Does good grammar make a woman more attractive?

He/Him - He’s a filthy pig. That’s him in VIP with another whore.
I was wondering what fellow mongers might think. You are sitting at the bar in your favorite strip club, and a dancer comes by to chat. She is well spoken. Would you find her more attractive than a dancer who might not be so well spoken?
Maybe strip clubs are different. So, would you find a civilian woman with good grammar more attractive? All other factors being the same.
last comment1000000%, yes. Intelligence is a major turn-on for me.
To me it depends on how hard she seems to be trying. By that I mean, if it seems to come natural, yes, I like it. But if she seems to be playing the part of an educated, cultured person, it falls flat.
Yes. I prefer when a woman says 'Cum on these big titties' versus 'Cum on them big titties.'
Yes, it makes a woman much more gooder.
I do appreciate oral skills.
It's not a deal breaker to me when she's an all natural 8+.
Based on the girls I end uo sleeping with, if anything bad grammar seems to be a common denominator. We just have to accept that women talk how they text now.
If her grammar was attractive then it might have been passed down to her.
Went out with a swipe right a while back... pretty hot, killer body, younger than me (32?)... But she smoked (turnoff #1), and then every other word was "fuck" or "fuckin'", and not necessarily about the act... Complete lack of a vocabulary was major turnoff #2. Different forms of "fuck" are fun, but when it's too often, there's such a thing as diminishing returns..
@ElDuderino_AZ: The exception that proves the rule.
Must of us (juice not included) appreciate good grammar, but let’s face it, I’m not introducing her to my parents and she’s not have kids with me so it’s not a deal breaker in a 30 minute VIP session.
@IfIGottaBeDamned --- different guy, but as soon as that video popped up I thought of The Wire's mayor...shiiiiiit
In a civilian girl it would make a difference because I want more than just an attractive woman.
In a strip club I doubt it would make me want her any more because I care more about how she looks and how she moves.
There are a couple of speech styles that get on my nerves so bad that she would have to be really hot for me to overlook: "ditzy valley girl" or "ratchet hoe" but I consider those more of a personality than speech issue.
Depends on what I want from her. Say I'm in a city that I'm not going to be in again. This is an extras club and we are waiting for our 30 minutes in VIP. It would not matter one bit. But if I'm going to an OTC date, then of course it does. I don't want to spend a lot of time with someone that I can't have a conversation with. But if we are about to embark on 30 minutes of pure physical pleasure, then why would I want her to talk ?
Not really. It doesn't matter much to me. I can't stand uppity bitches as much as loud ass ghetto bitches though
All else equal, yes it does.
OTOH it is hard to understand her with my dick in her mouth.
Yes. It's a plus, for sure, if all other things are equal.
I've met dancers who were not in the top tier at their club for looks, but built up a steady stable of regulars by being articulate and knowing how to connect with customer on a wide range of topics.
I prefer to associate with people that display some intelligence, speaking well is the second thing anyone notices about you after your appearance, it's pretty up there on my list.
Yes definitely more attractive, but I’m not there to grade her on her speech. At best, it’s a tiebreaker. Perfect grammar won’t save bad tits and the vocabulary of a 2d grade dropout won’t be a dealbreaker if she’s got JLo’s ass.
I agree with a lot of the posts. In a strip club, it’s a challenge just to be heard if the music is loud. When there’s a language difference, it can make communicating even more of a challenge.
If I’m chatting with a dancer, and the conversation is flowing, that can make her more attractive. It might move her to an OTC level immediately. I haven’t met a dancer who I would turn down based on her inability to carry a conversation.
In terms of civilian women, a lack of grammar or ability to communicate, can be a turn off. Although, if a woman has a filthy mouth, it can be kinda hot in a nasty way. But, in many cases, it’s not that the woman is sexually wild (or nasty), it’s just that she’s not a good communicator.
Good grammar is not a priority as long as she handles my dangling participle.
I generally prefer girls who are at least somewhat well spoken like someone who I might interact with socially. However I don’t set a high bar for it.
I don't put a lot of attention on it.
A woman is either interesting or she isn't, no matter how articulate she is. IRL I don't talk that much unless I have to carry a conversation. And if I have to carry a conversation I typically check out quickly. Exceptions outside of work are when I'm looking to see if the other person will open up, but that's rare.
Strip clubs are different because the dancers need something to keep them in the moment while we're deciding if money's getting made/spent. And in that case grammar skills are way down on my list, except for a few random words that bug me.
Her heart outweighs her ability to write an essay
^ a bottom feeder such as yourself, wouldn't know anything about speaking properly LULZZZZ
Not more attractive but definitely more fun. There is a correlation between grammar and sense of humor... usually.
I've seen how these honeys can adjust their grammar and slang based on the PL they're with. Admirable.
Yes of course how she speaks will influence the impression she makes. Overall the women who dance in strip clubs are more intelligent, communicate better, and have better people skills than the general population. How someone talks will always influence the impression they make.