Picked Up the Co From My Vegas Ho

avatar for GeordieBoy
I banged the Little Darlings slut again and she gave me a gift the Covid 19. She was coughing and fevered. Tried to tell me she was flushed because she was so excited to see me. Excited to see the Benjamins. I paid her the usual as she's out of work, at 31, losing her looks, and her pimp gives her a quota. I was sicker than a dog for 6 weeks. On a side note, there is a group that you guys should check out. It's called Sex Addicts Anonymous.


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I believe that you need a psych referral to join SA
avatar for GeordieBoy
5 years ago
No one of my colleagues goes to Gamblers Anonymous and with any of the 12 Step (AA type) programs apparently you just show up at the meetings. There are virtual meetings too. intherooms.com Treatment centers for some of you really sick fucks lol. https://seekingintegrity.com/s…
avatar for Player11
5 years ago
I had thought of meeting with a sex addict group a few years back....
avatar for Player11
5 years ago
With the CO it’s like playing poker (doing ya HO) betting an all in sooner or later you will lose.
avatar for Player11
5 years ago
Threat of the CO helped me break the habit (sex addiction).
avatar for GeordieBoy
5 years ago
Yeah I'm rethinking my poker addiction and the ho. Both hugely expensive and little payouts lol. Read about SLAA too. Sex and Love Addict Addiction. Might be a fit for me as I thought and wanted the Ho to love me.
That's why I had to say goodbye to Rosie, the "Queen of Corona" after I found out she was seein' me and Julio down by the schoolyard.
How does the new field look? I mean did you fuck any of the SA girls (Sex-Aholics)?
avatar for RandomMember
5 years ago
Hope you're doing okay @Geordie and I'm glad you posted this story. Some of the guys here who think Covid is a hoax or that they're invincible need a dose of reality. If it's not too personal, it would be interesting to know how old you are and whether your lung capacity is any different after your recovery?

You're probably at risk whether you date ho's with pimps or sweet college girls. I quit cold-turkey in early March.
avatar for RandomMember
5 years ago
This is the guy who posted about spending $300k on a stripper. So possible troll alert.
Thanks for sharing. Seriously
avatar for GeordieBoy
5 years ago
Random member I am in my 50s. My lungs had already been somewhat compromised as I'd had previous heart surgery. This has not helped at all. I have been symptom free since early May but am still wheezing. I was in denial about her personal hygiene and overlooked a lot. She had these boils and lesions on her thighs and near her mouth. These strippers just use baby wipes to clean up between custies. Random Member my bank balance wishes that I was a troll.
avatar for RandomMember
5 years ago
Thanks for that and its a very useful data point for all of us.
For some odd reason GeordieBoys post reminds me of Edward Norton in Fight Club - trolling the support groups.
@Cashman "I NEED THIS!!!"
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