Whats a good indicator that a floor dance and/or VIP dance will be good?

avatar for MEMAGIC
I've had dancers promise me the moon only to be disappointed. What are some good indicators that a floor or VIP dance will be good?


last comment
Get very specific about what you want.
Hard to know if it will be good - but for me some flags that it might be bad:

+ asks for $$$ upfront

+ if she's "overselling it" - e.g. saying how "freaky she is" but it's all talk and no action

So never pay upfront and take what a dancer tells you with a grain-of-salt - at the end of the day one is dealing with sales-people working on the equivalent of 100%-commission.

It's your $$$ and you have a say w.r.t. what you expect for it - don't give your $$$ to dancers then just hope they will do right by you.
avatar for ilbbaicnl
3 years ago
I'd suggest you be more specific about what "good" is to you, to get a useful answer.
I always always always test drive with a 1-2 song LD before investing in vip. I don’t have any other way to tell. And in my experience if she’s not open and “friendly” and “flexible”in LD, she’s not a different person in vip no matter what she says.
avatar for Chuckiefin
3 years ago
I’m assuming when you say good you’re referring to “extras”. As one dancer told me EVERY club is an extras club with the right girl. It all depends if you want to hunt for the single extras Dancer in a clean club or find an extras club where you MIGHT find a clean dancer. There’s a formula to it.

It all depends on the location, club, and dancers. I look for for key factors in the club I go to.

What police department patrols them and what’s their budget. I’m in California, and with budget cuts, most departments don’t have a vice squad anymore. One infamous club here, SR COI, is literally nestled in the back of a sheriffs station (seriously google map it). The city of LA and County of LA are too busy, understaffed, and under budget to do many vice stings anymore so most of the clubs in the areas have broaden their menus.

Look at WHERE the club is situated. I call this the high ground factor. If the club is in an industrial area, secluded area, where the front bouncer can see cars coming, parking lot with one way in and out, and lots of EXTERIOR cameras, it’s usually a good sign. That front bouncer will usually do a better than most pat down or metal wand, and ask you to show any metal that pings (like a badge). They are the first line of defense for the dancers and club itself. They are the first line of defense and usually better than any neighborhood watch.

Now on to the club. You can get the vibe nearly right away of what kinda club it is. If they are strictly enforcing no touch, you’re looking for a needle in a haystack. If they don’t enforce touch rules even on the floor you’ve found the right club.

VIP rooms that have zero privacy is obviously not an extras club. Club that gives you great privacy with floor to ceiling walls, a door or heavy curtain, and paper towels laying around by the roll, you’ve found the right club.

On to the girls. It’s been said before “take them for a test dance”. With that being said it can get pricy if you do it this way with every girl on the dance hustle. If you’re in an open extras club l, the only girls that are hustling on a busy night are clean dancers. Usually extras girls are with their regulars. Key word is USUALLY.

Now if you find one that you like and Wana know, then yes take them for a test dance (1 nude dance). That’s a chance for you to see how she does but it also gives her the chance to do a LE check and trust me, some of these girls are paranoid. A necklace is treated like a wire, AirPods, anything in your pockets they get touchy about and will ask you what it is.

When the offer VIP ask one simple question “what are your rules” , they will tell you. If she says you CAN’T touch something, she’s not doing extras. It’s she’s an extras girls then she will either say she has NO rules or give you her menus then.

I know some people here have said that don’t pay up front, It’s a hit or miss on this one. First off I’ve never been robbed by a dancer and most of the time I pay up front. (I always feel that they do better when money is out of the way). If your at an extras club where 1-2 girls are clean girls, the chance of meeting a rob is very low, as they don’t last long. If your at a clean club where 1 girl may be an extras girl, then anyone offering you a menu is very likely a ROB.

That’s been my experience.
When she jerks you off during a lap dance and you hear “wanna vip” with an accent. You know she’s the one!
avatar for docsavage
3 years ago
I can't tell what specific dancers do extras but I do know what local clubs have lots of dancers doing extras. If I have a regular who I know is a no extras girl I'll sometimes ask her if she has ever thought of working at a particular local club. If she makes a face and says she would never work at a place like that it is a possible sign it is an extras club. Sometimes they'll get more explicit and come right out and say they aren't willing to do what the other girls at that club do so couldn't compete with them. Dancers move between clubs and talk to each other a lot about conditions in the local clubs. If they are a clean dancer they use this stripper grapevine to find the clean clubs and avoid the others.
After clubbing (on and off) for 40 years, I can say it is still a crap shoot. As far as dances go, in general, if I like the way she moves on stage and I have fallen in lust, I will probably like the way she moves in my lap.

