The witnesses the prosecution called were the best defense witnesses. Anyone with an ounce of legal training knew that this was the inevitable result. The prosecutor should be sanctioned and disbarred for a malicious and unjust prosecution.
That he would be prosecuted was to be expected in our current socio-political climate. A police shooting riot, an AR-15 style rifle, ANTIFA, a young white male, all the politically hot points were there. The liberal media and political hacks saw an opportunity to undermine the 2nd amendment, deny the right to self defense, and pertuate the myth of rampant white supremacy in America. They had to take the shot. Kenosha city hall didn't want to run for re-election with the false charges of sysyemic racism for declining to prosecute KR.
Now the prosecution did behave maliciously in court. But I think they knew they had a shitty case, the facts were against them, the law was against them, and City Hall was prsssing hard on them to get a conviction no matter what.
I think even the jury knew there was a straight line to self-defense, but to defend themselves from charges of systemic racism and white supremacy, they had to take a long, long time to generate the appearance of great deliberation. I also wonder if they were advised by a behavioral psychologist when the best day of the week would be to announce their verdict.
This is the best possible result. Every patriot should be exceptionally pleased.
Good thing he wasn't tried in Minneapolis or some other progressive shithole; o/w good chance it would have been a different verdict - also fortunate he missed and the blackguy with the long criminal record that dropped-kicked him in the head didn't get shot bc then it would have been a "protected class".
They can still go after him for something else. But I doubt they will considering it was acquittal by jury.
I knew murder 1 wouldn't stick.
The key now is for the families of the victims to go after him in civil court ruin his reputation even more and ruin him financially. They'll win a civil case.
It’s going to get to that point if it hasn’t already where if you aren’t a protected/victim group and you get caught up in a liberal city you are fucked! Liberal activist working as a phony judge is a scary thing to be put in front of.
The trial was just a farce, this is what happens when the system does what it was designed to do: protect the privileged, no matter how ridiculous it looks.
From the white privileged judge, to the white privileged attorneys and white privileged prosecutors, white privileged Kyle, all laughing all the way to the bank...
Kyle Rittenhous will be turned into a “folk hero” among the far-right and violent white supremacist groups in this country...
If a dog shit in your mouth while you were sleeping, and you sucked on it for ten minutes before waking up and spitting it all over your bed, there would be far more intelligent things coming out of your mouth than anything you've ever posted on this site.
I think it is a false idea to think the acquittal was done to protect the privileged. The Democrats have become the party of the privileged. A recent Winnipiac poll found a +1% approval rating for Biden's handling of the economy among white college graduates but -54% among working class voters. The Democrats inflationary economic policy boosts the stock market, which helps the wealthiest people who own stocks, while the rising prices resulting from that hurts working class people barely getting by. The Democrats open border immigration policy depresses working class wages while providing cheap labor for the rich. The Democrats Covid policy benefits big corporations by providing them huge profits from mandated vaccines. The Democrats plan to forgive student loans benefits college graduates while not helping someone like the working class waitress or truck driver. The Democrats crime policy wants to eliminate the possibility of average people defending themselves from criminals while rich people who can afford private security guards don't have to worry. So, of course, the Democrats don't care if those riots harmed small business owners who had their businesses looted or destroyed and don't care about anyone, like Kyle Rittenhouse, who wanted to take part in trying to stop that.
Papi has made some very good points. His thoughts regarding Biden's DoJ drumming up some BS charges is especially chilling. If the federal government does try to go after KR for any bullshit charges... I don't know how to say this, but concerned patriots should keep every option on the table. At the very least, we should be demanding inpeachment and independent prosecutors investigating every executive office.
