
First Time and Lessons Learned

Aloha, I’m new here. I’m new to SCs, I went to my first SC this past weekend. It was a lot of fun, but also realized I made quite a few bad judgment calls. I’m 22 and have decent finances so I don’t mind splurging time to time, but it was definitely a night of being young, dumb, and pocket full of money…

It just felt like the weirdest concoction of emotions, innocence of feeling like kid in a candy shop, joy/lust of human touch, laughing and smiling because it was good fun. A little embarrassed because I spent too much.

I’m just curious to hear some advice and possible answers to my observations;
- How to budget your money?
- How do you keep track of time (No idea how long anything was)?
- How do you pace your night with spending?
- Is it okay to use my CC?
- Is it weird to follow your favorite dancer if they have a stage rotation? (@dancers)
- How do you ask about pricing with out sounding like an ass?
- How do you stay in control and not let the dancers spend your money?
- Is it normal to call you handsome… a lot? (It’s kind of weird how excessively they said it, maybe it’s just the default compliment, I dunno)
- WHERE DO YOU GET 1s, I only had 20s, great for tips and getting attention on stage, but bad for my wallet…?

I’ll post how my first night went in the comments!


  • xRoland
    2 years ago
    I really only have one regret and that’s paying too much and not really understanding what I was agreeing/buying. I know it’s a business transaction, but I never really thought about asking what your getting because I had a perception it would be rude or looked down upon. I enjoyed the vibes and the girls were fun, and even earned a dollar, for a laugh. The girls definitely came out on top compared to my measly dollar.

    2 girls came up to me, my ego most definitely got the better of me… the one kind of forced the conversation and advised what to do which was fine, but very… blunt. Felt very rushed. The other girl was more quiet, but was definitely the one that pulled me in. She was fun and was extremely sexy to me. They got me to buy a CR/VIP room and it was pretty much a topless LD and a lot ass touching (which I enjoyed). Maybe not your typical experience for a CR, or price, but girls were funny and had me laughing and grooving to the music they played, which I enjoyed. I didn’t chug the Champagne because I wanted to go home in one piece tonight and the quiet girl complimented me on that I guess. It was more fun than sexy, which I oddly enjoyed. I got my fill for sexiness from the quiet one and her amazing ass. (I accidental brushed her kitty and I apologized and we laughed it off, saying that I got a little extra.)

    After the CR they didn’t really come back as a team, the quiet one came back up to me and asked if I wanted a LD (topless and accidental ass touching ensued) and I said yes, she offered her number, but I played hard to get for some reason. Relaxed and sobered up with some water, while watching the stage.

    Quiet girl went on stage and I watched. She said “I love the way you stare at ass”with a smile (I’m guessing that’s a compliment), after she came up to me at the bar, and finally agreed to her number. (She was my kryptonite, I was tipping her so much and had no control)

    Watched some stage dances, and flirted with another dancer, but someone pulled her before we could talk. Went home at close. Was like a 5hr night. In total 2600 later. My wallet and CC cried that night.

    I’d also be interested in hearing some of your first times! :)
  • wallanon
    2 years ago
    I’m just curious to hear some advice and possible answers to my observations;
    - How to budget your money?

    Don't budget. Take what you can spend. If you can't afford to spend don't go.

    - How do you keep track of time (No idea how long anything was)?

    Don't clockwatch. Have fun.

    - How do you pace your night with spending?

    Don't overthink it. Have fun. Don't chase. Until you know what your can't miss dancer looks like, spread your time and money around.

    - Is it okay to use my CC?

    Some dudes do. I do not. Ever. I don't even use my ATM card unless there's a 10/10 dancer named Valentine at a club named Follies who freed up after I'd already done two VIPs.

    - Is it weird to follow your favorite dancer if they have a stage rotation? (@dancers)

    Not a dancer, but if you're spending money when they're on stage they like money.

    - How do you ask about pricing with out sounding like an ass?

    If you've gotta ask, think about whether you need to spend on it. If it's ITC I don't ask unless it's VIP time, and sometimes not even then if I'm thinking ahead to a next time.

    - How do you stay in control and not let the dancers spend your money?

