
Avoiding interactions with other SC patrons

Since the reopening I've been clubbing like crazy.

One thing that's changed for me is I want to interact only with the dancers. Now, I avoid any banter another customer may initiate. This includes bouncers and management etc...

While in the club I'll position myself to limit the possibility of such interactions with other PLs.

Of course I'll respond to friendly banter directed at me but I keep the interaction as brief as possible.

This is also true in the civie world. Where previously I would make a joke or comment, I now give everyone a wide berth.

Anyone else experiencing this phonomena (sp?)


  • wallanon
    3 years ago
    I keep my distance from other customers and staff so they don't get uncomfortable, but if they approach me I just go with it unless they seem out of sorts. I've already checked off on the risk by walking in the door.
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    3 years ago
    Generally speaking, when I'm in the club I talk to dancers and bartenders.

    I might get into a conversation with another customer or anyone else once in a great while, but not often.
  • Lone_Wolf
    3 years ago
    To be clear, I've never gone to a club wanting to banter with other customers. Previously, I didn't care if it happened or not. Now, I just prefer no interaction with anyone but the dancers.
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    3 years ago
    I don't mind interacting with customers. It's not a big deal.

    Middle aged white guys try to buy drugs from me or ask me about hoes lulz. Racial profiling sucks
  • wallanon
    3 years ago
    "To be clear, I've never gone to a club wanting to banter with other customers."

    I don't think your post was unclear. Generally speaking, I didn't care before about talking with other customers and don't care now. I'm breathing the same air whether I'm talking with them or not. To look at one of your examples, if the place I'd like to sit happens to be near another customer I'm not going to avoid the spot. Now I'm not going to sit at a table with another dude unless we know each other, but I'm not going to complicate my experience just to avoid being near someone.

    For instance the other day I walked into a club and it looked like a table had another customer at it, so I passed over the seat I wanted so the guy wouldn't feel crowded. The next available table wasn't in a spot I liked, then I noticed the customer was sitting at a corner table and the dancer had put her purse and shit on the table I wanted. So I walked back over and rearranged a couple of chairs and sat down. The tables were spaced funny because someone had pushed the table over, but once the other customer went and got his dances I moved it back and went on about my business.
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    3 years ago
    It can be fun. I've had guys buy me drinks dances. Weirdest shit was an old white guy offering to buy me extras as long as I gave him the used condom
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    3 years ago
    I even had an old white guy give me money to tip girls
  • doctorevil
    3 years ago
    I always avoid talking to other customers. If I want to do that,I’ll go to a regular bar.
  • misterorange
    3 years ago
    I'll have a conversation with a fellow monger if he seems like a regular guy. I've even bought drinks back and forth a few times. But I have a very firm line in the sand regarding what I think is "normal." Lol.

    This was long before the shutdown. I was really drunk (okay, shitfaced) and I don't usually act this way but... Some weirdo was sitting 2 bar stools down from me and started talking stupid shit. Commenting on the dancers and trying to get me to respond, in a really annoying way. For a while I was tolerant, like yeah she's hot or whatever. I also noticed he wouldn't tip the girls when they came around, he had no money on the bar and if he did tip, he made a big show of reaching in his pocket and handing them one dollar.

    Then he starts asking me what girls would be good in the back room and how much they charge (he must have realized I'm a regular in the place.) I was in fact a regular and everybody knew me from the dancers to the bartenders to the bouncers and the owner.

    For a second or two I considered whether or not he might be LEO, but ruled that out because his English was so bad and he had no manners whatsoever. He was just a scumbag and a cheapskate.

    So I moved over to sit right next to him, looked him square in the eye, and told him to go fuck himself. It's not even like I'm some big threatening guy, I'm not at all. The truth is when I get drunk I'm usually happy and more friendly than when I'm sober. But this guy just pissed me off so bad. So after I told him to fuck himself I said either move to the other side of the bar or get the hell out of here.

    Well this pussy started crying like a little girl. He literally had tears coming down his face. He made some half-assed apology and asked the bartender to get me a drink on his tab. I told the bartender to forget about the drink and either he goes or I'm leaving. Like 10 seconds later a huge bouncer came and threw the guy out the door.
  • Mate27
    3 years ago
    We now know 2ICEE is jealous of old white guys. He sure has a lot
    Of comments about them.
  • goldmongerATL
    3 years ago
    I was at a club recently and sat at the bar. I rarely sit at the bar unless it his the very end against the wall. There were four open seats to my right and a couple comes and sits directly next to me and just wanted to be my friend and talk constantly. Someone said it earlier that the bar at a strip club is not Cheers where the bar is more like a group chat. In a strip club, what this couple did was even more annoying because now I did not have a seat for a dancer to occupy. I moved to a table.

