What are some Aliens or Robots from SciFi movies you would bang?
I was thinking about this. Sean Young was hot for a non human in Blade Runner and Dune. If it counts she does appear human though.
My vote would have to go to that blue alien stripper thing with the two fucking things coming out of her head that Jabba The Hut threw down into the dungeon then she got eaten by the Rancor. If Luke would've saved her, he would of gotten some good Alien pussy instead of trying to tap his own sister. Anyway I would've definitely put my dick in one of those things. What y'all got?
last commentMegatron . . . is that a Fusion Cannon, a decepticon, or are you just happy to see me?
I don’t watch sci-fi movies. But there was a character named Seven of Nine played by Jeri Ryan who was pretty hot!
Seven of Nine was 10/10, but she was a human who became a cyborg and should not count. In the same vein, Princess Leia was not of Earth and therefore not human (simply humanoid).
Okay, the android in Ex Machina (Alicia Vikander)
Natasha Henstridge in Species
Wonder Woman (not human!)
Nebula or Gamora (maybe Nebula AND Gamora, if I'm lucky)
The Space Vampire from Life Force
Eve, Megatron was a blowhard punk (like a certain senile old asshole with an iq of 25 we all know). How about Optimus Prime and thoae smokestacks?
I rarely watch these kind of movies but I did just watch Species for the second time in many years and have to agree with gammanu95 about Natasha Henstridge.
Tricia Helfer, Number 6 from Battlestar Galatica:
I couldn't get into Battlestar Galactica. The pilot had too much famboy servicing and I turned it off. Now I have FOMO.
Zoe Saldana was pretty hot in James Cameron's Avatar
Austin Powers, the Fembots. All of them. At the same time. Would have to be careful to ensure their tits were unloaded, though.
@ nice - Dude, that is one of my favorite movies and forgot all about the hot alien giant chick. A playmate:
AND DEN??????
Milla Jovovich - the fifth element
How about Pamela Gidley in Cherry 2000 (1987)??
Ask, battlestar galactica the new version, Boomer, the Asian cylon.
Not ‘ask’ was supposed to be ‘also’
@Gamma I'm not fuckin Megatron for his personality. I'm sure Optimus Prime is pretty packin too (especially after seeing the size of his mack truck), but when it comes to books and movies I generally get more aroused by the villains.
Anyone that's watched Dragon Ball Z (or has kids that do) should know who these three are: static2.cbrimages.com
Android 18 (the female) was a badass.
Darryl Hannah (Pris) in Blade Runner. Leeloo. Kristanna Loken, the terminator in T3.
Plus lots of sex model robots from Westworld, TV and Movie.
Interesting subject, but I had a thing for Summer Glau from the Sarah Connor Chronicles
Alicia Vikander in Ex Machina and Scarlett Johanssen in Ghost in a Shell were good too
Lisa Marie, Mars Attacks!
Yeah, I'll second the Summer Glau vote. I wasn't that into the show itself, but watched it anyway. Lol
from Star Trek TOS, Marta, the green Orion slave girl. She was crazy, literally, and could move extremely seductively. "Whom Gods Destroy"
Not to be contrary, but how would doing Smurfette even work? That'd be like some horrible snake stretchy thing going on with that. Just sayin'
Anybody remember a movie where there was a super hot chick the main character was wanting to bang for the whole flick and the big reveal was she didn't have a pussy? Maybe it was a nightmare I had but I thought it was a movie.