
I Don’t Need No Stinking Mask or Vaccination!

Avatar for reverendhornibastard
reverendhornibastardDepraved Deacon of Degeneracy

The MAGA-cappers get an awful lot of things wrong, but when they’re right, they’re right and I’m man enough to admit it!

“It’s my body and I get to decide what to do with it!” (The pro-abortion folks minted that phrase. But I’m the sort who likes to give credit to whomever it is due even when it is a bunch of gluten-free, leftist, vegan snowflakes of indeterminate gender.) But the same logic applies to the decision whether to wear a mask or get vaccinated.

It’s my body and I get to decide what to do with it. Ain’t no Washington wonk gonna tell me what to do with my body!

But I have little sympathy for anti-maskers and anti-vaxxers who go around beating their chests, putting their bravado on parade by flaunting mask mandates and ignoring recommendations about vaccinations. This is nothing more than cheap theatrics involving no bravery whatsoever. After all, we all know that Covid19 is nothing more than a hoax fomented by power-hungry government bureaucrats.

The Fake News Media tells us that the number of Covid19 deaths in the USA is approaching one million. Yeah right! I personally knew only two people who allegedly died of Covid19.

I didn’t like either of them very much anyway.

All this Covid-hooey is not really about health and safety. It’s all about control!

So walking around maskless and unvaccinated is a pathetic, false show of bravado requiring no bravery whatever.

I, for one, prefer to take my protests against government intrusion into my personal health decisions farther, a whole, whole lot farther.

For example:

  1. Not only do I refuse to wear a mask, but I also refuse to wear a condom, no matter who or what I’m fucking!

  2. Not only am I unvaccinated for Covid19, but I also refuse to be, or to allow anyone in my household to be, vaccinated against polio, hepatitis, measles, mumps, chickenpox, smallpox, whooping cough, anthrax, diphtheria, or HPV.

  3. Not only do I go to Walmart and to the barber without a mask, but I also drive an hour each way just so I can get my haircut by an immigrant woman from Ghana who I suspect has tuberculosis, hepatitis A, B and C, giardiasis, and a touch of Ebola. She don’t wear no stinkin’ mask and neither do I.

  4. After my haircut, I stop to enjoy 5 or 6 beers and a bowl of week old chili in a greasy spoon café where the employees are strongly DISCOURAGED from washing their hands before returning to work after going to the bathroom.

  5. Then I snort some potent Bolivian blow before I drive back home not wearing my seatbelt, ignoring speed limits, stop signs and traffic lights.

THAT, my friends, is true bravery!

Unless you can match that, I damn sure don’t want to hear about your little girl bravery for not wearing a mask or not getting a vaccinated against a disease that we all know is just a hoax.


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Avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael


(In lieu of being able to thumbs-up a top post)

Avatar for gammanu95

Fucking lightweight. Start your day with two spoonfuls of uncut fentanyl in your coffee, and then MAYBE you can hang with my crew.

Avatar for Tetradon

Lol. I think it was Nina who said she's amazed at how many people are freaked out about the vaccine but put any coke or pills into their body without question.

Avatar for reverendhornibastard

Only two spoonfuls in your coffee?

I snort that much of the stuff.

And I don’t DRINK coffee. I just put a wad of quality Colombian coffee grounds between my cheek and gum and I’m good for 30 minutes.

Avatar for Tetradon

We knew SJG was coming and would get weird

Avatar for gammanu95

Who drinks coffee? After mixing in the fentanyl into the grounds, I mainline the dry mix.

I also share the needle with your Ghanese barber.

The coffee grounds are mostly swept up from the floor of your greasy spoon cafe. I like the extra seasoning.

Avatar for skibum609

I would hardly put vaccines in the same class as smoking weed or snorting cocaine. Closer to Thalidomide.

Avatar for ilbbaicnl

There's some evidence that masks do reduce transmission. And I wonder about people who are looking at an empty chair every night at the diner table, how it feels to them to listen people whining about wearing a mask.

Given that there was not time to fully vet the vaccines, I definitely pisses me off that "Gain of Function" Fauci won't even consider letting people who had COVID and have test-proven anti-bodies skip the vaccine. Also, there are now COVID vaccines that use traditional rather than unproven technologies, why aren't they being made available?

But, when people think their personal freedom means they have right to spread an infection, that's a level of infantile thinking that our society won't survive.

Avatar for san_jose_guy

That so called vaccine is what is keeping both the epidemic and the hysteria going!


Avatar for docsavage

The argument about whether vaccines are good for your health and the argument about whether they should be mandated are two separate arguments. Health related laws in this country are not at all consistent. We don't let people drive around without a seatbelt, but we do let them smoke cigarettes, drink alcohol and eat a bad diet. If we were to go in a direction where everything that is good for you is required and everything that is bad for you is banned, we would end up with a totalitarian government with no freedom of action for the individual. We need to seriously think about whether that is a direction we want to go in.

