Violation of Probation
Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
I just learned that this charge is probably going to deprive me of one of my best OTC friends for at least the next 6 to 24 months. Fuck. It would have been nice though if she had told me that she had warrants out on her before I carted her from the club to the hotel, especially since I had a few under the belt. Not that it would have stopped me, lol, but it would have been nice to know.
Anyone else run into these kind of issues with the girls that they enjoy?
Anyone else run into these kind of issues with the girls that they enjoy?
I'm not an OTC guy so can't say I've run into any issues like that.
Wall, the girl in question is beautiful and carries herself well. Just goes to show that we never really know what we're dealing with, even when she's one of the hottest ass girls in the club.
That's a rather broad assumption and often inaccurate. A few hundy can by a lot of money to a girl with few other skills and not making what she would like at that moment in the clubs. That money can fill up a grocery cart with cash to spare for diapers and maybe even the cell phone bill. I've been accused by Mrs. Dugan of developing a distorted view of the value of money over the years, but methinks you suffer from that affliction far worse than I.
As far as the rest, there is some truth to that.
I do want to clarify that violation of probation doesn't mean she had outstanding warrants. I strongly suspect her probation prohibited her from drinking/drugs or associating with folks with a record. Staying away from bars/clubs that serve booze could be a condition of her probation too. Knowing you had a few under your belt the mere act of being in the car with you could have been considered a violation of her probation.
Point is, being on probation isn't the same as having outstanding warrants. I wouldn't be too concerned about hanging out with someone on probation, but I'm likely to pass on an OTC partner I even think likely has warrants.
I understand and I should have been clear. In this case a warrant was most definitely issued.
Wanting her to tell you she has warrants...peshaw
About 10% of the fun is getting to the hotel without interacting with the popo when your driving with 10 gimlets in your system and a girl with serious warrants in the car. Even more fun if you see Uncle LEO and you tell her to flash some gang signs at the the coppers to see if they’re paying more attention.
Of course, the remaining 90% of the fun is all the unspeakable acts you engage in when you get the hotel room. ROAR!!!
It was fun as shit watching you roar at the cops! I bailed your ass out when I leaned over and said “wildebeest” to the cop. It was so funny how he pissed himself. I like watching apes piss themselves...
Mug Shot or it didn’t happen.
2 weeks after her second visit to my house she got a DUI.
Then she dropped out of sight but I did find this on the internet.
harge Desc: 1
Charge Description: FAILURE TO APPEAR
Charge Class: 17-7-90
Charge Code/Statute: OCGA
Charge Bond: 196
Charge Desc: 2
Charge Description: *VGCSA OF C/S(controlled substance)
Charge Class: 16-13-30(A)
Charge Code/Statute: OCGA
Charge Bond: 3500
Charge Desc: 3
Charge Description: * DUI-MORE THAN 0.10%BLOOD ALCOHOL
Charge Class: 40-6-391(A-5
Charge Code/Statute: OCGA
Charge Bond: 3500
Charge Desc: 4
Charge Class: 16-10-25
Charge Code/Statute: OCGA
Charge Bond: 1850
Charge Desc: 5
Charge Class: 16-9-4
Charge Code/Statute: OCGA
Charge Bond: 1850
Charge Desc: 6
Charge Description: @ * THEFT BY TAKING
Charge Class: 16-8-2
Charge Code/Statute: OCGA
Charge Bond: 1850
Never reconnected.
Too funny. I can relate though as it's how I scored my first and only OTC encounter in OH. She had court fines to pay so she visited me the night before her court appearance. :)