Does it have to take 30 fucking minutes in the dressing room after your stageset

avatar for Muddy

Let’s go, shove the singles in your purse, throw it in your locker, wipe off the sweat. Two minutes tops. Are we having group therapy session back there too, was it that rough a set? I don’t want hear about stripper names, Ferrari, Mercedes. No. Glacier and Mollases we’ll accept when we gotta deal and wait for this bullshit. Get out here and take my god damn money. Get it together girl.


last comment
avatar for motorhead
2 yrs ago

One of big mysteries of life

In a profession where time out on the floor is literally one’s livelihood none of us will ever understand why it takes 2 hours to get ready and 30 minutes after a stage set

Don’t you dare text me for “help with rent”

avatar for CJKent_band
2 yrs ago

A Favorite of mine would take a shower (her strip club was very fancy and upscale and had nice accommodating) after her stage show in preparation to come out to take me. To the VIP, she would said smiling she wanted to be freshly showered and clean so we could make clean love not have dirty sex.

I appreciated her dedication and liked her being clean.

avatar for Warrior15
2 yrs ago

They gotta re-apply the mask.

avatar for shadowcat
2 yrs ago

They're smoking weed and complaining about the lack of customers.

avatar for Mate27
2 yrs ago

Yes, yea it does. They know some guy will be waiting in her when she finally decides to come out, so why rush? She’ll be mailed by anybody as soon as she steps back onto the floor.

avatar for rattdog
2 yrs ago

taking a toke from a passed around joint, doing whatever shit it is that they do on the phone, talking smack about how the guys suck in the club, or all three at the same time.

avatar for kingcripple
2 yrs ago

As someone who knows what you're talking about, no, it doesn't

avatar for Liwet
2 yrs ago

Depends how much money is put on stage. If no one's tipping big, then no one is going to pay big.

avatar for georgmicrodong
2 yrs ago

It's not that big a mystery. Dealing with creepy old perverts wears on them. I've heard that time and time again from various strippers. I realize that all of the regular posters here are respectful gentlemen who spend freely, but apparently, the vast majority of customers aren't so gentlemanly or generous. A break in a "safe space" lets them recuperate a little. And face it, you're gonna wait. And if you won't, someone else will. No skin off her nose whose money she takes.

avatar for twentyfive
2 yrs ago

Does it have to take 30 fucking minutes in the dressing room after her stage set<<< apparently it does LOL

avatar for motorhead
2 yrs ago

If a dancer needs a “safe space” to recuperate after a 9 minute stage set, I would suggest they seriously reevaluate their career choice

avatar for VanessaM
2 yrs ago

@shadowcat pretty much 😂

avatar for wallanon
2 yrs ago

Some girls sweat on stage. Those lights get hot and the high energy dances that catch our attention burn calories. Some girls stink when they sweat. Whatever the reason, I'm fine with a dancer like that not walking back out until she's got her game face on and is ready to entertain.

Now for those girls who dog it onstage and barely wiggle their ass? Or the ones who are too cool to dance and just BS with the DJ for a couple minutes? When they disappear they obviously want to get replaced in the lineup.

avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
2 yrs ago

Muddy said "Does it have to take 30 fucking minutes in the dressing room after your stageset?"

Well, if you're still sat there 30 minutes later, then it possibly doesn't have to take that long... but it can anyway.

avatar for nicespice
2 yrs ago

Conversely, why do some customers have to “maybe later” and then get ticked when you get dressed and walk out the club. Does it really take 30 minutes or more to decide if one really wants that lapdance? 🤷🏻‍♀️

avatar for wld4tatas
2 yrs ago

No but unless we are going to see someone specific, a typical routine is to settle in, get a drink and survey the scene and decide what we're in the mood for. Which takes some time. Though we shouldn't get ticked off if you become unavailable.

avatar for ilbbaicnl
2 yrs ago

Coincidentally, a fav was just explaining to me tonight her routine after getting off stage. She dries off all the sweat with a towel. Then she applies spray-on antiperspirant on the areas of her body where she tends to get sweaty. So yeah, takes awhile. But I'm sure, if Muddy were up in the club, she could do all that in under two minutes. She'd be in such a rush to go enjoy his good mood and positive attitude. Plus the $20 Muddy made selling pencils outside Port Authority that afternoon.

