
What if Trump wins ?

avatar for mark94

Half the country is certain about two things:

  1. Trump is the worst President in history

  2. Biden is guaranteed to win

They believe this because every media outlet they watch, read, or listen to tells them this.

So, what if Trump wins ? How will this half of the population react ? Will they realize the media has been lying to them for 4 years ? Or, will they double down and go full, violent Trump Derangement Syndrome ?

My guess is the 80/20 rule. Twenty percent will change their world view. Eighty percent will reach new depths of rage and denial.


last comment
avatar for tete1526
4 yrs ago

Wouldn't be surprised if he wins at all

avatar for RandomMember
4 yrs ago

The best polling and statistics available show that Biden has about a 90% chance of winning. Biden is not guaranteed to win and polls can be wrong. At the same time, 90% of Republicans think that Trump will win (that's from a Gallop poll). So the situation is exactly the opposite of what you're describing. The polls have been exceptionally stable, unlike 2016. If Trump loses, there could be violence, and we would have a lame-duck period to deal with a desperate president, who may be facing civil and criminal actions.

Weather predictions for the following day are sometimes wrong, but that doesn't stop anyone from checking the weather report.

avatar for skibum609
4 yrs ago

Polls are what stupid people rely on because they are so fucking dumb they cannot figure things out on their own. Nice lie about polls not being exceptionally stable in 2016 Random. Damn son you ever tell the truth? By the way with radar available to everyone smart people do their own weather forecasting and don't check it out, like dumb people do son.

This lifelong republican expects Trump to lose and the democrats to have full control, resulting in them getting the full blame when things get worse and worse every year forward. As me Mum always said: "Be careful about what you ask for; you might get it."

avatar for gammanu95
4 yrs ago

What has Trump done? He has failed to start any new wars. He failed to keep up Obama's record Americans on welfare, causing them to find employment instead. He has failed to allow NATO member states to continue to not mwet their obligations, re-writing NAFTA, addressing China's unfair trade practices, lowering taxes, bringing back the jobs that Obama said were gone forever, increasing support for Taiwan and Israel, nominating judges and justices who are committed to the rule of law and the Constitution, and working to lower illegal immigration and secure the borders.

So, and don't give me any liberal lies that have been disproven a thousand times over, what of the above are you against?

avatar for skibum609
4 yrs ago

Progressives are against anything that makes America better. They thrive on conflict and take advantage of everything bad that has ever happened here. A happy, hard-working America is our dream, their unmitigated fear.

avatar for mark94
4 yrs ago

The globalist elite has gone all in on this election. Media, Academia, Hollywood, Intel community, activist judges, Globalist corporations, Big Tech, Big Finance. State Department, the rest of the Deep State. Their bias and corruption is now completely exposed. They’ve put all their chips on the table and face severe consequences if Biden loses.

avatar for twentyfive
4 yrs ago

Just a simple question to the few posters that have come on here and supported Mr Trump, what are y’all gonna do when he loses, are y’all gonna follow him out of the country as he said he’d do if he lost ?

avatar for mark94
4 yrs ago

Does this look like a winning campaign ? The enthusiasm is underwhelming.


avatar for mark94
4 yrs ago

Vietnamese for Trump. This is what winning looks like.


avatar for twentyfive
4 yrs ago

Well I’m glad to see your optimism isn’t going to be an issue, but those rose colored glasses are giving all of your posts an orange tinge.

Orange tinted optimism is also called delusional in some circles

avatar for twentyfive
4 yrs ago

One point y’all should consider with a dozen days left before this election more people have voted early than ever before since it’s been available do you really think that indicates Trumps popularity I think not

avatar for mark94
4 yrs ago

In key states, the early ballots were supposed to be overwhelmingly Biden. Instead, there are more Republican early ballots than Democrat. So, yeah, I’m feeling good about the large number of early ballots.

avatar for pistola
4 yrs ago


avatar for mark94
4 yrs ago

There are indications that the Democrat city council in liberal Austin Texas will be replaced by Republicans candidates as a result of crime and homeless camps. If that happens, it’s a sign that no Democrat politician is safe in 2020. Live by Antifa and BLM, die by Antifa and BLM.

avatar for Icey
4 yrs ago

Another 4 years will turn most americans into communists. Just waiting on our own Lenin to take trump out lulz

avatar for Icey
4 yrs ago

But I'll settle for a Robespierre

avatar for Arigano_69 (Twat)
Arigano_69 (Twat)
4 yrs ago

"Just a simple question to the few posters that have come on here and supported Mr Trump, what are y’all gonna do when he loses, are y’all gonna follow him out of the country as he said he’d do if he lost ?"

God let's hope so!!!!!

avatar for ime
4 yrs ago

Wasn't it all the rich, and celebrities screeching about leaving if Trump won, but they never fucked off like they promised. Keep projecting dem losers.

avatar for sclvr5005
4 yrs ago

When Biden wins it will be fun to watch the republican shit storm. Of course Trump isn't gonna leave the country.....he'll be behind bars.

avatar for datinman
4 yrs ago

If Trump wins, I expect the GOP will have him out of office before the midterms. He'll be shocked how fast Cruz, Graham, McConnell, et al. turn on him. They have only tolerated his behavior because he was their best hope for a 2020 victory. Forget the deep state, I expect the GOP power brokers will chew him up and spit him out rather than deal with his antics for four more years. Easy enough to use the NY grand jury or violation of the Foreign Emoluments Clause to stage an intra-party coup.

avatar for gammanu95
4 yrs ago

If Trump wins...

we will have four more years to continue making America great again.

avatar for pistola
4 yrs ago

Anybody thinking communism is the answer needs to be drawn and quartered. Talk about corruption...

