
Q&A w/Vanessa169

Vanessa is a dancer a treasure club in Greensboro, North Carolina. I saw what club she was worked at and I felt I wanted to see what goes on over there by talking to somebody that works there. Govikings seems to be obsessed with the place. Let’s find out.

1. Alright first thing's first this, and the one that's on everybodies mind, this is tuscler GoVikings, Juicebox69, and Gobstobber favorite club, have you met them?

2. How long have you been dancing?

3. What clubs have you worked at?

4. Can you talk about the North Carolina scene? What are some of the other dancers saying about it?

5. What are some places you would like to dance at?

6. What kind of customer do you target? What kind of customer do you avoid?

7. What kind of customer seems to go after you?

8. Have you ever done anything in VIP that you regret?

9. Have you ever took advantage of a customer in a way you regret? Did a customer ever get over on you?

10. What's advice you would tell yourself a new dancer just starting out?

11. What is the drug that strippers have been using around were you've worked?

12. Have you done extras?

13. Talk about the treasure club Limo ride. What's that like and what goes on? Any good stories?

14. Ways that customers dress that you hate?

15. Ways they dress that you like?

16. You said your Asexual? Can you describe what that is, feels like? No attraction to anybody at all ever?


  • Vanessa169
    3 years ago
    1. Alright first thing's first this, and the one that's on everybodies mind, this is tuscler GoVikings, Juicebox69, and Gobstobber favorite club, have you met them?

    I have definitely met at least gobstopper. If I met any of the other ones, they most likely did not introduce themselves under their online names so I may have but I don’t know.

    2. How long have you been dancing?

    I have been dancing for 3 1/2 years total and I have been at Treasure Club for 2 1/2 years. Treasure Club was the seventh club I’ve worked at.

    3. What clubs have you worked at?

    In Winston, I work at Savannas, Phillies and Paper Moon. In Greensboro I work at Treasure and Cheetahs. In Charlotte I work that Leather and Lace and in Raleigh I worked at capital cabaret

    4. Can you talk about the North Carolina scene? What are some of the other dancers saying about it?

    I mean it’s North Carolina so dancing here doesn’t compare to the rest of the country. Especially big cities. But we all do all right here. Especially at Treasure Club, this club is more like a family than any other club I’ve ever worked at. All of us girls are very close and we don’t have a lot of drama at all. Despite working in North Carolina, we’re all very happy here.

    5. What are some places you would like to dance at?

    I am not a city person. I don’t like big cities are working and then we’re living in them. I would only dance in the city if I had family there. I hope to move to Vegas within a couple years. I have cousins who live there and it would be a very easy transition for me. I understand the environment would be different but I would still be around all my family.

    6. What kind of customer do you target? What kind of customer do you avoid?

    The main thing I said to avoid is time wasting customers. I only have so many hours in a day and I need to make enough to pay all my bills. Especially with Covid and being in North Carolina. I like having a nice conversation with somebody who I can actually talk to but within about 15 minutes, I need to either sell something or move on. I only have so many hours to work and 30 minutes or more in a conversation adds up over the course of your work night.

    7. What kind of customer seems to go after you?

    I tend to attract a younger crowd. My dance music is usually in the EDM realm. I’m a high energy dancer on stage and my main goal is to attract attention while I’m up there and then sell as much as I can when I get down.

    8. Have you ever done anything in VIP that you regret?

    No. As long as you follow my rules, which depends on what dance you get, we will have no problems. If you break a rule you get a warning, break it again, bouncer comes back and I warn you the next time you pay up. Break it a third time and you owe me at least $100 cash. I am very strict on my rules and nobody has special treatment.

    9. Have you ever took advantage of a customer in a way you regret? Did a customer ever get over on you?

    No. I am very upfront about what I allow what I don’t allow and the consequences. If you get any petty treatment from me, you deserve it and were warned fairly ahead of time. Sometimes if a customer breaks my rules and I let them know ahead of time what the consequences were and they don’t tip me out and leave the club, I guess they got one over on me. But then they won’t be able to come back in the club next time.