avatar for psycho_trick
2 yrs ago

If I say 'maybe later' it means never.

avatar for psycho_trick
2 yrs ago

But I usually use 'I'm waiting for someone' as a dismissal.

avatar for drewcareypnw
2 yrs ago

I’ve seen them take 2 minutes, or even literally no minutes… they put their bra and panties on and come straight over and hit you with “wanna dance?”. That’s not uncommon here in seattle. I actually like a little bit of sweat smell on a woman, there’s something going on pheromone-wise there for me. And it beats whatever that perfume they all seem to wear is. Now that I think of it, I’ve sniffed and licked plenty of armpits in my civvie life, and I like it. Maybe I should sniff a few dancer pits! Licking seems a bit personal. Not sure about that, probably best to ask first. Hahaha

avatar for nicespice
2 yrs ago

—>“Licking seems a bit personal. Not sure about that, probably best to ask first. “

Please please please do. 🥺

avatar for NJBalla
2 yrs ago

@nicespice funny. I made that mistake when I first started if I just walked into the club. Then I wondered where she was an hour later. Now if they ask I go get a dance and just leave a little earlier than I expected or enjoy the stage show after.

@muddy if a girl provides extras like DFK, HJ I like to see them take at least five minutes in the back to freshen up. I had a few change outfits for me in the past. Its a bummer if you know some guy had his tongue down her throat and she takes only 30 seconds to reapply her lipstick before coming to you.

avatar for bluejacketsguy
2 yrs ago

@njballa in your muddy comment I think you’re confused, he was asking about after a stage set not after a vip/ lap dance with another guy. Besides if she had provided extras I’d be more concerned about other things being shoved down her throat.

I think the time after the stage set can be for any number of reasons. I will say though that it’s an easy out to chill away from the guys.

avatar for georgmicrodong
2 yrs ago

@motorhead: "If a dancer needs a “safe space” to recuperate after a 9 minute stage set, I would suggest they seriously reevaluate their career choice"

That's one possibility. Another is that she's not exactly looking forward to trying to coax dances out of the some of the cheapskates who park themselves at the stage and tip a dollar for the whole set. Or, a regular whale who will probably fund her entire night has texted her saying he'll be there in 30 minutes. Or there's nobody in the club that she wants to talk to; that whole independent contractor thing is a bugger sometimes. Or the baby sitter called. Or she just wants to relax after her set. Or she wants to touch up her makeup after her set. Or she's smoking a blunt to get her through the next hour until her next set. Or the manager/owner has called her into the office because of some perceived slight. Or she's fucking one of the other dancers in the dressing room (Yes, that happens; saw it a couple of times in a club where the dressing room door was in the same hallway that let to the VIP rooms.)

Or a thousand other reasons.

avatar for psycho_trick
2 yrs ago

re: or she's fucking one of the other dancers in the dressing room...

Just happened Sat nite. Hottie sat down with me straight out of the dressing room sweating and panting. Wasn't a tough guess, and she shyly admitted it. Well it turned me on, and she must've been ready for some cock cuz she had multiple squirting orgasms thru 4 private dances. Fortunately I keep extra sweatpants in my ride.

I wasn't waiting for her beforehand, but I would've forgiven this one.

avatar for NJBalla
2 yrs ago

@shy ah got it.Well in the case I'd just get the DJ or bartender to ask her to come out. I have even given a dancer a few extra singles to go ask her to come out for me. Thats my current fav as the dancer appreciates the extra tip and what woman doesnt like a man who is direct? I once had the girl I wanted on my side while the girl I gave extra singles eye f*cking me cause my forwardness may have turned her on.

To her hiding in the room? There's too many reasons she might be doing that. She doesnt like working there, she's lazy, working the floor doesnt provide a return on investment, she is trying to avoid a customer, or she is trying to avoid drama with a dancer. In either case you want a dance from here so you have to ask. I used to do this as well and categorize this behavior in the "maybe later" habits I used to have. Now I want a girl I walk over and ask her for a dance or get someone to find her.

avatar for Cashman1234
2 yrs ago

For some, they can use all the wipes they have, but it won’t clean the old groping geezer feeling from her soft young skin.

I think it must feel good to get away from the penetrating stares of guys leering over their half drunken beer bottles.