Biden's highlight is shitting his pants when visiting the Pope. He should be jailed for his handling of the border and Afghanistan impeachment isn't nearly enough. He has proven to be utter garbage and the corruption of the DOJ and alphabet agencies under him is a disgrace
I can only assume @jackslash solely/mostly watches MSNBC
Jack has often posted how he's a gun-owner and often carries it for protection so I don't see how he feels Rittenhouse would-not/should-not do the same thing he would do if attacked by violent felons
Cocaine Mitch needs to retire but thank god he kept that lying perjuring Merrick Garland off the Supreme Court. It amazes me how the Bidem Junta will turn the law on citizens then totally disregard when courts judge against his unlawful orders and then disregards them. Remain in Mexico was to be re-enacted but he just says fuck it keeps funneling money to leftist orgs moving illegals into the country as fast as they can without vetting, and approving bullshit asylum claims. As well flying migrants around in the dead of night. He sucks so bad even polls that are overweighted with dems can't get his approval above 40.
The left has overplayed their race-card - I don't think it's gonna have the same lopsided effect it used to where they'd cry-wolf and everyone would come running w/o facts or even if the facts didn't make sense
We're not out of the woods on social disorder just yet. The McMichael-Bryan trial for the murder of Ahmaud Arbery will proceed to closing remarks Monday. Jesse Jackson and a lot of his cronies are there.
On the merits, the defendants look pretty guilty to me. But juries do strange things; if they acquit, I'm keeping my head on a swivel.
For a few short hours today, during Joe’s colonoscopy, Kamala Harris was in control of the federal government. The only accomplishment of the Harris administration was the acquittal of Kyle Rittenhouse.
Admittedly i haven't been really paying attention to this but wasn't this kid 17 with an AR? Also he is a Proud Boy so why go to a BLM rally unless you're looking to start shit. Antagonizing a fight isn't a crime i reckon ...?
Anyway, I think it's kind of funny that he went there to fuck with BLM protestors when he had no business being there, but in the end he ran into a bunch of low lifes not even really affiliated with true BLM causes. Then he wasted on of them.
Goodyman you have no idea what you are talking about. You leftists are truly brainwashed. Protests aren't arson and looting, except to you dumb shit stains.
The MSNBC-watchers keep thinking Rittenhouse went there to look for trouble - this is all typical lefty fake-narrative - there isn't a shred of evidence Rittenhouse confronted or went after anyone - the only evidence is of him offering ENT-medical-help and erasing graffiti earlier in the day.
We can't have a nation where the police is told to stand back and let violent criminals and felons do as they please; this only emboldens them to believe they can use force and violence whenever they want or whenever they are unhappy about anything - Rittenhouse is not the problem, he's a symptom of the problem - the problem is Dem politicians aiding-and-abating violent-thugs b/c it serves their political-interests; and the problem is the violent thugs, not someone trying to protect private-property – Kenosha, just like Ferguson back in 2015, were leftist-political-riots based on lies – the leftists rile things up but the true-instigators are doing this for political-reasons and are using race as a means-to-an-end which is the overthrow of this country so they can turn-it into a leftist state.
Part of me thinks that is what the Dems want - it's as if they are purposely trying to instigate a reaction from conservatives - this way they can have the excuse they need to have the government (Dems) take total control over our country "because of the threat of violent white-supremacist terrorists"
They could try to take control, but no way they could keep it. I hope it cools off but they show no sign of easing off on their totalitarian tendencies, and frankly Americans aren't going to put up with that.
Hopefully the crazies-in-power right now can be voted out in '22 and '24 - but I feel they will use w/e tactics they need to use to stay in power; they did plenty of shit to get Trump out and I feel they will do even more to make sure they don't lose the power they got thru dirty means.
The more that the leftists in governments allow these rioters, looters, and criminals to do as they please, the greater the likelihood that they will foolishly attack an armed citizen and be dealt with using justified, deadly force. Kenosha was the first majorly publicized instance, but there will be more.
Rittenhouse didn't kill those scum. Armalite didn't kill those scum. AOC, Harris, Biden, and the other woke liberals killed those scum with their weak criminal justice/defund policies.
The pendulum is swinging back the other way. Normal people aren’t going to tolerate rioting and looting, and even the lefty Democrat politicians know they’ll pay the political price if they go along with it and support rioting (and defund the police, the American flag is a symbol of hate, Lincoln was a racist, etc.) like they did last year.
