Inflation is Higher Than It Has Ever Been
Forcing Baby Boomers To Stop Being Babies
Inflation is worse now than it was in the 70s.…
TLDR; Back in the 1970's wages always went up before inflations did. Boomers were already making more money before they had to pay more for goods and services. (Those before them were generous and paid them more than they were worth). Today, inflation is happening before wages go up. (Those same boomers are so cheap and greedy, you refuse to pay us millennials and Genz what we are worth.
Millennials and Genz are way smarter than boomers, because we have data to back up what we say, instead of, something is true because I said so.…
TLDR; Back in the 1970's wages always went up before inflations did. Boomers were already making more money before they had to pay more for goods and services. (Those before them were generous and paid them more than they were worth). Today, inflation is happening before wages go up. (Those same boomers are so cheap and greedy, you refuse to pay us millennials and Genz what we are worth.
Millennials and Genz are way smarter than boomers, because we have data to back up what we say, instead of, something is true because I said so.
All those ppl who took PPE dollars and ridiculous unemployment benefits are getting what they asked for.
The driver of the quantity of money is government spending priorities, and recently the government has been spending a lot.
But it was Pelosi and Trump, huddled around the printing press and using hair dryers to make the green ink dry. These were crazy Weimar Fiscal Policies.
You can't expect the public treasury and our currency to absorb the cost of stopping the economic squirrel cage. The hit has to to be felt in the bubbles, the Real Estate Bubble, and in the Securities Bubble.
This is all that they efforts of working people goes to support anyway.
But the bail out money was just extending the COVID hysteria, while bleeding working people further and further dry, while propping up the real estate and securities sector.
We needed to finally admit, after it had been obvious for 150 years, what the Work Ethic Economy was a disaster and had reached its end.
We needed to go to a basic needs guaranteed economy.
1. Universal Basic Income
2. Strong Public Housing Offering
3. Medicare for All
4. Free College and College Debt Forgiveness
Layla original…
Definitely not this --> riiiiggghhhhtttt????
lol, DON'T BUY BITCOIN! the dollar is way better because they can print an infinite amount of it, and infinity is better than finity! lolollolz
Multiple choice question:
There seems to be more going on with skibum609 than just being a boomer so, What is wrong with him,
A) He is proof that weed kills brain cells permanently
B) His mom did a lot of drugs while pregnant with him
C) His Mom did not take in enough iodine while pregnant (lack of iodine in a pregnant mother can reduce a baby's IQ by at least 15 points)
D) He is just a complete idiot
E) All of the above
Or do any of you have any better ideas? We would all welcome the professional opinion of renowned psychologist DoctorPhil.
^ Bingo!
If you could go into stasis for the next 100 years, you’d awaken to a world with fewer people, older people, fewer workers, no pollution, and most work being done with automation.
Personally, I prefer it the way it is now.
you are aware whistleblowers are eligible to collect any where from 10% to 30% of any monies recovered, so if you are being truthful here not just repeating hearsay and scuttlebut why don't you turn them in and collect a substantial reward ?
Jes Sayin
And the truth comes out. Skibum609 was protecting all of those times je called
1970: 3.3billion people in the world
2020: 6.5billion people in the world
2050: 9.7billion people in the world (projection)
To sum it up. In the 50 years from 1970 to 2020, we added nearly as many people as the rest of humans' evolution on this planet; and we will do it again in the next 30 years??!! WFT - this is unsustainable! (and they all want to live in the USA haaaa)"
Thanos was right. If I had the infinity gauntlet I would snap half the population to dust, but it wouldnt be random. I would snap away all the progressives, socialists, feminists and equality people.
The rules on how the CPI is calculated, and energy and food have been taken out of the calculation. If you did the math, the inflation as of January 2022 was over 15%, not the 6% they claimed. It is much higher now yoy than than it was in January.
This is usually prohibited to avoid higher air pollution. And I am not sure if vehicles can do that well on this without some readjusting, except for the flex fuel type.