
I wonder if this video is gonna be played at the Democrat convention

Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
Monday, August 17, 2020 9:46 PM
And I'm surprised "unbiased" Twitter hasn't taken it down yet: [view link]


  • misterorange
    4 years ago
    She's hot as fuck.
  • Papi_Chulo
    4 years ago
    ^ hey - keep it your pants - this is the political forum you perv But yeah - smart and ballsy chick
  • CJKent (Banned)
    4 years ago
    “The specter of poverty and despair has become increasingly obvious to the middle and upper class in America. You just can’t avoid it as you could years ago, when it was limited to a certain section of town.” “This has a lot to do with the pauperization (the internal Third Worldization, I think you call it) of the United States.” “There is lot more pressure on corporate profits in the US and, consequently, to a big attack on social welfare gains.” “The crumbs that were permitted to ordinary people had to be taken away. Everything had to go to the rich.” “The general population of the United States doesn’t know what is happening, and it doesn’t even know that it doesn’t know.” The New Global Economy - Noam Chomsky Excerpted from “The Prosperous Few and the Restless Many”
  • Papi_Chulo
    4 years ago
    In her video she says the Democrats have been in control of Baltimore for 53-years - but as we all know somehow someway "it's Trump's fault"
  • misterorange
    4 years ago
    ^^ sorry Papi I'm a dog and this is all I can think about: [view link]
  • Papi_Chulo
    4 years ago
  • pistola
    4 years ago
    Dayum. That’s one bad ass chick who gets it.
  • casino
    4 years ago
    minorities in safe places like south Florida should move to republican strongholds like Mississippi and Alabama to get out of the Democratic hell holes.
  • Cashman1234
    4 years ago
    Very effect ad. She’s armed with facts. There are lots of cities with long term democratic control - that are shit holes. She seems ready to act - and I hope she will be able to act. I’d love to pound her from behind too!
  • skibum609
    4 years ago
    Hey Yabba - get covid and suffer cum stain. You filthy fucking homo bottom.
  • Tetradon
    4 years ago
    Go away, Trucidos. And stop liking your own posts.
  • yahtzee74
    4 years ago
    "I wonder if this video is gonna be played at the Democrat convention" They're too busy honoring that scumbag Floyd.
  • Muddy
    4 years ago
    Sounds like it’s time to try something new after 53 years.
  • pistola
    4 years ago
    Go away, Trucidos. And stop liking your own posts. - I noticed this too, only a reject likes his/her own posts. Poor guy, seems like he has a chemical imbalance in his brain. I mean how do you get kicked off a website that basically is as unfiltered as it gets. What a loser.
  • Clubber
    4 years ago
    Who is "she"?
  • chessmaster
    4 years ago
    "There's always one house nigga in every city who sucks up to the evil white Republican men who like to keep them enslaved." Youre a fucking moron. Right now the house niggas are Harris(if she even is a nigga), booker, and Al Sharpton.
  • Cashman1234
    4 years ago
    AOC is speaking tonight. It’s an all video convention. But, if her titties accidentally fell out during her speech. I’m just saying - it might help me to lean a little left... I’m sure Janet Jackson got a boost after her Super Bowl stunt.
  • pedrothe
    4 years ago
    The greatest thing about Trump supporters is that they are too ashamed to answer this question. It lets us liberals know that we control your minds. Do you believe the black race is equal to the white race, or are you a racist by the dictionary definition of the term? rac·ist /ˈrāsəst/ noun a person who believes that a particular race is superior to another.
  • ime
    4 years ago
    So you are saying Liberals are better because they know they are racist.
  • pedrothe
    4 years ago
    I'm NOT a racist. I believe every race is 100% equal to my white race. I'm not ashamed of what I believe. Now you. Tell us what YOU believe. I WANT you to be ashamed. Obviously if YOU believed all races were equal, you'd SAY it. So the fact you don't/won't means two things: 1) You are the dictionary definition of a "racist." 2) You are ashamed of that fact.
  • ime
    4 years ago
    Im a conservative and 100% believe all races are equal, and 99% believe the same. You are just making a bad faith argument.
  • ime
    4 years ago
    You as a progressive whole playbook is to just lie and repeat lies. Sorry dipshit but you're whole premise is flawed.
  • ime
    4 years ago
    You should be ashamed about lying about your racism your candidate Biden has a long history or racism. "We should challenge these students, we should challenge students in these schools to have advanced placement programs in these schools. We have this notion that somehow if you’re poor you cannot do it, poor kids are just as bright and just as talented as white kids." “I was in a caucus with James O. Eastland [and Herman Talmadge],” Biden said with an attempted Southern drawl. “He never called me boy, he always called me son.” “Well guess what?” the former vice president continued. “At least there was some civility. We got things done. We didn’t agree on much of anything. We got things done. We got it finished. But today you look at the other side and you’re the enemy. Not the opposition, the enemy. We don’t talk to each other anymore.” Eastland and Talmadge were arch-segregationists who opposed civil rights and saw black people as an “inferior race.” "Well I tell you what, if you have a problem figuring out whether you're for me or Trump, then you ain't black," Unless we do something about this, my children are going to grow up in a jungle, the jungle being a racial jungle with tensions having built so high that it is going to explode at some point. We have got to make some move on this."
