Predictions for 2022?

avatar for Tetradon
What are your predictions for 2022? Not what you want to happen, but what you think will happen.

Strip Clubs


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avatar for Tetradon
3 years ago
1. Republicans take 40 seats in the House and 2 in the Senate to have their majorities, as increased Biden administration incompetence (including a new international humiliation) outweighs a SCOTUS decision overturning Roe vs. Wade and an increased number of safe seats.

2. Russia backs down from invading Ukraine, as a result of a minor concession and serious back-channel threats. China continues to harass but doesn't invade Taiwan, who is ready to scorch the earth before reunifying with the PRC.

3. Kansas City blows out Green Bay in the Super Bowl, as Mahomes/Kelce/Hill peak at the right time and Aaron Rodgers' toe gets no better.

4. The stock market suffers a 20% correction and the economy enters recession territory, as higher-than-expected inflation forces more drastic action, earlier than expected.

5. Pfizer's Paxlovid breaks the record held by their COVID vaccine for best-selling pharmaceutical of all time. There is international pressure to license the drug to other manufacturers.

6. Another two Greek-letter variants emerge, but WHO declares the pandemic over by the end of next year.

7. The Beijing Olympics turns into a shit show due to boycotts and outbreaks, causing significant embarrassment to Chairman Xi.

8. Crypto takes a body blow as the US Treasury department uncovers evidence of significant fraud in the markets.

9. A regular poster here announces he's left the strip club life. More assface fuckstick trolls emerge and get stomped out like insects. Skibum talks shit about today's youth, Rick drives drunk, SJG uses the phrase "my organization will..." at least 50 times, Dave_Anderson will like his own posts and fellate Alex Jones. Ah well, I'm running out of material. These are too easy.
avatar for Heellover
3 years ago
Good stuff!

I would like to see Mahomes and the Chiefs win the Superbowl. He had turf toe last year in the SB I think? It would be two Superbowls in a row with the losing QB having a bad toe. I can't stand Brady/bucs or Dallas so I don't want either of those two to win the NFC.

AFC would almost have to be Chiefs or Bills. Titans losing Henry did them in (at least for a chance to go to the SB) and Colts are so one dimensional it's crazy. Wentz will mess up at the worst time in the playoffs. He'll probably be mistake free tomorrow though since it looks like he isn't playing!

AZ (my home state) Cards will lose in first round unless somehow they get to host Philly or San Francisco. Cards will be destroyed by Tampa (east coast) or Green bay (weather) if they play either of those two. They might be able to hang with Rams or Dallas (probably will lose to them tomorrow) in a playoff game. Maybe better shot against Rams if they somehow contain CK (Cooper Kupp).

It will be a fun time in the NFL. College football should be interesting too, but only with the 4 teams remaining in the title chase. The other bowl games are such a waste and boring in my opinion.

And yes winter Olympics will be terrible. Just how awful will be the only question! I never liked the winter Olympics much anyways-besides hockey- and seeing how no NHL players will be participating (I think a good decision); I'll skip the Olympics completely. Funny how delaying the summer Olympics in 2020 to 2021 put the Olympics basically back to back right in the midst of everything going on.
avatar for DoctorPhil.
3 years ago
Mr. Tetra, I’m going to be serious for a moment. You seem like a nice enough guy - could you ask that the political and pandemic prediction go in the damn politics room.

I’ve been guilty of using politics and the pandemic to poke at Mr. Dugan and Mr. Mark (though mostly in the politics room). Am I being a bit of a dick in doing so? Fuck yeah. But you’ve got to admit that Mr. Mark is a know it all and Mr. Dugan is…well…he’s a motherfucking Dugan. So yeah…I’m being an asshole but you know the majority of the board thinks Dugan is a douche and douche is worse than asshole..

I’m just saying that the front room would be a more entertaining place to read if everybody made a resolution to keep the fucking politics and pandemic (which is heavily politicized) stayed in the politics room. Probably won’t happen, but a man can dream, n’est-ce pas?

My resolution is not to use politics to poke at Mr. Dugan. It’s too fucking easy and it (unfortunately) gets folks who are nice enough guys all bent out of shape. I’ll restrict myself to criticizing the guy for things like drunk driving, inventing a fictional family, insulting girlfriends and wives, and general doucheitude.

