How many sessions are enough?
Ok as a PL / player/ payer I have done 501 sessions with one girl (X stripper) both 95 pct otc some itc (stripper when first met) when first met her in 2008. I would be doing good remembering 20 (it al runs together) How much is overkill? I have huge photo album of her (put together over 10 plus years) and have done many others. One as high as 76 meetings. I keep meticulous records. What is your preference one really good girl or go to next one after 5-10 sessions?
When I started mongering I wanted to be with as many DS/BGs as possible, not repeating a session with anyone regardless of how great the experience.
Then afterwards I decided to focus on the DS/BGs and not the numbers, so I started changing my approach and started seeing them multiple times having many appointments girls and favorites.
It changed to where I saw one BG steadily for 10 months, practically dating.
I can't imagine having more than 4-5 sessions with one gal before wanting some variety.
But if that makes you happy, that's all that matters.
12 years with the same dancer. yeah well i don't blame you. i've had a few of those over the years but the average amount of sessions i had with them was 12. number would have been higher but they all left for good.
I saw my ATF about 2-3X per month for almost 5 years. I'm not OCD enough to keep records like you do but simple math tells me it was probably 100-150 "sessions" as you put it.
The only reason we stopped was that she got pregnant with her then boyfriend (now her husband) and decided she didn't want to continue any type of p4p action.
Other than her I don't think I have done more than 10 sessions with any girl before I found someone new.
When Player11 was first on TUSCL he'd posted a lot of photos of girls he'd seen. One update way back Founder took the photo galleries away and some people didn't put them back up when the galleries came back. I had a couple photos up back then, too, but I don't remember what I did with them.
I wouldn’t mind having one ATF to go to for all
My needs. I would still go to the S.C. and get dances from others for my variety needs. But when it comes to extras I prefer paying for something I know is good, then going into it blindly with a new bitch that doesn’t know what you like. I crave good sex with one person than sex with just a new sexy chick that has no clue what arouses me.
I will try add photos. But I not like some gal seeing hers here especially if worried so would c them. It is important have a photo archive so an otc girl who will model plus good fucking, no drama a gem.
My 3 most memorable OTC relationships... or at least the ones that I thought of first.
1. Very hot and calm girl, 3 years older than me. Eventually started to date old PL (30+ years older than her) Who made her quit dancing and moved her in with him. “POOF” she was gone never to be seen or heard from again. I miss the sex with her but nothing else.
2. Stripper who wanted to marry me, too much drama in her own life and she lived 3 time zones away from me, that’s what ended that relationship. I was and still am glad it’s over but man was she hot and fun to hang out with, but just average in bed. She too was 3 years older than me.
3. Super cute spinner, around 10 years younger than me. She was boring to be around, also had drama in her personal life, but was amazing in bed. Would always show up a minimum of 2 hours late for a date. That one needed because I found out she was addicted to drugs so I went running... for some strange reason I miss her the most, probably because the sex was the best with her and when we did OTC she’d always wear stripper outfits where the other two just seemed like normal girls outside the club, which was a little fantasy killing.
I did have one SA girl for maybe 9 months in a town I was commuting to weekly, and we probably saw each other 20 times or so. I had an amazing hot, young ATF in El Paso who I was able to meet 3 times, but then my business travel to that location stopped. There were definitely some I would have loved to see more often, but I think you have to almost be a regular in one location for that.