    If a dancer touches your money and it's not there for her to take, that's a foul. Otherwise you stay in control by thinking ahead about how to stay out of a jam before you go to the club. Dudes I see get themselves into trouble is they get caught up in the moment when drunk or on drugs and that's a wrap.

    - Is it normal to call you handsome… a lot? (It’s kind of weird how excessively they said it, maybe it’s just the default compliment, I dunno)

    Skip. We already have a BTE.

    - WHERE DO YOU GET 1s, I only had 20s, great for tips and getting attention on stage, but bad for my wallet…?

    Waitress, bar, door girl, dancers if you're in a jam. I usually get enough ones on my way in to get a dancer or two.
  • Warrior15
    2 years ago
    Do not use your credit card. That just opens you up for those moments of passion that you will regret the next morning.
  • shailynn
    2 years ago
    $20 OP has never had sex before.

    My best advice is read the raviews of the clubs near you on this site, you can find the right club where brushing a kitty won’t be an issue and if you get fleeced at least you’ll get something out of it.
  • shailynn
    2 years ago
    We don’t want you to resort to getting a handie from a tranny on the side of the road like some of us have done in the past.
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    2 years ago
    >> How to budget your money?

    I track my income/expenses. I know what I can spend every month on fun. Whether it's fun in a strip club or fun someplace else is personal choice. But personal choice doesn't change what I can spend on fun.

    >> How do you keep track of time (No idea how long anything was)?

    If this is about counting lap dance songs, tell the dancer how many songs you want and ask her to say something at the end of every dance. Or, pay closer attention. Or, ask her every so often.

    >> How do you pace your night with spending?

    I don't. Sometimes I spend my money quickly; sometimes I don't. But that doesn't change how much money I have to spend.

    >> Is it okay to use my CC?

    If you can afford it, don't mind the crazy high transaction fees, and you don't mind a digital record of your clubbing habit, then sure. But I wouldn't. I leave my credit/debit cards in the car (because I've made poor decisions in the past...). I only go into the club with the cash that I intend to spend.

    >> Is it weird to follow your favorite dancer if they have a stage rotation? (@dancers)

    I don't entirely understand what you mean by "follow", but it certainly sounds like something you could make weird. If you mean sitting at the stage every time she's on stage, she won't care as long as your tipping.

    >> How do you ask about pricing with out sounding like an ass?

    "You're cool and I'd like to get some dances (or VIP). How much will that cost?" It's literally the most frequent conversation in a club. You don't need to uncomfortable just asking.

    >> How do you stay in control and not let the dancers spend your money?

    Don't be a pussy.

    >> Is it normal to call you handsome… a lot? (It’s kind of weird how excessively they said it, maybe it’s just the default compliment, I dunno)

    Some type of excessive flattery is stock standard. It's the sincerity that's harder to come by.

    >> WHERE DO YOU GET 1s, I only had 20s, great for tips and getting attention on stage, but bad for my wallet…?

    Pretty much any staff in the club can make change. Bartenders and waitresses are the best bet.

    Everyone overspends at some point if they go to clubs consistently. You learned a lesson for yourself and helped pay a bunch of bills for the dancers.
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    2 years ago
    Public Service Announcement ... In a little while, a rambling, creepy guy from San Jose is going to jump on here and give you a bunch of irrelevant, shitty advice that has no sane connection to how regular people enjoy themselves in strip clubs. If you're "lucky", he'll tell you all about the rape cult he's been trying to get off the ground for nearly a decade.

    How much you want to engage with that guy is up to you. But you've been warned...
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    2 years ago
    Ip is the same troll with the other profiles asking questions then coming back with inane come backs. And he thinks he's a really smart troll. But he does get one over on a lot here and he comes up with better topics than Cummings in pants low balling hookers and being triggered by trannies
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    2 years ago
    All you do is fixate on sjg and disparage him
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    2 years ago
    That's for cim
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    2 years ago
    Perhaps. But it's on topic and I'll give him a chance to be genuine.
  • rickdugan
    2 years ago
    Not very believable. I don't mind going down a rabbit hole if the troll account in question gives me something to hang my "suspension of disbelief" cap on, but a 22 year character who supposedly drops $2,600 (how many 22 year olds could drop that kind of coin, even with credit cards?) and who writes like a middle aged man (grooving, kryptonite, it's a business transaction, etc., etc.) isn't cutting it.