I was at a party where they had a few cheap whores, many years ago. I remember watching a whore eat a sandwich while one of my friends stuffed several fingers inside of her. I’m sure that girl was used up by the time she hit 22.

avatar for ilbbaicnl
2 yrs ago

TUSCL never ceases to saliva-traumatize nicespice.

avatar for shailynn
2 yrs ago

I think they’re just hiding from Muddy in the dressing room.

avatar for ilbbaicnl
2 yrs ago

@Daily sorry but my money would be on she just gave you your fantasy of her lizzing out in the dressing room. And again by urinating on your leg. But I could be wrong, and I hope she got a big tip for all that.

avatar for psycho_trick
2 yrs ago

Either way works : ) It was still her tongue in my mouth and my name being moaned in my ear. Guess I'll have to urinate on her when we grind again Friday.

avatar for ilbbaicnl
2 yrs ago

@Daily even if she did golden shower you, she might feel tis better to give than to receive. But the tongue kissing seems like a sign she truly gets off on you. Only had a couple of favs who did it, and one stopped as soon as she'd landed me as a regular.

avatar for Estafador
2 yrs ago

Not sure if you ever lived with a WOMAN before but looking good no matter how much us men complain about it, for public is a process for women. If you in the strip club, you're likely there to see hot babes dancing and gyrating for you. You didn't come to see "Mercedes" with her hair all fucked up and makeup all smeared like chalk. And after being all hot and sweaty, they gotta refresh so they can look good AND smell good because bad smells turn off a lot of people. Some take 30 minutes, pros take less. Just gotta deal with it. If a chick just finished doing something unsanitary I don't even want an inkling of knowing and looking fresh helps disguise the grossness of whatever she's doing even if it's something as simple as sweating while working the pole.

avatar for psycho_trick
2 yrs ago

re: You didn't come to see "Mercedes" with her hair all fucked up and makeup all smeared like chalk...

I definitely did. Fuck-hair/slightly smudged make-up is a major turn-on for me. If they're too pristine they jerk back from hair and face contact. Point taken, though. I do draw the line at approaching me with sweat/b.o. immediately after their last private dance.

avatar for ilbbaicnl
2 yrs ago

I wonder if experienced house moms learn how to give dancers fake fuck hair. In under 2 minutes, so Muddy doesn't pitch a fit.

avatar for MandyMonroe
2 yrs ago

Run a couple miles without stopping and then tell me it takes less than 2 minutes to peel your underwear off your body soaked with seat and then baby wipes every where you can reach. And then blow dry. Then new outfit matching heels a little spray. A little hair maneuver, make up check and then to hopefully find a guy with a voice that Carries so I can get the bartender’s attention for a beer. Usually takes 5 min but I don’t wear makeup and I have 17 yr of experience. We are not all born quick change artists. And some of these strapped outfits come with no instruction and it sometimes takes a group effort to get it on right.

avatar for skibum609
2 yrs ago

^lmao. Totally awesome comment. Hair takes a bit of time. My wife has long thick hair. I have a buzz cut. I spent las time on my hair last year than she did today.

avatar for georgmicrodong
2 yrs ago

@MandyMonroe: "Run a couple miles without stopping and then tell me it takes less than 2 minutes to peel your underwear"


30 minutes to freshen up and redo makeup is fast. Girls take at least 2 hours just getting ready for a date

avatar for san_jose_guy
2 yrs ago

Engage with the girl at stage side or before she is on stage. When you are both on your feet is best. But you can gently bring her to her feet from a barstool.

Make it happen with her, Front Room Feel Up And Make Out Session, then she is yours.


avatar for TheeOSU
2 yrs ago


Сан-Хосе ползучести

San-Khose polzuchesti

Sjg name one current club where the approach you push for is allowed and works.

avatar for san_jose_guy
2 yrs ago

It works in dives. Here we don't have dives, because of LE and zoning and DV. but we have a come and go again underground circuit. It is underground so the places can operate. The girls there are all go.

Best would be the private party / membership club model. This is what we need to go to.



The Rolling Stones - Gimme Shelter - 2013 School of Rock AllStars Team 4

I've been to dives....

avatar for TheeOSU
2 yrs ago

' but we have a come and go again underground circuit.'