Thanks Meat72. Wow, a racist hit piece, written like an op-ed, published as an analysis. Fake News CNN keeps finding new lows to sink to.
The left leeps trying to push the White man as the greatest threat to law and order. Time and time again, that is proven false; yet they refuse to admit their lies and failure.
You guys are so sensitive but try to act like you're not. Always talking left this right that, trying to throw everything into a single category. You dummies believe everything your news outlet of choice tells you. I bet none of you have even been to a "BLM" protest, a ProudBoy rally. You just sit at home and guess what it must be like. I guess that's why you look up to this kid so much because he got up off his ass and did something.
The people he shot deserved it in my opinion but so did the kid if you ask me. He went looking for trouble, why else would he be there? Maybe he was trying to get volunteer hours? Raise you're hand if you go to rally's in neighboring towns that have nothing to do with you?
goodyman has no reviews, no discussions, and no articles. Yet he spends all day reading and commenting on a strip club website. No reviews, no discussions, no articles, and no life.
Strippers and gentlemen: goodyman, Lord of the InCels.
The biggest hard on these members are posting from stems mostly from the corporate media outlets making this something that it wasn’t, and frankly the majority of the population is sick of it. When looking back at how MSNBC and CNN “journalists” framed and spun the events of this pre-trial, it will be remembered as frivolously bent for not so good benefits. So much in media culture’s landscape has changed, and we are starting to address how to monitor it even calling out tye liberal bias. What has not changed is that humans are inherently bias no matter your background. It’s the oppression and exploits from bias that needs to be checked.
Fox is doing a good deal of promoting their brand with an embedded film crew, and using cash payments to the Rittenhouse family, as well as donations to the crowd sourcing effort, which by the way the primary lawyer for the defense Mark Richards has denounced, and said he objected to them being present during his client conferences, to get a lot of access To Kyle Rittenhouse, but that doesn't change the outcome which was likely a correct one according to legal experts all across the country, so my simple point is your favored news source is no more reliable on this story than any of the liberal bias networks.
Whomever said they get their news on TUSCL is probably evolved, meaning you do get a little more broad opinion than other news sources. Yiu can say it’s bent slightly toward the geriatric trick clique, but at least they’re more likely educated and self made, so that’s the type I prefer to listen to.
@Nina, Rittenhouse is just an imperfect messenger.
I have a giant boner for the 2nd amendment and the right to armed self-defense.
I have a giant boner for order over chaos.
I have a giant boner for the fact that shouting BLM doesn't allow you to attack others with impunity.
I have a giant boner for the fact that our justice system wasn't intimidated by credible threats of riots and doxxing.
I suggest you lick your wounds and find a different case to get angry about. If Ahmaud Arbery's killers skate, I'll be right there with you.
Nina I hope you can live with the guilt. If you had deflowered Kyle he would have realized there were better things in life than being a whack job gun nut.
How can you damn dirty apes reply to this more than 70 times?
The problem is you have the wrong frickin’ perspective on this. You view this shit as political. As a lion I view the whole Ritten ape thing as shitty entertainment. What’s the fun in watching blurry footage of a scared ape shoot other apes and then cry about it? Wah wah wah. Cry me a river.
I could give a shit less who won that purge, I just wanted it to be more entertaining.
And if you idiot apes encourage more gun totin’ at purges Imma go all wildebeest on your asses. Give me an entertaining purge next time! ROAR!!!
I say congrats to Rittenhouse, he had a good attorney that was going against a lightweight idiot prosecutor that got his license to practice law from a cracker jacks box like an attorney we all know and love who posts here often.
Icey in picrel
Now the prosecution did behave maliciously in court. But I think they knew they had a shitty case, the facts were against them, the law was against them, and City Hall was prsssing hard on them to get a conviction no matter what.
