I am done with this COVID nonsense

avatar for rickdugan
The longer this goes on, the more of a joke this becomes. We now know that this has spread much further into the population than we realized and that, for the overwhelming majority of us, it is a minor or even non-event. Yet the ridiculous hysteria continues to this day. Now sure more people have died from this than from the everyday flu, but as true historical "pandemics" go this thing has been a powder puff.

Enough is enough. I am moving on with my life now. I'm clubbing as much as ever, my kids are back in their normal activities and are getting ready to go back to school, I am eating in restaurants and going to the gym, and our other family activities are back on track. We are even planning a last minute vacation before school starts.

Oh, and fuck mask in any place where I am not absolutely required to wear one for entry. 4 months is enough already, especially for this sissy ass virus.

This is also the last thread re: COVID that I post in. For me it is back to normal now. Hopefully I'll have some more epic adventures to post about soon, especially since some of the old hounds who normally compete for pussy are still understandably locked down in their bunkers.


last comment
avatar for Player11
5 years ago
Your a fool - it has long term lingering side effects even if you survive / it’s a killer and a maimer. Many survivors not able return work, sex well forget it.
avatar for BBBC
5 years ago
Hell yeah! Fuck masks are great! They got the hole in them so you can still wear a mask and suck mad dick 🥰😍😉
avatar for gobstopper007
5 years ago
It’s interesting that I was at cookout over weekend with several people. More than a few in various medical fields and that was pretty much their opinion. Use common sense and wash hands more often- amazing how much we touch our faces without realizing it
avatar for Warrior15
5 years ago
I agree that it's not near as dangerous as the media is making it out to be. But killing 600,000 people worldwide is nothing to sneeze at. It can be deadly.

We do need to move on. Businesses open up, kids go to school. Get the herd built up. But I also think that until we have very reliable and readily available treatments, then we do need to continue to social distance and wear masks. Shelter in place ? No. But be civil about it. The monoclonal antibodies will be available in mass by the end of the summer. That will be the end of this.
avatar for BBBC
5 years ago
And @ricky, I admire the tough guy act..I will keep our secret of how you were crying on my shoulder and whimpering g about not being g able to play bouncer when you were sick and how awful you felt from the covid19. Poor baby, just bring me some more money and I can make it all better 😉 if you know what I mean 😉😉😉 it will be fire!!! 🥒☄🦧
avatar for twentyfive
5 years ago
Yet you continue to post threads about the same subject methinks ye protesteth too much, to paraphrase the Bard
avatar for rickdugan
5 years ago
Payer11, I've had it and it was a joke. I now know several others who have had it and it was a non-event for them as well. I'm also starting to seriously question the death stats, especially since hospitals get compensated at enhanced Medicare rates for every COVID-19 positive case they treat.

Like I said, I'm done now with all of this nonsense. I am going to work hard and play hard and not worry about this silliness anymore.
avatar for jackslash
5 years ago
3.8 million Americans sickened and 143,000 Americans dead. This is quite a non-event.
avatar for skibum609
5 years ago
600,000 people dead, most of whom would have died anyway in the next year, against a population of almost 7 billion is meaningless. Once Governments figure out how weak and fearful the average person has become; freedom is doomed. This is nature's way of culling the population, which we refuse to do by spending trillions of dollars keeping the sick alive as long as possible. Except ofr being busier at work I have my pre-covid life back.
avatar for Jascoi
5 years ago
are we gonna hide anytime pandemics hit? it’s not the first one. and probably not the last. wash your hands with soap and water.
avatar for Mr_O
5 years ago
Numbers, politicians, salesmen, etc. etc. all lie. The latter use the first for their gain!
avatar for rickdugan
5 years ago
Someday someone is going to do an analysis of how many of these COVID deaths were actually from heart attacks, car crashes and other non-COVID causes and were mislabeled by hospitals looking for their extra $13,000 per head Medicare payment.

Enough is enough. Seriously now. I still get calls from client contacts in northern states hearing stories about how Floridians are dropping dead in the streets and/or can't get hospital beds when needed. It's all baloney as most Floridians know. If there was a candidate for the most overblown "pandemic" in the history of communicable diseases, this has to rank up there at the top.

