
Street Cred?

Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
A question that nicespice asked me the other night made me think of this topic. She asked if I would have posted my "Maximizing OTC When Traveling" article from 13 years ago if I knew then what I know now.

I said absolutely. I was fresh off of a string of good OTC adventures in a handful of cities and finally seemed to have ironed out a solid way to approach it, but I was also new to the site and didn't yet understand that this wasn't as novel as I thought to some of the seasoned hounds here. In hindsight if I knew then what I know now, I wouldn't have posted it like I just discovered fire and instead would have probably been much more playful with the article.

But the question also presumed two things: (1) that there was something fundamentally wrong with the core elements of the article; and (2) that I take this discussion board seriously enough to care.

On the first point, 13 years later I've seen as many girls OTC as anyone on this board, covering clubs in 14 different states. Needless to say I hardly need affirmation to tell me that what I do works for me, even as it has evolved over 13 long years.

The second presumption is that I care whether someone trolls my old articles. I don't. The other night was the first time I ever knowingly exposed myself to anyone who could definitively connect my screen name to a face. I come on here almost exclusively to re-live my various club adventures. This is shits and giggles time, not something to be taken so seriously, lol.

A couple of years back, someone PMd me and indicated that he was concerned about posting light reviews because it could hurt his "cred." My response was as follows:

πΏπ‘œπ‘™ π‘Žπ‘‘ "π‘π‘Ÿπ‘’π‘‘." 𝐼 π‘‘π‘œπ‘›'𝑑 π‘Ÿπ‘’π‘Žπ‘™π‘™π‘¦ π‘€π‘œπ‘Ÿπ‘Ÿπ‘¦ π‘Žπ‘π‘œπ‘’π‘‘ π‘‘β„Žπ‘Žπ‘‘. 𝐼 π‘œπ‘›π‘™π‘¦ π‘Žπ‘‘π‘‘π‘’π‘‘ π‘‘β„Žπ‘’ "π‘‰π‘’π‘Ÿπ‘–π‘“π‘–π‘’π‘‘ π‘Žπ‘›π‘‘ πΆπ‘’π‘Ÿπ‘‘π‘–π‘“π‘–π‘Žπ‘π‘™π‘’ π‘†π‘’π‘π‘’π‘Ÿ-π‘…π‘’π‘£π‘–π‘’π‘€π‘’π‘Ÿ" π‘‘π‘Žπ‘” π‘π‘’π‘π‘Žπ‘’π‘ π‘’ 𝐼 π‘˜π‘›π‘’π‘€ 𝑖𝑑 π‘€π‘œπ‘’π‘™π‘‘ π‘–π‘Ÿπ‘Ÿπ‘–π‘‘π‘Žπ‘‘π‘’ π‘‘β„Žπ‘’ π‘π‘Ÿπ‘Žπ‘›π‘˜π‘¦ 𝑑𝑒𝑑𝑒𝑠 π‘€β„Žπ‘œ π‘Žπ‘Ÿπ‘’ π‘œπ‘π‘£π‘–π‘œπ‘’π‘ π‘™π‘¦ 𝑒𝑠𝑖𝑛𝑔 π‘‘β„Žπ‘–π‘  π‘π‘™π‘Žπ‘π‘’ π‘“π‘œπ‘Ÿ π‘π‘œπ‘šπ‘šπ‘’π‘Ÿπ‘π‘–π‘Žπ‘™ π‘Ÿπ‘’π‘Žπ‘ π‘œπ‘›π‘ . 𝑂𝑛𝑒 π‘π‘œπ‘π‘–π‘’π‘‘ 𝑖𝑑 π‘œπ‘›π‘‘π‘œ β„Žπ‘–π‘  π‘œπ‘€π‘› π‘Žπ‘›π‘‘ π‘Ž π‘π‘œπ‘’π‘π‘™π‘’ π‘œπ‘“ π‘œπ‘‘β„Žπ‘’π‘Ÿπ‘  π‘π‘œπ‘›π‘ π‘‘π‘Žπ‘›π‘‘π‘™π‘¦ π‘”π‘Ÿπ‘œπ‘’π‘ π‘’, π‘ π‘œ 𝑖𝑑'𝑠 π‘€π‘œπ‘Ÿπ‘˜π‘–π‘›π‘”. πŸ˜‰



  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    2 years ago
    "Cred", as in "credit", only matters if you've got someplace or some way to spend it. Near as I can tell, the only way to do that on TUSCL is when you reach out to someone via PM for recommendations about certain clubs. Particularly useful if you travel a bit want some insight from other experienced members in that area. It's also possible, I suppose, to use it with dancers (I believe that was the original intent behind "Verified" status here). I haven't, but there are guys who have met up with dancers via TUSCL. One has to imagine that the dancers will look at posting and review history before scheduling a meet to get a read on a guy's vibe, but who knows.

