The biggest problem with clubs these days

avatar for blahblahblah23
Why the fuck is it a lot of times clubs have such ugly bitches??? I can waltz into a coffee shop or panera bread and the young girls working there look better than the average stripper these days lmao.

Seriously strip clubs aint shit anymore.


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avatar for Muddy
3 years ago
I think a lot of girls just look better with their clothes on. Think that pretty girl skinny type. Nice to look at on the street but what do you do with that in a strip club?

It was touched on in another thread but I think your going to start to see a lot more clubs close coming up here, but the one good thing I think will come out of it, would be some talent consolidation and a lot of the women who really shouldn’t be dancing won’t have as many opportunities too.
I'm kinda sick of some of these ugly broads that don't belong. 1) they tend to do more extras or do more scamming which both are bad. Their looks are just not enough to be in this biz so they gotta try harder in a bad way 2) a lot of them get weird and insecure and mean with hotter girls. Seriously the actual hot chicks just never act this way
Lasso them fuglies and hog tie them
Most hot chicks and find ways to be successful without having to strip, which is a loss for all strip club enthusiasts.
I don’t have enough recent experience to know if looks have declined at my few favorite clubs.

My simple view of the situation is that ugly girls need work too. It’s possible there are more girls in need of jobs due to staff cuts at other businesses. A receptionist who is one of the only women in an office of horny dudes, might get laid off, and after hearing from every guy how hot she is, she might try stripping? She’s likely not stripper quality hot, but her ego has been pumped up by horny office dudes.

There are a few ways to compete with better looking dancers - and a big one is doing a lot more in the back room. Those girls can be very busy. They are high volume whores, and they likely have no stage show. They are on stage so guys can see what they look like standing.
They are on stage so guys can see what they look like standing.

^ that is me at times.

I can do some things on stage but fuck I am lazy usually unless tips are to my liking.

Agreed tho a lot of these chicks are good at selling lots dances simply cuz they will do more than the average girl.
avatar for rattdog
New York
3 years ago
"I'm kinda sick of some of these ugly broads that don't belong."

seriously? you're complaining about this? if anything you should be embracing this. having these ugly hos will help you out which customers to avoid. that way you can focus more on the better quality customers.

also how do you think us guys feel when after busting our ass at work we then head off to a club that's a half an hour away? once inside the club if none of your faves are there then you're stuck with ones that you have absolutely no interest.

just feel lucky that you weren't dancing at the strip clubs from late 90's to mid 2000's. then you would have been complaining that half of the hot girls were doing extras the same way the ugly hos are doing these days.
===> "Why the fuck is it a lot of times clubs have such ugly bitches??? "

Funny but around here I'm seeing the exact opposite. Since COVID the girls have been trending younger and hotter. Just sayin.
avatar for rattdog
New York
3 years ago
rick - dude - you know as well as we mostly know that florida is the exception and not the norm across the nation regarding strip club quality. have fun n enjoy
My attempt at humor was off.

When I mentioned extras dancers going on stage - to give customers a view of them standing - I was thinking they would likely be on their knees once they went to the back for dances…
There are definitely more ugly Dancers. And they do more because they have to. A pretty dancer doesn't need to do much and knows the hustle is to get as much for as little as possible.

I recently went to a club popular on tuscl and it was just ugly coked out bitches and tweakers and lots of old guys doing vip.

At another club girls were still dancing with masks on and it was to hide their could tell coz they were that bad.

I think the amount of ugly and old dancers ruins the strip club vibe and the fantasy factor.

But it goes back to a bigger problem. Management is running clubs into the ground.

It never ceases to amuse me, a wanna be pimp with no money invested and no prospects of ever having any money to invest, thinks people really want advice from his broke cheap ass.
avatar for docsavage
3 years ago
There's a social stigma attached to stripping so that keeps a lot of pretty girls out of it. It used to just be conservative religious types who looked down on it but not there are a lot of liberal feminist types who do too. They think it is exploitive of women.

A lot of pretty girls think guys are too rude in strip clubs and quit. I've lost several pretty regulars that way. Not all do, though. I asked one regular about guys being rude and she said guys were just as rude when she worked in a restaurant.

In order to lure the more reluctant girls into the profession, they need to be able to make a high income. High spenders, though, are fewer now in many cities. Some were scared off by Covid. Some by increasing crime rates. Here in Indianapolis more clubs are checking for weapons or scanning ID cards at the door. Some have switched to more telework. I used to stop at clubs on the way home from work but work at home now so those stops no longer happen.
Most feminists are sex positive and pro sex work.