As far as VIP extras go, expectations and price are agreed to prior to going back. But even then there are disappointments. Some women are just not very good at their craft. Blowjobs that are more hand than mouth. Like they take the term "head" literally because that's all they'll put in their mouth. Girls that reverse cowgirl at 90 miles per hour trying to get you off as quick as possible while you hold on for dear life. IME better experiences are given from 7's that have to work for VIPs than 9's that are chased by PLs all night long.
I think there are several factors to consider regarding what might be available in VIP.

The club can be the first factor to consider. Some clubs may not allow full unmonitored VIP action. There is a view that every club offers full sex for the right price. This is possible - but the cost can be more than the cost of a hotel room and the cost of a great escort.

It’s very important to discuss specifics with a dancer before buying any dances. Many guys are uncomfortable with this approach. They would rather have a half naked woman tell them that it will be the most amazing experience ever! This is where they mess up - as an amazing experience means very different things to a customer versus a dancer.

The approach is simple - as a dancer comes over and asks you if you want a dance. You say hello, and make some small talk. Then you ask her about the dance. What services does she provide? Nothing too out there - don’t ask if you can donkey punch her - and never ask for a front room maker out session!

If the dancer gives some specifics and prices - then she’s open to the acts discussed. If you have specifics she hasn’t mentioned - if she is ok with sucking your cock for $100 - don’t assume she will do it for $120 without a condom.

Know the limits in lap dance stalls vs VIP. Some clubs might offer enough in a lap dance - so you might not need to go for the upcharge.

If things get wild in the lap dance stall - keep it going there. Don’t interrupt the intensity to move to VIP - just enjoy it.
1. Make sure that you're in the right club. That's sometimes hard to do, if the club isn't widely reviewed here or in other places. But try to do some research to make sure that what you call "fun" ever actually happens at the club.

2. Tell the dancer *exactly* what you want. Don't be oblique, and be wary of any dancer who is oblique about whether or not she'll do what you're asking for.

3. Avoid paying up front. This is sometimes hard if you're in a new club and/or dealing with a dancer who is new to you. They are also afraid of being ripped off by you. In a few instances, I've said something like "I'll give you X up front, and then the rest at the end of the dance." Sometimes that works; sometimes it doesn't. Talk about when you're going to pay before you go into VIP or the lapdance room.

4. I will sometimes "test drive" a dancer for one or two lap dances before I do a VIP (especially when I'm in the market for extras). That usually works. That said, some dancers know that it's a test drive, and they'll be more permissive in the LD room, but surrounded by force fields in VIP.

So ... really the best advice is to talk plainly with your dancer about what you want.
But Cash. The front room make out session is what I'm looking for.
The best indicator for good VIP is to visit clubs near the Detroit airport.
Avoid the VIP red flag phrases: we'll have fun, it's more private, Never had a complaint, it's better in VIP, we can do more, etc.
I find most Ripoff Bitches will not actually lie. They will be vague like that and make you draw the wrong conclusion. That way in the back of your mind it is "your fault" for assuming.

If I get that sort of response, I will ask for specifics. Rarely will a girl be offended if she doesn't do extras. "How far can we go? Sex?"
You will get a yes, a no, a counteroffer "I only do blowjobs" or rarely the super ROB line "Let's see how it goes" or something similar.

Depending on the club, extra girls often leave no doubt. that is rarer in the clubs I frequent. Ah, the late, great Follies! A typical pitch there was the girl walking up to your table, shooting her hand up your shorts to grab your commando junk, and tell you she wants to fuck you in VIP.

Nowadays it is more subtle. A dancer might rub your crotch and say some thing like I bet this would feel good. At that point, keep the thought going. "want to go to VIP and find out?" YMMV!
There's no way to tell. You just need honest 2 way communication.
For me, "good" is a sexy experience with a good grind, tit sucking, and extras. Here is what I do in Seattle, this may or may not work elsewhere. Obviously there is no way to tell from stage dances. I disagree with the position that asking a girl on the floor if she will do x for $y is the shortest route to happiness. My reasoning is that this turns away girls who think you are LE or just rude, and regardless of what she says you have no idea if the FS, HJ, BJ, Hot Carl, etc. that you are looking for will be one that you will enjoy. The shortcoming of my approach is that you may buy a few dances that are lousy or do not include extras. I view the former as par for the course, and the latter as interesting at the very least and part of the warm up / hunt. Again, this is just my approach!

The DC 60% Average Method:

1. Go to one of the extras clubs: Kittens, Playground, or Pandoras. - You can get extras anywhere, but it's much more likely in these places.

2. Skip the hottest and youngest girls in the room. - The former may have GPS, or realize they don't need to do extras to make bank, the latter may not quite realize what's really going on all around them.