    There are guys on here that I take more seriously than others when it comes to strip clubs. At the same time, I've taken some advice from relative newbies here and it worked out well for me. And then there's the guys who've got tons of experience, but I still wouldn't follow their advice if it came to me on a gold platter.

    Ultimately, we're mostly guys (and a few women) who post probably more than we should to an anonymous strip club forum. I'm not sure that I'll ever worry a ton about my cred with people I don't know.
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    2 years ago
    13 years and 14 states of being a trick isn't having cred. Nor anything worth bragging about.

    You give a hooker money and she does the sex act you agreed upon. There's no system or cred to it.
  • nicespice
    2 years ago
    β€”>β€œBut the question also presumed two things: (1) that there was something fundamentally wrong with the core elements of the article; and (2) that I take this discussion board seriously enough to care.”

    I apologize if I gave that impression, but the question actually wasn’t judging the article’s core elements one way or the other. I know I’ve done lots of low-blow types of jabs over the years, so I can understand the confusion. (I can’t help it, I’ve been shitposting on the internet since like the age of 12)

    But it’s just been trolled so hard over the years, that I guess I was trying to figure out whether you would have done your part to:

    a) actively encourage all the flame wars or
    b) you would have re-written it in a way for there to be less β€œammo” or
    c) refrain from publishing it at all, but I guess in retrospect that wouldn’t have been a possibility at all ever lol

    Plus, if the whole thing from me was a jab against the whole practice of the core elements, doctorevil probably would have had some negative choice words to say to meβ€¦πŸ˜…

  • wallanon
    2 years ago
    I guess the ceasefire is over. But you'll always have Jacksonville lol
  • nicespice
    2 years ago
    Waaah, I’m regretful that I didn’t get to scope out Sinsations.
  • Mate27
    2 years ago
    C’mon man, the best thing about your early contributions was that it produced fodder for Dougster to bash you every chance he could. That provided loads of entertainment for all, and I’m sure Founder even appreciates it.

    We all have our own system, and you run yours for what works for you. Not everyone is playing with the same hand, so we make due with what is dealt. I’m still amazed that Robert Kraft got busted for the same price point as San Jose Guy!! Now that’s a fucked up system!!
  • ilbbaicnl
    2 years ago
    That's the problem with posts about extras, it's pretty much impossible for them to have any cred. Since it's technically illegal, one can't give enough details to make it easy for anyone to verify the availability of what the post claims happened, by seeing the same dancer or at least going to the same club. So it's an irreproducible result, as scientists would say. Basically just a brag, as believable as dancer brags about how much money they make.

    It's another example of an advantage of escorts over extras strippers. There are detailed reviews of escorts that identify them by work name. Escorts aren't thrilled about this, but most accept it as a way of increasing business. The same system hypothetically could work for extra strippers. The reviews would just need to omit any discussion of specific acts that occurred together with discussion of $. But, I don't think most extras strippers or clubs with extras would be OK with this.
  • Muddy
    2 years ago
    I mean we make fun of it but it’s always interesting how people go about things. Live vicariously in that way, try home your game a little bit to make your money and fun go farther. Even if I don’t agree with everything on here I like reading about different styles of the way people approach strip clubbing.

    I’d like to see update article on the system. It’s been over a decade it’s due.
  • nicespice
    2 years ago
    β€”>β€œBut, I don't think most extras strippers or clubs with extras would be OK with this.”

    Ick, yeah I remember after dealing with manager bs at one club, I decided to go do some shifts at another club that definitely had a stronger extras reputation from dancers, and the reviews on this site backed it up.

    And it was there where dancers made a bigger deal about how much money they made than the other clubs I had worked at in town, and they made it through their hustling ability. And also it was where I heard the most complaining about extras at one time. Oh, and it was there (unlike some of the other clubs) where management told me I needed to be more covered up on the floor because β€œwe like to leave things to the imagination here” πŸ™„

    Very odd stuff. But social stigma is a biatch and can cause some really odd behaviors in people.
  • Mate27
    2 years ago
    Idk I still believe people are way too cerebral when it comes to most things. I guess it’s human nature to find validation in your approach at life, but it’s a wise person that knows there’s a long established system in everything, so it’s not like your reinventing the wheel in the oldest profession.
  • twentyfive
    2 years ago
    I don’t really pay attention to who makes what claims if they’re believable I store it away for a reference point if they’re not credible, which a lot of the more inane claims are I discard the post as GI/GO, there are some people I believe and others that I don’t.
  • twentyfive
    2 years ago
    ^ posted too soon I meant to add it goes directly to whom has cred to me, and who doesn’t.
  • shailynn
    2 years ago
    "I’m still amazed that Robert Kraft got busted for the same price point as San Jose Guy!! Now that’s a fucked up system!!"

