
Mongering during a natural disaster?

I was off yesterday and I wanted to get some strip clubbing or OTCing in. We had hurricane Ida come through our area but I figured that was a New Orleans problem, we would just be catching it on the downswing. I texted "Hey you wanna hang out tonight" and she responded "I don't know, it's really raining hard, it doesn't look like it's gonna stop soon" and I came back with "Oh no it's alright, it should let up in a couple hours, ain't shit"

After she didn't get back to me, I figured it might be a good time hit the strip clubs for some good bargain bin rain desperation LD's. As I'm driving I look at a video on my phone of cars floating away on the street in Brooklyn, and I didn't immediately say no, I threw it around in my head, "I'm a good swimmer though, etc. etc." But then I eventually relented and turned back after just hitting a couple lights down the block.

Now looking back yesterday it turned out 17 people died in that in the NY/NJ area. It sort of dawned on me on how pathetic and desperate have I become. What kind of power does the dick hold over me? Good lord. Can't I just fold for the night and masturbate? I almost feel the need to apologize to that girl I was talking to. She's gonna think I'm fucking lunatic.

Have you guys any experiences trying to monger in extreme weather conditions?


  • rickdugan
    3 years ago
    A couple of times when heavy snow was setting in, but it wasn't very good either time. Rather unsurprisingly, girls tend not to show up to the clubs in numbers when disaster conditions are setting in.
  • gSteph
    3 years ago
    Probably shouldn't look at videos while driving
    In the rain 🌧
  • Warrior15
    3 years ago
    Hurricane Rita hit close to Houston about a month after Hurricane Katrina hit New Orleans several years ago. Two days before the storm hit, I was in Centerfolds in Houston. Paid to go to the back VIP area. Had a fantastic afternoon where we were all by ourselves. I was back there almost completely naked for about 2 hours with no one bothering us. When we went downstairs, we found out they had issued an evacuation order for the city. Oh ,thats' why we were all by ourselves.
    That was a fantastic afternoon. The next day, I was in the worst traffic jam in history trying to get out of town.
  • misterorange
    3 years ago
    Yeah bro, I think there's a good reason why we call ourselves "PLs". Ha-ha. I didn't go anywhere last night, but I did do this once...

    Back when clubbing was still very sporadic after months of government shut-downs, I got a text from a stripper that I hadn't seen in a long time. She was finally back to work at some shit-hole bar in Paterson NJ which is about 45 minutes from me.

    For whatever reason, my car was somewhere else so the only transportation I had was my Harley. I was so excited, I never bothered to check the weather. Jumped on my bike with just a sweatshirt, no jacket or anything. It was a chilly ride on the way there, maybe 65 degrees or so. I didn't even give a thought to the fact that it was 9PM and would only get colder later on.

    Left the bar around midnight and within five minutes I was freezing my ass off. Then it started to rain. Not just drizzle rain, it was a fucking torrential downpour. I have no idea what the temp was at that point, but it was fucking cold, I was soaking wet, and riding down the Garden State Parkway. I was debating in my mind whether it was better to go fast, feel colder but get home soon, or slow down, feel less cold, and deal with this shit for a longer time. I seriously considered pulling off the highway and finding a motel even though I was only a half hour from home.

    Ultimately I made it back, took a hot shower, and got into bed with three blankets. The things we'll do for pussy really boggles the mind.
  • jackslash
    3 years ago
    A number of years ago, we had a blizzard. But I wasn't going to let snow deprive me of my right to titties and beer. I drove through the storm, which became increasingly heavy and brought traffic to a crawl. I finally arrived at the club, expecting to be rewarded for my risk taking. However, as I entered the club, a group of strippers, bundled up in their coats and mittens and boots, came walking out. They told me the manager had decided to close the club because there were no customers.
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    3 years ago
    The better dancers don't need to show up during truly shitty weather. So, they don't.

    So, not worth it from my perspective.
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    3 years ago
    I was on a club during a small earthquake. It was kinda fun.

    And a few times during a power outage where the manager didn't let girls leave. So it turned into a party for some of us free drinks and kinky shit jn the dark lulz
  • IfIGottaBeDamned
    3 years ago
    It wasn’t a weather event, but I decided to remain in a SC in Baltimore during the first night of the Freddy Gray riots rather than head home early. Kept one eye on the TV and the other on the dancers. Got perspectives from both an AA dancer and a bartender whose brother was a cop. Left the club shortly before closing.
  • Cashman1234
    3 years ago
    I have not gone clubbing during a true disaster. I’ve gone on nights with heavy snow, and regretted it. I remember going to Irvington one night about 15 years ago when there were only flurries. As the storm built up - I was enjoying lots of beer and booty! I left the club relaxed and satisfied - until I put my foot into a snow pile. It was a slippery ride back home in my car.
  • RandomName111
    3 years ago
    I was on a work trip once and fled into a club to avoid a bad storm. I got a VIP right off the bat as I figured by the time I was out everything would have cleared up. Storm was worse than I realized, a tornado formed and took out power to the area then came very, very close to the club. What started as a shockingly hot VIP ended up with us holding onto each other as the building groaned and shook. Definitely a memorable experience.
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