Communism is not a winning team.

avatar for mark94
4 yrs ago

Trump is bringing Hunter Biden’s business partner to the debate tonight. Front row seat. Grand master Troll.

avatar for Papi_Chulo
4 yrs ago

"... Wasn't it all the rich, and celebrities screeching about leaving if Trump won, but they never fucked off like they promised ..."

They didn't have a reason to leave – as I’ve said, it’s hard to imagine any American’s life been affected in any way due to Trump’s policies – those rich-fucks are richer than ever and have the same rights they’ve always had – this is all about Trump’s personality – and I get it – there are many that don’t like his style and that is their right – but that’s no reason to pull all the anti-democratic shit the Dems have pulled and is trying to pull – the Dems have decided to throw democracy out the door instead of the doing the democratic thing and try to win elections democratically – the Left tries to use the courts, and recently riots, to force their agenda that the voters have not accepted (via the election results).

avatar for mark94
4 yrs ago

The Real Clear Politics polls in battleground states is exactly where it was with Hillary 12 days before the election.


avatar for Arigano_69 (Twat)
Arigano_69 (Twat)
4 yrs ago

Oh and the right doesn't try to force their agenda onto people that want nothing to do with it? Gimme a break. Cmon already with the accusations that are common to both sides of the political spectrum. But it's the republican way to promote faux news so I'm not a bit surprised.

avatar for Arigano_69 (Twat)
Arigano_69 (Twat)
4 yrs ago

"The Real Clear Politics polls in battleground states is exactly where it was with Hillary 12 days before the election."

Yeah and dozens of other polls show completely different results. So just pick and choose which one you want to believe. I'll believe the election results.

avatar for Papi_Chulo
4 yrs ago

I hope Trump wins but the way I see it he has an uphill battle.

Per a previous post:

".... The globalist elite has gone all in on this election. Media, Academia, Hollywood, Intel community, activist judges, Globalist corporations, Big Tech, Big Finance. State Department, the rest of the Deep State ..."

Trump has to go against all this - plus he has to go in-part against himself - there are never-Trumpers that do not agree with the Dems' agenda but will still vote against Trump out of pure hate (cutting off their nose despite their face - hate is a hell of a drug).

I was listening to conservative radio a while ago and there was someone saying Trump has an uphill battle to win – i.e. Trump’s margin for error is tighter than Biden’s (more things have to break Trump’s way for him to win) – there’s something to be said about the polls being wrong in 2016 and we could have a repeat of that – I hope Trump wins but I’d me slightly more surprised if he does than if Biden does but either one winning would not be a complete shock.

avatar for Papi_Chulo
4 yrs ago

“… Oh and the right doesn't try to force their agenda onto people that want nothing to do with it …”

That’s politics and that’s democracy – the majority sets the agenda – no matter which side wins/is-in-power those on the other side are not gonna be happy – but the way to deal with that is to try and win elections, not to subvert the democratic process by engaging in a coup and politically weaponizing the FBI to take out a democratically elected president – politics is always gonna be vicious but the Dems are the ones that now want to change the rules of democracy so they can set their agenda – they want to:

  • pack the supreme court

  • eliminate the filibuster

  • amnesty to illegal aliens b/c they know the bulk will vote democrat

  • statehood to DC and Puerto Rico (democrat areas)

  • allowing rioters to run amok and telling police to stand down all b/c they felt it would affect Trump and his reelection even if it has cost lives and billions of dollars in damage

  • complete media bias in favor of one party

  • silencing of opposing views by the media and social-media

  • the Russian collusion hoax where after the fact all those involved in the prosecution erased all the data in their phones (27 different cellphones) when the government asked for it - why do this if they didn't have anything to hide

All this is not just contentious politics – it’s anti-democratic – the liberals have established that the democratic process no longer needs to be adhered to.

avatar for Arigano_69 (Twat)
Arigano_69 (Twat)
4 yrs ago

^everything you posted above the republicans have tried to do as well. And your unconditional acceptance of right wing fake news is nothing short of stunning.

avatar for Papi_Chulo
4 yrs ago

“… What if Trump wins …”

Hard to know what would happen – I never expected to see what I’ve seen recently from the Russian collusion hoax and weaponizing of the FBI for political purposes, to politicians actually thinking defunding the police is a good thing and practically throwing the police (and by extension public safety) under the bus.

Part of me thinks all this going-on is an all-out attempt/coup so Trump is not re-elected, and that perhaps it’ll be dialed-down to a large-extent even if Trump wins b/c all this rioting and police defunding has not achieved anything and is not supported by the majority of people – so part of me thinks that most of this is b/c of the election – but part of me thinks the Left may also double-down if not triple-down if Trump wins and will do anything and everything to sabotage Trump’s 2nd-term no-matter the cost to the country – I can see either scenario happening.

avatar for mark94
4 yrs ago

Four years ago, the rot was out of sight. Now, it’s all out in the open.

Plus we now control the high ground of the Supreme Court.

First step is to clean house at the DOJ, FBI, CIA, NSC, and State Dept. Fire the 3 top layers on the organization chart. Replace them with the likes of Rick Grinnell and John Ratcliffe.

