
THIS JUST IN - Latest TUSCL News!!!!

They never tell you what you need to know.

Everyone still hates San Jose Guy.

Subraman is trying to start an organization with him and even he hates San Jose Guy.


  • san_jose_guy
    3 years ago
    Shailynn's mom is so happy with that new Chrysler Pacifica that the Glee Club Pastor was able to get her the money for, with Go Fund Me.

    It is quieter because it is more streamlined, and there is less wind buffeting, and it also has better sound proofing.

    That old Town and Country had a Mitsubishi I4, and the gearing range was not very wide.

    But this new Pacifica has a V6 and an 8 speed automatic. So it is quiet.

    Now when Shailynn's mom decides to pass someone and puts the pedal to the metal, it will drop 2 gears, even 3 gears, and spin up the powerplant and change the intake and exhaust timing independently, and it roars like a Formula One Racer.

    And so there is Shailynn, going to all the Glee Club events, all across that vast expanse that is West Texas, over 500 miles from El Paso to San Antonio.

    Now very rarely is Shailynn away from his mom, but at least she is not locking him in the attic anymore.

    But observers say that Shailynn is starting to crack. He talks to his mom, when he is by himself. He imitates her voice, and the way she is always chewing him out.

  • Muddy
    3 years ago
    There can only be one conclusion: Ban SJG
  • Warrior15
    3 years ago
    If you went into a room where 99 other people did nothing but argue with you. Would you stay ? The only Poster on this site that is even moderately supporting SJG is Icee. And Icee is only defending his freedom of speech. He doesn't really support what SJG is posting.

    SJG, Leave. Go start a Blog. Try to reach more followers using different websites. For the organization .
  • datinman
    3 years ago
    SJG's current obsessions: Chrysler minivans, bondage, & turning women into sex slaves.

    Gee, I can't see how this could possibly go wrong.
  • shailynn
    3 years ago
    ^^^ don’t forget about goats
  • Papi_Chulo
    3 years ago
    Geniuses are often misunderstood
  • Tetradon
    3 years ago
    +1 for ban. Even before all the rape fantasies, he fills the board and hijacks threads with shit, while contributing nothing.
  • san_jose_guy
    3 years ago
    Muddy and Warrior15, you have the Verified Circle Jerk Room, the VIP Circle Jerk Room, and you have thread ignore and member ignore. If you can't use these, then just Shut The Fuck Up.


    Pussy tighter than a LA parking spot

    good in thigh high stockings

  • Subraman
    3 years ago
    You guys all hate SJG?!? When did this happen, it's some new thing? So fickle.

    Anyway, in the organization I am helping SJG build, people who don't mouth off to SJG will get to fuck one of our fat, cellulite-y, ghetto, tatted, ratchet girls. If you say something bad to SJG, you have to fuck two of them.
  • san_jose_guy
    3 years ago
    :) :) :)


    Our Biggest
  • shailynn
    3 years ago
    The only reason Subraman hasn’t kicked him out of his own organization is because of the free internet access and SJG can fix Subramans 10 speed when he runs over a pothole by accident!
  • san_jose_guy
    3 years ago
    Fixing bicycles is a good skill to have.

    Not clear that Shailynn has any kind of skills.

  • Tetradon
    3 years ago
    My skill is busting people's illusions.
  • san_jose_guy
    3 years ago
    Except that you live in your own world of your own bullshit Tetradon.

  • Tetradon
    3 years ago
    Says the idiot who's been building his sex cult for 7 years with nothing to show for it, and couldn't find an internet connection in Silicon Valley for 14 months.
  • san_jose_guy
    3 years ago
    Tetradon, you know absolutely nothing about me. You are just a dick head spitting out shit.

  • ilbbaicnl
    3 years ago
    Theme song of TUSCLers who complain rather than ignore: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4dOsbsuh…
  • Tetradon
    3 years ago
    I know enough, because you post every pea brained thought you have on here.

    I know despite the inordinate amount of time you spend here, everyone thinks you're a joke or a creep, if not both.

    I know you try to pass yourself off as edgy and literate and interesting, and instead you sound tedious and unstable.

    I know you talk about these lofty ambitions and fail to achieve even one. You can't even get a board of PLs interested in a sex utopia.

