
Good Sex Music

Tuesday, January 5, 2021 8:47 AM
Whenever I sleep with strippers often times they put on some new rap that sounds like animal noises honestly. I often times have to make recommendations and for me I'm partial to Sade, that would be my go to how about y'all out there.


  • K
    3 years ago
    sade was the go to music for a favorite of mine years ago. She would put on some Sade CDs as soon as we broke open the wine in her bedroom. Thank you for bringing back that memory.
  • magicrat
    3 years ago
    You guys sound like Smooth Operators
  • K
    3 years ago
    magicrat i just knew someone would make that joke Sade is not the music I would have chosen but i found it difficult to tell a hot 22 year old latvian woman with perfect tits and an amazing ass to change the music. I still get a hard on when i hear "no ordinary Love "
  • azdd
    3 years ago
    I like putting together playlists for OTC sessions, and it’s always a balance between what I like versus what I think she likes. I usually ask if they have any favorite artists, which can be helpful. One dancer sent me a 50 song playlist and said anything from her list would be great. I mixed some of hers with some of mine, and she liked it. Age difference can be an issue too. I love blues as music to fuck by, but it’s almost always way older than the dancer. On the other hand, I hate most rap so I never use it. I also listen to what they play in the club, although some DJs are pretty unimaginative. Stage shows would be a lot more entertaining if DJs would mix things up once in awhile, and if dancers actually danced to it!
  • shadowcat
    3 years ago
    I don't play any music when I am with my OTC gal. When there is a 50 year difference, you can NEVER agree on what's good music.
  • carolynne
    3 years ago
    Lol, if your girl wants music it’s because she needs it to stay awake!
  • K
    3 years ago
    No one listens to sade to stay awake. I believe it was her way of feeling less like this was a business transaction and what that implied about her.
  • Eve
    3 years ago
    I'm fine with listening to music during sex, but it has to be really quiet so as to not distract me from the big moment. I'd prefer to hear the sounds that come from sex than background noise. Along with Sade, I can also vouch for Basia's albums (very sad that most people in my age group have never heard of her).
  • TJ Walker
    3 years ago
  • rl27
    3 years ago
    The last gal I regularly did OTC with, knew I liked metal from the club, and while she didn't have much of that at first, she had a very good classic rock playlist already set out, with songs like Black Dog, Kashmir, Loving Touching Squeezing, Closer, and Darling Nikki. Extra points for remembering I mentioned Orion would be a good song to dance to and she had already added it. While I don't consider Prince to be rock, I don't complain. She also added a few White Zombie / Rob Zombie songs that first night, and over the ten or so times I saw her it kind of became a game for her to find out which sexy metal songs I liked.
  • sinclair
    3 years ago
    I usually just let her pick the music to keep her in a relaxed mood. Most play hip hop or R&B that is mostly sounds like baboons grunting and mumbling. The last girl I dated played 90's rock off some Pandora playlist. The funny thing was most of those songs were made before she was even born.
  • booji boy
    3 years ago
    For azdd: [view link] Personally, I like it playful: [view link] (helluva bass line) A few more: [view link] [view link] [view link]
  • misterorange
    3 years ago
    Anyone ever had sex while on acid? You could play Tchaikovsky's 1812 Overture and it would be amazing.
  • azdd
    3 years ago
    Holy shit Mongo, those are great, thanks! Norah Jones is a frequent contributor to my playlists, but the others are new to me.
  • Electronman
    3 years ago
    Would this one be OK? [view link]
  • magicrat
    3 years ago
    I put on a reggae playlist as it seems to put both in a good relaxed mood. Double points if there is weed involved.
  • nicespice
    3 years ago
  • Muddy
    3 years ago
    Yeah Sade is just classy, smooth all of it, might be a tad slow but fuck it can't go wrong with it.
  • Cashman1234
    3 years ago
    Now I know why my otc girl always gives me that odd look when I get ready by playing I Touch Myself by the Divinyls! Maybe it’s just not her genre of music... Sade was a favorite of mine for years - back when I was young - and I thought it was good civilian sex music.
  • shadowcat
    3 years ago
    I've always thought that Ravel's Bolero would be great. [view link]
  • Cashman1234
    3 years ago
    Ravel’s Bolero is excellent! But it requires too much effort - and if you miss a crescendo - it always feels anti-climatic. You might have to book 2 full hours if you don’t have the proper timing - and rhythm.
  • skibum609
    3 years ago
    Strauss' Minute Waltz because the night is already too short .............
  • rl27
    3 years ago
    A few dancers would play mostly classical music very softly. Ravel's Bolero was very popular. A few I knew of would start off undressing to Carl Orff's O Fortuna. One dancer also liked the Godfather Waltz. I recall at least one feature dancing to 1812 Overture on the 4th of July. It was so goofy that I couldn't stop laughing, so if a dancer ever decided to add that to her sex play list, I would probably break out into uncontrollable laughter.
  • Cristobal
    3 years ago
    I had a playlist for those who needed some mood music and a few girls provided or looked for their own music, it was all good. Overall, I prefer our sounds to any music but sometimes the background music adds something to the overall experience.
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