
Looked at the top 40 list again

Avatar for nicespice

Specifically, the top 40 ignored.


It was ranked ranked #19 , up there with the newer CJKent account and the newer 2icee account. So just curious, who the heck else received PMs? I didn’t think there was 21 dancers active enough on this site to be doing that.


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Avatar for nicespice

(Using the block feature I mean)

Avatar for jackslash

I think I missed something. Who is this guy?

Avatar for nicespice

Some individual who sent oddball PMs in the past. I forgot about him until I saw the ignore list, so just seeing who has interacted with that account before.

Avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael

I could be wrong, but I'm under the impression that there are a fair number of dancers who log in with some regularity to hunt for new clubs, or see what's being said about the clubs where they work (or themselves). Or, to post their schedule and other links to their profile page.

And if they get email notifications for new messages, then it's possible that they only log in long enough to block him.

Anyway, sounds like that guy is one of the pro-level creeps on here.

Avatar for gammanu95

A pro-level creep who lives in DC. $50 says its a high-level aide to a DNC congressman.

Avatar for Warrior15

Why would anyone ignore mamisan ? I'm surprised Nicole isn't on that List. Maybe she left before the Ignore feature was put in.

Avatar for nicespice

Upon thinking about it more, that does make sense. This person actually paid to get VIP status and cast his PM net wide enough to irritate that many people. (I wasn’t one of the blockers) Nuts. As least with a discussion board troll account you can just irritate multiple people simultaneously. That is some dedication.

As for Nicole, possibly it’s because she last logged in 17 months ago. That stuff is based off 18 months of activity. For example, before the 18 month reset thing, I think it showed I had an ignore count of something like 16? But it won’t show up now.

Avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael

"$50 says its a high-level aide to a DNC congressman."

Because Republicans in Congress never get wrapped up in sex scandals...

Anyway, I did a site search out of curiosity. Nicole wrapped up her TUSCL "career" under the screen name "future POTUS and Senator in training". She hasn't logged in here since December 2019.


I suspect that she escaped getting lots of 'ignores' because she occasionally posted pics of herself in her underwear. I'm okay with her not posting here anymore. Others might disagree.

Avatar for Huntsman

Yeah, that persona seems to be an outlier , at least in terms of discussion board activity. It’s gotta be PM activity, I’d think.

Avatar for Musterd21

I would never block Nice or Nicole! lol

Avatar for Nidan111

I miss Nicole. Almost got to meet her, but that all fell through for some unknown reason.

Avatar for Cashman1234

I wasn’t aware of that member name. It is definitely odd to see someone who is a member with no comments, no discussions, and no reviews - being on the top 40 ignored list. That’s a high level creep right there!

Avatar for Muddy

I was looking at that list today and remembered this thread. It's 62 now. How many people does this guy have to harass get rid of this fucking asshole.

Avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael

It's up to the people he messages to put in a complaint to founder, and if that happens enough then I'm pretty sure he'd get the boot.

That said, if this were my website and I saw someone like this using my platform for his own personal creepshow, I'd probably investigate a bit further to see what's going on. But, founder prefers to be more hands off.

So, it comes down to squeaky wheels.

Avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael

And it's up to 63 now...

So he's convinced someone else to block him just in the past 30 minutes.

Avatar for TFP

I wish we could see which profiles are ignoring him. I know he himself can see it. I'd imagine that Founder would also be able to see the list of people that ignore him. If they were all or majority verified dancers then that shows he's using the list of dancers to go one by one sending them messages probably asking for inappropriate shit. Why harbor someone like this, get rid of his ass.

Avatar for MackTruck

I dumpa loadz in his basement spices! 💩💩💩💩💩

Avatar for nicespice

Aaaaand starting from yesterday snazzynazz has started messaging me again. It is now a competition to see who can be more inane

And now I’m wondering if it’s somebody’s alternate account who has access to this thread since the timing was right for that individual to think of messaging me again. Hi snazz!!

Avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael

I may regret asking, but what does he message about?

Avatar for nicespice



Have we ever talked




23 Hours Ago

lol no just text corresponded


23 Hours Ago

Will give ur phone number


23 Hours Ago

For text


23 Hours Ago

Wat I got a do. Pay u

22 Hours Ago

Who is “u”?

22 Hours Ago

Does “u” stand for unicorn?


22 Hours Ago

U know wat I mean. Pay. You. But ur making jokes


22 Hours Ago

U don’t have to block me but u could just tell me if u don’t wanna talk I’m sorry

22 Hours Ago

Oh I’m perfectly okay with talking. It’s just a matter of whether or not I am annoying


22 Hours Ago

I’d like ur number to text u. Rather than talking on here is that ok


22 Hours Ago

Or must I pay for that


21 Hours Ago

Ur not annoying


20 Hours Ago


19 Hours Ago

You’re going to give me a well?


17 Hours Ago

Funny so no phone number for me ??


14 Hours Ago



4 Hours Ago

Cmon let me text u I don’t like always messaging on here

3 Hours Ago



3 Hours Ago

Ur not nice


3 Hours Ago

My guess is though u have a boyfriend n that’s cool

2 Hours Ago

How does your boyfriend feel about you posting on here?


2 Hours Ago

Ok not funny fine I’ll leave u. B

Avatar for MackTruck

I da top hated member here and proud of it! Fuck you Mackie!

Avatar for Leonard313

I gotta think that kind of exchange happens a lot.

Many, many years ago I went into an online forum (not tuscl) and changed my profile from "male" to "female". It was very eye opening to see the messages that females get. Almost immediately, I must have gotten 3-5 dudes: "How old you?" "Wassup baby! You sexy." "Age?" "Where u frm"

Whats with creepy messaging guys and the inability to spell? Or is that just part of texting/messaging?

I guess it doesn't matter...once I changed my profile back to "male", never got another message.

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