There isn't much stigma to stripping. Girls do it for fast money. They don't over think it .
^ You have no idea what anyone over age 12 thinks.
===> "rick - dude - you know as well as we mostly know that florida is the exception and not the norm across the nation regarding strip club quality. have fun n enjoy"

@rat: Perhaps, but I also found some talent in Dallas and Atlanta during the pandemic. CT OTOH, which is in your neck of the woods, was a shit show. Is it possible that the difference may have more to do with how onerous lockdowns and restrictions have been than anything else? I see that you haven't reviewed a club in 2 years, so I'm guessing that you haven't traveled much (if at all) during that time. Just a thought.
This is probably a regional thing. Around here there are a lot of pretty, fresh young faces... Who haven't quite started upping the mileage to keep guys coming back.

Too many tattoos remains a problem and possibly my least favorite thing about dancers as they age. By the time they dance for 5+ years they are half covered in ink.
Simple: if they are young, sexy, and tech saavy, they leave the clubs for tiktok, onlyfans, insta, camming, and pornhub. The clubs got to have someone on stage sontheybtake whatbthey can get. Hell, some of the hottest cammers and pornhub verifoed amateurs have gone to SFW content only on insta and tiktok. It sucks. Check out Molly Stewart (thisredheadisSFW) as an example.
It's not a regional thing. And it's not about being tech savvy.

Clubs are about fast money and or desperation.
After reading the comments, it may be that I have different tastes in dancers. I am not interested in the hot young types - the blonde bathing beauties. That may be the reason why I have not had any difficulty in finding dancers to satisfy my interests.

Is there a possibility the dancers you seek have moved to online classes, and remain studying at home? It might be more of a challenge to strip while attending college through online classes and living at home. That could also push girls to fans only, TikTok, chaturbate, and other unsavory methods of getting money from horny old perverts.
OPs statement is true. Talent is way down, I see more dancers that have no business dancing than I've ever seen before. Strip clubs definitely aren't as fun as they used to be with all these fugly bishes.
Hot chicks have nothing to prove. Why bother being catty to ugly chicks this ain't high school.

And most of them realized they can do onlyfans from home instead of paying a manager. However you literally do the same thing but because its online, you are not limited by room size of people within the one community during a single night. Unless you can break the lucrative lure of online only adult entertainment for $12.99/mo (that's like one or two drinks for several days of entertainment) we can expect more prettier girls willing to be in the adult entertainment to keep leaving strip clubs.

But then only the wealthiest of men will be seeing these women in person. So the strip club may become an exclusive expensive club again.
I'm seeing a lot of girls going back to clubs after realizing they can't keep the money coming in on onlyfans. At least not enough to live off of. I only know 1 girl who is actually able to do that.

And it's not just rich men clubbing. It's the opposite and dancers are getting used to less money.
Well, here in flyover country, fuglies are the exception, not the rule. There's a few, and depending on the club, they seem neither more nor less likely to be doing extras. At least for me. Bear in mind, that I'm not talking about 11s or anything, but there's a large number that fall into the "more than hot enough" category.
avatar for 8TM
North America
3 years ago
The market for OnlyFans girls is saturated and most of the big accounts are run by managers who take a generous cut.

But girls will continue to look for side hustles as the strip market continues to stagnate. That often means selling stuff on Etsy or Instagram, or trying to get a paid job in some female dominated scene like yoga or pole fitness.
Ok here's the problem with onlyfans and the only reason I dont mess with that. You have to either be huge on social media or pseudo famous from reality tv or w/e. Anyways you need a fuckton of exposure to make possibly a few grand a month. Some of us don't want that for whatever reason(s)
That's true. I know girls with around 30k instagram and 100k tiktok followers and they can't get more than 200 onlyfans followers. It's not as easy as people make it out to be.

A big problem is only fans algorithms. It's based on number of posts and subscriber interaction. Which means it's all a numbers game. You need exposure to get subscribers but of won't give your profile exposure without enough subscribers.

A lot of girls lie about their success on the platform.

And making money on social media is hard.
avatar for nicespice
3 years ago
So I know it would be impossible to actually have, but in your opinion, what would be the ideal strip club? And what club, if any, has come closest to that ideal for you?
Haven't noticed much of a change in talent level here in the midwest. Sure the clubs aren't full of high end models but most of the dancers are in the 6-8 out of 10 range so not what I would consider fuglies.