Then, indict the hundreds of people in government who’ve secretly been on the Chinese payroll. Then, clean out the Chinese rats nest of spies in Universities and Business.

Proceed with anti-trust action against Google, Twitter,and Facebook.

Downsize, restructure, and outsource the Federal bureaucracy. Move entire agencies to flyover country, as is already planned for Agriculture and Interior.

Continue to rebuild the economy. Tariffs on all Chinese goods. Economic Development zones in Urban and rural areas. Finalize trade deals with India, Brazil, and the U.K. Formalize the Quad power of India, Japan, Australia and the US as a counterbalance to Chinese aggression.

Establish order in riot-torn cities using federal law enforcement resources. Incentivize charter schools and close failing public schools.

avatar for Mate27
4 yrs ago

Pollsters have recently started to admit their polling errors(variance) are going to be larger due to shy Republicans not willing to respond to polls/surveys from fatigue of being labeled as racist/bigoted/whatever it is.

Don’t be surprised if that phenomenon expands beyond expectations, just like it did in 2016. We know polls are meaningless when you get a larger segment of the population that refused to engage in the behavior of answering surveys/polls.

avatar for mark94
4 yrs ago

Tony Bobulinski ( The Biden family business partner): In my hour long meeting with Joe Biden we discussed Biden family business dealings with the Chinese, with which he was plainly familiar

avatar for Arigano_69 (Twat)
Arigano_69 (Twat)
4 yrs ago

"Four years ago, the rot was out of sight. Now, it’s all out in the open."

Absolutely. Trump's dirty laundry is now visible for all to see. More to come.

avatar for Icey
4 yrs ago

Trumps factories were all in China

avatar for Papi_Chulo
4 yrs ago

Good riddance - those two debates were a hard watch - Trump did a bit better but debating is not his thing - he's unable to keep his cool - there is an art to being a politician

avatar for Arigano_69 (Twat)
Arigano_69 (Twat)
4 yrs ago

Trump isn't a politician. Never was and never will be. He's a failed businessman who thought that running the country was like running a business. He's failed at both.

avatar for Papi_Chulo
4 yrs ago

I agree Trump isn't a politician - politicians are all-talk and no-action and most are just concerned with getting elected and enriching themselves - the only thing Biden has excelled at in 47-years of being a politician is making himself and his family wealthy via his political influence.

avatar for mark94
4 yrs ago

Biden made multiple gaffes tonight that will cost him electoral votes. He blurted out that he would phase out all fossil fuels. If there was ever any doubt, that puts Michigan, Ohio and Pennsylvania solidly in the Trump column. That should be ballgame.

avatar for Arigano_69 (Twat)
Arigano_69 (Twat)
4 yrs ago

"That should be ballgame."

Lmao put down the crack pipe. It's obvious that you are desperate to put a spin on anything you can to convince yourself of a win that just ain't there. Your desperation just comes off as pathetic.

avatar for Mate27
4 yrs ago

^^^ “LMAO put down the crack pipe”.

Tell that to Joe Biden’s son, Hunter. SMH...

avatar for Cashman1234
4 yrs ago

I’m not surprised the mainstream news media has Biden ahead by a comfortable margin. If I was a conspiracy type - I might think our own media is creating the lead to try to diminish voter turn out in support of Trump.

It’s bizarre how much the media chooses to ignore any information that negatively affects the left.

avatar for RandomMember
4 yrs ago

^^^ Major election simulations like those at the Financial Times and the Economist are overseas and don't have an axe to grind. Both have Trump behind.

If you listen you might learn something.

avatar for nicespice
4 yrs ago

—>“If Trump loses, there could be violence, and we would have a lame-duck period to deal with a desperate president, who may be facing civil and criminal actions.”

I remember back in 2008 there was that right-wing mantra of “if Obama becomes president, there will definitely be a bullet in his head”.

Now I guess the left have their own version of silliness. 🤪

avatar for Cowboy12
4 yrs ago

This election is about 3 things. COVID-19, the economy, and hatred.

The crazy, left-wing, communists have done a pretty good job of blaming the # of deaths from the pandemic on Trump.

In reality, sleepy Joe's "plan" is no different than Trump's and the results would be about the same.

The economy tanked because of the pandemic, but is already recovering. President Trump's team should have done a better job talking about the recovery.

The corrupt media and crazy liberals like Pelosi have done a good job ramping up the hatred of President Trump. He won't play their swampy games, he is a political outsider, that's why they hate him.

avatar for skibum609
4 yrs ago

The Financial Times and the Economist are left wing foreign "news" sources and we know how foreigners, especially left Europeans hate Trump. Only an abject fucking retard would cite them as unbiased, or someone with a (P)ussy (H)alitosis (D)ouchebag degree.

avatar for twentyfive
4 yrs ago


avatar for gammanu95
4 yrs ago

After the debate last night, it is time to stop talking about "what if Trump wins", and start having the discussion about "when Trump wins." An excellent performance last night. He could have done a bit better on the social issues, but the democrat party's looting and rioting has sealed that issue.

avatar for datinman
4 yrs ago

So much of the early GOP social media push was Joe has crippling dementia and is unfit. Now, after lucid performances in 2 debates and 2 town hall meetings, that strategy has evaporated. Tactical error to have set the bar so low.

avatar for Cashman1234
4 yrs ago

I think the race is much closer than mainstream news is willing to show.

