
New COVID Restrictions - What Have You Seen?

They never tell you what you need to know.
I was on a conference call with someone that lives in NYC yesterday and they said starting this week to dine in a restaurant they have to present a vaccination card. Several national chains in my area are requesting you wear masks when entering their stores (but it’s not being enforced).

Aside from that it seems like business as usual everywhere else although I’m hearing of a lot of new COVID cases locally although most people are unvaccinated.


  • rickdugan
    3 years ago
    I expect the vaccination card requirement to collapse under its own weight sooner or later. They simply cannot return NYC back to economic health until they stop making it difficult for people to work and play there.
  • Longball300
    3 years ago
    Whether it's masks or vacc proof two things:

    1) People are sick of it and are not going to comply.
    2) Small businesses have no practical way to enforce these rules.

    Only concert venues and sports events that already have security / police in place will be able to comply. Not that I think that's a bad thing.... GET YOUR SHOTS... Vaccine and Crown Royal.
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    3 years ago
    Just more masks being required by more businesses regardless of vax status.

    The US Navy in Rhode Island is requiring masks indoors regardless of vax status. I'm not sure about other federal or state facilities.
  • skibum609
    3 years ago
    So far in Massachusetts the Governor has left masking up to the various towns. Towns that are requiring it are losing business to other towns.
  • gobstopper007
    3 years ago
    Most ironic part of New York vaccine regulation is that you also have to present photo ID.
  • 623
    3 years ago
    Nevada has a mask mandate and it is being enforced although at the Raiders game last weekend there were a lot of ppl just holding a drink so they could avoid the mask. Ppl here are pretty much policing (reminding) each other and most are taking it seriously. Raiders announced yesterday if your not vaxed you won’t be able to go.

    Yes we are all sick of the rules but I’m sick of paying taxes and speed limits too, I just try to do what’s best for society so I can live in a good place. That’s not happening until everyone gets the jab and if that takes too long then the thing will mutate into something that needs a whole new vax cycle.

    For fuck sake spend 5 minutes at Walmart (your there anyways) and get it over with.
  • 623
    3 years ago
    ^ You’re there anyways
  • Longball300
    3 years ago
    The dominant grocery chain in my area reinstated a mask rule; went into the store and only about 20% of the peeps INCLUDING the employees had a mask on; everyone is just saying fuck you CDC.
  • gammanu95
    3 years ago
    I'm seeing more masks while I'm out and about, maybe even over 50% people wearing them. Home Depot is requiring them, but they never enforced it the first time around. Heard on the news that McDonald's was going to require all corporate employees (not franchise) to get vaccinated. McDonald's Corp was my very 2nd job in HS. I still own several thousand dollars in shares. I can see (but vehemently disagree with) requiring it of salaried people in the various national, divisional, and regional offices. I can even see requiring it of salaried managers in McOpCo restaurants. Are they going to force the minimum wage and hourly labor to be vaccinated? That's not right.

    I am not an anti-vaxxer. I believe that if you want your child to go to public schools, they should get the MMR, meningitis, etc. required vaccinations. I agree with having your child vaccinated against herpes and HPV. I even made the decision to take the Moderna COVID vaccine. Key word: my decision. These are not a FDA-approved vaccines. These vaccines received EMERGENCY USE AUTHORIZATION for the most vulnerable persons. People for whom COVID-19 was more dangerous. Then they released it, but never approved it, for most of the adult and YA population; for people to receive if the chose to. Spending all day in a medical practice surrounded by extraordinarily vulnerable people or surrounded by those in constant contact with EVPs, I chose to be vaccinated. We never required it of any employees. It didn't help when everyone who received had to call out sick the day after their second dose. Mandating people to take an unapproved vaccine is WRONG. No one I know has had any serious side effects from the vaccine; but that does not make it safe.

    I feel the same way about masks. If you want your child to wear a mask, make them wear a mask. If your obese, diabetic, MIL lives with you, then tell the teacher that your child is to wear a mask. But that does not mean that everyone's child should wear a mask. Parents make decisions for their children, not teachers and bureaucrats. If you want to require masks in your business and risk the hit to your revenue line, then by all means do it. By the same token, if a bureaucrat is going to close businesses, force mask-wearing outdoors, and order people to stay at home, then they should be prepared to lose the tax revenue, defend that decision come election cycle, and compensate law-abiding business owners out of whatever funds the municipality has available.

    Until there is an FDA-approved vaccine with minimal side effects, then no one, no where, and no business should be requiring it.
  • rickdugan
    3 years ago
    Here in FL we won't be seeing any mandates coming back because the Governor has made it that way. This includes school mask mandates, though a tiny % of school districts are defying the Governor on this.

    Local businesses, however, are free to require masks. Most are now posting the new CDC guidance on their windows, but none that I have seen are actually enforcing mask use. That includes my kids' dentist and orthodontist.

    After a year and a half enough is enough already.
  • jackslash
    3 years ago
    Covid is tired of vaccines and masks. Covid wants to come out and play.
  • PredragDr
    3 years ago
    Masks are required for all indoor activities where I live. Even for the MLB baseball game (partially indoors), you need to wear a mask to enter, but can take it off when you reach your seats.
    San Francisco requires proof of vaccination for some bars/restaurants, but most don't yet. I don't believe any actually scan the QR code, so I could see easy forgeries
  • rickdugan
    3 years ago
    ===> "Covid is tired of vaccines and masks. Covid wants to come out and play."