3. Avoid girls with a hard sell, or aggressive approach. I.e. overt stick shifting on the floor has rarely translated to LDA (Lap Dance Area) satisfaction for me. - there are lots of scammers in strip clubs, and some novice PLs fall for their tricks at first.

4. Get a dance. - This is why you are here.

5. Before the dance starts, ask how much are your dances. If she says something like "X$ and up...", this is a good sign. - She is telling you that she sells something above and beyond the normal dance. Some girls are nervous about LE and don't want to say "I'll suck your dick for $200".

6. After the dance, if it was good in your subjective opinion and seemed to increase in intensity over the duration, ask for the extra you'd like. Be prepared to walk away... this is the point where she realizes that she can keep making money from you or not based on her choice. It is your point of maximum leverage. You also know if you really even want to go a step further with this girl or not.

The above advice, and $0.45 will get you a bag of chips wherever you go!



If you're wondering about her lap dance and you can see into the lap dance area, then glance in there once in a while and see if you can spot her doing one. Other than that, there is no way. She can be physically affectionate/aggressive at your table and not touch you at all during a lap dance. She can say or imply anything but that is no guarantee. She can be demur at your table and a whore doing a lap dance. Good luck.
If she grinds her clit along your shaft and you can feel the hot wetness seeping through her thong, she’s ready to deliver in VIP.
The first, and most reliable method is history. If she gave you want you want the last time, she's highly (though never guaranteed!) to do so again.

Next, as others have suggested, is to have a conversation with her. General stuff at first, then increasing focus on what her dances are like, and what you'd like them to be like. Questions like "what are your rules," and "how do you feel about ____?" (Mention one of these BJ's, HJ's, nipple sucking, etc., and see how it goes) can be helpful as well. Note: It's they way she answers more than what she says. The more specific her answer the better. Plus neither of these questions are solicitation for sex. You can ask anyone how they feel about a blow job without it being a quid pro quo offer.

And the test drive is somewhat useful as well, though imperfect. At an extras club near me, many of the dancers who will offer anything up to CFS in VIP will not do anything in the regular lap area that could be illegal. But you can judge her attitude and perhaps get her to talk about VIP options if she gets a good vibe from you (i.e.: She can feel your hard-on through your shorts and see your salacious smile) and trusts you.

Again, much of what and how a dancer will signal you about her VIP's may be controlled by club management. So an alternative source of good intel can come from befriending a bouncer. Chat him up at the door, at the bar, maybe tip him a $20 (don't insult him with less) and he may be at least willing to let you and a dancer go VIP without "safety checks" and might actually point out the best dancers that fit your needs. If the club regularly has extras going on, the bouncer (and usually, but not always the DJ or Manager) will know. He may even have sampled the talent once or twice, or more...
avatar for ilbbaicnl
3 years ago
To add a note of paranoia, asking the dancer to commit to extras (or at least in some places even booby touching) masks it solicitation of prostitution. Never heard of an undercover cop dancer or a dancer turned CI, but it's hypothetically possible.
avatar for ilbbaicnl
3 years ago
makes not masks
avatar for PinkSugarDoll
3 years ago
These are good suggestions but I am very vague Bc I think EVERYONE is a cop. Maybe even me. (Can never be too careful).
avatar for Dain
3 years ago
I agree with desertscrub. One way that I use to evaluate a dancer is this: I jack off at stageside (if it's safe), and if her response is quite positive I tell her that I want to cum in the booth. That's been a 95% rate predictor.
avatar for mark94
3 years ago
She grabs your Dick during the test drive on the floor. If she does, it’s 80/20 the VIP will be worthwhile. It really is that simple.
Buying dances is a chumps game.

Instead front room makeout session. Then and only then, you invite her to the backroom, and then likely take her home with you.

As others have said, there’s no surefire way, “it’s more of an art than a science”.

Some of the things that I go by as a “rule of thumb” vs being a surefire method, are:

+ if her stage-show is lame, then I get the sense so will be her dances – a lot of dancers say that they give lame stage-shows b/c no-one is tipping; but that is being shortsighted IMO – there are always custies in the club surveying the scene, floor and stage, to see which dancer grabs their attention and they’d like to spend their $$$ on – when a girl in on-stage she’s on display for every custy in the club including those that are scouting which dancers they would like to spend on; a dancer giving a lame-stage-show may turn-off a potential sale

+ if a dancer approaches and she’s “standoffish” then I’ll usually pass on dances – i.e. if she just sits there and doesn’t initiate any contact and/or does not allow me to touch her while we’re talking, that’s usually a dancer I won’t get dances from; i.e. if she’s not affectionate per se during the sales-pitch, then I assume she’ll likely be the same during the dances – I get that dancers wanna avoid custies that just wanna cop-a-feel and have no-intention of buying dances, but as for me a touchy-feely dancer puts me in the mood for getting dances, and vise-versa