    Let that sink in for a minute...that's deep stuff!!!!!

    That's like me loathing that I have to go into Wal Mart but sometimes you need something and that's the only place to get it. So there I am, loathing being in Wal Mart and Elon Musk is in the next aisle buying tools.

  • Mate27
    2 years ago
    ^ i would be more inclined to follow your analogy if you were shopping at the dollar store , because you get what you pay for. He could have waited until circumstance was suitable. Old guys Warner that horny and desperate.
  • rickdugan
    2 years ago
    ===> "C’mon man, the best thing about your early contributions was that it produced fodder for Dougster to bash you every chance he could."

    When Dougster posted something truly clever I guffawed as much as anyone. When he was on point it was some really good stuff; some of the best trolling I ever saw on this site.

    The problem is that 99.5% of his posts were repetitive thread clutter. It's like he shot his load with a handful of funny jokes and couldn't come up with more material, so he just repeated the same things over and over - literally for years on end. At times I truly thought he was on the autism spectrum.
  • Mate27
    2 years ago
    ^^ fwiw everyone is on the spectrum, so yeah I see your point is well taken. Once the guy was on point he wouldn’t let it go. We all were in a different place at that time, not as knowledgeable as we are now, however the entertainment he provided was priceless. What you’ve proven with your lates meet and greet with fellow members is that f2f is a different realm than an onscreen persona. Juice was the epitome of someone different online than in person. Rick your stance through tye
    Pandemic was often agitating to many (not me), but we all can agree a lot gets accomplished f2f that virtual life can’t deliver. Lock downs were at most limited in their impact.
  • ilbbaicnl
    2 years ago
    What I've always wondered is what percentage of dancers who do extras hid it from their SOs. Escorts can really hid it (unless they are hiding it that they do sex work at all). Maybe extras dancers would be OK with their work being praised on the Net, if their SOs wouldn't find out or were cool with it. On the other hand, "I don't normally do this" may be an effective bargaining technique.

    I think rickdugan's estimate of 35% who will do FS/extras may be roughly accurate for most clubs. Probably mush higher for some areas like Providence, RI. But, generally at least 50% of the dancers in a club are not attractive to me, and probably not to the typical PL who isn't wearing thick beer googles (or a whiskey butt tampon). And most or all of the 35% are typically among the 50%. So, in most of the US, a dancer who looks as good as nicespice can make good money without doing extras.
  • georgmicrodong
    2 years ago
    The only "street cred" I truly care about is my rep in the clubs themselves. I'm currently pretty happy with that rep.
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    2 years ago
    Rick's system is having to coerce desperate.single mothers with drug habits. He doesn't go for looks
  • rickdugan
    2 years ago
    ===> "Once the guy was on point he wouldn’t let it go. We all were in a different place at that time, not as knowledgeable as we are now, however the entertainment he provided was priceless."

    No, seeing the same comment reposted 500+ times became painful. It didn't matter if I was the target of the troll posts or not - after a while it was pure drudgery. Same with the countless times he firebombed the board with inane thread bumps. For a while the board was practically unreadable.
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    2 years ago
    ^ You're not wrong.

    Also, georgeMD makes a good point.
  • twentyfive
    2 years ago
    Similar to what Iceefag is doing now
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    2 years ago
    You troll every thread from the moment you have your morning drink
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    2 years ago
    The geriatric trick clique are the most tedious trolls
  • georgmicrodong
    2 years ago
    @rickdugan: "No, seeing the same comment reposted 500+ times became painful."