But hey, I do encourage old scared codgers to protect themselves. Not only for humans reasons, but because as the girls start coming back to the clubs, your absence is really making OTC fishing that much easier. ;)
avatar for skibum609
5 years ago
Notice that the fake news media no longer focuses on deaths? They lied so much about that they needed a new lie now. This is all about Governments taking away people's rights and not about health because the biggest proponents of lock downs also encouraged looting, rioting and violent assaults on the police.
avatar for nickifree
5 years ago
I've said for a couple of months now. Facemasks do provide any real significant protection. People don't understand that product effectiveness is wholly different in lab testing than when they are deployed into the hands of end users.
Additionally facemasks are more effective in high contaminated enclosed areas, and less so in open areas. Yet you see idiot news reporters wearing facemask in wide open, isolated areas. Fucking stupidity these days.
avatar for rickdugan
5 years ago
Like I said above nicki, I'm pretty much done with face masks. I don't live in one of those cities where it is mandated and I wouldn't wear one outdoors even if it was.

Any place that requires me to wear one for the length of my stay doesn't get my business. I tolerate putting one on for religious worship (one hour a week) and to get into the club, but at the club I take it off when I arrive at my seat. Besides that, anywhere else is a no go.

avatar for BabyDoc
5 years ago
@jackslash “3.8 million Americans sickened and 143,000 Americans dead. This is quite a non-event.”

Please stop. You aren’t stupid so take off your ideological blinders and look at the situation dispassionately.

Yes the virus exists. Yes some people die from it. Is it the calamity that it’s made out to be? Well certainly not medically.

Between 190,000 and 240,000 people die in the US every year from “preventable medical errors” and that has been going on for, oh I don’t know, like your whole fucking life. How come nobody cares about that. And BTW Iran announced that they currently have had approximately 25 million cases of infected people and expect a further 35 million by the end of the year (they want herd immunity so it’s their policy to get it over with). Just what do you think the reality is around the rest of the world like say in China, India, Indonesia? But are the bodies piled up in the streets broadcast around the clock by CNN? No they are not. So yeah, I think you should be thanking your lucky stars to live in the USA with the best care available and one of the lowest chances of dying from the Chinese Flu.

To the OP I wish I could say that I was just going to go back to normal. The painful truth is that is outside of my control. Even locally things aren’t open. Travel in the States is difficult to say the least. International travel is impossible. I can’t even go back home and have lost total contact with my #1 GF.

I never thought I would see the day that a US passport would be worth less than it is right now and that has nothing to do with Trump for the ideologically blind. It is because the US is about the only place reporting numbers with any validity so other countries don’t want to open their border to US citizens.

At this point even 2021 is in question. I think maybe I need to get laid.
avatar for Salty.Nutz
5 years ago
Theres another disease lurking in the background thats going to kill more people than COVID especially the poor its called, "Lackamoney."
Who cant telework? the poor
who cant honeschool? the poor

Its crazy how grocery store workers are still going to work because they are "esentiall" but teachers are saying no.
avatar for Salty.Nutz
5 years ago
A bunch of dumb and poor kids, and if you grew up in the ghetto, theres a belief that the only ways out of proverty is to commit crime and sell pussy.
avatar for Salty.Nutz
5 years ago
if you dont think lackamoney is an actual disease check this out


Men need purpose
avatar for rickdugan
5 years ago
===> "It is because the US is about the only place reporting numbers with any validity so other countries don’t want to open their border to US citizens."

As I have long suspected myself. After seeing how this virus behaves after these extended lockdowns followed by outbreaks one they were lifted, it is looking increasingly obvious that other countries are not playing it straight. Why would this behave any differently in those places? I'm not buying these ridiculous comments about how their populations are simply so much more conscientious than our own that it has simply gone away. Much more likely is that they are simply not testing and reporting like we are.

avatar for nicespice
5 years ago
@BBBC what is a fuck mask? Something like this? 😷

avatar for nickifree
5 years ago
One of the best ways to escape poverty is via education. But education isn't a selling point in the 'hood.
avatar for Salty.Nutz
5 years ago
Nickifree thats my point, schools are closed because they are considered "not essential."

The only people that have access to school are people that can afforded it, charter schools.

Public school will continue to get funding as long as kids log in, thats counts as attendance.
avatar for RandomMember
5 years ago
tl;dr: As a textbook narcissist, @Dugan proclaims that since he didn't fall seriously ill, the pandemic is a joke and the data from the US and other wealthy economies is fake -- all without a shred of evidence.

The stories trickling in here about mild cases shouldn't surprise anyone. Dr. Fauci's estimate two months ago is that the infection fatality rate is about 0.1%. In other words, the probability (averaged over all age groups) of dying from Covid is only about 1 in 1000 and a fraction of that if you're under 60-yrs-old.

140,000 deaths is horrible and we'll probably hit 200,000 deaths by October.

Here's the WSJ article @Dugan cherry-picked a while back:

"Now they tell us"

The article goes on to say that we shouldn't hobble the economy because the U. of Washington simulations showed deaths plateauing at 61,000 (coincidentally about the same as the flu). We're over twice that, still in July, and the very same study is now predicted 200,000 deaths by October.