This is just an observation - and it means nothing to anyone. But, in 2016, as I drove through parts of central Pa (well outside of the cities). I saw many Trump signs. I realized there was a movement. Since I live about 12 miles west of NYC, there was still a strong liberal focus in my area.

I am now noticing an odd effect - as certain streets in nearby towns have many BLM signs. But a town away - and there are Trump signs. It doesn’t matter electorally - as NJ will go to Biden. But it appears Trump supporters are more comfortable displaying their support now.

avatar for ATACdawg
4 yrs ago

My voting record:

Nixon, Ford, Reagan, Reagan, GHW Bush, GHW Bush,Dole, GW Bush, GW Bush...

Obama, Obama and, yuch, Hillary.

Why the change in my voting? Because in 2012 the "religious right" had taken over the soul of the GOP. They spew a series of lies and hatred that I, as a Christian, simply cannot tolerate.

If we call ourselves a "Christian" nation, how can we not follow the teachings of Christ - humility, tolerance, mercy, feeding the hungry, treating the sick.....these are virtues shared by mainstream Muslims, most Jews and even, (gasp!) secular humanists.

I don't realistically expect this to change anyone's mind, but as for me, I am not willing to leave the nation in the hands of a lying, unprincipled thief and narcissist, or the Mitch McConnells of the world. My vote will go to Biden, not because he is the best, but because he is the better candidate.

avatar for SanchoRG
4 yrs ago

I’ve seen a metric shitload more Biden signs in AZ than I ever saw Hillary signs

avatar for mark94
4 yrs ago

Yea, I’m worried about Arizona. The Californians keep rolling in. ASU and U of A are firmly controlled by progressives and public schools have indoctrinated students for decades. When I first moved here, Barry Goldwater was symbolic of a typical Arizonan. Gritty, independent, freedom living. Every year, we drift further away from that ideal. The woke generation is now the predominant culture in AZ.

avatar for gammanu95
4 yrs ago

Do you remember the South Park episode, "Scott Tenorman Must Die"? Your liberal tears are going to be so delicious on November 4th. "Oh, delicious! The tears of unfathomable sadness." -Eric Cartman

avatar for Arigano_69 (Twat)
Arigano_69 (Twat)
4 yrs ago

The polls all show Biden has a comfortable lead. All except anything coming out of FauxNews, of course. But no one counts them anyways.

avatar for mark94
4 yrs ago

Joe claims that the laptop is Russian misinformation and that Hunter never got any money from Russia or China. Does anyone here believe him ?

avatar for ime
4 yrs ago

No, and that it is Russian misinformation has been debunked.

avatar for Arigano_69 (Twat)
Arigano_69 (Twat)
4 yrs ago

Don the Con is mouth is moving. Does anyone here believe him?

Oh of course all of the insecure white old men here do. They're so gullible and desperate they'll believe everything and anything out of the Great Liars mouth. Lmao. Pathetic.

avatar for gammanu95
4 yrs ago

The FBI has verified that the laptop was the one they subpoenaed for a counterintelligence investigation. They have verified that the e-mails and texts are authentic. Hunter's business partner has corroborated ALL of it and has completely rolled on the Bidens.

We're going to find out whether there is any justice left in DC. At the very least, the dems will get to know what it's like - only this time is for real.

Also, bipartisan note: this is why we need term limits for congress. Less time in office is less time for the corrosion of morals and corruption of power.

avatar for Hank Moody
Hank Moody
4 yrs ago

The Wall St. Journal (owned by Rupert Murdoch of Faux News) published an article last night after midnight after having reviewed the documents about which Hunter’s business partner is talking. The deal was put together in 2017 after Biden left office and before he declared he was running for president. The purpose was to assist the Chinese in investing in the USA. “The venture never received proposed funds from the Chinese company or completed any deals. ... Corporate records reviewed by the WSJ show no role for Joe Biden.” Said James Gilliar, another partner in the deal: “I would like to clear up any speculation that Joe Biden was involved with the 2017 discussions about our potential business structure. I am unaware of any involvement of the former VP. The activity in question never delivered any project revenue.” Maybe there’s more to uncover but this looks like nothing.


avatar for datinman
4 yrs ago

"Maybe there’s more to uncover but this looks like nothing. "

It doesn't matter. It is like the Anthony Weiner laptop in 2016. Create buzz for a brief news cycle right before the election to rally the base and pick off some low hanging fruit among the undecideds. Worked in 16.

avatar for mark94
4 yrs ago

So, you’ve highlighted one small aspect of this multi year scandal, pointed out that it hasn’t been full proven yet, and that’s your defense.

Yes, you’ve accused me of robbing 5 banks, but you don’t have any photos of me performing the fourth, so your claims aren’t worth investigating.

Every news entity is ignoring what might be the biggest scandal in American history. If the emails are genuine, a foreign country bought off the.VP of the United States. Shouldn’t that be worth investing a few days of investigative time ?

avatar for Richard_Head
4 yrs ago

Mark, if (when) Biden wins, I’m guessing Republicans will Benghazi this for the next 4 years.

avatar for Hank Moody
Hank Moody
4 yrs ago

By all accounts, Giuliani and the FBI have had the emails for nearly a year. The fact that they held them until 2 weeks before the election and instead of getting a federal investigation they got the front page on the NY Post seems to suggest this is smoke and mirrors. Hell, it worked in 2016 with the Anthony Weiner laptop and Comey announcement, might as well try it again. It also explains a lot about why Trump was begging Ukraine and China to investigate Biden. Also begging Barr to investigate. He wanted this stuff to surface without it looking like it came from him and Giuliani. When that didn’t work, he got desperate and sent it to the Post.