    And now cue the storytelling gymnastics explaining why all of this is perfectly plausible...😉

    Maybe next time come up with a more believable character, like a late 30s divorced dude of something, lol.
  • ilbbaicnl
    2 years ago
    If I spend less than $500 when I go to the club, it's because of a lack of dancers that I found attractive. But still, I only tip $2 as a minimum, or $5 - 20 for an established fav. But I just throw it on the stage, I don't expect any personal attention for it. I'm there for lap dances. I'm only interested in dancers who are ready to earn the "honest" way, by giving good lap dances. If I don't regret getting a lap dance, I'm happy to pay $20 for a song or $200 for a half hour. With my most favorite dancer, I gave her $600 for an hour, and often saw her twice a week. But these numbers are low for very popular dancers, and in expensive places.

    Even if a stripper feels mildly affectionate for or attracted to you, that is very unlikely to cause her to pull any punches in her efforts to get (all) your money. First rule of strip club, remember the old Beatles song, MONEY CAN'T BUY YOU LOVE. I have a lot of affection for dancers, even crush on them sometimes, but have learned the hard way to remember it is what it is. My first dance with any stripper is one song, and if it's not good, it's my last. I don't buy lottery tickets, or put stock in hopes/promises that unsatisfying dancing will get better.

    In general with people, don't have expectations (or put much stock in promises) of what they'll do in exchange or gratitude for what you do for them. If it's not a two way street from the get go, you're on the wrong road, get off it.

    I buy a lot of things with cash, to get the change. If I'm at a self-checkout, and nobody's in line, and the total is, say, $20.53, I'll pay with $4.53 in coins and a twenty dollar bill to get back the most singles. Otherwise I'll I get singles at the bar or occasionally from a fav dancer. But, when I was at one "urban" club where most guys give the dancers nothing but singles, they were charging $2-3 dollars per twenty dollar bill that you changed to singles.
  • georgmicrodong
    2 years ago
    First rule of strip club: Pay absolutely no attention at all to San Jose Guy or desertscrub. They will lead you down the path to bitterness and psychopathy.
  • sideshow_bob
    2 years ago
    Strip clubs are a good way to learn how to handle women if you're inexperienced. I didn't really get girlfriends until I started going to the clubs some.

    Most dancers are a waste of time and they'll almost all try to manipulate you. Some of them are better at it than others.

    Most important thing is to learn to exit a situation you don't want to be in, whether it's a dancer pushing for a dance you don't want to buy, or pushing for a longer session. Learn how to smile and say no thank you. That's a good skill in general.
  • sideshow_bob
    2 years ago
    Most women are a waste of time and they'll almost all try to manipulate you. lol.
  • san_jose_guy
    2 years ago
    CMI is suffering from diarrhea of the keyboard.

  • ilbbaicnl
    2 years ago
    @heaving obviously, there's no good reason to resort to commercial sex if you're having regular, reasonably satisfying non-commercial sex. But when someone is sexual frustrated, they can become depressed and resentful. And for men, there's a temptation to become the sort of guy who lies about how much he cares about women, in order to get laid. Or to tolerate a toxic woman in order to get laid, which also leads to depression and resentment.
  • xRoland
    2 years ago
    Thank you to the people answered my questions, I’ll use that in future if I decide to go again!

    To clear some rumors, I’m 22, I’ve been working since I got out of high school and it’s salary. (You can work out on your own what I do) Sorry for talking like a 30 year old divorcee, it’s just the way I talk and I didn’t know the specific rules for general discussions, nor did I want to be as vulgar.

    I do get laid, on occasion, albeit I was sexually frustrated. It was a spur of a moment decision to say fuck it and explore a strip club by myself for the first time.

    I guess my question for you more grounded individuals here, is where can I experience that same fun atmosphere? For me the sexy stuff was kind of the bonus. Deep down, I’m a workaholic whose a little lonely and enjoyed the laughing and dancing.
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    2 years ago
    Perhaps a regular nightclub or dance club? Not sure. Wanting a strip club atmosphere minus the strippers is a tough one.
  • xRoland
    2 years ago
    Yeah, I guess that’s what I’m looking for, definitely a tall ask. Maybe, I’ll try out a nightclub or dance club next.