Maybe in high end markets like Miami, New York or Vegas they wouldn't be considered strip club level of sexy but they do just fine for those of us around here.
avatar for bman66
3 years ago
The Detroit suburbs has maybe not top tier looks for the mid level clubs but we know the trade off for that. Anyone have an opinion for Fort Lauderdale or Clearwater clubs? I will be traveling there soon and would like to check out the great clubs... which area is better? Pm me any choices if you want... thanks
avatar for boomer79
3 years ago
I have very clear ideas about what I’m looking for but my mentality is that one girl can make a successful trip even if I’m not really enjoying the club as a whole. It’s funny but at my favorite club I’m interested in maybe 10-15 percent of the girls, I don’t like the music, I’m slightly uncomfortable with the side of town, and when I go at night I don’t have much in common with most of the patrons. However I usually enjoy myself. I concentrate my money to keep someone I like with me most of the time and I usually do VIP.

I’ll speak for Atlanta about negative changes though. Permits are usually enforced more now. I think it discourages girls from trying it to see how it goes. I also think the clubs in the nice suburbs have had a lot of political trouble and some have had to close. Others have had to be careful at least in the floor.

A few years back there seemed to be clubs that had a lot more young, white spinners. That’s generally my type and I think it’s the preference of many who are dissatisfied with clubs. I think clubs are more mixed than they were a few years back and hip hop culture has at least had an influence on most clubs. I still can’t get used to attractive young women complaining their butts aren’t big enough, and honestly I will never get making it rain. That’s ok though I just ignore it and do my thing. I think it bugs some people though who used to be very profitable customers.

As to the complaint about unattractive high mileage girls. I like high mileage. I have standards but I’ll probably pick a 7 who is accommodating over a 9 who is not. Ultimately it’s the market that determines who should be dancing. Girls have to make enough for it to be worth it to them. If a guy picks an unattractive girl because she’s a high mileage or extras girl there is a fair chance that’s why they are at the club. I’m not sure they would pay for lower mileage dances from a more attractive girl.
avatar for ilbbaicnl
3 years ago
Ideal club is my living room or hers. Only serious weirdos would disagree with this. But, it's of little importance, since it's the dancers not the club that matters. Describing the ideal stripper is like trying to describe a tall dwarf. The ideal is mutual attraction. Seeking a stripper is accepting you can't get anywhere near ideal.
I can only speak for my experiences in Atlanta. Since a got fully vaccinated and started hitting the clubs again, my experience has been that both quantity and quality are down compared to pre Covid and Follies shutting down. Of the 26 clubs, 20 of them are black. I have tried the others and 2 black clubs. It has really been hit or miss and there seems to be a big turn over. The hotter looking girls seems to have GPS. I'm doing VIPs maybe 1 out of every 4 visits. I am fussy in my old age. She has to be attractive and have a good personality. I lost my OTC gal due to Covid and I'm sort of doubting that I will find another any time soon.
Oh blablabla23 why are you looking at dancers with yucky vaginas? You need dancers with big black British cocks! 😉
Seattle is as good as it ever was. Lots of choices in terms of type of club and in terms of girls. Mileage goes up and down in certain clubs, and others come and go. And of course, the girls giving out handies aren’t as pretty on average as the ones at the air dance clubs. But all things considered, it’s the same or even a bit better recently.
Permits aren't a big deal. As long as she doesn't have a list of felonies or prostitution charges.

I'm not seeing much GPS now a days. When I do it's in the girls who are putting up a front coz they're not all that. Usually the worst ghetto trash.

I'm seeing girls really grateful for anything.

I recently spent a whole shift at a vegas club on a weekend. Spent $400 with drinks cover and everything and was treated like a king. I had a few nights like that. Once I spent $186 on a visit and was treated amazingly as well.

I think girls are getting used to seeing little money so anything a bit more is welcome.

avatar for rickmacrodong
3 years ago
The problem with onlyfans is its porn videos/video calling which means you can’t charge the same large amounts that you could for in person VIP dances or personal meetups like escorts. Even the hottest onlyfans chicks have to keep their monthly subscription fees lower so you need volume and exposure. There is also all kinds of porn sites like pornhub and chaturbate for people looking for amateurs which is more competition for onlyfans.

The other thing is onlyfans and online porn ruins future career prospects since you’re exposed online. Strip Club’s don’t allow photos or video to be taken hence there are supposedly some women using it to pay for college, med school etc since you can keep it secret. Onlyfans and porn have a stigma that would make it difficult to work a professional job once you’re exposed online.
“That's true. I know girls with around 30k instagram and 100k tiktok followers and they can't get more than 200 onlyfans followers. It's not as easy as people make it out to be.“

Because some of them buy followers I know a dancer that very obviously does it on IG. Made me less interested once I figured she really takes the time to somehow get a ton of likes and fake comments. If you read them they hardly ever make sense.
"what would be the ideal strip club? "

Ideal strip club is what the people in my organization will enjoy 365 days per year.

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