40 million votes are already in. How many people would ask for their ballot back now that this story came out? My guess is zero. This election was decided a year ago. We just don’t know the results yet.

avatar for skibum609
4 yrs ago

Why on earth wouldn't someone believe Joe Biden the crooks friend and business partner lol. Trump is a scumbag. Biden is a scumbag. Historic Kamal Harris Senator from California, was California democrats 5th choice for President in the primaries. That makes her a failure, no a star, so why on earth would she be conside ....oh yeah, never mind.

avatar for Icey
4 yrs ago

A Biden win wilk be a pyrrhic victory unless people like McConnell get voted out

Lets also keep in mind that Biden is really just trump lite

avatar for gammanu95
4 yrs ago

Even after they lose, Kommiela can still say she was a hair more favorable than Stacey Abram. Damn, she is one fat, ugly, bitch. It hurts just to look at her.

avatar for Icey
4 yrs ago

Gammanu what do you look like?

avatar for Arigano_69 (Twat)
Arigano_69 (Twat)
4 yrs ago

^ picture Yoda, but a helluva lot stupider.

avatar for Icey
4 yrs ago


avatar for Hank Moody
Hank Moody
4 yrs ago

Anyone seen the new Borat movie on Amazon Prime? WTF Rudy??!?!

avatar for Papi_Chulo
4 yrs ago

^ that was a set-up; a spoof - made to look like something was going on that wasn't

avatar for Arigano_69 (Twat)
Arigano_69 (Twat)
4 yrs ago

^ sounds just like Trump's joke of a "presidency".

avatar for Papi_Chulo
4 yrs ago

^ yeah - might as well elect Biden and sell out to China and become China's bitch b/c Biden cares more about the size of his bank-account than this country

avatar for Arigano_69 (Twat)
Arigano_69 (Twat)
4 yrs ago

"....Biden cares more about the size of his bank-account than this country"

Lmfao oh and Trump is such a selfless humanitarian? All he cares about is his own bank account. Oh the delusion is hysterical!

avatar for Papi_Chulo
4 yrs ago

^ Trump didn't need to become a politician to become wealthy like Biden did - Trump has lost business b/c he's stood up for his believe of America - Trump has taken on the establishment and he's paid a price, instead of the avg politician that prefers to not rock the boat and take hi$ cut

avatar for Arigano_69 (Twat)
Arigano_69 (Twat)
4 yrs ago

^ wait a minute....I need to wipe the shit off of my shoes due to the deep pile of it that you're spewing. But it is comical, I'll give you that!

avatar for Papi_Chulo
4 yrs ago

^ typical liberal answer - just talk shit b/c they can't use facts (and they can't use facts b/c the facts are "inconvenient" and "inconveniently" disprove all their lies)

avatar for NJBalla
4 yrs ago

If trump wins that means I can keep banging Melania when he is off on business trips. The sex is terrible, but she makes a great sandwhich

avatar for Arigano_69 (Twat)
Arigano_69 (Twat)
4 yrs ago

You conservatives lie so damn much that you wouldn't know the truth if it bit you on the ass. But keep spinning your Faux news..... the rest of the world loves the comedic value!

avatar for twentyfive
4 yrs ago

I’m going to pose a question to the hard core right wing nuts that keep making these statements about who’s a socialist and who’s a communist.

Tell me is Mark Cuban a communist is Kevin Leary a socialist, how about Barbara Corcoran, or Jamie Dimon, what about Warren Buffet, or Bill Gates, these are some well known capitalists yet y’all keep calling everyone against your dear Leader a commie or a traitor, tell us is Colin Powell or John Kelly or even Retired Admiral McRaven a traitor, no fellas it’s the president that is doing the things that are causing our problems,

Do what you want I’m voting with a clear conscience for Joe Biden because he is a better man and because Donald Trump does not deserve the singular honor of being President of the United States

avatar for skibum609
4 yrs ago

Winning this election will be similar to winning a contest to go back in time and getting a free, first class trip on the Lusitania.

avatar for twentyfive
4 yrs ago

^ not the Titanic 😂

avatar for SanchoRG
4 yrs ago

No deal I want a Hindenberg ticket

avatar for skibum609
4 yrs ago

^5 lol.

avatar for misterorange
4 yrs ago


Billionaires like the ones you mentioned have the luxury of seeing the world from the top of a mountain where only an act of God could knock them off. They know that no matter what happens politically, economically, socially or otherwise, in America or anywhere in the world, their life and the lives of their families won't change even one little bit. For them, there is zero risk with regard to the outcome of political experiments. If all the "Shark Tank" businesses they've invested in went belly-up tomorrow it wouldn't affect them, except maybe they'd feel some disappointment, like losing a game of golf to someone they should have beaten. If Microsoft or Berkshire Hathaway fell apart, Gates and Buffett would still be doing just fine.

There are several reasons why billionaires might turn towards socialist ideology after building an empire through capitalism. Some are so disconnected from how average people live their lives, they assume that folks who struggle to eek out a living would be happier and better off if the government supported them. Clearly these peasants are incapable of making decisions that would move them forward economically, so they deserve to live in a protected bubble just like the big guys (except without all the luxury). Some of them believe they've earned a seat at the big table and now they need to look the part. They're so high on wealth and power, it's amusing to throw some pocket change down to the little people just to show what big shots they are.