Now for phils phactual predictions: the aliens will come, enslave us, and force us into gladiatorial combat for their own shits and giggles. Their favorite game will be men kicking each other in the nuts until one begins crying. They will also go on an anal probing spree the likes of which has never been seen. It’ll be a fucking dystopia but what are ya gonna do bout it?
avatar for Tetradon
3 years ago
^ 50/50. Could go in either. Unfortunately everything is politicized these days, but this is supposed to be evidence based predictions, not suck your side's dick. So front room it was.
avatar for ElDuderino_AZ
3 years ago
Rams win the Super Bowl

Lions make the playoffs in the 2022 season

Final seasons of Peaky Blinders and The Last Kingdom are bad ass

The girl from Cobra Kai poses nude for something (please!)

I get a date with Kay Adams from NFL Network, and say adios to strip clubs

Gas prices continue to surge, and I'm ecstatic about working from home and only having 12k miles on the car I bought 27 months ago

Kay Adams does not give me a second date, and I reintroduce myself to strip clubs

Tigers make the playoffs

Red Wings make the playoffs

Suns choke in the playoffs

Kay Adams blocks my number after too many drunk texts

With no arena to play in, the NHL forces teams to play street hockey when the come to Phoenix to play the Coyotes

Dbacks finish in last place again and the manager and GM inexplicably get extensions

May Adams realizes the error of her ways and comes crawling back

...and then I wake up

avatar for ElDuderino_AZ
3 years ago
avatar for twentyfive
3 years ago
I predict that the sun will come up tomorrow as always!
avatar for Heellover
3 years ago
Elduderino. I assume you are talking about "Tori" from Cobra Kai? She is so unbelievably hot!

avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
3 years ago
I think....

The elections will depend on the pandemic. If it doesn't get worse Republicans will have an advantage. If it gets worse and Biden keeps refusing to take action on mitigation efforts and something for the people. It will favor progressive democrats. Except in the most backward states.

Latino Black race tensions will increase.

Crime will go up as long as price gouging keeps going rampant.

Drill music will lose popularity as it's negative impact will grow.

Strip clubs will be hurting. Even at urban clubs I'm already seeing the definition of a baller change. I was always shocked by the small amounts guys in some parts of the country spend. I'm seeing girls impressed by a lot less on the west coast now.

Flex culture will change or die off. Influencers are no longer relatable to most. And nigga rich drug dealers will get robbed more

Cheap drugs will take over

Prostitution will be normalized

avatar for motorhead
3 years ago
Audiences will grow weary of MCU movies and the unoriginality of Hollywood. By November, the last remaining movie theatre in the US will close. Original films produced by Streaming services and the pandemic will finally kill off the industry.

Crime will increase 400% and an “Escape from New York” scenario will exist.

50% of strip clubs will close. All the attractive girls will turn to sugaring and Only Fans type sites.

March Madness will be cancelled

SJG will finally earn dual PhD degrees in Mathematics and Physics online from the University of Phoenix

avatar for ElDuderino_AZ
3 years ago
Heellover-- it's Tory, with a Y... because I've been rewatching it and saw that one last night. Yes, yes she is not. I keep hoping the show makes her drop out of school and become a stripper so she can pay rent for her mom.
avatar for ElDuderino_AZ
3 years ago
Fucking thumbs.


Not not
avatar for skibum609
3 years ago
This is east. I will play poker in the annual New Year's Day poker tournament. Someone will win 12k. It won't be me.
I will work hard and make money, hating my job every minute. I will so, hike, golf, gamble and go to strip clubs way too often.
I will continue to watch progressives destroy everything good about this country and drive out the people who pay the bills.
I will not care if humanity destroys it self.
avatar for Warrior15
3 years ago
I predict I will still go to strip clubs.
avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
3 years ago
1. Politics... TL;DR ... more of the same, but worse. The Democratic Party will do what it does best... eat it's own face. They'll lose one or both houses of Congress. If the Republicans continue any significant degree of "Trumpism", then they will also go down a self-destructive path. Theatrical partisanship will continue to grow both within the government and among voters (regardless of political affiliation).

2. The theater-based wing of the film industry will continue to contract. It's not just because of COVID. Younger viewers are content with smaller screens, while older viewers like being comfortable in their homes. Except for small, boutique theaters, major movie theaters will be gone within 10 years.

3. I have no idea what's going to happen with COVID. And neither do you.

4. Sex work will not normalize, but it will be less taboo. Meaning, it'll be more forgivable as long as you don't do it anymore, but anyone actively within the industry will remain radioactive. Sugar baby culture will continue to "Uberize" attitudes towards sex work in general.