    Then let it.
  • mark94
    3 years ago
    There is already an active market in fake vaccine certifications.
  • san_jose_guy
    3 years ago
    It is another exercise in duplicity, acting like this is a reasonable response, but approaching it like they are trying to eradicate COVID.

    When are they planning on eradicating the flu, or chicken pox, or mononucleosis?

    We need to oppose all restrictions, testing, and mandatory vaccinations.

  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    3 years ago
    The mask packages clearly state they don't stop the transmission of viruses....

    We need uniform mitigation efforts throughout the country.

    But all that's happening is we're sold and coerced into a false sense of safety to appease the private sector which opposes lockdowns and measures to help people.
  • san_jose_guy
    3 years ago

    The idea that any of this is reducing the number of people exposed to the virus is how the idiocy started. At most, all it does is slow it down so that we don't over flow the hospitals. Beyond that it is just stupidity.


  • Hank Moody
    3 years ago
    Greg Abbott tested positive for Covid. Luckily he is vaccinated and a symptomatic. I will admit I laughed when the news alert hit my phone.
  • Hank Moody
    3 years ago

    Stupid autocorrect
  • MotherRussia
    3 years ago
    The amount of people in France who have not taken the mandatory vaccine is pretty high. We re seeing massive amounts of nurses, truck driver, grocery delivery app workers etc, out of work and on unemployment for now. That means the hospitals that were already understaffed, are even more understaffed. Supplies are taking longer to get in ushering in shortages. Can't go get groceries? Just order on an app! Oh, but wait. They're understaffed too due to mandatory jabs. It's only going to get worse.

    If you give the government the power of vaccine passports, they will only abuse that power long term. It will turn into a Chinese social credit score. Did you not do what daddy government wanted you to do? Did you not comply? Oh no, I guess you can't ride on the bus, drive a car, etc. Privileges revoked.

    It's orwellian and totalitarian. Do not comply. You give the government and inch and they take a mile. Crack open a history book.

    This starts out innocent. "Let's save lives due to a virus". Great! Get the vaccine. But being in favor of keeping someone from getting food from a grocery store is exactly the person who would be a nazi in German concentration camps killing jews.
  • idletraveler
    3 years ago
    In Maryland, Montgomery County and Baltimore City have reintroduced 100% indoor mask mandates. Not sure how it's affecting the Baltimore City SCs, since I usually go to one in Baltimore County instead, where the mask rules have been much more relaxed throughout.
  • loper
    3 years ago
    Love the vaccine mandate. Absolutely no excuse for not getting vaccinated.
  • rickdugan
    3 years ago
    ===> "Love the vaccine mandate. Absolutely no excuse for not getting vaccinated."

    Some people do, usually those who desire the warm embrace of Big Daddy Government taking care of them. Some men are just wired that way I suppose.
  • crosscheck
    3 years ago
    I was in Raleigh-Durham, NC this past weekend. The county there (Wake County) has put a mandatory mask mandate back in effect for indoor spaces. Enforcement seemed spotty however.
  • whodey
    3 years ago
    Haven't seen any government mandates here in Ohio or while in Kentucky lately. I have seen quite a few businesses requesting face masks and a couple of smaller businesses requiring masks to enter. Several concert venues have also required either proof of vaccination or proof of a negative covid test within 72 hours of the show.

    Personally, I would rather see them ask for the negative test result than vaccination for concerts and mass gatherings because while the vaccines are fairly effective they aren't 100%. On the other hand I do know a couple of people that said the only reason they got the vaccine is because they have tickets to several concerts and didn't want to keep having the nasal swab tests done each week.
  • elmer
    3 years ago
    Chicago announced starting Friday everyone must wear a mask.
    For restaurants apparently they can be removed after being seated.
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    3 years ago
    From what I'm seeing the new mandates aren't being enforced as much by small businesses.
  • san_jose_guy
    3 years ago
    Gavin Newsom's Anti-Recall Campaign is shameless. He is actually running on COVID precautions, like mandator vaccinations and the idea that COVID is a life and death threat.

    I cannot stand Newsom, been opposed to him since before he was San Francisco Mayor. I want him to just resign because I do not want to see his seat go to a Republican. I don't want to see a replay of Grey Davis and Arnold Swarzenegger.

    Swarzenegger was moderately pro-choice, so he never could have made it through the Republican Primary. I would not be surprised if they have again picked someone like that, moderately pro-choice, someone who never could have made it through the Republican Primary.

    Newsom was continually making a fool of himself during Summer and Fall 2020, promoting COVID hysteria, flying in the helicopter over our beached, getting all exercised because the positive test rate climbed from 5.1% to 5.6%, and talking about his Army of 10,000 Contact Tracers. He should be in prison. But I still do not want his seat to go to a Republican..


    Humble Pie

  • goodyman
    3 years ago
    I'm vaxxed but ain't no way in hell I'm producing a vax card to a bar, club, etc..
  • san_jose_guy
    3 years ago
    ^^^^ Well all resist in what ways we can. This is what Sartre explained in Existentialism is a Humanism.



    Seven Nation Army
  • Huntsman
    3 years ago
    Around here some businesses are requesting customers to wear masks but there are no statewide mandates nor have I heard talk of any mask mandates or business shut downs again.
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