
The Best Strip Club City in America

Friday, February 5, 2021 7:18 PM
I just read an article linked in a discussion that named Tampa as the best strip club city in America but 🤔🤔🤔 What are your top 3? For me, in no order: Las Vegas Dallas And??? When I started dancing I’d say Portland but things are different now. What are yours?


  • Strupviffle
    3 years ago
    Miami and Atlanta have to be in the conversation
  • Muddy
    3 years ago
    [view link]-Just the most beautiful women in the America. And they are DTF if you got money. [view link]-Really exciting scene everything feels available. I don't want to say lack of diversity more like your gonna see a lot of the same girl. And a lot of AWFUL ass/tit jobs and that's why I put below LA (which certainly has some of that too but not like this) Energetic scene though. Strip clubs are not gonna die here anytime soon. 3.Tampa-Pound for pound, the metro area is only 3 million. But how many good clubs does that area have? So many options. People are always singing Pasco counties praises too, which I haven't delved into but I would include that in the overall area as well. In that order. The cosmopolitan nature of those places really helps the talent. And lets not be dumb and talk like Pompano Beach is somehow different from Miami, or COI is not really in LA. It is. People are talking the whole area/market when they say city.
  • PinkSugarDoll
    3 years ago
    Damn that was a thoughtful answer. ^
  • CJKent_band
    3 years ago
    São Paulo, Brazil Mexico City, Mexico City of Industry, California, USA
  • Warrior15
    3 years ago
    I answered in the other thread, but here are my top 3 : 1- Miami/Pompano - Mainly because I love to go there. 2- Houston - 20 years ago, this city was #1. It's still pretty strong. 3- Las Vegas. - Exciting and the women are beautiful. But it's expensive. PL's and Dancers are going to based " the best " on far different reasons . A dancer is mostly going to care if she can make money in that city. A PL is going to base the ranking on whether they will get the action they desire.
  • WavvyCain
    3 years ago
    People will hate me for this but Atlanta clubs are falling off. Used to be the number 1 spot, but after the closing of the old follies, the greatest strip club in America, Atlanta dropped to number 4.
  • RTP
    3 years ago
    I care less about glitz and glamour and am more focused on the experience. I really do not like Vegas at all. I think that it is much worse than going to a used car lot. Just a total tourist trap, take 100's or 1000's from the customer. I like Tampa, Houston, Dallas and used to like Jacksonville. Have not been to Jacksonville in over 5 years, but had plenty of very fun times at Wacko's, Centerfolds, Sinsations and the Doll House. I also used to enjoy Greenville, SC but the Greenville scene is barely surviving.
  • jackslash
    3 years ago
    1. Detroit--especially if you like extras 2. Miami 3. Los Angeles
  • Cashman1234
    3 years ago
    From my clubbing experiences - I’ve got a small area of knowledge. Paterson NJ Passaic NJ Irvington NJ I’m going try an get out more once the pandemic slows.
  • PinkSugarDoll
    3 years ago
    I didn’t base my answer just on making money. I actually don’t think that’s a huge part in my determining factors at all. Overall rating from me. 👍🏼 Also very interesting to keep seeing Tampa, maybe I am working in the wrong clubs there 🤔🤔
  • dirtyburt
    3 years ago
    1) DETROIT 2)Miami 3) South Jersey
  • dirtyburt
    3 years ago
    By Miami I also include Ft. Lauderdale Pompano areas. Basically South Florida.
  • doctorevil
    3 years ago
    1. Miami (including environs) 2. Tampa 3. Detroit I would like to be able to say Atlanta, but the strip club scene has changed dramatically here over the last 10 years or so. 20 years ago it would easily have been no. 1.
  • PredragDr
    3 years ago
    Miami is definitely better than Tampa. It's just that Tampa has so little to offer in other aspects that people are surprised that the scene is good. In the COVID world, Dallas has to be considered up there as well. LA has a lot of clubs and even the pickiest can find something they like, but many have never re-opened or have had a decline in quality since last March.
