for escorts, I still go that route once in a while, mostly with a couple I've seen before and who give good service. The last time I tried a "new" escort, it was definitely not a good time. Pics not representative, though I can deal with that if they're close, and lousy service.

Avatar for drewcareypnw

Sex travel isn’t an option for me, plus tbh I don’t really like fs with SW’s… too much risk for my tastes. I love the vibe, seediness, and low risk unpredictability of clubs. I love to see the new lineup. I don’t like getting hustled hard, but I do like finding the new thing. Plus I never get tired of touching new boobs, and in a city where boob grabbing comes with a standard lap dance, I get to sample sample sample. They’re just so damn great that I never get tired of the next new set. SCs take the least effort of any contact sw source: place, selection, and security are provided at the time of my choosing, even last minute. You get to see what you’re paying for before you pay. Escorts, street walkers, baristas, massage joints, none of these can meet these requirements. There are inconveniences… weird rules, “buy the lady a drink”, bouncers that want you to have a low touch dance, vips, weird drink minimums, no booze (here in wa), Rob’s, stupid clubs managers, etc. but on the whole it’s a pretty good way to consume sw.

Avatar for booji boy
booji boy


I don't do escorts for pretty much the same reasons when I'm home. It's a whole different ballgame though when you deal with independents in a place where SW is legal... you can easily meet in public, have a chat, drinks, meal, etc. before starting negotiations and there's nothing clandestine about it.


Dunno if clubs represent a less risky choice, especially if it's an extras club. :-)

Let me give you a counterexample: There's a hotel in Costa Rica called Sportsmens Lodge. They allow independents to hang out in the bar area, but they also vet them and maintain a blacklist of girls who make too many waves. You're free to hang out with them, negotiate, and take them to your room without any restrictions and the hotel won't bother you at all even if they spend the night. They make their money from the bar and the rooms, both of which are somewhat more expensive than average for the area. They get 100% of that, and the girl gets 100% of what you negotiate with her (there's also legal reasons for why it happens this way).

So you get place, selection and security at the time of your choosing (as long as it isn't something like 9am :-)). On top of that, you have your own space to have fun in without worrying about club rules, and the ability to bring a girl in from the outside as long as she isn't on the blacklist. Overall I liked CR as a mongering destination, not so much as a vacation destination.

Avatar for skibum609

No escorts; no sugar babies; no OTC - I dink in and like bars; I drink in and love bars with naked women. The rest is up to fate. Do not care if its everything or nothing like Sunday night when the Celtics were all I cared about with my beer.

Avatar for Jascoi

I seem to have better luck at a strip club than I do with escorts or other options...

Avatar for booji boy
booji boy


Lol, you lie -- you been to TJ. I'd file that under "other options" young man, unless you somehow managed not to get lucky there on more than a few trips. :-)

Avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)

A lot of hookers who work strip clubs also do sugaring and work other venues like hotels and clubs. For the trick the difference is pretty much just psychological. Although the girls adjust their price based on the venue.

Avatar for rickdugan

===> "And I enjoy not knowing what's behind door number 3. Just the other day I threw a few hundred bucks down a dry hole in front of a fellow TUSCLer and shrugged it off. Shit happens. Then got an OTC play a little later when I wasn't even trying. That's why I club..."

IMO wallanon hit the nail on the head perfectly. Every night out at the clubs is a new adventure. On most nights at the very least I'm going to drink while enjoying naked ladies, usually for a reasonable cost. On some of those nights other options present themselves, which obviously gets much more expensive but for all the right reasons. And of course on those rare nights where nothing good is happening, it's no big thing to get up and leave.

To each his own of course, but I don't have the time, patience or desire to work profiles and contacts from sites like SA. Meeting girls completely at my convenience in the clubs works perfectly for me. I also have zero interest in connecting with girls who advertise on escort sites and fuck and suck FT for a living - it's a very different experience from dealing with a dancer who is doing it on the side.

Avatar for san_jose_guy

In most other countries strip clubs are for mongers.

It is only otherwise here because we have an extreme zeal for trying to eradicate prostitution.


Avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)

Sjg so you finally admit it's prostitution 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏

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