    10. What’s advice you would tell yourself a new dancer just starting out?

    Just do it. I don’t care if you have self-esteem issues. I don’t care if you’re not fit. I promise you will be a good dancer. It’s some thing really anybody could do. It takes time to develop your skills but as long as you put in the time and effort you will do very well. Also don’t give a fuck about what anybody says. Don’t let customers push you around because that’s how you do things that you regret.

    11. What is the drug that strippers have been using around were you’ve worked?

    Of course having worked at many different clubs I’ve seen cocaine and heroin. Treasure Club is different. The only drugs I’ve ever seen used while at work that’s not weed is shrooms. Sometimes LSD. There’s not really any hard drugs with any of our current dancers. I think everyone working there right now is pretty hippie dippy and wants natural things.

    12. Have you done extras?

    Yes. My dances are generally very high contact. I am very in the moment and combine gentle touches with some heavy grinding. Depends on the person of course and what they want. In the limos I do offer them as full nude. I can touch myself in there and you will definitely have a good time. My tools for the limo is I don’t wanna touch your dick (std safety and YOU can touch it) and you can’t touch my pussy (std safety). Everything else is pretty much fair game.

    13. Talk about the treasure club Limo ride. What’s that like and what goes on? Any good stories?

    See above. As for good stories... where do I start? I had a man by Limo so that he could put his head in my lap and cry for a half hour. I had very interesting quadriplegic dance. Once there was six people in one limo. Idk

    14. Ways that customers dress that you hate?

    Super loose pants with no underwear that are thin. Sometimes guys who wear that like to arrange their dick facing straight up into our pussies. The problem is wearing thongs and it is very uncomfortable and does not feel good

    15. Ways they dress that you like?

    Anything but above

    16. You said your Asexual? Can you describe what that is, feels like? No attraction to anybody at all ever?

    I’d be willing to guess that a lot of the men on here are straight. The same way you feel about another man in bed, kind of weird and not an image you want to have in your head. I feel that way about men to. And women as well. I still like physical affection but not sex. I channel that affection into my work. I make my customer feel special and I’m very good at what I do. Dancing makes me happy and it’s something physical that make somebody else feel good. I just don’t have time to invest another person and because I don’t need sex there’s no reason for me to have a SO. That’s also why I have very rigid rules myself. I don’t like to go any further than what I give anyway. Besides the fact that I’m kind of a high mileage dancer, you will get a lot out of it anyway.
  • Cashman1234
    3 years ago
    Very good interview! I appreciate Vanessa’s insights. She sounds like a very smart girl, and a dancer who knows how to handle herself in every situation. I never heard of club limo ride dances - but they sound like fun.

    I appreciate Vanessa’s insight regarding her sexuality as well. I learned something reading that last answer.

    Thanks Muddy for those great questions!
  • RedJohnson
    3 years ago
    For some reason this Q&A triggered in me a strong urge to visit Southside Johnny's. I can't exactly put my finger on why. 😁
  • Vanessa169
    3 years ago
    RedJohnson: that’s fine. I put everything on the table take it or leave it. I’m not the best dancer for everybody but at least you know what you’re going to get. I just know my worth :)
  • skibum609
    3 years ago
    I appreciate vanessa's honesty. We would not be a match and her honesty saves us both time and money. Being up front and honest is incredibly hard to do, which is why so few do it and those who do, deserve respect.
  • rickdugan
    3 years ago
    Vanessa, don't listen to RJ. You have every right to value yourself and if that isn't someone else's cup of tea then so be it. You do you boo.
  • SirLapdancealot
    3 years ago
    Good stuff @Vanessa!

    I could totally see myself getting dances with you.

