Do you miss a fav dancer pre covid? I do.

There was a dancer that was there pre covid era at one of my go to clubs with the name "Hope". She's gone now as I don't see her anymore at the club.
Hope is lost for me :(
I wish Covid never happened and I still found her at the club. She was good, never pushy and very sweet. I had her number but didn't contact her in the last 2 years and now its gone too.
Do you have a fav dancer you miss too?
last commentToo many to count including my OTC gal.
I wish I had the opportunity to say goodbye and best wishes in person to two of my pre-Covid favs. (Not to mention a final VIP!). They were both starting to seriously look forward to the post-dancing lives when COVID hit. I heard from another dancer one fav found a guy and had a baby. The other is moving on with her career that she went to college for.
Covid seems to have displaced many a vet dancer - not uncommon at all unfortunately.
Many clubs were down for a long time - also the current worker shortage may mean dancers have a better shot at getting good jobs they o/w may have had a harder time getting in the past?
My favorite is still in the game... 20 pounds heavier.
I mean 2 years is a long time in stripper time.
A dancer I knew got married to a customer. How will that work out?
I've kept in touch with everyone on ig . I think most are going back to clubs. Fast money is addictive
Yes and no. Yes I was disappointed about a few girls who never returned, but to say that I "miss" them would probably attach too much weight to the sentiment. Over the years, after seeing countless dancers come and go, I've learned not to get too attached to any one gal. Most girls don't make it past a few years in this business and for many it's much less than that. It stinks for sure when a good one goes, but nowadays I'm more or less hard wired to put it aside and look to the future.
I do miss a few veterans, but have also found some new dancers who I really like. What I miss is the pre-Covid pricing and experience. In my world, prices have doubled and experience is not as good.
I miss my ATF. 14 years of knowing someone and then not seeing them again leaves a sense of loss. Another Tuscler was kind enough to update me on where she is and what she is doing and I am happy for her, as she is doing well. Would have been nice to see her once more and wish her long life; good health and much happiness.
A few. Most also had other opportunities and COVID was just the tipping point, but in a few cases, it was the only factor.
“A dancer I knew got married to a customer. How will that work out?“
jackslash you didn’t end up marrying that petite blonde did you?
Not unlike many other professions, Covid times caused a large part of the population to self-reflect and millions decided to change careers, quit their old life and start a new hopefully more fulfilling one. More power to them, I say.
One of my favorites left just before COVID and she always let me know her schedule. I found out the other day from a dancer that she had to quit as she was dating one of the bouncers and they both couldn't work at the club. they are still together. like others have said would have had liked that last dance and say goodbye.