Oh puhleese... don't get started with your hat dancing boys tales!

avatar for rickmacrodong
2 yrs ago

Icee you want to show generosity to your girl. Money was literally invented for handing to women. SJGSs strategy of FRMOS is excellent, he is a pimp!

avatar for san_jose_guy
2 yrs ago

Other places where the BigThirdEye Genererosity and FRMOS approach would likely work?

Well remember that most of the people who write reviews don't even think that way, not even when they go to Tijuana, so you sort of have to read and get the vibe on the place and see what is likely.

  1. Some of the San Gabriel Valley CA places. Talks of girls who do nonstop back room kissing.
  2. 3 CA Black clubs in Gardena and also Jet Strip. Talk of girls who lead with the handshake and kissing.
  3. That Playhouse in Burlington NJ
  4. Lots of accounts of black clubs where girls jump onto your lap and start licking your neck and nibbling at your ear.
  5. Lots of members have privately affirmed that in the mixed race dives all the girls do it that way, defying you to come on to them and start DFKing them.


avatar for san_jose_guy
2 yrs ago

Many of the girls who work in dives are very FS oriented. And in our underground, most of the girls just work there to line up OTC regulars.


avatar for san_jose_guy
2 yrs ago

THe ones in our underground are a real trip, they are just so out there all the time!


You're talking about human trafficking and prostitutes.

avatar for TheeOSU
2 yrs ago


That's right in your wheelhouse iceydougster, you two should compare trade secrets.

avatar for rickmacrodong
2 yrs ago

Icee youll take the moral high ground here but have a thread on how to manipulate stripper hoes.

That thread is just about game. The basis of it is that all women relate to men based on how we make them feel and how things and experiences remind them of us. Being someone to them that no one can compare to gets them hooked on you.

That's way different from preying on desperate prostitutes.

avatar for Mate27
2 yrs ago

^^^ sure, tell yourself whatever it takes to get you bi each and every day. The biggest lies are the ones we tell ourselves, so if it makes you feel better about yourself we can understand why.

Having a girl fall for me isn't comparable to buying sex from trafficked women

avatar for san_jose_guy
2 yrs ago

Icee, I don't call women hookers or prostitutes. I just don't look at them that way. And the one's who dance in our underground circuit are at least as in charge of their own affairs as anyone else is. They are above average in smarts, compared with the general population.

Once you learn to relate to the women as you would other women, then there is no reason to Buy Dances.

BigThirdEye is learning this, and everyone can learn it too. Then Deja Vu will go out of business and we can go back to having loose strip clubs again.

Until this happens I suggest the Private Party / Membership Model venue.


The Rolling Stones - Gimme Shelter - 2013 School of Rock AllStars Team 4

Pleaser 10", strapped on, 4 colors

avatar for TheeOSU
2 yrs ago


нейродивергентный Сан-Хосе ползучести

neyrodivergentnyy San-Khose polzuchesti

You're paying for gfes. You admitted to that in your posts from years ago. Nothing wrong with admitting it. The narrative that you're giving them money and they then just happen to want sex with you is crazy.

avatar for san_jose_guy
2 yrs ago

Well I understand better now. I am not paying for GFEs.

And it is not Game either. Game is an idea invented by PUAs, and you are best not to relate to women that way.


The Rolling Stones - Gimme Shelter - 2013 School of Rock AllStars Team 4

Pleaser 10", strapped on, 4 colors

Game is just a word for a calculated approach. PuAs do everything wrong. They try to logically convince women to fuck them and see it as a numbers game. That's stupid. It's more like trying to beg for otc.

Handing a woman money. Then her acting like she likes you and having sex with you is a gfe. Because she would not act that way if you did not hand her money. And you know which women you can hand money to and get that. You would do it with a prostitute and not a nurse or a school teacher for example

avatar for san_jose_guy
2 yrs ago

So what I have suggested and what BTE is quickly learning is not about Game.

And what I do is not paying hookers for GFE or sex.


Right you just hand women who have sex for money some money. They then get off script and give you a girlfriend audition and have sex with you.

avatar for san_jose_guy
2 yrs ago

With most women who are not seriously attached it is not that hard to get under their skin.


The Rolling Stones - Gimme Shelter - 2013 School of Rock AllStars Team 4

Pleaser 10"

Pretty In Pink

avatar for TheeOSU
2 yrs ago


You get under everyone's skin you shit pile but you love it don't you!

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