What are some Aliens or Robots from SciFi movies you would bang?
I was thinking about this. Sean Young was hot for a non human in Blade Runner and Dune. If it counts she does appear human though.
My vote would have to go to that blue alien stripper thing with the two fucking things coming out of her head that Jabba The Hut threw down into the dungeon then she got eaten by the Rancor. If Luke would've saved her, he would of gotten some good Alien pussy instead of trying to tap his own sister. Anyway I would've definitely put my dick in one of those things. What y'all got?
My vote would have to go to that blue alien stripper thing with the two fucking things coming out of her head that Jabba The Hut threw down into the dungeon then she got eaten by the Rancor. If Luke would've saved her, he would of gotten some good Alien pussy instead of trying to tap his own sister. Anyway I would've definitely put my dick in one of those things. What y'all got?
Okay, the android in Ex Machina (Alicia Vikander)
Natasha Henstridge in Species
Wonder Woman (not human!)
Nebula or Gamora (maybe Nebula AND Gamora, if I'm lucky)
The Space Vampire from Life Force
AND DEN??????
Android 18 (the female) was a badass.
Yeah, I'll second the Summer Glau vote. I wasn't that into the show itself, but watched it anyway. Lol