Then there are some for whom no amount of wealth will ever be enough. Their ticket to a higher level of greatness is obtained by supporting political bigwigs who wield the type of power that can't be simply purchased with cash or traditional business transactions, it has to be "earned" through a complex web of both monetary donations AND public support for causes that benefit the politicians. Quid pro quo. Conservatives are not good candidates for this type of partnership because they want to create an environment where people succeed on their own merits and through competition. These billionaires already navigated that gauntlet and made it to the top. Now they'd prefer to float down a lazy river on an inner tube without spilling their drink, while the cash keeps piling up. They go for the sure thing: big government Liberals who have near total control over a large segment of the population - the people who will support those mighty titans of industry in perpetuity. Just take a look at the argument brewing recently over the roll of social media platforms. Section 230 provides them a license to control what many people read, thus controlling what they know, thus influencing their core belief systems. And they do this under a blanket of protection similar to a newsstand that's not responsible for the content of the newspapers they sell. Who would you expect Zuckerberg and Dorsey to support politically? Certainly not someone who threatens the status quo they've become comfortable with.

Trump is a guy who ran for President at great personal cost in order to expose out of control political hypocrisy and get this runaway train of a country back on the rails. He played the game I described above through his whole career, and finally had enough of all the bullshit. Does any sane person really believe he became President so he could sell a few overpriced hotel rooms to the Secret Service when he visits his own resorts? From a business perspective, what has he gained from being President? The fact is that his business, brand, reputation and legacy have been significantly damaged. Of course like the others, no matter what happens he'll still be okay. But anyone who thinks he's profiting from all this is a fool. And if you're too blind to see the accomplishments he's made both before and since the Covid outbreak there's just no hope for you.

As for the others you mentioned, Kelly (I think you meant Mark Kelly) hates anyone who supports the 2nd Amendment because his wife was shot by a paranoid schizophrenic, and now he foolishly dreams of a world without guns. McRaven has a personal beef with Trump over his buddy John Brennan's security clearance. Powell was an outstanding General who rode his own coattails into a political career. He walked the fence on every issue, declaring himself a Republican but supporting the goals of both parties, always with caveats. He's a fine gentleman who just doesn't like Trump's in-your-face personality and aggressive agenda.

Bottom line, votes must be earned, and Trump's earned mine. What has Sleepy Joe done to earn yours?

avatar for Arigano_69 (Twat)
Arigano_69 (Twat)
4 yrs ago

The only thing Trump has earned from most people is contempt. He's a self proclaimed demigod who cares about nobody but himself and his inner circle who continue to kiss his ass. OTOH Biden has all of the qualities that Trump lacks - integrity, empathy, compassion, political savvy just to name a few. He's a leader, not a blowhard with an ego the size of Texas like Trump. Biden is the clear choice.

avatar for twentyfive
4 yrs ago

Bottom line Trump hasn’t earned mine you go ahead and vote your preference I’m going to vote for Joe Biden I’m not even interested in relitigating the issues I’ve stated my piece and never called anyone names nor questioned anyone’s patriotism but if you can’t do the same too fuckn bad, I don’t care who you vote , for I’m no socialist nor am I a communist and my patriotism is second to none of y’all

Go vote we’ll find out after the third of November who’s going to win.

avatar for twentyfive
4 yrs ago

@mister orange

John Francis Kelly (born May 11, 1950) is a board member at Caliburn International and a retired U.S. Marine Corps general who served as the White House Chief of Staff for President Donald Trump from July 31, 2017, to January 2, 2019.

avatar for twentyfive
4 yrs ago

BTW the nonsense word salad you put together is a pile of malarkey

You are assuming motives that doesn’t exist for any of the excuses you’ve made for all of those Biden endorsers, me I’d just take them at their word, you are arguing about motives, unless you know these people personally you have no way of backing up your statements now go and vote or don’t IDGAF

avatar for Mate27
4 yrs ago

If you can entertain this thought. Some people are career criminals because

Once they get released they’ll purposely commit a crime because they’re more comfortable in a cell confines to 2-3 meals a day, onsite employment for concession purchases, and even conjugal visits. In that scenario they choose a life of that instead of freedoms afforded to the rest of the gainfully employed people. Between these two people you’re voting for, one represents one segment, the other candidate offers to help both segments. Keep in mind there will always be a percentage of our population that will skew behavior in sucking on the teat of government. When it skews too far you get a shitload of abuse on the system gets overextended. It’s why Trump got elected the first tiMe, and why the election will be way closer than the polls suggest.

avatar for mark94
4 yrs ago

Four years ago today:

Hillary Clinton has vaulted to a double-digit advantage in the inaugural ABC News 2016 election tracking poll, boosted by broad disapproval of Donald Trump

avatar for Arigano_69 (Twat)
Arigano_69 (Twat)
4 yrs ago

^That was well before everybody realized just how big an unqualified failure he really is. That outcome isn't gonna happen again.

avatar for Papi_Chulo
4 yrs ago

“… Tell me is Mark Cuban a communist is Kevin Leary a socialist, how about Barbara Corcoran, or Jamie Dimon, what about Warren Buffet, or Bill Gates …”

I can’t get into the heads of these people and know why they think the way they do – on the surface it just looks like hatred for Trump above all else – when it comes to politics there are always gonna be those that support a particular government/party no matter what (even dictators like Kim JOng-Un in N Korea is gonna have supporters else they can’t stay in power) – point being different people are gonna have different political views either out of ideology, or convenience (what they have to gain).