Reminder: One purpose of masks, social distancing, etc, is to keep the ICUs from reaching capacity. The purpose of one-time lockdowns is to make contact-tracing feasible, which is what other countries have done with success. But we fucked that up and opened up the economy too soon and we'll suffer the consequences.
avatar for rickdugan
5 years ago
Randumb if we waited any longer to open the economy up there wouldn't have been one to come back to.

the only reason the deaths hit 140k is because of the morons in NY, NJ and CT sending sick people back to nursing homes. The death rates in TX and FL are much more modest. You are blending two different trajectories based upon some early bad state policies to come to a bad conclusion. We now have a path forward for how we can continue to operate while controlling death counts, as FL and TX have proven.

I am done. I've seen easily a handful of cases now and they were all minor. Time to let this thing wash through. FL has plenty of surge capacity if needed.

Also, if they want to keep NYC and L.A. schools closed for the next year then so be it - it's not like the resulting education gap will matter to most of the kids in those school systems. But for those kids who still have a future to pursue, we need them back in school.
avatar for rickdugan
5 years ago
Examples of very bad states:
New York 412K cases, 32,187 deaths
New Jersey 179K cases, 15,715 deaths

Examples of very good states:
Florida 360K cases, 5,071 deaths
Texas 338K cases, 4,038 deaths

See the difference?
avatar for bkkruined
5 years ago
606,000 thousand dead. Mostly since the end of February, less than 5 months.
Faking numbers for medicare? 450,000 weren't in the US. Hmm.
The mortality rate does seem to be going down, maybe, hopefully they're learning how to treat it. Apparently some pretty fucking simple things like not having a patient on their back in a hospital bed have been found to make a surprising difference.
But their also learning about other impacts of having it, like infertility?
Anyways, you may decide you're done with it, it's not done with you. Like a crazy ex that's stalking you... It's not just going away cause you don't want it anymore.
avatar for rickdugan
5 years ago
As far as deaths, if we hit 200k then we do, but I doubt it will be by October. The current U.S. daily data does not support that conclusion. Shoot even FL's new daily case and death counts peaked over a week ago - they are on a slow downward slope now despite the fact that everything is open but the bars.

Fuck this. Enough is enough.
avatar for rickdugan
5 years ago
Bkk, infertility? LOL. That's a new one for a respiratory illness. What's next, allegations that it causes blindness? 😉
avatar for datinman
5 years ago
Anyone familiar with the Dunning Kruger effect?
Don't listen to the virologists and epidemiologists throughout the world. Listen to the guy in the white polyester leisure suit on the strip club forum. smfh
avatar for rickdugan
5 years ago
===> "The mortality rate does seem to be going down, maybe, hopefully they're learning how to treat it. "

Maybe that is some of it. But the most likely answer is that it isn't old people getting infected. Here in FL we locked down the nursing home and handed out free PPE to anyone who wanted it. So the elderly in our nursing homes are safe, the elderly on our streets have masks and the rest of us - people who still work and do the most economic spending - go about our lives. Simple.
avatar for rickdugan
5 years ago
Justin, listen to the data staring you in the face every single day. It tells a more complete story than panicky virologists and epidemiologists looking for 5 minutes of fame on TV. After 4 months of this, we know the demographic impacts and we know who is relatively safe.

Here's something to consider. On May 31, FL had 55,424 cases with 2,530 deaths. Since then we have an additional *300,000* cases, but only about another 2,600 deaths. The key difference is that it was older people catching it early on, but now the demographics are mostly in their 20s, 30s and 40s.

And those are confirmed cases. The current thinking is that for every 1 confirmed case, the actual number of positives is 10.

So enough is enough. Time to get on with living. If old people have to be quarantined for another year then at least the work of the young will ensure that their social securities checks keep coming.
avatar for Salty.Nutz
5 years ago

Mask dont do shit, you have to be sick so when you sneeze or couch your boogers dont get all over the place
avatar for Brnbch
5 years ago
Wow!! The stupidity spewed here masquerading as facts tells me sadly this thing isn't going away anytime soon.
avatar for skibum609
5 years ago
Lmao @ 606,000. That's fucking worldwide and meaningless. Infertility? Jesus, talk about fucking silly. What's next? Male pattern baldness? Life is better for those of us out and about, so cower away and relax.
avatar for yahtzee74
5 years ago
What do you expect from a country that can't even handle the name of a line of food called Trader Jose's?
This country is so pussified right now.
avatar for Liwet
5 years ago
Just did a quick search, normal US deaths are approximately 2.7 million per year and worldwide 57 million per year. Based on numbers I found for 2018.
avatar for skibum609
5 years ago
Its the third day in a row over 90 here: the news is calling on us to panic. Amazing we used to have to live in this weather without a.c and we all survived.
avatar for JamesSD
5 years ago
Ok cool
avatar for BBBC
5 years ago
Thank you nicespice. I have to get one of them lol
avatar for rickdugan
5 years ago
Bkk, all that study proved was that COVID was found in some sperm cells. The rest was pure conjecture. You need to read your sources a little more carefully.