    I have rarely had an issue when at a table. For those that were not familiar with the old Follies, along the wall it was table-seat-seat-table-seat-seat-table. it had its own table etiquette. You were sitting next to a guy maybe one foot away and actually sharing a table with the guy across the table from you along the wall. Thee were seats away from the wall where your dancers could sit. Every once in a while some idiot would decide to join your table. Usually both guys along the wall (who would otherwise ignore each other) would both tell the guy this was our table.

    It was also cool to ask the other guy at your table to watch your seat or drink. People were bad about immediately grabbing a seat as soon as someone got up, even just to tip at the stage.

  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    3 years ago
    When it comes to LEO's.... remember they recruit snitches. I remember one who was a typical paisa with a wire. You can tell them by the questions they ask or what they say
  • Lone_Wolf
    3 years ago
    Years ago back in my hard partying days I would sit at the bar and naturally strike up conversations with the other drunks.

    Sometimes the conversation would start off normal enough only to find out the custie was mentally unstable or maybe a racist or complete whack job.

    The shit these ladies deal with must be intense.

    It's amazing strip clubs function as well as they do.
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    3 years ago
    Yall trilping
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    3 years ago
    ^^^ Can't spell "Y'all" or "tripping".
  • jackslash
    3 years ago
    I keep as far away from other customers as I can because they're all dirty disgusting degenerates. I don't know why they stay far away from me.
  • theeastcoast757
    3 years ago
    Some of my best nights have been sitting with random guys they always give me money to tip and buy me drinks. Seems like the coolest guys are always from NY for some reason. Had to take a break from going at night after meeting a couple and the guy paid me to talk to his wife and eventually kiss her. I felt super bad the next day but I partly blame it on taking shots with dancers earlier in my night.
  • wallanon
    3 years ago
    I misread theeastcoast757 as EastCoaster at first and was wondering WTF that dude was up to lol.
  • Warrior15
    3 years ago
    Covid 19 has not changed my behavior at all at any time. But I've never been the type to engage much with other patrons in a club. I'm there for the girls. The exception is if I go into a club that is a nightclub type club. Eleven in Miami is one of those. OZ in Clearwater is that on the weekends. Several female patrons go in to these. Last time I had fun in OZ. I got to talking to a female patron at the bar. They started the parade with the 2for1 dances, a stripper came by and asked if I wanted a 2for1, I look at the female patron and ask if she wanted to go to back. I made out with her while the dancer did her two dances. I just remembered that. I may go back to OZ soon now.
  • wallanon
    3 years ago
    The last time I chatted with a customer who wasn't a TUSCLer was when a dancer drug me outside for a smoke. Her stripper BFF was sitting outside with a dude and kept yelling over to us.

    Finally we move over there and the dancers start talking. The BFF starts going on about how the customers are cheap and she hasn't made hardly any money. The guy is sitting right there lol!

    I suppose it was wasn't really a chat. It was more like I look over and the dude has that "this shit is awkward" look on his face. I just shrugged. To make it even funnier we were waiting on a VIP room to open up and the other dancer said those two had just done one so it should be free.

    So I'm guessing she'd just gotten whatever money that guy brought. I think the BFF was still angling for a double VIP with me, but she'd just finished with annoyed dude and told me earlier she'd been out for weeks with a weird body rash. She said it wasn't contagious and just looked bad, but umm...no.
  • drewcareypnw
    3 years ago
    20 years ago I used to go with buddies from work, we had a little cash for the first time and thought it was baller to go out to dinner, drinks, and then hit the strip club. I wasn’t going for extras during this time, though it snuck up in me a few times. These days, I go for extras and go by myself. I talk to strippers and respond cordially to the waitress, and that’s it. This is made easier to some degree by the specifics of the seattle SC scene. We don’t have alcoholic drinks, just crappy sodas, so no one is hanging around the bar getting loaded and shooting the shit. Also seattle is a standoffish place where people don’t talk to strangers when they’re out in the town , so much so that there’s a name for it, “the seattle freeze”. The clubs here have every other table marked off “don’t sit here” these days because of covid, but we are already natural experts at evenly distribution ourselves across a club for maximum distance between patrons. Not for safety, but just because we don’t want tot talk to anyone!
  • Cashman1234
    3 years ago
    I generally club solo, and I don’t solicit any interaction with other customers. As others have said, I’m there to chat with dancers and enjoy more in the back.