5. Large concert venues and stadium concerts ... see #2.

6. Large business conferences and conventions ... sort of #2, but slower.

7. Some business sectors will attempt to swing away from the telework model, while others embrace it (if they can logically). The ones that embrace it will see more success compared to those who don't.
avatar for Warrior15
3 years ago
CMI, I don't like your predictions. I"m not saying they won't happen. I just don't LIKE them.
avatar for founder
3 years ago
I predict I'll finish the new site 😜👍
avatar for Warrior15
3 years ago
Except for #4 that is.
avatar for gammanu95
3 years ago
Biden is a one-term president. Republicans take the Senate and the WH, but not the lower house.

Theaters bounce back when studios stop streaming.

COVID continues like the flu, with varying mortality and morbidity if each strain.

Texas, FL, CA, and IL all turn purple.

Putin takes Ukraine (militarily or via Russia supported coup), China blockades Taiwan.

NATO dissolves. Franco-German centric treaty or emerges formthe continent, new org for US-UK-CA and former Soviet states emerges. New Asian treaty or (US-AU-JP +) is formed.

Crypto expands.

Nothing happens wrt to the metaverse.

Incivility and lawlessness grows. Inflation grows. American prosperity becomes history. Bread lines, gas lines, and manufactured goods lines/riots become commonplace.
avatar for founder
3 years ago
I have a rough time believing the republicans take the WH in 2022
avatar for Dolfan
3 years ago
Have you ever seen that movie Idiocracy? It may take more than one more year, but it mostly sums up my prediction for the future.
avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
3 years ago
Not that is stops any of the major news networks, but I think it's too early to believe anything about the next Presidential election. A lot of good and bad things could happen between now and then.

Meanwhile, Warrior (who didn't like my predictions...) is apparently writing the prequel to "Mad Max: Thunder Road".

I don't think theaters will bounce back. Even if studios stop streaming, the time gap between theatrical release and rental availability is so short now that most people can wait for the average movie to transition over. Special effects spectaculars will be the only thing that draws a larger audience to the theater. And even that will be less of a draw over time.
avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
3 years ago
Eh? Sorry, I think I just had a minor stroke. I thought that gammanu's post was warrior's. Not sure why.

Anyway, I'm not thrilled about my predictions aside from #4 and #7.
avatar for mark94
3 years ago
By July, Omicron will have run its course. All variants of CoVid will be nearly gone with Omicron having provided immunity to tens of millions. This will be obvious to the majority of people. In spite of this, all the experts will demand vigilance, chastise the unvaccinated, and publish high numbers for cases and deaths that don’t match what people are seeing on the ground.

For some strange reason, this will continue until early November.
avatar for motorhead
3 years ago
The labor shortage for low paying fast food jobs will only get worse and Amazon takes over food delivery
avatar for docsavage
3 years ago
I predict 2022 will not be as good as 2021 was for me. 2021 was a good year. In January I stormed the Capitol building but they never caught me. In May I had a serious fall but a woman saw it and drove me to the hospital. In June I survived Covid. In October a drunk started bothering me in a strip club but the security guys came over and threw him out of the club. At the end of December, I heard a record number of rappers were shot and killed in 2021 and I smiled and thought about how that would improve the music scene.
avatar for Heellover
3 years ago
El duderino. You are right. Tory with a Y. It was Ali with an I.

And damn Tory is so hot! I just watched the new season but no spoilers because that would be a terrible way to start the new year (or rather close 2021 out).
avatar for Tetradon
3 years ago
Another round of predictions.

1. Desertscrub keeps trolling Club Desire, and again gets metaphorically punched in the mouth for it.

2. 25 calls Dugan "RickiBoi," threats will be parleyed, yet no physicality will happen.

3. I lose my FKK cherry and it's awesome, though the ladies will be a little whiter than my preference. I make fewer strip club trips, but go all out at more of them, including a blowout trip to Atlanta for a friend's birthday. I meet my first TUSCLer offline.

4. Donald Trump won't completely fade, but fewer Republican leaders will "kiss the ring." His social media platform will bomb.

5. At least one high-ranking congressbastard or Supreme Court justice bites the dust. 75% chance it's a Democrat.

6. Biden survives the year, but noticeably deteriorates. Without a unifying figure, the split between centrist and progressive Democrats will widen.

7. Papi will collect his biggest thong yet. It will have a streak.

8. Icey won't part with his Dodge Challenger, any more than SJG will part with his Huffy.

9. We'll get into more political debates which justify the saying "arguing on the internet is like winning the Special Olympics, even if you win, you're still retarded."

10. We'll ignore Juice's stock/crypto picks at our own peril.
avatar for Studme53
3 years ago
I don’t see a huge correction in the stock market - it will continue with modest gains in 22 as the pandemic recedes and the supply chain improves.