As far as the rest of you, please do keep hiding. The hungry girls are coming back to the clubs now, including some hotties that need the $$.

Oh man, the one I took out a couple nights ago was 22, gorgeous young face, a perfect round ass, unshaven pubic area (I learned at the hotel) and so innocent looking and sounding. I took her out of a dead ass club on a night when she really needed the money. She kept claiming that she had never done this before - who knows. A few Jacks for me, a few tequilas for her along with some coke and a smile and a good night was born. This just a handful of nights after the really epic night I posted about the other day. It's like shooting fish in a barrel right now.

So please boys protect yourselves. It might be prudent to quarantine through 2020 just to be safe. 😉
avatar for Salty.Nutz
5 years ago
Collateral Deaths lol...well duh, a lot of people dont understand the economy

avatar for rickdugan
5 years ago
Excellent points Salty and that is in a country a fraction of the size of the U.S. People are eager to latch onto every death from COVID, but utterly unwilling to grasp the basic concept that lockdowns cost lives too.

Take for example that sweet young girl I talked about above, who was in the club because she needed the money. What kind of condition would she be in if she could not work and pay her bills? How would she eat? What kind of despair would she feel and would it lead to suicidal thoughts, like it does for some people in that predicament? Would she be able to get treated if she fell ill?

Time to let the living live, especially the the young. I am beyond done with this.
avatar for Mr_O
5 years ago
You get it, you may die from the virus.

You don't get it, you may die from something else.

Life is full of RISK! You like have a better chance of dying accidentally then via the virus.
avatar for twentyfive
5 years ago
I sorta remember RickiBoi predicting that the heat would kill the Corona virus before we ever got to the summer ?
avatar for rickdugan
5 years ago
@25: That was the prevailing theory at the time and, like much that was being circulated about the virus back then (like predictions of 100,000 deaths in FL), it has since been proven wrong. We now know much more about the virus and are armed to make better decisions. So while I certainly understand and respect your decision to stay in your bunker, us young(er) bucks still gotta' live.

Mr_O: All well said. My only critique is that the virus is probably more deadly to old codgers like 25 than it is to the general population. Now that we know this, the rest of us can go on living while the elderly shelter.
avatar for twentyfive
5 years ago
Predictions of 100 thousand in Florida I never heard that I heard hundreds of thousands across the us but never just Florida
avatar for rickdugan
5 years ago
I had a link to an NBC story that was touting 1.6 - 2 million people dead in the U.S., including 100k in FL because we supposedly waited too long to shut down. Other outlets were also carrying a similar story. The link no longer works and I can't find it anymore - no doubt they were taken down after their absurdity became apparent.

Enough is enough. I am having more fun now than I was immediately before the so-called "pandemic" hit. There are plenty of hungry girls out there who need a helping...hand. 😃
avatar for Mr_O
5 years ago

I had a friend wait in line for TWO hours to get tested and never got near the front of the line. She got fed up and left. Four days later she got a letter that she had tested positive. I am POSITIVE that she is now one of the "statistics"!
I don't believe the numbers for a second!
avatar for RandomMember
5 years ago
@O-Ring- There are countless articles out there about the purely mathematical reason for a lot of false-positives in the early stages of a pandemic. Google "Bayes theorem and Covid testing" and you'll get hundreds of hits.

In the first month or two, the infection fatality rate wasn't well understood. If the infection fatality rate were really 2-3%, then deaths of 1 or 2M would be possible. But the infection fatality rate was revised down to about a tenth of that by Fauci and others.

Nothing nefarious or political about any of this.
avatar for skibum609
5 years ago
Nothing correct or truthful either.
avatar for rickdugan
5 years ago
===> "In the first month or two, the infection fatality rate wasn't well understood. If the infection fatality rate were really 2-3%, then deaths of 1 or 2M would be possible."

I can't excuse them for publishing those absurd numbers. Even back then we knew that many of the cases were asymptomatic and that the confirmed test were only a fraction of the real number. We didn't necessarily have good data yet regarding the multiple, but they knew even then that basing the mortality calculation solely on confirmed tests would result in an absurdly overstated projection. Yet they did it anyway for dramatic effect.
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