
When cancel culture comes home to roost

My casual drinking is your alcohol poisoning.
Although the proposed resolution will never pass the house, it could be approved overwhelmingly in the Senate. If it were to receive much mainstream publicity, it could also see more public support. However, the mainstream media, as the PR arm of the DNC, will simply ignore the story and focus on fake news and revisionist history.

GOP reps push resolution to ban Democratic Party over past slavery ties



  • misterorange
    4 years ago
    Not mentioned in the article, but perhaps even more relevant than statues, is the push for sports teams and consumer products to abandon their names and logos (e.g., Washington Redskins, Aunt Jemima, etc.) Nobody is accusing the Skins (um, I mean "The Washington Football Team") or Quaker Foods of being racist organizations, but they're forcing them to change their names because of historical imagery associated with them.

    In that vein, the Democrat party name should absolutely be changed and anything associated with the former moniker should be stricken from history. In the interest of expediency, they should immediately adopt an "interim" name. Something completely unaffiliated with anything at all, such as "The Other Party," until such time that an appropriate permanent name can be vetted and implemented.
  • Muddy
    4 years ago
    I would lol hard as fuck if this happened
  • Papi_Chulo
    4 years ago
    Changing the name wouldn't make any difference; the woke new-wave Dems would probably want to since they wanna tear-down the whole system anyway.

    This is probably more of the Republicans trying to dirty-up the Dems' name.
  • misterorange
    4 years ago
    Even though it would not likely happen, it points out the hypocrisy of cancel culture.
  • goldmongerATL
    4 years ago
    I know a guy that does marketing for KFC. They are starting to get complaints about Colonel Sanders being an image of a slave-owning plantation master. He also said there is rumbling about Wendy's having a white person as their logo. In both those cases, the images relate to the founder of the company. Just because the symbol could ALSO be interpreted as racist by folks looking for trouble where none exists? I wonder if White Castle is getting nervous?

    Way ahead of it's time, back in the 80's there was a Denny's type of chain called Sambo's. Founded by two guys named Sam and Bo. One fine day they were protested into oblivion.

    There is local Mexican food chain owned by Mexicans. Their logo is a smiling, fat Mexican guy in a sombrero. How long before the PC folks find them and picket?
  • gammanu95
    4 years ago
    I had a thought similar to Papi, that most democrat party members probably want to call themselves the new socialists, democratic peoples' party, maybe Millenial Bolsheviks. Gohmert is a pretty smart guy. I think he just wanted tondo something to illuatrate the absurdity and hypocrisy of what all these racist social justice fascists are clamoring for. Again, it would be great if this got some media coverage, but the media elites are cowards and won't take the chance.
  • misterorange
    4 years ago
    Sambo's restaurant, as you stated, was named after the owners. (It once had over 1100 locations!) Its demise, however, was the result of their marketing plan and restaurant decor, modeled after the children's book, "Little Black Sambo," which was perceived to have racist connotations.

    The irony is that in the book, Little Black Sambo is portrayed as a clever boy who outsmarts a pack of hungry tigers, pits them against each other, and ultimately gets the last laugh. It's a metaphor for overcoming bullying, a cause that the left so adamantly claims to support.
  • Cashman1234
    4 years ago
    Odd things are happening! Biden accused Trump of being the most racist president in history. I guess the former presidents who owned slaves just did it to look racist...
  • ime
    4 years ago
    Ironic Biden a real recorded racist calling Trump one.
  • misterorange
    4 years ago
    Biden is still claiming the debates are going to happen. I can't see how that's possible. The Dems must be cooking up a real whopper this time. Maybe even another plot to overthrow Trump, but something so immediately and overwhelmingly horrific that the whole world will break out into violent riots. And Sleepy Joe can say, "This is no time for debate!!!"
  • BabyDoc
    4 years ago
    @goldmongerATL “They are starting to get complaints about Colonel Sanders being an image of a slave-owning plantation master.”

    So the guy that made a successful business from selling fried chicken OUT OF HIS CAR represents white privilege? I did not know that…

    And the Democrats???

    Meet the new Party of Slavery, same as the old Party of Slavery

  • Papi_Chulo
    4 years ago
    "... So the guy that made a successful business from selling fried chicken OUT OF HIS CAR represents white privilege? I did not know that ..."

    Well - he did drive a *white* Cadillac and wore a *white* suit so if you don't see the racism there that just shows you're a racist - pretty-simply to see
  • TheeOSU
    4 years ago
    It's always good to see factual attempts showing how hypocritical the left is but it won't gain traction because 95% of the major media is on their side and will protect them.
  • gammanu95
    4 years ago
    Which is the most dangerous part of the Great White Shark?

    It's powerful strike?

    It's serrated teeth?

    Of it's subtle racism?

    As heard on America has Talent (back before it sucked)
  • ATACdawg
    4 years ago
    I'm, sorry (well, not really) but the religious "fundamentalists" and ultraconservatives have pulled the Republican Party so far off center that I can support them in their current makeup. It makes me both sad and angry as I have been a registered Republican since I was 18.

    BTW, Sambo's first ran into trouble over a series of deliberate snubs of black Americans about 36 years ago. They tried to cope by changing their name to Seasons, but the damage had been done.
  • skibum609
    4 years ago
    So for the rest of the short future of this country we are going to make everything about slavery? Being a racist 250 years ago cancels out everything good you did? We do this to cater to a community that makes heroes out of felons because they get killed committing a crime? Lmao you fucking retards. I guess the old cartoon Magilla Gorilla won't be shown any longer.
  • chessmaster
    4 years ago
    The fake news media will go out of their way to not address this, even censor/cancel this kind of stuff, ironically. They will never admit to their racism(which still exists today, they're oppressing blacks and women the most) but the genius(or pseudo-genius) in the lefts tactics is they call everyone that doesnt agree with their agenda and bend the knee, is a racist, sexist, misogynist, homophobe, etc. And they have conditioned and programmed enough people over the last 50+ years to believe their bs.
  • goldmongerATL
    4 years ago
    I did not know the context of what got San and Bo in hot water. I just remember people citing their name as racist.
  • goldmongerATL
    4 years ago
    I heard a good analogy about slavery. The speaker was very clear to point out he was not equating slaves with animals, but this would never be presented like this in the press.

    Slavery has existed for thousands of years up until the last 200 or so (depending on where you lived). Economies depended on slave labor. You could not be successful if you did not use slave labor because everyone else did and you would not be able to overcome that disadvantage. That was just how the world worked back then. So now we are vilifying people from hundreds or even thousands of years ago for doing what was normal accepted practice in their time.

    Animal labor (plowing, pulling wagons, driving turnstiles, carrying riders, etc.) has existed for thousands of years and only been replaced by mechanization in the last 0 to 100 years (depending on where you lived). Economies depended on animal labor. You could not be successful if you did not use animal labor because everyone else did and you would not be able to overcome that disadvantage. That was just how the world worked back then. So now we have PETA and other animal rights groups fighting against animal labor, but it has mostly died out of its own accord. But for animal labor, why are we NOT vilifying people from hundred or even thousands of years ago for doing what was normal accepted practice in their time?

    The speaker also pointed out you can make a similar comparison to dirty, polluting petroleum fueled vehicles. In 100 years are the leaders of the 20th century going to be vilified for basing an economy on fossil fuels that destroyed the environment?
  • Richard_Head
    4 years ago
    I would guess that it's better to have past racist ties, than current racist ties.
  • shadowcat
    4 years ago
    Several months ago a popular black dancer at Follies told me "I'm sure glad I was born here instead of Africa".
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