We generally let people have freedom to make decisions, since the Declaration of Independence gives us a right to liberty. There is also the practical matter that trying to protect people from themselves, i.e. victimless crimes, is difficult. The big experiment that failed here is alcohol prohibition. I don't know about other states, but here in Indiana they don't even work very hard to enforce seatbelt laws. I've been driving almost fifty years and have never had a police officer pull me over to check whether I was wearing a seatbelt. The type of people who don't wear a seatbelt aren't going to start wearing one just because it is illegal.

The only reason to mandate a vaccine is if the disease is dangerous and the vaccine prevents disease transmission. We don't mandate flu vaccines since it is not that dangerous for most non-elderly people but we would mandate a vaccine for something like smallpox. Whether a disease like Covid that 99.7% of people under 60 survive and the average age of death is 78 is like smallpox, which kills 30% of people including many young ones, is questionable. Some studies show the Covid vaccine reduces transmission but out in the real world we had record cases this winter with three fourths of all adults already vaccinated. The obvious real-world failure in stopping transmission here is why the mandates are all being dropped now. This is even happening in Democrat states because their internal polling on how they overreacted here is hurting them and is going to help lead to a political blowout in the next election. In the future, we will encourage people in high-risk categories like the elderly to get the Covid vaccine but won't force people to get it.

Avatar for san_jose_guy

Well, automobiles have special rules.

But that vaccine must never be mandated, and it should not be on the market. And FDA needs to comply with the law, FOIA, and release all of the qualifying data.


Avatar for MackTruck

You need a mask after I dump a load in your basement... oh yeah... you don't exist so you can't smell da shit smell 😂😂😂💩💩💩💩💩🤣🤣🤣💩💩💩💩💩😂😂😂💩💩💩💩💩🤣🤣🤣💩💩💩💩💩

Avatar for misterorange

I never wear a seatbelt, but I always wear a helmet when riding my motorcycle. It's just my choice for myself. I'm fully vaccinated and boosted. Also my choice for myself.

NONE of those decisions has anything at all to do with the law, mandates, or public opinion. In fact, I'd be more likely to wear a seatbelt if government didn't try and MAKE me do it. Seatbelts, helmets and vax are personal decisions that don't affect others so fuck you if you think I MUST do any of those things. My choice.

Avatar for Tetradon

^ That analogy doesn't hold. Not being vaxxed means you can infect the next person.

I'm anti-mandate, but the choice to get vaxxed is smarter, more scientific, and more humane than the choice not to.

Avatar for san_jose_guy

The COIVD precautions protect no one from anything, and that so called vaccine is making this all worse.


Avatar for sideshow_bob

Vaccines are big not because they're super effective, but because they're a pharmaceutical product that can be sold to anyone without waiting for an illness.

Literally billions of potential customers, paying with someone else's money (insurance).

My ex was a pharma exec. They're wetting their pants over the potential for more vaccine mandates for adults, because adults were pretty hesitant towards vaxxes in the past.

Overall, they aren't useless, but there is a shit ton of marketing and payola around them that paints them up so they can justify selling more.

Avatar for misterorange


You know I'm with you on 99% of the stuff you say bro. But I don't believe the Vax does anything at all to prevent transmission to others. How many people test positive without a single symptom? They will still transmit the virus.

Avatar for san_jose_guy

The precautions were just supposed to slow it down, flatten the curve, so that not everyone is getting sick at the same time.

They did this, and then they should have been lifted.

But then it changed to "protecting people" and "making them safe". This was deception and idiocy and it has created neuroticism.

And the so called vaccine had furthered neuroticism. And data from the other industrialized countries shows that it has very little use in stopping covid, but it does screw up natural immunity, so it is perpetuating this.


Avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael

^^^ It's adorable watching you desperately embrace this one conservative stance solely because you're terrified of another library closure cutting off your internet access.

Avatar for misterorange

If you're vaxxed, the Covid doesn't bounce off you like bullets off of Superman. You contract the disease but your immune system destroys it before it can hurt you. In the mean time, you're spreading it to everyone you come in contact with. In a way, the vax makes you more dangerous to others who are non-vax, because you don't know you have it and there's no reason to get tested.

Avatar for nicespice

—>“I've been driving almost fifty years and have never had a police officer pull me over to check whether I was wearing a seatbelt. The type of people who don't wear a seatbelt aren't going to start wearing one just because it is illegal.”

Does your car not obnoxiously beep at you until you put it on? I thought everyone wore one. (At least in America, I know the Chinese don’t)

Avatar for misterorange


My old Jetta Wolfsburg, my buddy had software he plugged in from his laptop and shut off the seatbelt beeper for me. My new Mazda 3, it shuts off after about 15 or 20 seconds. I hardly notice it.

