
If It Tastes Good, It’s Bad For You

They never tell you what you need to know.
After one half of COVID spent stepping up my culinary game, the other half was spent eating sleeves of Oreos. Made me think, is there anything out there that tastes really good that’s actually good for you? I mean even some fruits are on the no-no scale because they have high amounts of natural sugar.

And I’ve mentioned this before, with all the technology out on the world today how come some scientist out there can’t figure out away to make cauliflower taste like deep dish pizza?

I thought of a few. I like blueberries and strawberries.

Are eggs okay? One week they are the next they aren’t. A simple fried egg with some pepper hits the spot. If I add salt then it’s bad for you.

Fish, and shell fish. I guess I shouldn’t eat it fried 😜, baked or grilled is good for me although I have to have at least a little butter with my crab and lobster.

Beef and chicken - I guess it depends on how it prepared. I’m guessing my usually preference of chicken as in chicken nuggets and beef in a Shake Shack burger form isn’t good for you either.


  • rickdugan
    3 years ago
    I guess it depends on what "bad" things you are trying to avoid. Sugar? Fat? Sodium? All of them?

    If it's all of them then you're probably fucked. Enjoy the cauliflower and boneless skinless chicken breasts.

    IME trying to conquer every ill is unsustainable, so I decided that sugar (including all carbs) are my biggest enemy. I got much healthier when I cut the carbs out. When we lose weight, our hearts are under less strain, our blood pressure drops and (especially in a car restricted diet) diabetes becomes less of a risk/issue. I fell off the wagon for a while when my home situation changed, but I'm back on again and already feeling much better - I will never fall off again.

    Personally I'm willing to endure a little higher cholesterol and enjoy a bit of salt if I can keep the weight under control in the process, but everyone has different issues to consider. Give me a steak and Caesar salad or a basket of buffalo wings and let me enjoy them while I continue to get slimmer and I'm a happy man.
  • Warrior15
    3 years ago
    Filet Mignon gives me tons of protein. Protein is good for me.
  • misterorange
    3 years ago
    I like fresh steamed broccoli and eat it almost every day. A drizzle of olive oil and a little ground pepper. Yum.

    I rarely have sweets like ice cream or candy. Can't remember the last time I ate cookies, but if I have just one I'll eat the whole fucking bag like Cookie Monster.
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    3 years ago
    Eat what you want jn moderation and get enough exercise. If you over do it with food one day just eat less the next
  • NinaBambina
    3 years ago
    Many types of fish taste amazing and are really good for you. I'm cooking salmon tonight.
  • ilbbaicnl
    3 years ago
    See the booby sucking thread.
  • ATACdawg
    3 years ago
    "And I’ve mentioned this before, with all the technology out on the world today how come some scientist out there can’t figure out away to make cauliflower taste like deep dish pizza."

    Have tried pizza with a cauliflower crust? They are actually quite delicious!
  • Mate27
    3 years ago
    All things in moderation my good friend, and you’ll eat well tasting all the variety of food tasting foods out there. I have one drink daily at the most during happy hour, but some days I will skip it. I will have eggs in the morning, but skip the salt. I will have burgers once a month, and buy a prime cut ribeye steak once a month. Every dinner I’ll accompany with a different vegetable, sometimes squash-yams-tomatoes-asparagus-broccoli-potatoes(etc). Anyway my tomatoes are always Caprese style with basil.

    What a matters most is having a variety and mixing things up. It keeps things fresh and fun, and once you add a new dish to your arsenal yiu will eventually have a stack of excellent meals to put in your rotation. That to me is eating tastefully and healthy, getting in all of your nutrients mixed in with fat, carbs, and protein equally. I make sure I indulge in dessert daily, but also hit the strip club at least once or twice a month. Again, along with the theme of variety to spice things up in life.
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    3 years ago
    Meat. My dad was a chef and pretty much used to say exactly what you said
  • misterorange
    3 years ago
    Icee, your dad was a homeless junkie who raped a hooker. And they are both ashamed of what's become of you.
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    3 years ago
    Misterorange. That's really callous. Shows your lack of character
  • motorhead
    3 years ago
    I was reading an article the other day that I found pretty interesting. Like myself, most people assume that people living during the Middle Ages had dirty, rotting, missing teeth. But that’s incorrect.

    Since sugar was so rare in most people’s diet, their dental health was actually really good. Only about 20% of the teeth found show signs of decay
  • Cashman1234
    3 years ago
    I’m sure many tasty foods have some downsides in terms of carbs, sugar, sodium, and cholesterol.

    But, we are all human (although I’m a bit unsure about Scrubbie), and prone to going a bit too far when enjoying certain tasty foods. As long as it doesn’t become a real habit, it should hopefully be ok.

    I understand certain health issues develop as we age, it’s best to keep a reasonable balance of eating and exercising (or basic activities).
  • Hank Moody
    3 years ago
    Everything in moderation but I’ve found that as I got older I needed to cut out the carbs and sugar to maintain a lean body fat %. I’m good during the week and cheat on weekends so as to not fully give up life’s pleasures like pasta and pizza. Grilled meat or fish with roasted vegetables or salad is pretty tasty and both my wife and I are good cooks and fairly adventurous to try new things.
  • PinkSugarDoll
    3 years ago
    Hey I am very serious about fitness and nutrition and the best answer is, if you want to get the best knowledge about food and/or you want to eat for a purpose, you should speak to a dietician. I see people blindly giving bad food advice online constantly.

    For example, you need carboHYDRATEs to absorb water and you need water to live, also carbohydrates make your metabolism work and work better.

    But what you SHOULD eat depends on your purpose, “healthy” eating is very general, if you want to change or improve how you eat, you need to identify your purpose first and that will indicate what you should eat. 👍🏼
  • gammanu95
    3 years ago
    Healthy things that taste good:
    Canadian Bacon
    Baby spinach
  • motorhead
    3 years ago
    On a personal note, I needed to lose some serious weight and I decided to go low carb after doing some extensive research.

    Typically Keto aims for no more than 50 grams of carbs per day but I practiced strict Keto, no more than 20 g per day and the pounds just dropped off. I ate 2-3 eggs per day, butter, bacon and cheese. I was concerned about too much fat but my cholesterol actually significantly dropped. Go figure that one.
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