For me my biggest issue with the Dems is not Biden, but what constitutes a major-part of the Dem party these days – there is a significant part of the Dem party that think America sucks and it needs to be done away with and replace it with a socialist style (if not worse) America - below is what constitutes a significant part of the Dem party these days and why in the present I see the Dem party as a threat to our country – today’s Dem party:

  • Bernie Sanders – a communist in "democrat’s clothing" – typical of any communist, he’s not gonna come out and say “yeah I’m a communist and you should vote/support me/my-agenda” – that’s not the way communists work – this is a guy that spent his honeymoon in Russia in the 80s – and in the 80’s campaigned for the Socialist Worker’s Party (SWP) “… which included radicals who praised the Soviet Union and Cuban communists …” (www.washingtonexaminer.com ) - “... Sanders endorsed SWP presidential candidates Andrew Pulley and Mel Mason. Their presidential platforms included promises to dismantle the entire U.S. military and nationalize most industries …” (www.washingtonexaminer.com )

  • IIhan Omar that has called for the dismantling of the American system

  • Ocasio-Cortez – a Bernie disciple and like Sanders wants a government takeover of the American system

  • Ted Wheeler mayor of Portland – who takes the side of violent anarchists and even joins them in their anarchism, and refuses to prosecute their violence and law-breaking – and then he gets bent of out of shape when the Feds deputize Oregon state police officers in order for arrests to be made b/c he refuses to make them nor prosecute them

  • the various Dem mayors and city councils that take the side of criminals and turn their sights against the police and allow violence to skyrocket and innocent people’s businesses to be looted via defunding and taking away power from the police

  • Dems take the side of self-proclaimed Marxist organizations like BLM which are anti-America; anti-family, and anti-religion (by their own words)

Per the words of BLM-cofounder and self-proclaimed Marxist Patrice Cullors “… what we are going to push for is a move to get Trump out.” … “While we’re also going to continue to push and pressure vice president Joe Biden around his policies …”

Biden’s camp and Bernie Sanders jointly produced a manifesto which would include many of Crazy Bernie’s far-left agenda – Biden has also aligned himself with Ocasio-Cortez’s green new deal takeover of the American energy sector – and Biden has also aligned himself with crazy Beto O’Rourke and his obsession with taking guns away from Americans.

This is just a snapshot of the dangers of the current Dem party and the far-left idealogues in their midst. Will Biden side with them all the way, halfway, or not at all? Remains to be seen but there is no doubt what they are about, what they want for America (to transform it into something unrecognizable); and no doubt they have a good-amount of power and the Dems are gonna have to deal with them – Ocasio-Cortez has already taken down a couple of longstanding Dems that didn’t fall in-line with her views (by backing their radical opponent) – and Ocasio-Cortez backed the Massachusetts Senator who’s been a politician as long as Biden has – he was in a tight primary against a Kennedy that was being supported by Pelosi - he went full woke backing Ocasio-Cortez’s green new deal b/c he saw the writing on the wall and thus got Ocasio-Cortez’s support and subsequently won – i.e. the writing is on the Dem-wall; get on board with Ocasio-Cortez and her radical policies or you as a Dem will be dealt with – and this is the danger of the Dem party for those that don’t agree with their radical policies – it’s not about Biden – but about those than wanna get rid of Trump so they can pressure Biden into giving into their racial-agendas and they know this would never happen with Trump in office.

avatar for twentyfive
4 yrs ago

I see you “can’t get in the heads of these people and know how they think”

But us folks that dislike what Trump is saying and how he is acting, are supposed to take it on faith that he’s not on the take, yet he won’t show us his taxes, c’mon man stop calling us names go out and vote and we’ll do the same, we’ve survived his piss poor management of this crisis, and so much lying, oh god he lies the same as he breathes, he is completely incapable of telling the truth even if it would be to his benefit

it’ll be great to have some calm instead of one crisis after another you’ll be just fine this country is in no danger of becoming a communist or socialist government under Biden.

avatar for mark94
4 yrs ago

“this country is in no danger of becoming a communist or socialist government under Biden.”

If he’s elected, Biden will be President for about 13 seconds before Kamala takes over.

avatar for twentyfive
4 yrs ago

^ you need some better material that statement is delusional and silly beyond words

So funny 😆 and I’m supposed to take you seriously 😒

avatar for Papi_Chulo
4 yrs ago

"... this country is in no danger of becoming a communist or socialist government under Biden ..."

I’m sure the Soviet, Chinese, Cuban, Venezuelan, people, etc, thought the same.

