avatar for Brnbch


joined Apr 2018last seen Dec 2024

Comments made by Brnbch

article comment
2 years ago
avatar for Sammy63
Going commando at the strip club
I believe it's a must to go commando at most strip clubs. If it's a high-mileage extras club it's WAY easier access to get started and if it's a lame or unknown club, even a basic grind feels better. I've had impromptu club visits that weren't planned, wearing jeans and underwear, and have had a dancer get disappointed that "I wasn't getting to that place she was trying to get me" because of too many layers between us lol.
discussion comment
4 years ago
avatar for Frankie Jay
Frankie Jay
for just 50 cents a day, less than a cup of coffee, you can sponsor an out of work stripper and see all nude content on onlyfans
do you notice girls feet?
I believe sexualizing the female foot to one degree or another has run through our society for a long time. Look at older pin-up art or movie posters that can't show to much but want to communicate sexuality would show a woman posed or being carted off by a monster barefooted. The fact that every woman used to have a pair of strappy open toed "Fuck me" pumps in her closet when she wanted to attract a guy. Most foot guys won't admit having a fetish because of the stigma and a lot of guys may not want toes in their mouth but can appreciate nice, well kept feet at the end of a smoothly shaved leg.
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4 years ago
avatar for Frankie Jay
Frankie Jay
for just 50 cents a day, less than a cup of coffee, you can sponsor an out of work stripper and see all nude content on onlyfans
do you notice girls feet?
As a full on foot guy, I can say YES WE NOTICE FEET! I of course notice all the other parts also but most men think if you taking care of your tootsies you're probably also taking care of EVERY other part. I've found that most dancers either have done lots of foot play or none at all. I suspect it's a thing that's requested if they have pretty feet and not at all if they don't. Some of the best dancers I've met either done some footjobs or have the sexual curiosity to want to try to get you off in a way they've never done before. Others just find it relaxing or ticklish to have their feet played with in sexual situations.
discussion comment
5 years ago
avatar for rickdugan
Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
I am done with this COVID nonsense
Wow!! The stupidity spewed here masquerading as facts tells me sadly this thing isn't going away anytime soon.
article comment
5 years ago
avatar for Muddy
How to ENSURE your favorite stripper returns your text messages
I'm not sure how safe it is to drive down the road in pursuit wearing a bush! Nice try but no thanks! Tell me how it turns out when you get pulled over! Other than that good info to know. Would camo do? In my experience it makes less noise in the closet.