    I know I'm better at life than you, as is everyone else on this board except ICEE.
  • Tetradon
    3 years ago
    I don't want to ignore, I want to see his ass banned and the quality of conversation improve.
  • san_jose_guy
    3 years ago
    ^^^^ You've got that right ilbbaicnl. They are very offended by the idea that some do not think in the idiodic ways they do. This is why I call them circle jerkers.

  • Tetradon
    3 years ago
    Yes, we're all "idiods" next to your intellectual glory
  • Warrior15
    3 years ago
    Yep. Time to do the Ignore thing. Bye .
  • san_jose_guy
    3 years ago
    Don't you think you should make a bigger and more extensive announcement Warrior15?

    Maybe write an entire article, or start an outside website.

  • ilbbaicnl
    3 years ago
    @SJG TUSCLers who won't hit ignore show you that you don't need to tie up true submissives.
  • twentyfive
    3 years ago
    I don't hate anyone, that would be too much effort I don't like a few folks, but hate is a waste of time and effort.
  • Tetradon
    3 years ago
    ^ Only thing sadder than SJG is someone who shows up on a thread to ride his dick.
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    3 years ago
    25 stepped in front of a bullet by accident...
  • Subraman
    3 years ago
    Keep up the smart talk. Some of you guys are going to have to bang THREE of the ghetto, cellulite-ridden, toothless methheads that we are recruiting for our organization. We'll see who has smart talk then. Not the methheads, that's for sure.
  • twentyfive
    3 years ago
    ^ no accident I'm bullet proof
    SJG is a moron of the first order but beating up on the slow kid isn't going to get you any results, just makes you a bully, go after the his puppet master Icee the guy who actually is an instigator
  • ilbbaicnl
    3 years ago
    Icee fixes the dimples with bondo and COVID masks mean teeth don't matter anymore. Ghetto chicks are the best when they're in a good mood. When they're in a bad mood, you'll be dead before you know it anyway.
  • RandomMember
    3 years ago
    @Warrior: "Yep. Time to do the Ignore thing. Bye ."

    Lol, @Warrior's like the arsonist who declares that he doesn't want any part of the fire after the last ember of the building is smoldering out.

    For those of you who have endless gripes with SJG, I recommend:

    (1) using ignore which takes about 1 microsecond or
    (2) sending @Founder a PM or,
    (3) joining @PaulDrake's moderated forum, or
    (4) starting a forum of your own.

    But none of the above options will happen because what's really going on in threads like this is an orgy of cyberbullying.
  • shailynn
    3 years ago
    ^^^^ even PaulDrake hates SJG

  • ilbbaicnl
    3 years ago
    I don't think we should cheapen the term cyberbullying. The clear cases are when private info/gossip that people spread online affects others IRL. I think I vaguely remember years ago, somebody got doxxed on here, that's the only clear cyberbullying.

    There are borderline cases on social media that is popular with minors, like facebook and instagram. With very lonely kids, who won't disengage from "friends" who are humiliating them. Outside chance that is happening with SJG and Icee, but I doubt they are minors. That's the cost of a free society, lots of people won't take reasonable care of themselves or seek help. Giving the government the power to force them to get help, except in very extreme cases, would do more harm than good.
  • Tetradon
    3 years ago
    Wonder why two of you are riding to SJG's rescue as if he's some poor victimized school kid. Have you read the stuff he posts?

    He disrupts the flow of conversations such that ignoring him means you can't follow the exchange, and like others have said, he spams the picture board too.

    I have already done #2, @random, and I hope everyone has.

    His rapey ass needs to go before something happens in the Bay Area, and we're subpoenaed to testify why we didn't report his threats to law enforcement.
  • nicespice
    3 years ago
    I’m just hoping Subra will convince SJG to allow hookah smoking in the organization. 🤷🏻‍♀️
  • shailynn
    3 years ago
    ^^^ it could be a compromise, fat chicks AND hookah, and maybe some fat chicks smoking Hookah.