    LOL but I'm sorry I'm the type that wears thin pants and goes commando. 🤷
  • Vanessa169
    3 years ago
    Thank you ski and Rick. Time and money are valuable things to me. I don’t like wasting either. I know I’m not the right girl for everybody and everyone has a type, but this way I don’t waste time and you spend money on somebody else who needs it and is a better match. It’s better all the way around. Like I said above I always tell new girls to stand their ground with customers. If you don’t you’ll end up regretting your decisions because someone put pressure on you.
  • Vanessa169
    3 years ago
    SirLapdance: It’s not so much that I’m uncomfortable with you wearing that, it’s the trying to put the dick in the pussy specifically. It pushes fabric into your vagina and can rub it raw
  • SirLapdancealot
    3 years ago
    @Vanessa understood. I could see that as uncomfortable and not something that I would enjoy too. I prefer rubbing across and over the face of the pussy with the underside of my boner. And regardless, I like my dances to be mutually enjoyable. If my stripper isn't having a good time, let's cut our losses and move on ASAP.
  • skibum609
    3 years ago
    There is another hazard to going commando though. Driving the golf crew from an 8 hour visit at the old Inner Room back to orlando I got stopped going 60 in a 35. I little verbal interplay, a couple of laughs and I didn't even get a warning, let alone an inquiry into what was probably a .32 bt result if I had been arrested. Get back to Orlando; I get out of the car and plop, something falls on the ground. I bend over, pick up a bag of weed and immediately realize that I had automatically jocked it when the blues went on, but shorts and commando mean there ain't no jock to jock it. Had I been asked to do some field sobriety tests, it would have fallen out then. The moral? None. I live my life secure in the belief nothing bad can ever happen to me, but I do recommend putting it in the console .....
  • gobstopper007
    3 years ago
    I can personally vouch for Vanessa’s VIP dances - high mileage and she puts in the effort. Definitely not like some that just go through the motions. Schedule has kept me from night visits recently but I’m hoping that changes by the fall.

    One thing she probably won’t say about herself is that her stage set is amazing. She actually puts on a performance. You can easily tell the other dancers she trains. Definitely check her out if you’re in the area.

    She is awesome to talk to and the type that makes the clubs fun. And as far as not taking crap I think she is the one who told me she broke a guy’s finger (accidentally of course) when he was crossing the line in VIP.
  • Vanessa169
    3 years ago
    Aww gobstopper😂♥️ Thanks and yeah I did. That customer went further than even “difficult customers” go. I was a new dancer and he was very strong and very drunk. I hope to see you sometime in the fall! You’re also right about the pole dancing. I have a full certification to train and instruct in pole dancing
  • GoVikings
    3 years ago
    she gives awesome dances you guys

    vanessa you better be at the club tomorrow :)

  • Vanessa169
    3 years ago
    I’ll be there GoVikings :) come say hi to me
  • GoVikings
    3 years ago
    ^ lol
  • skibum609
    3 years ago
    I still miss Joe Kapp.
  • georgmicrodong
    3 years ago
    Nice interview. I wish more dancers were as upfront about their rules as you are, even when they don't want to do what I really want.

    One minor quibble, which in no way lessens my appreciation for your forthrightness, what you describe as your limits is *not* what most on here would call "extras". What you describe would definitely fall under "high mileage" for most, but when you preclude any contact between you and a penis, and me and a vulva, that ain't extra. But it definitely wouldn't stop me from getting dances from you, that's for sure.
  • gobstopper007
    3 years ago
    Remember she is in North Carolina, George. It ain’t quite Amish country down here but still not close to what most of you guys can expect in clubs.
  • georgmicrodong
    3 years ago
    #gobstopper007: I used to live in NC back in the 90s. Has it really changed so much? I remember a fiar bit of what *I* call "extras" being available.
  • gobstopper007
    3 years ago
    Still can be found but not as prevalent from what I have gathered. I only started visiting the clubs last couple of years
  • rogertex
    3 years ago
    Yet another fantastic Q&A Muddy. You have a knack for picking best of the best.
    Thank you Vanessa (& also for keeping Qs and As together in the response)
  • SirLapdancealot
    3 years ago
    It's the Muddy King Live show!
  • rickdugan
    3 years ago
    Ok so Vanessa looks even better in person than in her pics. What she doesn't say on here is that she does incredible poll tricks. I felt like I entered a time warp - I haven't seen some of those poll tricks performed at a club in 15 years.
  • wallanon
    3 years ago
    "Vanessa looks even better in person than in her pics"

    Well her pics look pretty nice. Now I'm wishing I'd stopped over that way when I was traveling out East.
  • rickdugan
    3 years ago
    Well closest to this pic. She ties to hide the exotic influence in her other pics, but this one displays it well. Think this pic except instead her hair is up in braids.


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