    I go to raves, but those are only so often and you don’t exactly get to have a conversation with someone.
  • wallanon
    2 years ago
    "I guess my question for you more grounded individuals here, is where can I experience that same fun atmosphere?"

    Are you near a college? You don't have to be enrolled there to meet people, find parties, and fucka buncha drunk chicks who wanna get railed and blame the alcohol. Do it while you're young enough to blame the alcohol too. Do it. Do it now.
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    2 years ago
    If I were you, I'd hit a bunch of different social settings (not just night/dance/strip clubs) and see what's right for you. Also, find a local non-profit or charity that you want to support and volunteer there. Even if it's just a few hours per week or month, it's a great way to be in a social setting with people who care about the same things you do. If you're a bit lonely, then that's probably a better solution than strip clubs, etc.

    If you do that, then strip clubs can be a thing you do occasionally purely for the fun, and not to fulfill another need.
  • rickthelion
    2 years ago
    As usual, my brother from an ape mother has put his finger on the plausibility problem for a new poster. Or maybe he put his finger in a dancer named Plausibility and posted about it. Who the fuck knows when you’re a drunk as I am?

    Anyhoo, I like to give new posters the benefit of the doubt and play along. I’ve had so many poster say “ooo… I don’t think he’s a real lion… he’s just trolling… etc.” Well buddy, I’m a real lion and I’m a real rick. I’m rick the frickin’ lion!

    Now where was I? Oh yeah, this reminds me that TUSCL needs to have an easy to find link to the best rickvice there is. Then you would be able to direct newbies to said rickvice. Amirite or amirite? rick my brother, can you take care of that shit?

    Now where the fuck is my drivin’ whiskey? ROAR!!!
  • mark94
    2 years ago
    Keep three things in mind and you’ll do alright

    1. Everything that happens in the club is fantasy. That’s the dancer’s job. Enjoy the lies she tells you.

    2. The goal of the dancer is to remove every dollar from your pocket and put it in hers.

    3. To enjoy the club, you need to learn how to negotiate the fantasy for a fair price. Learning how to do that takes time, money, and making some mistakes.
  • mark94
    2 years ago
    In some clubs, most dancers will charge a fair price for services provided. In some clubs, the business model is to scam/pressure you out of your money without providing services. When dancers do this, they are called Rip Off Bitches.

    Someone who wants to visit strip clubs regularly needs to determine which clubs are mostly honest and to spot the telltale signs of a ROB.
  • wallanon
    2 years ago
    "Someone who wants to visit strip clubs regularly needs to determine which clubs are mostly honest and to spot the telltale signs of a ROB."

    I was with you on your advice journey (at least enough not to comment) until right about here. For the noobs, go to the club where you find the best vibe and have the most fun. Why spend time and money on something less than that? If the club you like the most also happens to be a place that's going to rip you off if you're not careful, then learn to be careful and not get ripped off.
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    2 years ago
    Mark you say everything in the club is fantasy then call dancers who aren't hookers but Sella fantasy robs. Make your mind up
  • drewcareypnw
    2 years ago
    @mark94 is right: “ In some clubs, most dancers will charge a fair price for services provided. In some clubs, the business model is to scam/pressure you out of your money without providing services”.

    This varies wildly from club to club. Some PLs actually like the thrill of the chase at a hustler club, some like a more relaxed and predictable setting. I fall into the latter category. Finding the club that fits your style is helpful.

    I’ll add that if you join literally any social organization (local film society, intramural sports team, trivia team, etc etc) at 22, you are going to find a mix of males and females that want to have fun, and a few of the women are going to fuck you once they are comfortable with you. It won’t cost you $2600.
  • gSteph
    2 years ago
    $2,600 ?

    Should've masterbated 1st.

    Might have helped your thinking 🤔

    But, whatever, have fun next time.
  • CJKent_band
    2 years ago

    I will play along and answer your questions:

    - How to budget your money? Limit your spending in your budget on entertainment, hobbies included, to just 10 percent of your take-home pay.

    - How do you keep track of time (No idea how long anything was)? Set your phone alarm to vibrate every 15 minutes with a different type and to ring every hour. For VIP set your phone timer ⏱ to 15min or 30min the duration of the VIP/Champagne Room you purchase.