  • skibum609
    4 years ago
    Culture is the great determiner of success, not race. I
  • pedrothe
    4 years ago
    ime: Look, dude. The racists are honest enough to admit which guy is racist. Be as brave as a racist, won't you? It's just rather sad if you can't be. [view link] [view link]
  • ime
    4 years ago
    Yet you continue to be dishonest. You also lie because you can vote for Trump because he is far better than the alternative and not be a racist, you are just willfully ignorant or a liar. Simple as that. Rather sad you can't admit it.
  • pedrothe
    4 years ago
    In short, if you're saying that you can't piece together the preschool level puzzle of which guy is racist, then wow. Just wow. A) The candidate all the MOST racist people love [view link] B) The candidate who was selected by the first black POTUS in American history to be his VP [view link]
  • pedrothe
    4 years ago
    ime: It's brave of you to admit that you can't figure it out. Funny for us, but brave for you.
  • ime
    4 years ago
    Pedrothe sorry you can't figure it out that when you post extreme examples it represents less than 1% of people who voted for someone. You must very comfortable with the increasing anti-semitism and racism of low expectations demonstrated by the Democrat party. Be brave admit your racism and the mainstream racism of your beliefs. We will wait.
  • pedrothe
    4 years ago
    What language do you speak? Racist is a word. Words have meaning. A racist is a person who believes his race is superior to another. I do not believe that my race is superior to another race. Shall I start calling you a ballerina? A mailbox? Grow the fork up. Of the people in the USA who believe the white race is superior to the black race, and that is a LOT of people, they support Donald Trump over Joe Biden. If you don't know that, you're just painfully dumb. I mean, racist white people HATE Obama, HATE Democrats. The fact that you lack the shred of integrity to acknowledge that is absurd. You are saying that you think that racist white people who think black people are inferior want Obama's VP to be the next POTUS. That's your Sherlock Holmes impression? It needs work.
  • ime
    4 years ago
    Prove that more Republicans are believe that. You made the claim back it up. The Democrat Party is steeped in Racism. KKK, Jim Crowe, Segregation, slave ownership. You support that party. You can make all the claims you want based on what you think but you are showing nothing other than your bias.
  • pedrothe
    4 years ago
    Say it then. Say that, using the best powers of your intellect, you think that white people who think black people are inferior would be more likely to vote for Obama's VP than Donald Trump. I dare you. Say it exactly like that. And when you dodge like a little ____, everybody is going to see it. Man up. This is a strip club forum. Man the fork up. Say you think racist white people are more likely to support Biden than Trump, and you swear it on your family name. Or be my ____. Your choice.
  • ime
    4 years ago
    If you want to get into it we see plenty of examples of people yelling Kill Whitey, Kill all White Men at BLM rallies and riots. Seems pretty racist in an much higher numbers than your examples. Pretty damn racist.
  • pedrothe
    4 years ago
    When you dodge, I'm done with you. This experiment in Trumpism cowardice is complete.
  • ime
    4 years ago
    You need to go back to Reddit. You can pretend anyone that isn't on your side is racist but it's a lie and you know it.
  • ime
    4 years ago
    I already said I don't believe any race is better than another. So your point is moot. You are just full of shit.
  • pedrothe
    4 years ago
    Hey, we agree that the Confederacy was racist. The Democrats who waved the Confederate flags in the early 1860's were racist. And so is anybody else since. You said so yourself. Let's end on a positive note. We agree that the Confederacy, slavery, Jim Crow, everything that period in southern racial history, was racist. That's good. It's progress for you. You want those Democratic statues to come down, just like "Pocahontas," but Donald Trump is defending them. [view link] [view link] At least we both agree with Elizabeth Warren.
  • skibum609
    4 years ago
    Racism is a human condition and those who whine the loudest about it, do so because they despise what they see in themselves. Yes Liz Warren pretending to be native american in order to further her career was the epitome of the progressive movement.
  • Papi_Chulo
    4 years ago
    Where there *is* racism, it should be dealt with - but some people are just interested in blaming racism for everything - it seems pointing-the-finger is much-easier than taking responsibility for one's actions and choices.
  • chessmaster
    4 years ago
    "Culture is the great determiner of success, not race." I agree. And black people have a culture of dysfunction, single mother/baby mamas, welfare, and dependency on white people(Joe Biden, Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth warren). That's why we're in last place at the bottom of society...
  • chessmaster
    4 years ago
    ^and the clintons.
  • Papi_Chulo
    4 years ago
    ^ hey - at least black-people have intellectual-warriors like Cardie B speaking up for them
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