
Late Night TV is fucking awful

Sunday, January 17, 2021 12:57 AM
I saw the other day that Conan O'brien was leaving his show to do another project. I used to him a lot back in his NBC days I was fan although I didn't really follow him to TBS. Maybe I changed or he changed but it didn't seem as funny to me. I also would Letterman and would even go to the shows sometimes. But now you just look around at these hosts, it's just terrible. Stephen Colbert-We get it dude you don't like Trump. Not every American wants politcal shit shoved down their throat every night James Corden-The singing in the car thing is so cringey and forced to me I don't get it at all. Also crying because I think Bill Maher called him fat, you are dude, lose some fucking weight what a pansy. Jimmy Fallon-This is probably the biggest pussy of them all. Somebody tell this guy having Michelle Obama sing a song on your show is not humor. Seth Myers-I read he said on his show if your a Trump supporter we don't want you watching this show while shedding tears. One theme that all the hosts today share are they are all super soft far lefties than only Hollywood would be able to approve of. Jimmy Kimmel-I don't mind Kimmel, If I had to pick one to watch it would be this one. The interviews are good but not really a funny show though tbh Overall it's all pretty much unwatchable. I don't watch regularly at all just in passing or clips I see online. I used to like the late night shows but that ended in a horrible fashion clearly. Y'all seeing the same thing?


  • stelthtalon
    3 years ago
    Man that sucks! I agree Conan was the last one I watched. I loved Letterman. I've seen reruns of Carson (GOAT) and I recently got into old Ferguson and Dick Cavett. Letterman was left and Leno was Right, it was a nice contrast. Carson was also liberal but he never let it show. We need more class in late night. The Tonight Show went from a cultural icon to a sketch and game show. And I can't imagine its going to get better when they start bringing in the "woke" women to replace the white old men. The age of standards on television has sadly passed.
  • Jascoi
    3 years ago
    i’m usually asleep by 10pm unless i’m clubin.
  • skibum609
    3 years ago
    Shows cater to their audience. Early morning weekends: hunting, fishing etc, because they get up early. Late morning weekends are the 3 stooges, because you can enjoy something with a brain dead hangover. Early evening is kids before bedtime; then working adults until 10 when the news comes on. Late night is left wing political hosts because their viewers are unemployed wastes of air and as such they get up late before they loot riot and butn instead of working. Its called being an activist.
  • shadowcat
    3 years ago
    I normally go to bed around 1AM but I am not up watching late night talk shows. I liked Carson and watched him for years but have not gotten interested in anyone since. In fact the only thing I watch on TV is full length movies.
  • Cashman1234
    3 years ago
    I agree - most late night hosts go for the easy jokes - and they jump on the hate Trump bandwagon. These guys are no longer interesting. I think Fallon and Kimmel are ok. I stopped watching Conan awhile ago. Colbert has talent, but his show should be moved to Sunday mornings as his monologues are highly political (and left focused). I don’t have the patience to watch the other late night hosts, so I have no decent experience watching them.
  • Studme53
    3 years ago
    It’s a dying institution. Their demo is college kids I guess. Maybe retirees ? Definitely not most working people (aka taxpayers) who have to get up in the morning. I think the Daily Show with Jon Stewart was considered hip and must have got viewers, so they all jumped on the humorless politics model.
  • Studme53
    3 years ago
    I haven’t watched in years but you can tell a lot about the viewer demos by the commercials. My guess - accident lawyers and junk food.
  • rattdog
    3 years ago
    i missed watching leno. monologue was ok. but what i missed the most about that show was the pothead bandleader laughing all the time.
  • rattdog
    3 years ago
    and definitely miss letterman, who i thought was a great interviewer and hose. once he left i bailed. conan was great on nbc - tbs not so much.
  • jackslash
    3 years ago
    Seth Meyers is great. I don't usually stay up till 12:35 AM to watch him, but I can see him the next day on YouTube.