    If a customer speaks to me, I’m fine chatting. But, I don’t want to compare notes on dancers - and I’m looking for any intel either.

    I won’t be rude, I just won’t be super engaging either (with other customers).
  • Cashman1234
    3 years ago
    I mistyped. My sentence should read - and I’m not looking for any intel either.

    I apologize for any confusion caused.
  • Salty.Nutz
    3 years ago
    Before the pandemic i had your approach of not interacting. now i more friendly and limit the dancers i talk to. once the dancer does something i dont like i move on to the next 1 i like.
  • shadowcat
    3 years ago
    A month ago on a crowded Saturday afternoon I got the worst of it. 2 drunk guys and their dancer invaded my space. Due to lack of seating they took over part of my booth. They offered to buy me drinks and free dances from their girl. I wanted no part of it. When they ordered a second round of drinks I had had enough and left the club.
  • NJBalla
    3 years ago
    I dont mind patrons making small talk. Its usually a sentence of two before focusing back on the women. What is more concerning is the chess game of avoiding the other dancers who think its cute to sit next to you right before the girl you want is going to come over. I used to think it was coincidence but girls have amazing vision and if they hate a girl they may try to run interference to take money out of her pocket. In my early days id stay in my seat and hope short responses would shoo them away, only to see the girl I want avoid the drama and find another patron. I quickly learned when this happens to simply grab my beer and walk up to the girl I wanted who was on her way and ask her if she wanted to grab a drink on the other side of the bar.
  • boomer79
    3 years ago
    Generally I don’t interact with other customers but Imwill from time to time usually while I, sittting at the bar and it’s kind of slow. There definitely need to be boundaries though.
  • Tetradon
    3 years ago
    Once in a blue moon.

    I'm an introvert, if I didn't come in with a friend I probably don't care for their company. That said I'll have the occasional chat about strip clubs in general, talk about the good old days, shit like that. But I won't go out of my way for it.
  • azdd
    3 years ago
    I almost always go solo, but have had a few opportunities to meet other PLs from this site in a club. There are several other AZ contributors here that I wouldn’t mind meeting sometime, but I’m not going out of my way to make that happen. If a random customer sitting by me wants to chat, I’m courteous but I don’t share any specific information with them beyond club operational details. There was a recent nightshift when I sat next to another PL from this site and chatted about dancers and our experiences for a couple of hours. However, we’ve been in the same club at the same time during the dayshift, and because of our relationships with dancers there, we don’t talk and pretend not to know each other. If you’re normally solo, dancers will notice if you are chatting with other PLs, especially if you are regulars.
  • san_jose_guy
    3 years ago
    I have always avoided interactions with other SC patrons. Only once long ago did I bring anyone. They did not really like it. But they did observe that I was much more into interacting with the girls than they were.

  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    3 years ago
    SJG said "I have always avoided interactions with other SC patrons."

    Yeah ... so ... that's not hard to accomplish when you don't actually go to strip clubs.

    SJG said "Only once long ago did I bring anyone. They did not really like it."

    That's because goats prefer open fields. Not strip clubs.
  • Cashman1234
    3 years ago
    Ishmael - I wonder if anyone has tried to bring a goat into a strip club?

    I’m guessing there are some odd folks who have tried to bring their pets to a club.
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    3 years ago
    I don't get the problem with it. I don't mind interacting with anyone....except for meth heads and crazy people. I once had a guy accuse me of stealing his ear phones in a club. And I've had guys panhandle asking me to buy them drinks or dances. Once a guy bitched about spending $25 on a girl. I avoid people like that but mostly it's positive.

    I had a weird interaction at a swingers club once. A teacher from Boston and I chatted when the club was empty. We left to get some food then when we came back shared some guys wife. He told me he wished his son was like me lol
  • san_jose_guy
    3 years ago
    I have found that it is best to minimize interactions with other PL's.

  • Mate27
    3 years ago
    ^^^is that why you spam this board with irrelevance to any subject matter pertaining to a strip club visit, because you’re minimizing your PL interactions? You’re the one who’s always written how you like to engage with people and avoid tye meta narrative. Looks like you’re contradicting yourself…..AGAIN!
  • Huntsman
    3 years ago
    To everything, there is a season…

    I guess with me, I like to zone out of stuff that doesn’t interest me. So when I’m in the club, I only care about the gals, unless I want another beverage. I’m not rude but lean toward keeping to myself. So it’s like a lightly jarring event if some random dude tries to strike up a convo with me in the club. That’s always been the case with me and not a post covid thing.

    I try to be situationally aware and observant but not engage.
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