Avatar for 48-Cowboy

I get it reverend, there are just as many conservatives boomers as there are liberal boomers. If it wasn't for the highly emotionally charged boomers this country wouldn't be so divided. Bless their hearts. Sad, so sad

Avatar for JamesSD

I laughed, although honestly post omicron I feel like everyone is either vaxxed or got covid at least once. Babies don't seem to be going to hospitals with Covid and breast milk passes along antibodies.

California dropped the mask mandate recently and I think it was the right move.

Avatar for Tetradon

@misterorange, that's an argument for safety precautions regardless. Virtually everyone in America has the opportunity to get the vaccine free of charge. Unless you're immunocompromised or otherwise unable to receive it, it's the smart option.

Avatar for Musterd21

@ nice

Is that why my car is always beeping and dinging????


Avatar for san_jose_guy

That so called vaccine is not effective and it is not safe. It screws up your natural immunity. Also, there is no reason that anyone needs to get needled with it.

And if you do let them needle you, then your name is on their list. And you have no idea where this could someday go.

"As many people as possible need to be infected with the virus as the vaccines are not enough"



Avatar for gobstopper007

You want brave? I take Raisin Bran to VIP at the end of her shift.

Avatar for docsavage

-> "Does your car not obnoxiously beep at you until you put it on? I thought everyone wore one. (At least in America, I know the Chinese don’t)"

No, it doesn't beep. Is that because I drive a 20-year-old car I inherited from my mother when she passed away and they just started adding the obnoxious beeping in cars since then? I do wear a seatbelt most of the time but I'm extremely absent minded, so I occasionally forget. The thing I make sure I do 100% of the time is not drink and drive. I would feel just terrible if I caused an accident and injured someone while I was intoxicated.

Avatar for rickdugan

This thread feels about a year too late for some reason. Most people don't really want to hear a PSA about COVID anymore, even one couched in a [somewhat hamfisted] satirical diatribe, which made this fall flat for me.

Avatar for san_jose_guy

If we can stop the boosters, then it is hard for them to even talk about the vaccine. And if they can't talk about the vaccine, we can get if off of the market, which is how it should be.

And if they can't talk about the vaccine, then there is no longer any reason to talk about COVID at all.


Avatar for SalaoLikeSantiago

This is a great place to find out who gives the best handshake at the Playhouse. Might also have some good experiential knowledge on how to avoid getting warts. The COVID-19 information spewed on here is not half as accurate as Scrub's "club ad" awards, but get a little high and it's very funny.

Avatar for san_jose_guy

Hey, remember how they told you the mRNA in the vaccines could NEVER wind up in human DNA?

A new study out of Sweden suggests otherwise (at least in lab-grown cells).



Avatar for Tetradon

^ In a cell line, whatever.

Article itself says it's unknown if this could happen in vivo, in the presence of enzymes that degrade mRNA quickly.

You're posting the first article that agrees with you.

Avatar for san_jose_guy

Americans are just saying no to mRNA shots.

The unvaccinated are staying that way, and demand for boosters continues to crater.

Barely 1 million third shots were given last week, and even that figure overstates real demand. Failed and now dropped booster mandates on health-care workers drove it.


A German insurance database of 11 million people reportedly shows a huge increase in severe side effects after Covid jabs


Not me. Not Scott Atlas.

Those words are from Iceland Ministry of Health.

The Iceland Ministry of Health just went FULL HERD IMMUNITY.

Check that: the Iceland Ministry of Health just ADMITTED VACCINE FAILURE AND WENT FULL HERD IMMUNITY.



Doyle Bramhall II at Paste Studio NYC live from The Manhattan Center


Avatar for Tetradon

"Americans are just saying no to mRNA shots."

Moderna sold $7.2 billion worth in the fourth quarter. investors.modernatx.com

Pfizer sold $12.5 billion in the same time period. www.pfizer.com

Hell of a way to say no.

Avatar for san_jose_guy

Fauci is talking about a 4th shot.

But people are rejecting the 3rd shot.

And many are rejecting any shots.

These drug companies are making money because they were paid for by the public sector.

And the FDA has yet to comply with the Freedom of Information Act and release the qualifying data.


Avatar for Tetradon

"Many are" is a weasel word.

77 percent at least one shot, 65 percent have two.

Pfizer vaccine data published in the most prestigious medical journal in the world. www.nejm.org

I'll give you credit, you sure don't let data get in the way of your conspiracy theories.

Avatar for san_jose_guy

"77 percent at least one shot, 65 percent have two."

Your numbers jibe with what I have herd. But also note that they are not really increasing, and that less are going for the 3rd or 4th shots.


Doyle Bramhall II - Magnoliafest - Live Oak, Fl 10- 16- 2015


Masonic Round Table

Episode 159 - The Rite of Memphis


Avatar for Tetradon

You can just Google it. These are public numbers.

I plan to get a fourth when needed.

Avatar for san_jose_guy

Well you can get jabbed as many times as you like, but what information is available, mostly from the other industrialized countries, is that these jabs correlate to a higher rate of infections and to a higher rate of death.

And then Iceland:



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