  • wallanon
    3 years ago
    I don't think you can put another US town over Detroit for the strip club scene until it's completely ruined. It's the last of the great club towns. Now I haven't seen Miami. The two times I was supposed to go work or COVID got in the way. Same with Dallas. But the talk about Miami always struck me as peak Vegas or NOLA, where there's a lot of talent and hype but you're paying through the nose to get at it. I'm a little done with clubs as events, and just want a town that's got clubs you want to unwind in with hot chicks. Post COVID I'm going to throw Austin, TX up there because it's open and operating about like normal. It's got good local talent but also has a large college population to draw from, and some decent travel dancer traffic for now. And you can get whatever you want, YMMV. I'm not traveling much these days, so whatever else you guys come up with is fine by me.
  • pistola
    3 years ago
    Tampa rocks. CJ is still a fucktard.
  • TxVegas
    3 years ago
    1. Metro Detrot 2. Pompano and metro Miami 3. City of Industry 3. Tied Metro Dallas
  • WavvyCain
    3 years ago
    Lol this crazy, no one has Atlanta top 3 anymore. That’s how u know that shit fell off.
  • wallanon
    3 years ago
    Other than Follies I didn't think ATL had outstanding clubs. There were several good clubs, but if Follies wasn't there I'd travel through a different town because the only place I like driving in less is Los Angeles.
  • Nidan111
    3 years ago
    East Cape Pony in IL Washington Park, IL Salina, Ks. East Cape Pony because it is NOT GHETTO and I get laid for $150 every visit. Washington Park,IL because it IS GHETTO and I get laid for $100 every visit. Salina, KS because The Shady Lady has fucking beautiful dancers who are so damn playful in a strip club that is so damn well designed. You would have to really be something special to change my mind. I have been to many and the above are absolutely far beyond all others.
  • rickdugan
    3 years ago
    ===> "And lets not be dumb and talk like Pompano Beach is somehow different from Miami, or COI is not really in LA. " Of course we need to distinguish between them. Those distinctions are necessary in order for people to understand why it might be worthwhile to drive past countless clubs to hike out to Pompano when they are in Miami, or 45 minutes to Pasco County when they are in Tampa, or COI when they are in West LA (which may only be 30 miles as the birds fly but may take 90 minutes or more with L.A. traffic. So no, I am never going to say that "Tampa" or "Los Angeles" are great clubbing cities because IMHO they aren't. They are both tourist trap central IME.
  • rickdugan
    3 years ago
    Now on to the main topic, I don't have one city that I think is hands down the best club city. I can generally find fun and opportunities just about anywhere. It is much easier for me to point out cities that I don't like as much because of certain specific conditions.
  • PinkSugarDoll
    3 years ago
    Well ^^ there is now a thread for that too. 😉
  • bdirect
    3 years ago
    atlanta 5 dollar lap dances is the best deal or even 10 dollar, i hope they dont go any higher, like vegas prices
  • Muddy
    3 years ago
    Rick it's just semantics. It's the same idiots who say to some guy living in Brooklyn, forget the Jets and the Giants, the Bills are the only true New York Team! Yeah ok. Your in an area for a week on vacation or business nobody is saying to themselves, "Well gee golly I better stay in LA proper, God forbid I check out Anaheim" nobody is worried about staying within the political lines. My answer is based on clubs in a 50 mile radius of those cities. Have at it.
  • bdirect
    3 years ago
    i got one more to add, candyland in memphis, small but big fun
  • Nidan111
    3 years ago
    ^^^^ I’m gonna agree with Candyland!!! Piece of shit hole in the wall, but the girls are mighty fine !
  • bdirect
    3 years ago
    nidan, i hear you bro, right on, memphis clubs are on my no fly zone , but candyland is the exception
  • rl27
    3 years ago
    Mine is Detroit Tampa Atlanta - although based of what others have said it may not be any longer. Desert Scrub mentioned Salt Lake city as worst, based off what a few people have tole me, the entire state of Hawaii may be worse than all of Utah, including Salt Lake city. My worst so far would be Washington DC Fort Wayne A series of clubs in Western New York.