Nobody ever goes back to commuting to work 5 days a week, so there are a lot of implications with that for cities, public transportation, commercial/office real estate, etc. Cities like NYC and Philly will not return to anything close to pre-pandemic bustle. Plus crime will convince people that the city is not a great place to live or visit after dark.

The economy will be OK as long as Biden and the far-left of the Democratic Party don’t get their big socialist / social spending bill passed. If they do we’ll be looking at Jimmy Carter double-digit inflation and a lot of working people suffering. Joe Manchin should get the “Man of the Year” award.
avatar for twentyfive
3 years ago
I told y’all the sun would come up today, I predict it keeps rising every morning.
avatar for bang69
3 years ago
A second revolution war in this country.
avatar for Warrior15
3 years ago
- I predict I will continue to wish that AOC was a stripper instead of a congresswoman.

- I predict I will continue to be grateful that Nancy Pelosi is a Congresswoman instead of a stripper.
avatar for JamesSD
3 years ago
Somehow Tom Brady will win another super bowl thanks to a lack of a dominant team.

We will continue to creep towards an end of covid as the rest of the world gets vaccines and the US gets vaccinated, dies of covid, or gets covid and eventually recovers.

Supply chain issues will keep improving, helping keep the strong economy rolling. Inflation will remain an issue as it often does in good economies.

The labor market will remain tight and wages will keep rising. A lot of those covid folks will be on disability for a while, a lot of older folks who left in 2020 aren't coming back. The childcare crisis in the US won't be solved in 2022 and a lot of women with children will choose to sit on the sidelines with their babies who can't get vaccinated yet.

Inflation will mean the stock market will have an amazing year on paper.

The 2022 elections will be a shit show. Bidens popularity will remain lukewarm, Trump will remain divisive. A moderate republican house member will piss off Trump and lose his primary and then the Democrats will take that seat in the general. Mitch McConnell will have more discipline in the Senate which really could go either way; at this point 52-48 either way seems reasonable. I think the Democrats will lose the house but not by much. Everyone will be grumpy with the election results.

I think strip clubs are due for a comeback! We all got bored of only fans and cam girls. There's a generation of young men who have decent jobs, can't talk to women and don't want kids who will discover sex workers. The younger strippers overall seem just more open. Active sex work will still be stigmatized but "I used to strip" will remain cool, especially if she omits the handjobs she gave in the back. OF COURSE she was clean!

I feel we are about half back to "normal" now and by end of 2022 I expect that to be 3/4 of the way there.
avatar for NJBalla
3 years ago
Queen Elizabeth Dies
Biden Gets Sick and Kamala Takes Office
Trump Announces Run for 2024 but dies a week later, Doctor find signs of CTE in his brain
avatar for NJBalla
3 years ago
SanJoseGuy is outed as a burner account for Scott Baio
avatar for PredragDr
3 years ago
The Winter Olympics are a complete joke.

No Major League Baseball this Spring due to the lockout.

Equity markets are stymied and a lot of blue chips tank.
avatar for 48-Cowboy
3 years ago
Docsavage said "In January I stormed the Capitol building but they never caught me. "

Lmfao, stay put of trouble for a year, then you post this on the internet where nobody will ever find it, amd nobody knoes how to find your ip address. Boomers never cease to amaze me... 😂🤣😂🤣😂🎅😂
avatar for docsavage
3 years ago
Here is my prediction for 2022. 2022 will be the year the chickens start to come home to roost and inflation accelerates. The government has been keeping interest rates low and printing money to pay its bills and that has led to inflation. The Fed will try to raise interest rates but it will be too little too late. If they raised interest rates to where it is needed then it would crash the stock market and the country would go into a depression. With high interest rates, the government couldn't pay the interest on the national debt. Both Trump and Biden supported the low interest rates and money printing so they are both idiots. We started with Washington, Adams, Jefferson and Madison and dropped way down from there. Look at the Lincoln-Douglas debates or the Kennedy-Nixon debates and then compare them to the Trump-Biden debates.

The strip club industry will continue its national decline. The majority of clubs are located in cities where people have been moving out of due to increasing crime and disruptive Covid lockdowns. Only states gaining population like Texas and Florida may have more strip club business. Even there it may not happen because there is a socially conservative segment of the ruling Republican party in those states which will try to increase restrictions on strip clubs.
avatar for FTS
3 years ago
Bitcoin breaks above 100k. At least one more nation declares Bitcoin as legal tender. At least one more public company converts a significant portion of its treasury into Bitcoin.

