Ever been to a dancers house?

Do it like it’s your bday
Was talking to a dancer when a guy came up to ask if she does private parties which she does. Later during our VIP I asked if she would do a one person party with me and she was like yes. I asked her where could we do it at and she said we could do it at her house because she trusts that I won’t kidnap her and she lives with another stripper (who I’ve met a few times) so even better for me.

While I don’t think she will kidnap me either I’m not 100% sure she won’t have her boyfriend rob me even though I don’t get those vibes from her I just watch a lot of crime shows. So anyone ever been to a dancers house? Also how much did you end up tipping her.


  • whodey
    3 years ago
    The robbery risk is much lower with a stripper than with a prostitute because you know where she works and can tell the police that info. It is even lower when you do it at her house since not only do you know where she works you also know where she lives.

    If I am meeting a stripper outside the club I also negotiate everything ahead of time so there is no need to wonder how much to tip her at the end. Of course if I am having a "private party" with a stripper it means sex not just dancing.
  • Subraman
    3 years ago
    I've done this at a stripper's house, once just for a one-off OTC, and a couple of times with long-term ATFs. I do agree with whodey that technically, the risk is for more on her than on you. That said, I don't think it's irrational to be extra-cautious around strippers, especially if you don't know them well. Hotel prices are still pretty cheap and you can go on a dayuse app to get a hotel room even cheaper. Why not do it that way the first time?
  • theeastcoast757
    3 years ago
    Those are really good points thanks.
  • pistola
    3 years ago
    Used to know a stripper that was married to a super old dude. Old as in Anna Nicole. They each knew what the arrangement was. She had a portion of her house as her entertainment area. For select people she liked, make an appt. For a few benjis, she’d welcome you with a beer. You’d both strip and she’d give you a full lap dance or two while you’re both buck naked, then things would happen. Was very fun while it lasted. Was very safe and discreet. The only thing I found out later was she was secretely videotaping the sessions but for her safety, which I can understand, so there is that.
  • wallanon
    3 years ago
    "for her safety"

    And some old dude to whack off to...
  • pistola
    3 years ago
    ^this did cross my mind lol
  • pistola
    3 years ago
    And to add to that, y’all don’t think the extras clubs we go to the bouncers aren’t peeking at the cameras?
  • wallanon
    3 years ago
    "Ever been to a dancers house?"

    Yes. A few. Most awkward was the time I met her family because I didn't know she still lived with them. It was a regular date, but meeting family on a first date for any gal is a bit much.
  • jackslash
    3 years ago
    Many times I've been to dancers' houses, especially to my ATF's. But I prefer OTC in my own house. Dancers' homes are messy and depressing. And there is always the danger of a boyfriend, husband or pimp.

  • CJKent_band
    3 years ago

    To answer your question:

    Q: Ever been to a dancers house?

    A: Yes, for OTC, the ones I trusted, and more important, they trusted me, however hotel rooms were more convenient for both of us in my opinion and limited experience.

    I know you are female, so I have to ask you what is your ultimate goal on seeing her outside the club, at her house?

    More time?, better deal?, possible threesome? Girlfriend experience?...

    You should discuss this with her in advance and determine how much it will cost and be on the same page so there will be no “misunderstandings” of course you should tip her 10-20% more if she delivers and goes above and beyond your expectations.

    If you thrust her, just verify whether she has a boyfriend and find out if he is a real “bad boy” don’t go to her place, maybe an hotel room would be more convenient/safer.

    I believe if you follow your gut feeling and use common sense you will be safe.
    Listening to your intuition often times helps you avoid unsafe situations.

    Just be careful out there, don’t worry, be happy.

    And please let us know what happens. (Pics included)

  • goodyman
    3 years ago
    Low risk but what's the point? What will she do for you with a "home" dance that she won't do in VIP?
  • SteveSutton
    3 years ago
    Yes. Never really feared it when I did it because the “other” head is making the decisions … but in retrospect not smart. The one time I had to walk by a growling pit bull to follow her upstairs had me really worried though.

