Dancer acting entitled

Do it like it’s your bday
The other night I went to my usual spot tipped a dancer I regularly take to VIP, after she spent most of my time there not seeing me I guess not sure if purposely or what but eventually she comes over to tell me she will be right back out. While waiting I ended up meeting another customer and we ended up sitting together and talking. When she comes back out she’s immediately like let’s go but I have a full beer and tell her I’m also talking to my new pal and she’s just continuing to tell me I can put my drink aside and go with her. I was also drunk so I’m like ask him (the guy I’m sitting with) trying to also put her on to someone else she can make money off of (probably would have worked if she gave him a chance he even said he was trying to buy me a dance) but she was completely being rude to him like no I don’t want him I want to go with you now. It was really awkward and a turn off how she was treating this guy that really could have been my friend and if he was I would have been embarrassed by how she was acting towards him. He was cool about it and was like she really wants you but I was like no she just wants my money because I’m aware of where I’m at and know it’s her job. I tell her to come back in a little and she’s like you better not go with any of these other bitches (she is always bringing up me going to VIP with other dancers but I like variety) I say no one else is here so don’t worry but dude ends up buying me a drink so when she does come back it’s like the same scenario and my weird ass was enjoying talking to him cause it’s rare for me to see an attractive guy in the club so I say I can’t leave yet. I finish my beer and she walks by to head towards the dressing room and I’m like are you leaving and she rudely says yes so I’m like ok. See her come back out but doesn’t look like she’s leaving so I ask if she’s trying to go now and she says no and walks off. Feeling I deserve that reaction when they yell out last call for VIP I go ask another dancer if she’s trying to go so I can at least spend some money on someone before I leave and we do. As we are walking to the back the mad dancer saw us and starts talking shit about me to the manager I can’t exactly recall what she was saying something about someone begging for dances all night but I never begged her for shit and it was just awkward like I’m thinking omg as I’m walking with the other girl this bitch is talking mad shit. I really didn’t think she was that type of person but I guess I was wrong to expect better. I really want to call her out on how rude she was being the next time I see her but also figure when alcohol is involved it’s probably best to not have any hard feelings. Really just don’t like how she was acting like she was entitled to my money haven’t experienced anyone act like this so far. Also I think it’s ridiculous of her to expect me to leave my drink with a guy I don’t know or even at the bar like I always go out alone and I feel that’s putting myself at risk. No matter the reason I couldn’t go exactly when she wanted I don’t feel it matters and she shouldn’t act like I owe her something. Should I let it go, tell her she was being an ass or just stop spending money on her completely and don’t say shit to her again.


  • twentyfive
    3 years ago
    I’d stop spending my money on her, if she says anything just say you like variety and smile at her and flirt with a different dancer
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    3 years ago
    This is the most detail I've read for an encounter in a strip club that only peripherally involved a dancer...

    For the same reasons she should have moved on and found another customer, you should move on and find another dancer.
  • VanessaM
    3 years ago
    Even though my name is Vanessa can I be frank.... Why was you so mesmerized by an attractive guy? That part was weird

    Also do you know for certain if she saw you or not? I was at my club last week and my customer got on me because I wasn’t there, but I was! And if we didn’t have a special event I probably couldn’t of proven it.

    Lastly I mean this with much love you have a petty streak
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    3 years ago
    Bharlem said "Why was you so mesmerized by an attractive guy? That part was weird."

    Yeah ... I decided to put a fence around that part and walk around it.