As the saying goes - "if it looks like a duck, swims like a duck, and quacks like a duck, it's a communist"

No one has a crystal ball – but all the BS that has been coming out of the Dems should be alarming to anyone that is pro the American way of life:

  • court packing

  • elimination of the filibuster

  • creating new states (DC, PR) so the Dems can get more Senators

  • anti-police

  • silencing opposing views via the media, social-media, and cancel-culture

  • supporting violent protests

  • the anti-American indoctrination in schools

  • support for Marxist movements like BLM

  • Marxist sympathizers in the Dem party (both in Congress and city officials)

  • calls by certain Dems for dismantling of our free-market economy

That’s a hell of a lot closer to marxism/communism than it is democracy.

avatar for twentyfive
4 yrs ago

Good night this is getting ridiculous

avatar for Arigano_69 (Twat)
Arigano_69 (Twat)
4 yrs ago

Yep 25 - trying to reason with irrational delusional right wingers is a waste of time and bandwidth. Like wrestling with a pig. You'll just get dirty and the pig will love it. But their ludicrous claims are great comical fodder. Full of all kind of lulz.

avatar for Papi_Chulo
4 yrs ago

^ you have a fucked-up definition of "trying to reason" - it seems reasoning to you means agreeing with the way you see things - everyone here is entitled to express their opinion including you - but it seems your definition of unreasonable is the stating of facts - opinions are a two-way-street - if you wanna express yours then you gotta be ok with those that don't agree with them.

avatar for Arigano_69 (Twat)
Arigano_69 (Twat)
4 yrs ago

^your view of "facts" is dubious at best and laughable at worst. You are just as guilty as anyone here of promoting what you view as "fact" as almost biblical in magnitude and believability. You are also no more tolerant or willing to listen to others point of view than anyone else here. All of this political jabber is just a big pissing contest.

avatar for Papi_Chulo
4 yrs ago

I state my viewpoints and I'm fine with others stating theirs even if they are contrary to mine - if someone's post bother me so-much then I just put them on Ignore but I'm not gonna insult anyone that has a different viewpoint than I do but I will disagree with certain posts and I'm ok with others disagreeing w/ mine - many on here make it personal vs it being about different POVs

avatar for twentyfive
4 yrs ago

My opinion is that you fellas are completely missing the comparison when it comes to which election this is like the folks that are caught up in wishful thinking see this as a repeat of 2016, I’m a bit older than many of you and I see this as a repeat of 1980 Reagan winning a landslide victory over Jimmy Carter, Trumps numbers are similar to Carter’s and Biden is like Reagan at the time the oldest candidate ever, and we know how that one ended, but hells bells will ring on Election Day and we’ll find out who’s right.

avatar for twentyfive
4 yrs ago

I forgot to add Carter’s hostage crisis is a good parallel with Trumps coronavirus crisis, both Carter and Trump’s most severe criticism stems from their handling of these two crises

Both men show themselves in the foot with their piss poor crisis management skills.

avatar for pistola
4 yrs ago

All of this political jabber is just a big pissing contest

Says guy who creates ghost account primarily to jabber about politics. 🤣🤷🏻‍♂️

avatar for skibum609
4 yrs ago

Twenty Five, out of fear of the pandem ic has become a useless troll, who should be iggied.

avatar for twentyfive
4 yrs ago

^ Trying to decipher that who are you calling a useless troll and what is iggied ?

avatar for Arigano_69 (Twat)
Arigano_69 (Twat)
4 yrs ago

Says guy who creates ghost account primarily to jabber about politics

Says the tool who has nothing of value to add except 4th grade level bullshit

avatar for pistola
4 yrs ago

Says the tool who has nothing of value to add except 4th grade level bullshit

Says the person who reads a few articles and thinks he is smart. Slurps up what the MSM serves like a good little fluffer boy. Hopefully sometime in mid November you can kill this ghost account, crawl back under whatever rock you crawled out of we we’ll all see you in approximately 3 years and 6 or so months. Fuck off, troll biotch,.

avatar for Arigano_69 (Twat)
Arigano_69 (Twat)
4 yrs ago

^lmfao I really got under your skin huh shithead!

Hopefully we'll be done with your stupid lame bullshit when you cry yourself to sleep on Nov 4th. Till then fuck off and die 🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣

avatar for pistola
4 yrs ago

^Not really, you’re just annoying AF. What kind of loser goes to a strip club website for the sole purpose of talking politics. Either that or is too much of a pussy to post his views under his standard username. Either way it’s called being a loser. You probably spend all day going from site to site posting stupid shit to try to rankle the right wing. What a fucking nut job you are. Fuck off fluffer boy and post this on your forehead:








avatar for pistola
4 yrs ago

Arigano 69 = the 69 is his IQ.

avatar for Arigano_69 (Twat)
Arigano_69 (Twat)
4 yrs ago

^ would still be 40 points higher than yours.


avatar for rwbjr
4 yrs ago


Unlike liberals who couldn't except the fact that Trump beat the nasty bitch, Trump supporters will act like decent human beings. It doesn't mean we like it but we're not going to try and destroy the county like you liberals have done for the past four years. We'll let Biden do that.

avatar for Papi_Chulo
4 yrs ago

Official Miami Cuban poll declares Trump the winner:


avatar for Papi_Chulo
4 yrs ago

This nonpartisan stuff is getting serious now:


avatar for mark94
4 yrs ago

From NYT

Pennsylvania [New York Times Report] - Trump carrying 24% of Philly.

If President Trump carries 24%+ of Philadelphia voters, barring massive fraud, he will win PA easily.

avatar for Arigano_69 (Twat)
Arigano_69 (Twat)
4 yrs ago

^ too early to promote any results. You reek of desperation.

avatar for mark94
4 yrs ago

There are rules about promoting results ? Who knew ?

avatar for Arigano_69 (Twat)
Arigano_69 (Twat)
4 yrs ago

My bad.

That isn't "results".

It's wishful thinking on your part. Big difference.

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