    Exactly correct.
  • Mate27
    2 years ago
    Well you know what, the truth hurts sometimes and that’s what Dougster was about. He accentuated the facts whether you were on his side or not.
  • twentyfive
    2 years ago
    ^ Please, give us a break, Dougster wouldn’t know the truth if it fell out of the sky and landed on him.
  • Mate27
    2 years ago
    ^^ his version of the truth. He told it better than anyone else on here. Sure you can call me a cock sucker for Dougster, yet remember 90% of this world we live in is absolutely perception only, and in an online forum yiu have only perception. He kicked other
    Peoples’ ass by needling a spot that exploited a person to the nth degree. Targeted and persistent was his strength, and most people do r have the chops to someone out when they’re rong. I was rong when it came to the US dollar not being a fiat currency, and Dougster made me pay for it. Those who can’t admit their mistakes must continue to pay for them.
  • twentyfive
    2 years ago
    ^ No buddy Dougster was just another internet bully, he went too far way too often just like our resident pimp
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    2 years ago
    You wouldn't know the truth if it fell out of the sky and landed on you 20fag
  • Mate27
    2 years ago
    ^ all u do is come on here and shit on peoples threads. Yiu don’t even contribute any value to the forum, so go get some heroin and follow through on your fake suicide threat, because nobody believes you can back up what you’re stating.
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    2 years ago
    I post. You sld 20fag tetradon theosu et al start attacking me and trolling. Then accuse me of ruining threads for replying to your attacks. Leave me the fuck alone and problem solved
  • SirLapdancealot
    2 years ago
    2Icee (aka biggdumbass aka Eltriste aka Iceydodo aka PhatBoi) is extremely passive aggressive and argumentative. Also as a narcissist, she lives to be the center of attention and take a moral high ground over others. I think it stems from a deep insecurity and self loathing. So she has a need for constant self validation that she's better than others and she seeks this out constantly on TUSCL. It's done through either straight up bragging or through passive aggressive trolling and playing a troll victim. She clearly loves to get involved with trolling and bask in the attention from it. Her posts in this thread are a perfect example. 🀭🀑
  • rickdugan
    2 years ago
    ===> "Sure you can call me a cock sucker for Dougster, yet remember 90% of this world we live in is absolutely perception only, and in an online forum yiu have only perception. He kicked other
    Peoples’ ass by needling a spot that exploited a person to the nth degree. "

    He had a few clever moments amongst a shit ton of repetitive crap. An Internet discussion forum is about the only place where a mentally challenged person can "win" simply by firebombing a board over and over. A loser with no life and a mediocre mind can become outsized simply by devoting more time and energy to the board than those who have other things to do.
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    2 years ago
    Rick said "A loser with no life and a mediocre mind can become outsized simply by devoting more time and energy to the board than those who have other things to do."

    Meanwhile, somewhere in Las Vegas, Icee stands at a drive-thru window packaging a breakfast burrito special while wondering "Why are my ears burning?"
  • nicespice
    2 years ago
    Idk what’s up with the constant jabs around here about Icey working in food service.

    Employees tend to be pretty brutally micromanaged and in a lot of places cell phones are a no-go. And the upper management MO with most places is β€œlet’s predict what the customer volume is, and allow managers to only schedule just one or two people under what is needed to accommodate that so that people always fall behind on what metrics we give them and they have to work faster”

    I assume it’s just a classist way to demean Icey and nothing more. Because if Icey was actually working a food service job, and full time, the ability to post on this site would be WAY more limited.
  • TheeOSU
    2 years ago
    iceydougster's job/jobs if you can even call them that are selling fentanyl to street people and strippers, pimping out the strippers he hooked, and servicing old gay guys for extra pocket change.
  • TheeOSU
    2 years ago
    So in relation to the topic title iceydougster is on the street but just like here he has zero credit there.
  • rickdugan
    2 years ago
    ===> "I assume it’s just a classist way to demean Icey and nothing more. Because if Icey was actually working a food service job, and full time, the ability to post on this site would be WAY more limited."

    I have to agree with this. Let's not denigrate food service employees by comparing them to Icee - at least they work for a living. My guess is that Icee is collecting government benefits, which are especially generous in CA. Disability payments, low income housing, free health care, food stamps, etc.

    This makes much more sense. He'd have all the time in the world to post in a strip club forum, yet not enough money to actually patronize clubs and understand what actually happens in them. Sound like anyone we know? πŸ˜‰
  • twentyfive
    2 years ago
    ===> "I assume it’s just a classist way to demean Icey and nothing more. Because if Icey was actually working a food service job, and full time, the ability to post on this site would be WAY more limited."

    How do you demean an idiot that has no bottom ?
  • skibum609
    2 years ago
    Icee wanted to be the king bitch troll and is getting it back 24/7, for the rest of her useless, miserable, bitter life....
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    2 years ago
    Famn already creating narratives/lies about me at 630 Am 🀑
  • SirLapdancealot
    2 years ago
    ^^^LOL before 8am and Iceydodo is already basking in the trolling. 🀭🀑
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    2 years ago
    Sld joined in late. 750am and already trolling me. Now he'll keep it up all day and night. Coz that's his reason for being here
  • SirLapdancealot
    2 years ago
    ^^^She clearly loves to get involved with trolling and bask in the attention from it. Her posts in this thread are a perfect example. 🀭🀑
  • georgmicrodong
    2 years ago
    @nicespice's Troll level: iconic.
  • san_jose_guy
    2 years ago
    The strength of The System (tm) is that he is no longer calling escort ads. He is meeting with his women f2f.