    When I stop getting along with a dancer, I just stop giving her my money and go find another dancer. That's why God made more dancers.
  • VanessaM
    3 years ago
    I don’t think she saw him. I think he did feel some way and wanted to prove a point. She probably was rude but he was rude too.
    I don’t like being pushed on to customers either. I don’t need a manager to help me with sales. I follow a vibe so even though money is money it still kinda isn’t
  • theeastcoast757
    3 years ago
    Even though my name is Vanessa can I be frank.... Why was you so mesmerized by an attractive guy? That part was weird

    Because I’m a female so how is it weird
  • theeastcoast757
    3 years ago
    “ This is the most detail I've read for an encounter in a strip club that only peripherally involved a dancer”

    My bad I forget you guys only like to discuss politics and trolls.
  • SirLapdancealot
    3 years ago
    Yeah if I'm in a convo with a random customer and my usual fave comes up I'm excusing myself and going off with her. If he bought the last drink I'd call the waitress over and pay for his next one. Then part ways. It's a no-brainer. Hot stripper always trumps dude, no matter how attractive (<- no homo).
  • misterorange
    3 years ago
    I'll second Bharlem's comment (or third, or forth I guess at this point) about the "attractive guy" thing. That was extremely weird.

    Theory #1: I'd like to give him the benefit of the doubt and suggest that by "attractive" he really meant just some dude worth talking to. If there was any indication that English was not his native language it might support that theory, but (other than atrocious grammar and punctuation) that doesn't seem to be the case.

    Theory #2: She correctly surmised that he's half a fag, and might possibly change his mind about the dance in favor of leaving the club with Mr. Attractive.

    I'm leaning toward Theory #2.
  • misterorange
    3 years ago
    "Because I’m a female so how is it weird"

    OHHHHH... Well that makes a WORLD of difference!
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    3 years ago
    She wasn't rude. Youre being uppity
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    3 years ago
    Women are never considered top priority customers. I find it weird a club even lets you in alone
  • theeastcoast757
    3 years ago
    Hot stripper always trumps dude, no matter how attractive (<- no homo)

    Thanks for a real answer and I usually don’t care about the guys in there at all but this was like a rare occasion and we were vibing. Plus he was giving me money to tip her and whoever I wanted with but now he won’t stop calling me so at the end of the day I do wish I would have left him.
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    3 years ago
    That's weird. I never been to a club where they let female customers take men's attention. They'd get kicked out or not let in in the first place
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    3 years ago
    Lack of context and paragraph breaks aside ... when I stop getting along with a dancer, I look for another dancer. Full stop. I see no value (except 'drama value') in scolding a stripper.
  • Huntsman
    3 years ago
    ^. Yep. What CIM said. Unless you’re married to this stripper, the easy option is to move on.
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    3 years ago
    That's pretty much the most wrong way to spell the acronym of my user name...
  • RandomMember
    3 years ago
    Lol, dyslexia or perhaps Freudian slip.
  • SirLapdancealot
    3 years ago
    @theeastcoast757 Thanks and I understand why you sat with the dude better now. LMAO now it sounds like he was into you!

    But still, if I'm at the club and a fave of mine is available, I'm going off with her. And as to her feeling entitled to your money, not cool, a regular I've always tried to accommodate my fave when she's available since I know she's gonna be busy.

    My faves and I have an agreement, though too, with me they know I've always "got next". Meaning, they're with me as soon as their current customer moves on. There's a bit of mutual entitlement with me. My fave knows my money is good on her, but I know she's gonna prioritize me. Quid pro quo.
  • Studme53
    3 years ago
    Is theeastcoast757 a chick? Not trying to be a smartass. Otherwise it doesn’t make sense to me.
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    3 years ago
    Yes, apparently, EC757 is a woman.
  • Studme53
    3 years ago
    Ok thanks - makes sense. But I can’t relate
  • Studme53
    3 years ago
    I’d actually love to sit next to someone like you EC757 at the bar and hear your perspective. You’re interesting in a good way. But don’t get caught up in the drama.
  • Huntsman
    3 years ago
    Sorry CMI. I was looking at dancer photos here and…
  • theeastcoast757
    3 years ago
    Thanks studme, some of my best nights have been sitting with strangers having conversations this situation was just different and it just threw me off the way she acted but I’m going to forget about it.

  • Cashman1234
    3 years ago
    You’ve provided a detailed description of the night - and your interactions with the dancer and the other customer. My advice would be to see how it goes with this dancer next time you see her in the club.