  • wallanon
    3 years ago
    I've only been to Oahu, but Hawaii wasn't as bad as advertised. If you're not up on your club fu you will get abused and taken for a tourist, so there might be something to all the horror stories.
  • PinkSugarDoll
    3 years ago
    What’s so great about candy land
  • Papi_Chulo
    3 years ago
    ^ it's a black dive club with friendly-girls; good-mileage; and decent prices - unlike many Memphis clubs, from what I've read
  • RockAllNight
    3 years ago
    I know these types of lists are always changing (e.g. Atlanta), but was surprised that Tiajuana was not on anyone’s list. Last I checked, Mexico is still in America.
  • georgmicrodong
    3 years ago
    The best strip club city is whatever one I'm in at the moment. After all, that's the only one that counts right then. And kudos to desertscrub for not being too shy to showcase his geographic ignorance.
  • wallanon
    3 years ago
    "black dive club...unlike many Memphis clubs, from what I've read" When I went through Memphis a few years back, several of the clubs are what TUSCLers would call black clubs. But I went to the ones closer into downtown because I chose based on location and not reviews.
  • rickdugan
    3 years ago
    ===> "My answer is based on clubs in a 50 mile radius of those cities. *Have at it.*" Will do. Even just crossing county lines can make a world of difference in a clubbing experience. Take Tampa, which is non-alcohol nude or topless with alcohol, generally expensive and rather restrictive. Pasco County, OTOH, is full nude with alcohol, rather easy on the wallet comparatively and can be a shit ton of fun. There are many other city/suburb situations like this around the country. But unless someone hears about these important distinctions, they don't know the dramatic differences. As a general matters, most casual strip club visitors are not normally inclined to hike long distances when there are other clubs close by, especially when they are in a city for work. The fact that Tampa sucks but Pasco is fun, by way of just one example, is important intel that should be highlighted.
  • bdirect
    3 years ago
    rockallnight, your right Tijuana is the best city to rock all night long, all my best memories come from there, my only fear is that TJ prices are going up from what i read, so i hope it does not become another Cancun or Cabo where your pay $200 or more
  • twentyfive
    3 years ago
    ^ One thing you aren't taking into account using that fifty mile radius is that the distance is different depending where you are staying, for example if you're staying in Miami the Pompano clubs are a hellacious drive when traffic is accounted for, so South Florida it might be more reasonable to consider that and again not that anyone wants to be in Tampa but it is sure easier to drive to Pasco County than having to head back to Tampa, so that's something to consider and in other parts of the country same situation arises, like NYC heading to Queens maybe closer but it might be easier to head to Long Island or New Jersey, same in Chicago and L.A., and many other areas as well I have encountered hellacious traffic in many of the cities y'all are talking about, so it's difficult to lump areas together even though geographically it seems to make sense.
  • mark94
    3 years ago
    In a lot of cities, there are really 2 types of clubs. There are the tourist clubs that everyone knows about and the locals clubs that offer better prices and services but are pretty well underground. Chicago used to be like that. Maybe it still is. You’d find small clubs, really brothels, in unincorporated areas around the city. Prague is still like that.
  • rattdog
    3 years ago
    the 50 mile radius is too broad of an area to pinpoint best/worst clubs. for instance, the clubs in northern new jersey are for the most part real good. but within that 50 mile area radius the clubs in nyc would also be included, and nyc imho at this moment has some of the shittiest clubs for overall experience.this especially since two relatively high mileage clubs have shut down within the past 2-3 years. also at this point in my life i don't have that desire to travel 50 miles or more anymore to check out clubs. that equates to 2-3 hours of travel each way. perhaps narrowing down the area radius to say 25-30 miles would be a bit more accurate.
