What time do you consider it to be evening time ?

avatar for Papi_Chulo
Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
When reading reviews, for me the time of the visit is somewhat important since the vibe of the club can depend on the time of visit.

It is not unusual for some reviewers to consider 5pm to be “evening” – thus I may see a review that states it was an evening visit when the PL was there around 5pm.

For most clubs 5pm is still dayshift – so a reviewer considering it an evening visit can somewhat throw off the review.

I tend to consider “evening” 7pm of after (although this-time-of-year it’s already dark by 6pm downhere in SoFlo).

Not a big deal – mostly curiosity – but what time do you consider evening vs afternoon?


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avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
3 years ago
6 or 7 pm.

Alternately, I wouldn't be surprised if a lot of guys consider when a club starts charging a cover to be the end of the day shift (for clubs that have no cover during the day).
avatar for Cashman1234
3 years ago
I consider evening to be around 7 pm as well. It is dark here in the northeast around 5 pm, as the days are getting shorter. I know, it sometimes feels like evening much earlier during the winter. But, I think 7 pm is a reasonable time for the start of the evening.
avatar for shadowcat
3 years ago
8PM seems to be the normal shift change in Atlanta clubs. So that is the time that I consider to be night. I always include the time I arrived at a club in the text of my review to make it clearer. I'd say afternoon starts at 11AM.
avatar for Dave_Anderson
3 years ago
Depends on the club and to a lesser extent on the time of year (winter vs. summer). It seems like day shift girls go home earlier in recent years then they did say in the 90s or 2000s. Many take off by 4pm in California.
avatar for Mate27
3 years ago
Interesting….I currently think anything past 4:00 pm as to being evening since for me it requires getting f home and getting dinner ready. When I was younger 8 pm or once the club fillls up with patrons and it gets busy again would be considered Evening.
avatar for Huntsman
3 years ago
For the purposes of writing club reviews, I use “evening” if it’s the latest shift the club has that day. So for smaller clubs that only have one shirt I’m going to call it evening whether they open at 5, 7 or some other time around there. If I club has a day shift and a night shift, I choose to say afternoon or evening based on which shift was working most of the time I was there.
avatar for Huntsman
3 years ago
I meant shift, not shirt.
avatar for elmer
3 years ago
Late afternoon to 6pm
Evening 6pm to 8pm
avatar for gammanu95
3 years ago
I've noticed that as well, but I am firmly in the 5PM = Evening camp.
Noon - 5pm = afternoon
5pm-7pm = evening
7pm - Midnight = night
after Midnight = late night

Having lived in both, I strongly prefer Central Time to Eastern. Mountain time is for the birds.
avatar for Tetradon
3 years ago
Shift change shift change shift change.

It might vary by the club, but when the first group of dancers leaves and the second starts to filter in, it's evening.

Usually it's around 6:30.
avatar for datinman
3 years ago
I agree with gammanu95, but would change the evening/night cut off to 8 PM.

If stopping by a club after a 9 - 5 work-shift for a couple of hours, that's what I would consider an evening visit.
avatar for Warrior15
3 years ago
I would think the cut-off would be when is the normal work day end. If that locally is 5pm, then that is when Evening would start. Maybe on the East Coast, that is 6pm.

I actually liked Mountain Time when I lived in Denver. You could watch all of Monday Night Football and still get to bed at a descent time.
avatar for motorhead
3 years ago
I’m with Warrior. The general thought is that evening begins either when the typical workday ends (around 5) or sunset, but that’s too vague.

If you’re going to dinner after work at 6, you say “I’m going out to dinner this evening” you don’t say “I’m going to dinner this afternoon”.

So 8 pm is the incorrect answer, although the strip club world is its own bizarre universe

avatar for Jascoi
3 years ago
avatar for doctorevil
3 years ago
It's 6 pm. That's the beginning time for wear of formal clothing for social events. Before that, it's usually informal clothing. But for strip club reviews, the most useful time is whenever dayshift ends and night shift begins.
avatar for whodey
3 years ago
I'd consider evening to run from 5pm-8pm. To me it's basically the few hours after the normal workday ends for most professionals.

Growing up in a farming community many considered the last couple of hours before it got dark to be the evening so the time varied throughout the year. This time if the year it would be about 4pm-6pm but in the summer it may be 7pm-9pm.
avatar for Dolfan
3 years ago
I'd probably call 5pm late afternoon but I wouldn't disagree with an early evening designation. I think the usage varies significantly regionally, and maybe culturally or with age.

The options leave lots of room for interpretation. Morning, Afternoon, Evening, After Midnight. Given those options, I'd give them all a wide birth. Even after midnight could be argued, I've stopped in at Scarlett's at 4am plenty of times. Was that morning or after midnight? Does that depend if it's after I've slept for the day or not?
avatar for Muddy
3 years ago
Review wise 6pm to midnight
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
3 years ago
I consider the evening to be from around sunset to 9pm
avatar for skibum609
3 years ago
6:30 starts evening.
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