    I do know for sure goats and sex restraints are allowed.
  • SirLapdancealot
    3 years ago
    nicespice might need to turn her unicorn outfit to a goat one if she has any chance of getting an invitation. 🐐 > 🦄
  • ilbbaicnl
    3 years ago
    Enough hookah smoking may make nicespice's teeth fall out, so she'll qualify.
  • RandomMember
    3 years ago
    I'm not going to dwell on this @Tetra. It's easy enough to put @SJG on ignore, notify @Founder once, and forget about the issue.

    But it's obvious that you derive some sort of satisfaction out of bashing someone with mental health issues, daily. Since you've posted about your own mental health issues, you should know better. As a substitute, you can go out on the street and kick homeless people.
  • Tetradon
    3 years ago
    When I use whatever I've been through an excuse to spam the board or post sociopathic shit, you might have a point. Until then, you're just the second morality policeman on this board.
  • nicespice
    3 years ago
    LOL so says RandomMember, the champion of bitching about class inequality and how unfair society is to the working class.

    Yet what was his choice of insult he chose to come after me for? Out of any way he could have taunted me? Yep, it was about scrubbing toilets. And also using “blue collar” as a slur in general on this board before, not me specifically but just this site.
  • Tetradon
    3 years ago
    ^ In the past, he and I have been cool and even exchanged pleasant PMs. No idea why he decided to jump in and get holier than thou here.

    I'm a pretty chill guy until someone attacks me or acts the fool.
  • ilbbaicnl
    3 years ago
    SJG has to accept that, if he's going to talk about tying women up, the women up in here then have the right to flame the fuck out of him. Sorry, but it doesn't help people with problems to say there must be no consequences to their behavior. That only encourages people to not deal with their problems.

    I don't think SJG would get anything out of this board if everyone put him on ignore. So, when his posting bugs you, it may be nicer to call him a goat-groper than put him on ignore.
  • ilbbaicnl
    3 years ago
    I would not see any reason to ask founder to sanction another member, for something I could solve myself using ignore.
  • san_jose_guy
    3 years ago
    She is regularly stripped, blindfolded, chained and whipped. She leaves Roissy wearing an iron ring as a sign of her initiation and indicator to men in the society that she is a sex slave.


    Bondage clubs are popular

    This one in Los Angeles

    There is also a bondage oriented UHM strip club in Fayetteville North Carolina.


  • Tetradon
    3 years ago
    And she calls the police and gets your ass arrested. You are now Bubba's and Jamal's sex slave.
  • san_jose_guy
    3 years ago
    If only I were female and could be in the Dancer Directory, every one wants to talk about me, though they be idiots.

    Bondage and Discipline are consensual role playing games, fantasy, theater.

    Sadism and Masochism are about also creating pain. Still consensual role playing games, engaged in by adults. I am not interested in that. Only in women in slutty outfits and getting fucked.

  • Tetradon
    3 years ago
    Bubba and Jamal make you tuck your junk between your legs and rouge your lips with Kool Aid, as an indicator to all in San Quentin that you are their sex slave.
  • san_jose_guy
    3 years ago
    Bondage Harness Lingerie


  • Mate27
    3 years ago
    SJG, are you capable of being in an adult relationship with a woman? Serious question we’d like to see what you think of yourself and your ability to be in one after your marriage ended so badly?
  • san_jose_guy
    3 years ago
    ^^^^ I think about what happened in my marriage every day.

  • TheeOSU
    3 years ago

    ok, here we go...

    the 'woe is me, my wife left me because i'm an unstable creepy psycho' threads are about to be bumped!
  • san_jose_guy
    3 years ago
    ^^^^^ You are Thee Creep. Circle Jerk Room for you.

  • ilbbaicnl
    3 years ago
    Maybe "goat" can be the safeword. When the OP says "goat" in a thread, SJG should stop posting.
  • Papi_Chulo
    3 years ago
    To each their own but IDK why so many people get worked-up w/ SJG for so long - there's been people on here complaining about SJG FOR YEARS - I don't get it - what good does it do - he is who he is an obviously is not gonna change - why not just scroll past his comments, or hide his threads, or put him on Ignore - if someone pisses you off that much why keep reading his stuff and keep commenting about him - different strokes for different folks I guess
  • Papi_Chulo
    3 years ago
    ^ that was meant for the other thread
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