Founder gave us a tool that should work

avatar for twentyfive
Post here or in VIP if you don't want to bother with our newest trolls


last comment
avatar for EndlessSummer
3 years ago
Excellent point! 👍🔆😘
avatar for misterorange
3 years ago
And I noticed San Jose Creep is no longer VIP. I guess his free month expired.
avatar for misterorange
3 years ago
Too bad we can't move existing threads into Verified/VIP
avatar for booji boy
booji boy
3 years ago

Agree to a point, and only w.r.t. the Verified forum... it doesn't change the fact that most of the site is evolving into something less useful and/or entertaining to me. For a couple of years now, people are getting VIP access for obviously bogus reviews. As a result, I'm far less likely to go to the trouble of either paying for VIP or submitting reviews that get lost amongst the bogus reviews.

Free VIP for a review is the one thing I think Founder should get rid of, to be replaced (maybe) by the ability to see and comment on your own reviews regardless of your status. And (again, maybe) add a separate voting system that lets you flag published reviews as legit or bullshit along with the ability to filter out the reviews that the majority calls bullshit on.

Until there's some easy way to separate the wheat from the chaff here, I'm going to continue losing interest in coming here, let along contributing here.

My $0.02
avatar for nicespice
3 years ago
Lol, I’m getting a lot of entertainment today. Unless it’s the political and sports threads that are being excessive….? Idk I have those on ignore
avatar for gammanu95
3 years ago
The suggested posting tip is late to the party, as usual. I've been doing this for a while. Scan the trolls' recent posts to see who has VIP and who doesn't, or which ones have verified, and post accordingly.

Another fun TUSCL pro tip: If you have someone on ignore, but like fucking with them, you can see the thread and comment yourself when someone you follow comments on their thread. Good times.
avatar for g3ne01
3 years ago
Anything to look out for in a fake review. I haven’t read one that seems fake. I do see desertscrub down voting some as shill or club ad.
avatar for MackTruck
3 years ago
I da kang of da trolls! 🤡🤠🤓
avatar for MackTruck
3 years ago
Fuck you Mackie!
avatar for Muddy
3 years ago
Eh the problem with VIP threads is you got some fucking great dudes who don’t always have VIP active ala Shailynn and Subraman.
avatar for nicespice
3 years ago
Subra posts a decent amount on r/stripclubs, more so than here lately anyways
avatar for TFP
3 years ago
@nicespice he does and it's stuff that a lot of those guys need to hear. He's probably the most respected member of that sub.

I gotta give it to Paul Drake, he started that sub because he was tired of the trolling and all the bullshit that happens here. I've gotta say, that sub is pretty much troll and drama free. Just a lot of newbies showing up and asking for advice.
avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
3 years ago
Drake took over that mothballed sub very specifically because founder took no action on the posts of SCPandit, who claimed to be HIV+ and having unprotected sex in clubs, stealthing, and at one point posting (what I hope was...) rape fantasy.
avatar for rediguan
3 years ago
Damn It! I was looking up a spelling error and closed my browser tab and my comment was so well written but I forgot it all. So here goes.

Unless I'm missing something the last thread for VIP Forum was 12/14. If that is the case then why is there a VIP forum at all? I am not a "practicing member" of TUSCL.NET so my voice should be minimized. Not sure how to make this side of the forum more participatory but if its not working then either take it down or incentivize VIP users to make use. Not even sure if that will work - I don't have an answer to how to incentivize so maybe wishful thinking. But I do agree with @twentyfive and @EndlessSummer - use this VIP forum to avoid the noise in the regular discussion. It boils down to the VIP community taking action to not post in the public forum unless they want to take on the public. Anything practical to the TUSCL community should be here.
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