    And in the strip club he is not buying dances and being a chump.

    But the weaknesses are first that he is not really getting to know his women and being open to an ongoing relationship with them. He is as they say, "paying them to go away".

    And then he is not softening them up with front room makeout sessions, he is not trying to get under their skin at multiple levels.


    The Rolling Stones - Gimme Shelter - 2013 School of Rock AllStars Team 4
  • Tetradon
    2 years ago
    ^ Rick is getting pussy while you're reminiscing about the distant past.
  • san_jose_guy
    2 years ago
    ^ and while your defecating on a message board Tetradon.

  • Tetradon
    2 years ago
    ^ More scatological name calling when you don't have a leg to stand on.

    The System >>> The Organization
  • san_jose_guy
    2 years ago
    The Organization I am working to build is completely real.

    The System is the name Dougster gave to Rik Duggan's article about maximizing OTC options while traveling. I have explained that there are definite positives to The System, not calling ecort ads and not buying dances. But there are also short comings.

    Tetradon, you are just trying to be belligerent.


    The Rolling Stones - Gimme Shelter - 2013 School of Rock AllStars Team 4
  • Tetradon
    2 years ago
    ^ You are, again, telling people they're having fun wrong, when your obvious lack of social skills and sad ass condition of your life say that you're in no position to give advice.
  • san_jose_guy
    2 years ago
    Tetradon, I am saying that you are an asswipe.

    And you talk advantage of the fact that this is online, instead of f2f, so you can't be held accountable.

    In any f2f venue you would be made to leave.

  • Tetradon
    2 years ago
    ^ I thought F2F was a non issue with your invincible privacy wall.

    Oh well.
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    2 years ago
    Tetradon defending a married man who preys on desperate hookers
  • Tetradon
    2 years ago
    ^ You're defending a literal rape cult.
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    2 years ago
    What rape cult? Have you reported it to the authorities?
  • Tetradon
    2 years ago
    ^ I don't think the Organization is real, but you obviously do since you're leaping to its defense.

    BTW I've told Rick what I think about his morals too. But the System actually exists.
  • san_jose_guy
    2 years ago
    Tetradon, my privacy wall and the 2000' dead zone in front of it are what protect my f2f life. Its the reason I'm not using a dozen 12 gauge shells every day to blow away trolls.

  • Tetradon
    2 years ago
    ^ That, or you couldn't afford a 12 gauge. You can't even afford Internet off public library hours.
  • rickmacrodong
    2 years ago
    Mate you guys know dougster is still active on the site right?

    Ilbaicln, I already made a thread regarding those topics you mentioned.
  • san_jose_guy
    2 years ago
    Tetradon, sounds like online is the only place you can interact with people. F2F no one would tolerate you.

  • rickdugan
    2 years ago
    ===> "b) you would have re-written it in a way for there to be less β€œammo” or"

    The core elements <strong>were</strong> the ammo, so probably not. I might have played with it on the margins to be less of a lecture and more of a fun article, and maybe cut a few things that in hindsight look goofy (remember I was new here), but that's it. The fact that those core elements provided so much "ammo' says more about the ignorance of the trolls than it does about me.

    The apparel comments are what drew the bulk of the trolling but I stand by them as much today as I did 13 years ago. When one is an unknown traveler in a place where regulars and other locals are the bulk of a club's customers, blending in is not the goal if one wants enough girl flow to find a decent option for the night.

    I've actually tested this in several cities over the years, where I went in on a Sunday night dressed casually - because who would be in business clothes on a Sunday night anyway - and then back to the same club the next night in my work attire. Each and every time I got far more attention when I was dressed up. In a few cases, girls who actually walked by me several times the night before came up and asked "Is this your first time here?", lol.

    Now obviously times have changed over 13 years. For starters, pretty much nobody wears ties anymore and some of the styles have evolved. But the core concept remains the same: Someone who looks like he has money to spend is going to get attention. I don't do this stuff in my local clubs as I'm a known quantity who spends, but when I'm in a road club playing handicapped, I've found it to be a great way to overcome the unknown quantity issue.
  • san_jose_guy
    2 years ago
    Dugan has amended The System (tm). I noted this on his thread. Being in a region where the clubs cost less, he has authorized some dance buying to loosen the girl up.


    Primary in 5 states, PBS Newshour

    Strange Kind of Women - Perfect Strangers - live at La Grande Ourse Concert Hall

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