    What I have found based on a small sample size of dancers (larger sample size if you include sugar babies and escorts) is apartments (none had a house) in general are very untidy, dirty, with junk and clothes all over. Not a single place I would want to live.
  • theeastcoast757
    3 years ago
    “ What will she do for you with a "home" dance that she won't do in VIP?”

    It would end up being cheaper since I live in one of those states where VIP is basically $40 a song we already talked about the price. Also unlike most of you guys I’m not looking for sex like I’m hoping she does not try too much more than she would at the club.

    My sexual experience with women is really limited like just licked my first nipple a few days ago limited (was the dancer I’m referring to) my first same gender kiss was this year. I guess it’s a female thing or even just a me thing but it’s more about the emotionless touching for me I’m hardly ever turned on during dances not even sure why I do it but I’m hooked.
  • wallanon
    3 years ago
    "but it’s more about the emotionless touching for me I’m hardly ever turned on during dances not even sure why I do it but I’m hooked."

    Control? This is interesting. Could be its own topic. There's some BDSM types who hang out here who could weigh in, but that's not really my bag. Unless it's a pity dance or a friendly I'm always getting something out of it.
  • theeastcoast757
    3 years ago
    Like hooked enough that I made an account on this website though I quickly learned I don’t belong here lol but I enjoy reading some of the posts and asking you all basic stripper questions I can’t ask anyone I know in person.
  • shadowcat
    3 years ago
    I've been to a few. The one that stands out the most was one that just bought a brand new house. She asked me to remove my shoes before going in. She has also been to my house. Yes., shoes did get removed. :)

    The whole issue here is simply trust.
  • Tiburon
    3 years ago
    I did a two step system for that. Got plenty of dances from her, had a small lunch (on me unfortunately), then after gauging her trustworthiness, did i go to her house. No bookie, just dancing but boy was that a thrill. Just dont get hammered, have an escape plan and know the exits
  • Htxx
    3 years ago
    Many many times over the years, but jackslash is correct. It’s always a pigpen with lots of unruly animals. I’ve never been concerned about being jumped, can handle things pretty well but it’s the smell that lingers both on your clothes and cock lol
  • georgmicrodong
    3 years ago
    Several times. As shadowcat and others have opined, it's about trust. I've seldom gone to a dancer's place on the *first* occasion, though there was a time when a girl and I used *another* dancer's house for our first OTC "date". Wasn't our first go 'round, just the first OTC.
  • Papi_Chulo
    3 years ago
    I assume by now you guys figured out the OP is a female and thus a bit different context
  • Dolfan
    3 years ago
    I've never been to her place for OTC, for other purposes yes, plenty of times. Agreed that it's about trust, you can never be 100% certain of anything or anyone but I've never had an issue. I'd also say that the homes aren't always pigpens, but it is difficult to judge which ones are living like that and which aren't. Payment is a different story, you're kinda on your own. My approach is that I typically pay about what I'd pay for a room with her ITC. I know many disapprove of that approach and I admit it has its flaws. But for me it seems to be where I end up, even if it's not explicitly calculated that way.
  • Ch3ll
    3 years ago
    I've met at two different stripper's places. One was my ATF and it was at two different apartments she had. The second stripper claimed she was house sitting, but seemed she knew the apartment too well and just easily waltzed on in the bathroom to take a shower. I've dropped a couple off at there apartment complex.

    With my ATF I was definitely skeptical the first time, it was in the AM hours right before it was light outside. And was skeptical with the second stripper too. Guess with me it was overall how comfortable I felt with the stripper and just not going in all guards down.
  • Papi_Chulo
    3 years ago
    The chances of a dancer setting-up a custy are not zero, but they are minimal; especially w/ a dancer one knows somewhat well (i.e. one has been w/ her at the club for a certain amount of time; and she has a history at the club) - it's slightly more of an issue w/ a dancer one does not know well nor has a history at the club.

