Most chicken shit traffic ticket your have received.
Atlanta suburb
Back in the 70's during the Arab oil embargo the federal government reduced the maximum speed on all interstates to 55mph to conserve on fuel. I was doing my part by car pooling it when possible. So my rider and I were going home at 11PM on CA I-405 and got stopped and ticketed for doing 63mph.
The next day, same scenario except this time I wasn't speeding. The trooper pulls me over anyway makes up a story that I was doing so and so over the limit and writes me a ticket. I told him straight up it was BS, the only reason he stopped me was because he didn't get me the day before and he just silently looked at me and smirked.
Actually a bigger BS ticket occurred to me as I was posting this but short on time so maybe I'll post it later.
Red light camera got me recently. It was $150. That is not chump change.
Not sure about the reason but in Florida the red light camera tickets were discontinued after a lawsuit a few years back and they were never reinstated but many intersections still have the cameras , the municipalities aren’t allowed to activate them.
I took my mom's car to the convenience store. It was 7:30 Am on Easter Sunday. There was no one on the road to race. My mom's car was a oil burning 1963 Ford Falcon with like a 140 cu in 6 cylinder motor, single barrel, and 3 on the tree. When I objected to this completely fraudulent ticket, the officer actually threatened to cuff me and take me in.
So I went to a lawyer and showed him in the Indiana state driver manual where it says you only have to stop when the stop sign on the bus is flipped out and he found the statute that came from and which says the same thing. When he showed that to the judge in court the officer then tried to lie and say the sign was out. My lawyer then turned to him and asked him what side of the road was he on. He said the right side. My lawyer then asked him if he was on the right side of the street and the sign is on the left side of the bus how could he see it was out. The judge then turned and stared intently at the cop. There was silence and then the officer got a sick look on his face and then the judge let me off. I just couldn't believe a police officer would try to lie in court instead of just admitting he made a mistake.
Ok, I had my thumb out hitch hiking, which is legal, but I stepped into street for a couple steps to go around tree. Near empty streets, 11pm or so, couldn't believe it, he must have had a quota? $5 ticket.
I ignored it, was the poorest time of my life, surviving on $23 a week UP and food stamps. Six months later some of us hopped the fence at public pool for a midnight swim (yeah, alcohol involved). Cops let everyone go except $5 outstanding ticket Steph. Yep, my one night in jail. For lack of a $5 bill, I learned of the claustrophobia of a jail cell.
They're just knee jerking with upped enforcement cause some drunk was doing 65 and crashed into a tree last week.
I did get pulled over at least 5 times within my first year of having a car but I always got lucky.
That story is unremarkable as it stands. But about a month later, I was at a social/business function and that cop came up to our group to say hello. Then he made it a point to tell the whole group that he had “stopped” me recently. Asshole.