Governments continue to push the COVID fear mongering vaccine mandate propaganda. Most down-to-earth, honest and intelligent folk either tolerate and disregard it, or push back against it.

Central banks continue their asset purchasing programs for at least the first two quarters. Monthly CPI data stays above 3%, and possibly hits 8% or more. S&P 500 index goes above 5500.
avatar for Muddy
3 years ago
I think a lot of business is going to go under this year. Especially strip clubs. Inflation is going to squeeze out alot of stuff
avatar for Goodclubrep
3 years ago
Warrior, that made me LOL!
avatar for shailynn
3 years ago
“March madness will be cancelled”

THIS! I had tickets in 2020 and I bought tickets for 2022, so of course it will be canceled or be like last year, no fans.

Unless I missed a mention, nobody mentioned the housing market crashing or interest rates skyrocketing. Not sure that happens this year but I bet it does within the next 2 years.

As long as the San Jose Public Library doesn’t get shut down again so we can continue to gain knowledge from all of SJGs insightful posts everything will be okay.

avatar for NinaBambina
3 years ago
I believe I will receive a 2 ct round solitaire diamond ring on a plain band...
avatar for ilbbaicnl
3 years ago
I predict that women with amazing booties can get a 2 ct round solitaire diamond ring on a plain band anytime they want one.
avatar for crsm27
3 years ago

The gov will never let rates get higher than 7% ever again... But yes I see the real estate market correcting itself a little bit. Especially with new construction costs. So new construction will start to decline which it will because of the costs of everything... you will see not as many homes for sale but the price will still be inflated... Not as high as now... but I would guess about a 10-20% decrease. Homes now are 30% or more above last years price on average.

Now for some of my stuff...

I see the Republicans winning the midterms and gaining seats in both to get the majority... unless "mail in voting" is passed. BUT they wont do shit because ALL POLITICIANS dont want to do shit while in Congress. They want to keep the rift just like now and point fingers at others instead of actually doing anything. THIS GOES FOR ALL OF THEM.

I honestly see Biden not making it the rest of the year and Harris will take over. Then it will show that she wasn't ready at all for the office or her VP nomination.

I predict 3 more "variants" and Fauci talking gloom and doom. But nobody will care because we see what is actually happening on the ground and the major media sources are all BULLSHIT....ALL OF THEM.. .from CNN to FOX. BTW... news from FL is that most of the people in the hospital are there for other issues but have to get tested for COVID and are just positive. They are not there "because of covid"

We will get more of our news from pod casts... which is scary as hell. Who would have thought Joe Rogan give more honest interviews than people at major media.

We will see the major social media networks get hit with some changes via the Federal Gov. IE: they wont be able to just "ban" people like they are now. If they keep this up they will get hit with violations or they will not have the section 230 protections. So they will have to "change" what they are doing now. But this will make everything worse because it will be a free for all with mis information for every direction.

Movies: Theatres will make a comeback because people will be sick of sitting at home. But I do see more "youth" gravitating to smaller "tube" type venues. Only reason is because out attention span is dying. I also see "streaming" services either consolidating with a major investor (Google, Apple, Amazon) or they will start to Peacock, Paramount+, HBO+, HULU, etc.

I see sex work getting more "normalized" because of the onlyfans still taking off. But that means strip clubs will die because onlyfans keeps taking off. Why dance at a club when you can dance on camera once and sell it to 100 people for $10 a pop... or for $20 a month and you make 6 vids a month to all of your subscribers. Only fans is why strip clubs are dying (not just covid) and why the pay to play keeps rising. The street walkers are still around but they are doing it to help supply a bad habit or make money for a "boss".

Hopefully we will see an end to all the porn company's making the stupid stepfamily porn.


Hope we have a march madness, I can't pull for the Packers... but they make the super bowl and get beat by... CINCINATI!! Yeah i might still be drunk from new years... but I said it before they put up the numbers on sunday. They have an offense that is on the brink of exploding. Think Mahomes his first couple Multiple 400+ yard passing games with 4+ Tds... and this is the right time to get your offense going. The olympics will be less entertaining than others years because of politics and always hearing about covid or other shit. MLB will have a "shorten" year because of the lock out.

I also second/third/fourth... that I want to see the chick from Cobra Kai naked... Tory is hot as hell.
avatar for yahtzee74
3 years ago
China will use the Olympics to launch another biological weapon on the world. ;)
avatar for rdig
3 years ago
"Predictions for 2022?"

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