I think even the jury knew there was a straight line to self-defense, but to defend themselves from charges of systemic racism and white supremacy, they had to take a long, long time to generate the appearance of great deliberation. I also wonder if they were advised by a behavioral psychologist when the best day of the week would be to announce their verdict.
This is the best possible result. Every patriot should be exceptionally pleased.
I knew murder 1 wouldn't stick.
The key now is for the families of the victims to go after him in civil court ruin his reputation even more and ruin him financially. They'll win a civil case.
From the white privileged judge, to the white privileged attorneys and white privileged prosecutors, white privileged Kyle, all laughing all the way to the bank...
Kyle Rittenhous will be turned into a “folk hero” among the far-right and violent white supremacist groups in this country...
If a dog shit in your mouth while you were sleeping, and you sucked on it for ten minutes before waking up and spitting it all over your bed, there would be far more intelligent things coming out of your mouth than anything you've ever posted on this site.
Chill misterorange, Chill!"
~ Greta Tintin Eleonora Ernman Thunberg
Only the left could make this a race thing.
I totally agree
Jack has often posted how he's a gun-owner and often carries it for protection so I don't see how he feels Rittenhouse would-not/should-not do the same thing he would do if attacked by violent felons
On the merits, the defendants look pretty guilty to me. But juries do strange things; if they acquit, I'm keeping my head on a swivel.
Umm, no, he isn’t.
FUCK YOU, you stupid fuckin' fuck! You're the stupidest fuckin' moron I ever fuckin' saw. Go fuck yourself.
When under pressure Rittenhouse does not miss his shots
We can't have a nation where the police is told to stand back and let violent criminals and felons do as they please; this only emboldens them to believe they can use force and violence whenever they want or whenever they are unhappy about anything - Rittenhouse is not the problem, he's a symptom of the problem - the problem is Dem politicians aiding-and-abating violent-thugs b/c it serves their political-interests; and the problem is the violent thugs, not someone trying to protect private-property – Kenosha, just like Ferguson back in 2015, were leftist-political-riots based on lies – the leftists rile things up but the true-instigators are doing this for political-reasons and are using race as a means-to-an-end which is the overthrow of this country so they can turn-it into a leftist state.
Rittenhouse didn't kill those scum. Armalite didn't kill those scum. AOC, Harris, Biden, and the other woke liberals killed those scum with their weak criminal justice/defund policies.
Beware of those comments Gammanu, the left is waiting to use your words against you already!
The left leeps trying to push the White man as the greatest threat to law and order. Time and time again, that is proven false; yet they refuse to admit their lies and failure.
The people he shot deserved it in my opinion but so did the kid if you ask me. He went looking for trouble, why else would he be there? Maybe he was trying to get volunteer hours? Raise you're hand if you go to rally's in neighboring towns that have nothing to do with you?
Strippers and gentlemen: goodyman, Lord of the InCels.
I have a giant boner for the 2nd amendment and the right to armed self-defense.
I have a giant boner for order over chaos.
I have a giant boner for the fact that shouting BLM doesn't allow you to attack others with impunity.
I have a giant boner for the fact that our justice system wasn't intimidated by credible threats of riots and doxxing.
I suggest you lick your wounds and find a different case to get angry about. If Ahmaud Arbery's killers skate, I'll be right there with you.
“Bystander video of the incident showed Jacob Blake walking away from police before an officer shot him multiple times in the back.”…
One side can argue accordingly; the other is obsessed with sucking dick.
The problem is you have the wrong frickin’ perspective on this. You view this shit as political. As a lion I view the whole Ritten ape thing as shitty entertainment. What’s the fun in watching blurry footage of a scared ape shoot other apes and then cry about it? Wah wah wah. Cry me a river.
I could give a shit less who won that purge, I just wanted it to be more entertaining.
And if you idiot apes encourage more gun totin’ at purges Imma go all wildebeest on your asses. Give me an entertaining purge next time! ROAR!!!
I meant to say, I wish one of the geriatric right wingers here has already deflowered me instead of rittenhouse.