    I agree - the dancer was acting inappropriately. I don’t know if she was having a bad night - or if maybe she had been drinking?

    Since you’ve gone VIP with her before - she may have seen you and expected you to buy dances from her. When that didn’t happen immediately - it may have thrown her off her game. She may have gotten frustrated and not known how to handle herself.

    When you return to the club - she should apologize. The interaction with you and another customer is something she should respect. You are both potential (separate) dance buyers for her - so she should understand that it’s not just about getting you to VIP that one night.

    It’s one thing for a dancer to act a bit off and accidentally kill a vibe. But it’s not appropriate to talk shit to the manager because she’s feeling ignored.
  • Jascoi
    3 years ago
    sc drama...
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    3 years ago
    Op is creating drama. Taking up customers time from dancers is fucked up.
  • mark94
    3 years ago
    There are no favorite customers in a strip club, just favorite wallets. Accept that.

    She’s using you. You are using her. Neither one ( usually ) cares.
    …….Bob Seeger
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    3 years ago
    Im calling bs on this thread.

    Who in here has ever seen a single woman come in to a strip club and start talking to male customers sitting with them. And the club allow it.
  • twentyfive
    3 years ago
    ^ I have plenty of times it’s really not that uncommon, last week a single gal and her girlfriend were in the same club I was in and we started talking they even brought me a drink
  • Muddy
    3 years ago
    I am not reading that wall of text
  • Papi_Chulo
    3 years ago
    w.r.t. single-women in a club, some clubs have gotten sued over now allowing single females in b/c a lesbian would want to be in a club for the same reason as a PL (in essence the club is discriminating against the lesbian and assuming she may be a working-girl trolling for horny-custies) - so I assume the "no single women" thing has been changing over the last few years and may even be a bigger issue now in our current super-LBGTQ+ environment - I see lots of women at Tootsies since Toots is kinda a party-club but they are often in groups or at least in twos but IDK if Tootsies would not allow a single woman in but IDK if they won't.
  • Papi_Chulo
    3 years ago
    “… I was also drunk so I’m like ask him (the guy I’m sitting with) trying to also put her on to someone else she can make money off …”

    No good – not cool to put another custy in the spot like that – he may not be attracted to her or she may not be his type – w/ rare exceptions PLs like picking their dancers given their unique-preferences or depending the mood they are in that day

    “… she’s like you better not go with any of these other bitches (she is always bringing up me going to VIP with other dancers but I like variety) …”

    You sound young/inexperienced; and inexperienced w/ strip-clubs (or at least not TUSCLarly-educated) – “in general” dancers claiming custies/regulars is fairly common – “in general” they don’t want their business being taken away by another dancer – dancers not only have to appeal to custies in order to convince them to spend their $$$ on them, but they are also competing against dozens of other dancers; so many of the girls guard their regulars and often try to “keep them in line” and not have them go off and spend $$$ on what the dancer may perceive as her $$$.

    I say “in general” b/c the OP being a chick def adds complexity/drama to the situation and perhaps there may be a bit of jealousy there beyond just the $$$?
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    3 years ago
    Clubs i go to still don't allow women by themselves and I've seen groups let in and thrown out if they get loud or get too hands on with dancers. Dancers usually avoid them coz they think they can get away with more without paying coz they're women.

    I get the lawsuits and everything. But women taking up customers time is fucked up. I prefer clubs without female customers tbh
  • theeastcoast757
    3 years ago
    The update no one asked for: She didn’t remember anything and swore she would never do that so no other replies necessary this was indeed a shit post.
  • wallanon
    3 years ago
    "Because I’m a female so how is it weird"

    This TUSCLer talks pretty regularly about not being a dude. Yeah, I saw the post from the OP about not needing any other replies, but I already wrote it after skipping half the thresd so...
  • theeastcoast757
    3 years ago
    ^^^ thanks for having comprehension skills that so many seem to lack
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