+ w.r.t. extras action, as others, it’s rare I do them w/o getting some dances first – if I’m not feeling the dances I usually assume I won’t feel the VIP action either

And as others have said, it often comes down to location location location – certain cities have tight-ordinances that the clubs have to follow, and sometimes certain clubs just have a low-mileage M.O. – most of the battle per se is being in the right clubs; and then doing-your-part/being-proactive w.r.t. getting what you want for your $$$ vs just handing your $$$ over to a dancer and then hoping you get what you’re looking for.
When she farts, I know she is for real
avatar for WiseToo
New York
3 years ago
You have to take an indirect approach rather than questioning her about her rules, available options, etc. And don't buy any dances for a test drive. Just say something innocent like you heard that some guys get a HJ in the VIP. Then ask her if she thinks that's true. You'll find out really fast whether she does the extras you want.
avatar for NJBalla
New York
3 years ago
If she playfully grabs my dick barside I know Im in for a fun time. We even have a term for it "jersey handshake" Happens at many clubs in NJ, shame if you dont have those types of clubs near you
Front Room Makeout Session is the key, squeezing your dick is also good, but not equal to the front room makeout session.


BBW Backdoor
It’s no wonder if you’re combing through these responses, one can understand why 85% of the men here would still be virgins if they weren’t able to pay for sex.

“Grab her pussy, cops can’t touch genitalia.” - what a fucking tool.
If you don't hear anyone babbling about front room make out sessions, it's almost guaranteed to be better than average.
FRMOS with the girl, that is the real proof, and it should be the minimum standard.


NJBalla, I've noticed no correlation between getting a handshake and a good LD.
@shailynn: while I personally would never do as scrubby suggests here on principle alone, there is some sense to it. A typical piece of advice on escort boards is: when she comes to the door, give her a quick kiss or cop a quick boob feel. The idea is that cops won’t do this so it makes her more comfortable, and equally female LE bait won’t allow this, so if she lets you and kisses you back she’s not a cop. It seems like overkill in a club environment to me though.

The only news I've seen in the last 10 years about police activity in a strip club in Seattle was at dancing bare. And even that wasn't some random vice sting, but involved a bad cop (dating a stripper) and a bunch of drugs.

I doubt many of the strippers are really worried about it.

I am not. Much more worried about paying too much for a shitty dance.

And also, about new / young / hot girls.... Some of them have been the best.

Especially the new girls just starting in the extras clubs that have caught on that it's happening, but don't realize it's an "extra", and getting finger banged while making out isn't just a normal part of every private dance.

But some just don't seem to realize how much hotter than the rest they really are...
@bk: "The only news I've seen in the last 10 years about police activity in a strip club in Seattle was at dancing bare"...

I believe you are correct, before that it was Ricks afaik. There have been busts at AMPs and K-Girl apartments, and some Bikini Baristas have gotten shut down, but no strip clubs. I guess that streetwalkers are always getting hassled, but I don't know for sure.

I have the idea that the recent "defund the police" movement is having the cops deprioritize harassing sex workers and customers, so it's even less of a worry here for the time being.
If you take charge of it, select and approach the girl you really like, use charm and generosity to show good intentions, usually they can be softened up and you can get a front room makeout session going.

Then and only then do you invite her to the backroom, as a prelude to taking her home with you.

Even in pretty hard hustle show clubs, the girls can be softened up if you can supply a stream of money to keep them there, and to play them out some in the front room. Those that have started saying, "I don't kiss", will often come to demonstrably reverse themselves. But a lot of it has to do with the girl seeing that you obviously like her and are going to escalate with her outside the club. It's also kind of a matter of learning how to do it, how to soften them up, to get them shifted from the sympathetic nervous system to the parasympathetic.

You don't take her to the backroom to see if she is good. You take her to the backroom because she is already being great in the front room, and so now you need some privacy.




avatar for jestrite50
3 years ago
A lot if girls early on just took my money and I received nothing in return. Then I wised up and started priming the pump in the front room. If they responded positively then we would go back. If not I would keep my money in my pocket
avatar for joebyr
3 years ago
Rapport and looking at you like you are a person not an atm, so yeah her actually looking at and not thru you is important
Pick the one you want, then with generosity and charm, get a front room makeout session going. Don't even think about taking her into the backroom until this happens in the front room.

avatar for Player11
3 years ago
The girl sits in my lap going up and down on Mr Happy letting me feel her.
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