    - How do you pace your night with spending?
    I find the girl I like and get dances/vip/ITC with her, and if I we have “chemistry” I try to set up OTC.

    - Is it okay to use my CC? NO, not a good idea.

    - Is it weird to follow your favorite dancer if they have a stage rotation? (@dancers) I don’t sit at the stage. I approach the one I like and ask her if she wants to interview for a job as my dancer/potential sugar baby

    - How do you ask about pricing with out sounding like an ass? Just ask her what is in her menu and about her specials.

    - How do you stay in control and not let the dancers spend your money? Just remember you are the client, and the client is always right, and whoever has the money has the power. She is working for you.

    - Is it normal to call you handsome… a lot? (It’s kind of weird how excessively they said it, maybe it’s just the default compliment, I dunno) If women in general let you know you are handsome, it is normal, otherwise she is just being a professional salesperson trying to stroke your ego to get you to buy more of what she is selling.

    - WHERE DO YOU GET 1s, I only had 20s, great for tips and getting attention on stage, but bad for my wallet…? I just ask the waitress for change if and when I need it, and tip her accordingly.

    Just remember the adult industry is considered a hobby for many adults.

    It’s is common knowledge and socially/culturally accepted that hobbies are good for people’s physical and mental health, because that is a good way to spend leisure time.

    Having hobbies during leisure is associated with health benefits, enjoyment, less disease and longer life expectancy, street reduction, better sleep, Improving work performance etc, etc, etc.

    People that participated in enjoyable activities had greater life satisfaction and feel their lives had a greater sense of purpose and meaning, because they are happy.

    The “problem” is that our Over-Sexualized and at the same time Sexually-Repressed American culture/society men and women receive mixed messages about their sexuality.

    We want women to be objects of sexual desire, yet we expect them to be pure.

    The reality is that, men and women have a natural and healthy desire to be sexual.

    Yet in our sexually repress society/culture men and women are less likely to reveal their sexual desires.

    American society encourages men and women to push their sexual desires down.

    As long as you participate in the adult industry hobby in moderation and enjoy it, you should be fine.

    Again think of it as what it is; a hobby that you should be able to enjoy within your life schedule and budget, just like any other hobby.

    Sexual interactions and the “adult industry” in various forms is nothing new in the world or the western culture...

    I would refer you to Demosthenes (384 – 12 October 322 BC)
    Greek statesman and orator of ancient Athens.

    1. We have courtesans for the sake of pleasure.
    2. Concubines for the daily health of our bodies, and
    3. Wives to bear us lawful offspring and be the faithful guardians of our homes

    In this list is the Greek view of woman in the classic age.

    And in all ages and times.

    All men want that, but only some can afford it...

    In today’s world the rich can say:

    1. We have high end escorts, centerfolds, actresses, models, etc that provide PSE/GFE for the sake of pleasure.
    2. Mistresses/Sugar Babies/Strippers ITC OTC; etc, for the daily needs of our bodies.
    3. Trophy Wives (with an ironclad prenup) to bear us lawful offspring, and be the faithful guardians of our homes.
    4. Realistic Sex Dolls/Gynoids/Fembot, and Internet Porn and Instagram/Onlyfans “Models”, for kicks-and-giggles”


    “In this country, you gotta make the money first. Then when you get the money, you get the power. Then when you get the power, then you get the women.”

    ~ Cuban refugee Tony Montana (Al Pacino) in the movie Scarface.
  • ilbbaicnl
    2 years ago
    @heaving I don't see any correlation between having women friends and sexual frustration. I understand why Jeff Bezs won't give me a billion dollars even though he can spare it, but that doesn't stop me from wishing he would.
  • ilbbaicnl
    2 years ago
    Yes, ideally we would not take our problems out on others. But you don't need to read much history to see that a lot of it is people taking their problems out on others. Better to stay positive, even if you don't take your sadness out on others. The SW/PL interaction can be a net positive, as long as neither party feels like they are worth more than the other. If there's a God, God's not nice to us in any straight-forward way. So, better not to waste your life, denying that the world is far from the ideal a good person would want it to be.
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