  • PinkSugarDoll
    3 years ago
    I would like to go to Memphis. I have lived in DC and Huntington Beach (right next to Compton and Long Beach), and right on the edge of the hood in Seattle, but I am SCARED to go to Memphis. I e driven through there twice and it was scary. That club wouldn’t be the right one for me but I’m not far from there and I wd like to go.
  • wallanon
    3 years ago
    "That club wouldn’t be the right one for me but I’m not far from there and I wd like to go." If you're talking about Candyland in Memphis that's a great call not to go. When I pulled up it was "closed", but there were still people walking in and out. It looked tiny and I'm thinking 90% of TUSCLers wouldn't like the vibe and over 50% wouldn't want to walk inside. I'd already gone in "The Gentleman" in the middle of the hood and wondered if I'd make it the 10 feet from the front door to my rental car without a problem, so I just went on my way because I didn't have time to wait for the club to open. If it happened to be open I would've checked it out, but wouldn't recommend a trip there unless you're literally driving by anyway. And maybe not even then.
  • PinkSugarDoll
    3 years ago
  • doctorevil
    3 years ago
    “ I'm thinking 90% of TUSCLers wouldn't like the vibe and over 50% wouldn't want to walk inside.” Not so sure about that. I actually kind of liked the place. But I am pretty sure it’s not the club for PSD. There are dives, and then there are dives, and then there is Candyland. I reviewed it just before the big shutdown. [view link] The only place that comes close to matching this place on the dive scale that I have been to in years is La Pearl/Outer Space Club in West Philly.
  • georgmicrodong
    3 years ago
    @doc, that place sounds like paradise next to the, now closed, Fantasy's Island (aka Silver Slipper) here in Louisville. In addition to thinking I might break through the floor, which seemingly didn't have 20 contiguous square feet of same height flooring, the restroom was always a wreck. They didn't even both to fix the urinal teh last year it was open, and the door was pretty much permanently jammed open, until they removed it entirely. That said, the women's room must have been even worse, because on at least a half dozen occasions, I walked in to find one of the dancers squatting over the pot (no fucking way would anyone sit on that mess). One of them was kind enough to reward my patience, and my generosity, with a nice blowjob. That was back when the door still sorta worked. And the place always had that musty dog smell. Only reason to go in there was that one of the hottest AA dancers in town wouldn't dance anywhere else. I think sister or other relative of the owner. Her virtue was highly negotiable.
  • Huntsman
    3 years ago
    I know I don’t live in or near a top city and I haven’t traveled as much in recent years, so I’m not qualified to answer the OP. But there does seem to be a lot of consensus here from those who are in a better position to have an opinion.
  • Nidan111
    3 years ago
    “What’s so great about candy land“ It has the perfect things. A shithole building with a broken stage that is basically 2x6 wooden frame surrounding a broken silver pole. A square room with chairs all line up around the square wall. You have to bring your own alcohol, but you have to pay a price fir each can or bottle that you bring in. When you sit down in that shithole you will soon be accompanied by the hottest damn black strippers this side of the moon. They are chatty. Flirty. Fun as hell. They shorty VIP Booth is kind of like going parking on in the alley across the street from the police. You push the limits hoping not to get busted! I cannot wait to go back! Should I contact you the next time I go. I will keep you safe if you really want to experience the little place known as Candyland.
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    3 years ago
    Las Vegas... Nicest venues. Really young stripper hoes are easy to date San Francisco ... Easiest place to date stripper hoes Reno... Best looking girls from norcal on the weekends. Very down to earth.
  • Playademan
    3 years ago
    Tijuana, but that’s obviously in its own class Miami - including the pompano area Detroit - Hopefully it doesn’t change too much in the coming years Mississauga - Definitely underrated around here Tampa - Along with Detroit I feel like it’s losing it’s luster a bit, but still higher than most cities.
  • Playademan
    3 years ago
    Also surprised to see Vegas on some lists, it would be my 6th but it’s usually low on amongst the tuscl crowd. Also haven’t done too much Cali and Texas clubbing so those could be major holes in my list
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