  • yahtzee74
    3 years ago
    Letterman was good until he moved networks and time slots. He used to make fun of his famous guests but when he moved he started pandering to them.
  • PhredJohnson
    3 years ago
    You’re assessment rings with me; they all are not the least bit funny. What is going to be real fun to watch is how they ALL tank come Jan 20 when they lose Trump as the basis for 99% of their “humor!” I’m old enough to remember Johnny Carson- he was a blast. And as a little kid I remember lying in bed listening to my dad laughing out loud to Jack Parr.
  • yahtzee74
    3 years ago
    Biden will give them plenty of material. They'll be allowed to skewer him because he's an old white guy.
  • magicrat
    3 years ago
    Craig Ferguson was/is awesome. I like Letterman as well and he has an occasional special on Netflix. But nobody...nobody will ever equal Carson.
  • sinclair
    3 years ago
    I used to watch Leno and Conan ever night on NBC when they were back to back. All of the new late night guys are horrible. They just bash Trump for an hour straight and have no humor outside of politics. You can sit through all the late shows and not laugh once; it is just dumb. My type of comedy is this Cassady Campbell guy on Youtube. He plays different characters like a wigger named Wanksta, a homosexual, a redneck Cowboys fan, etc and trolls people in public. [view link] [view link] [view link]
  • mark94
    3 years ago
    Carson and Leno both were careful to not alienate anyone with political jokes. If the told a joke about a politician, they always balanced it with a joke about the other side. And, they told jokes instead of lecturing their audience. Leno explained more than once that it would be foolish to insult half your audience on a regular basis then expect good ratings.
  • Huntsman
    3 years ago
    I liked Carson. Leno and Letterman were a step down but were still worth watching. Since then, it seems that late night shows have kind of followed the path of cable news where they cater to a narrow demographic of a subset of political junkies.
  • docsavage
    3 years ago
    The comedian Norm MacDonald said most of the current late night hosts seem to be copying Jon Stewart and that's unfortunate. He said it ends up being a poor imitation since Stewart actually knew a lot about politics and they don't. He also said it's less interesting when everyone is doing the same thing. MacDonald was a cast member on Saturday Night Live back in the days when it was better than it is now.
  • JamesSD
    3 years ago
    It's hard to be funny day in and day out. Letterman lost his edge when he got his new show. Leno was actually funny as a stand up but clearly phoned it in on his show. Even Conan really peaked in his first few years.
  • twentyfive
    3 years ago
    ^ ‘It's hard to be funny day in and day out.’ Carson was great , Letterman & Leno, were good but there’s absolutely nothing that compares to “The Tonight Show “ starring Johnny Carson and Ed McMahon, don’t forget McMahon he was a great foil for Johnny, there’ll never be another show like that one, the times were different their guests were special to those times
  • TFP
    3 years ago
    @sinclair that cassidy campbell dude cracks me the fuck up! My favorite skits of his are when he does the wigger character and tries to holla at hella black girls at the mall. He's actually successful with a few of them and it cracks me up how he does it.
    3 years ago
    Conan was great. His budget dropped when he went to TBS and with it his writing staff and replaced by the irrelevant high school types that think that they're funny. His skits he's phoning it in bc he knows it's no good. Conan's still funny on his unscripted pieces. NAAAASTY
  • gSteph
    3 years ago
    Late Night TV is fucking awful Yeah, it's on so late
  • Nidan111
    3 years ago
    In all seriousness, I have not watched TV in over 7 years. I have no fucking clue what is on these days.
  • 623
    3 years ago
    I have gone back and watched some of the old stuff. I don’t find it that funny anymore. Some good bits but overall no longer my thing. My tastes have changed and the new shows cater to younger audiences. What a shock that they are catering to the new 20 to 40 year old crowd, I point out sarcastically.
  • yahtzee74
    3 years ago
    It's worth noting that Carson's show was 90 minutes long for the first 18 years.
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