    "PL best practices" are for the PL/custy to rent a hotel-room and not give the dancer the room # and agree you'll meet her at the lobby or out by the hotel entrance - biggest-issue w/ going to a dancer's house is not knowing what you'll find and have to deal with (kids; mom; roommate; "her male cousin" which may actually be her BF but he's ok w/ it; etc) - the advantage of meeting her at her house (or yours) is not having the hotel-cost but unless $$$ is tight then one considers the hotel-cost just part of doing stripper-business.
    [having her to your house is convenient but now she knows where to find you which can be a problem if one ends up with a problematic dancer but I don't recall anyone posting a horror story w.r.t. a dancer and her knowing where you live]
  • rickdugan
    3 years ago
    Twice and there won't be a third time. The first time we fucked on the air mattress that was her bed because she could only afford to furnish her daughter's room. The second time I had my debit card stolen from my pants and someone promptly tried to use it the next morning. Both incidents reminded me of the value of controlling the event space.
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    3 years ago
    Going to a hookers residence is a bad idea. You won't know what to expect.
  • Papi_Chulo
    3 years ago
    As a rule-of-thumb probably best to avoid house-calls unless one has a decent history w/ the dancer and one has a better feel for what kinda person she is - if her personal life is a mess then likely will be her-house/living-situation
  • IfIGottaBeDamned
    3 years ago
    Three dancers over the years. Helped the first one move into her place. Several dinners at her parent’s place with extended family. And even slept over at her parent’s place once.

    Hung out with a second dancer at her place during the pandemic. She’s a bit older and been successfully dancing for many years. We’ve known each other for many years and trust each other not to pull any shit.

    And the third one has a hell of a lot to lose if any shit goes down. And she knows I don’t want any headaches either. We keep each other happy on a regular basis. So it works out for us both.
  • RandomMember
    3 years ago
    Yeah, about six years ago. Like @Jack said, her place was a mess; it was dirty, cramped, and uncomfortable. No safety issues.
  • lotsoffun201
    3 years ago
    Yes. But we had a few real dates first. It was neat, well decorated a d clean. Actually a large home she was renting with a GF who was out of town at the time I was back quite often and met her GF (roommate) too.
  • 48-Cowboy
    3 years ago
  • how
    3 years ago
    Sometimes, it was just to pick her up and take her out on a proper date.
    Sometimes, with a different stripper, it was to have some of that somethin-somethin...
    Occasionally, with some other strippers, it was to spend the night.
    Strippers are people, and people can choose to interact with people as people...even if one is a stripper and the other is a strip club patron.
  • Mate27
    3 years ago
    Randumbmember ^^^, “her place was a mess; it was dirty, cramped, and uncomfortable.”

    That’s because you know how to pick those girls that you can afford, you dumb ass!!
  • Cashman1234
    3 years ago
    I’ve been to a few dancer’s homes.

    I remember going back to one dancers apartment. She had this big friendly Rottweiler sitting in her living room. She brings me to the bedroom to get down to business. After the sex - as I walked to the bathroom - I hear snoring from the sofa. I’m thinking “Oh shit! A dude is here!” - I take a quick peek over towards the sofa and I see it’s the Rottweiler fast asleep! Lol!
  • gothamyte
    3 years ago
    Yep. Been to at least 2 different dancers apartments.

    Probably just me, but the overall air of sexiness dropped for me as soon as I stepped into their homes. If that makes any sense. Like VIP rooms can make you feel randy. Randiness can drop a notch or two, once you're in her actual home...

    Dancer #2's home was messy and I kept feeling like I heard someone roaming upstairs. She kept claiming we were home alone, tho.

  • rickdugan
    3 years ago
    ===> "Probably just me, but the overall air of sexiness dropped for me as soon as I stepped into their homes."

    It's not just you. The same thing happened to me both times. Squalor is really not a sexy look.
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    3 years ago
    There are probably exceptions to this "rule", but I suspect that dancers who keep a nice, orderly home don't want customers inside of them.
  • TheeOSU
    3 years ago
    Yeah I've been to a few. The last one I visited a few times and the house was always neat and clean. Her dancer friend babysat her son downstairs while we had the whole upstairs to ourselves.
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