
avatar for Warrior15
I just ended a 7 month relationship with a SB. (She found a boyfriend her age.). So I'm back in the market. I haven't really paid attention to the site in quite some time. My Premium membership had even expired a couple of months ago so I renewed it. But I am noticing some changes in the website from a several months ago.

1- There seems to be a lot more girls looking for a Platonic relationship. They are mentioning they are looking for good "conversations". HUH ??? I"m not paying for a conversation.
2- I've seen several photos of girls with their fashionable mask on. Is that supposed to be sexy ?
3- I'm getting bombarded with being Favorited by girls from other countries. After I renewed, in the first 24 hours I think I got contacted by about 80 women from Argentina, Romania, Russia, Thailand, Mexico, UK, etc, etc. I think a lot of these are scams though.
4- There seems to be a lot more Profiles out there but the increase seems to be in the Fatties. Are there guys out there that actually want these fat girls ?

Seeking is a little bit of work. But since the strip clubs are shut down, it's kinda my only option. I'm getting pretty bored with Porn.


last comment
avatar for doctorevil
5 years ago
I really don't have anything to offer since I've never tried seeking, but do have a some questions 'cause I'm thinking about checking it out. I assume you signed up under a pseudonym? Do they do any kind of ID check? I assume photos are encouraged/required? Do you hide your ID in photos?
avatar for Warrior15
5 years ago
You aren't going to get any responses if you dont' have some photos. My face is hidden or blocked out in all my photos. There is a way to have an identity checked by the website. Such as you can have your profile linked to your Facebook account. I have not done that but that is supposed to cut down on the catfish profiles.
avatar for Warrior15
5 years ago
Also, only one of my photos are Public. Then I have some "private" photos the girls can request to see.
avatar for Subraman
5 years ago
Warrior, confirmed on all accounts except the fatties. Actually, let me put it another way: I have no idea if there's more fatties or not, but my search filters are slim, athletic, and average. Any girl putting curvy or anything larger on SA is fat. I have no idea if there's more fatties or not, because I don't get any of those girls returned from my searches. But I will say, in the slim-athletic-average group, there are waaaaay more than there were.

Many of them are platonic, many of them are looking for online only. Tons of girls favoriting from other countries. Doesn't matter to me whether they're scams or not, if they're in Venezuela, doesn't do me any good. I ignore all of them.

avatar for Michigan
5 years ago
Yes, there are a lot of girls favoriting from Venezuela and Phillipines. I'm assuming scammers as well. I just block them all.

Yes, lots of platonic babies. With so many people out of work due to the pandemic, they've come to SA for handouts.

You'll get a lot wanting to sell you pics/vids as well w/o meeting.

avatar for Michigan
5 years ago
I also noticed that the girls favoriting from other countries don't show up under the Viewed Me section. So that tells me more than likely they are not even looking at my profile to favorite me.

I've also noticed girls who have a USA location, but says they are online in Hong Kong or somewhere else. Big red flag.
avatar for Subraman
5 years ago
Warrior, you missed the fun from about a month and a half ago. A famous youtube channel girl did a video about how she made thousands of dollars selling feet pics on SA. Complete bullshit, of course, but every time these "influencers" do a video, there's a small tidal wave of nonsense on SA. In this case, for over a month, we were neck deep in girls trying to sell feet pics. They have all mercifully given up and are mostly gone now. But there's still plenty of influencers out there, lying to the girls about how many SDs will pay for a platonic arrangement.
avatar for twentyfive
5 years ago
When I triySA a while ago there were a bunch of cat fishers from outside the country I just ignored any messages from women that were more than 25 miles away from my location and refused any initial meet up money
avatar for THE CHAINDOG
5 years ago
All I get are girls wanting to sell pics or videos or girls that want me to cash ap them money.
avatar for TFP
5 years ago
This thread does not bode well for SA's potential future trial members. I know you guys say you have to Wade through a lot of crap to find a good one, but how long would you say that process takes?

This is why I like and miss strip clubs. Doesn't take but 30 minutes or less to find the girl you want to spend time with. This SA stuff sounds like weeks, even months of work.
avatar for Muddy
5 years ago
Yes there are actually I feel even more hot girls on there then usual it’s just most don’t want to meet up. They want to have something online with a chance to meet up when this thing clears, it’s all bullshit. But keep plugging away I have probably hit 10+ homeruns on there. How much does it hurt to send a few messages a day. Keep your high standards. And see what comes back. These girls self eliminate so much for whatever reason I probably end up meeting with 1% of the girls I message but when I finally meet up usually the experience has been good. And some of these girls really do actually like the pictures. That is what keeps me on that site.

As far as the girls from Central America, they may or may not be scammers from what I understand there are hardly any sugar daddies down there so they have to look elsewhere.

avatar for wallanon
5 years ago
"lying to the girls about how many SDs will pay for a platonic arrangement."

But are they lying? Just because one of you (I've never checked out SA - too many reminders of that one date I went on) wouldn't do it doesn't mean another guy won't. Stuck home alone (or wishing they were alone) for weeks and weeks? Who knows what these dudes are up to at their keyboards.
avatar for twentyfive
5 years ago
@wallanon I’m sure there’s a few, but it’s unrealistic to expect that there will be many platonic offers, mostly same scammers trying to get jack off pix rather than legitimate offers
avatar for Warrior15
5 years ago
TFP. Yes, SA does take a little bit of work. But I think the "hunt" is fun. You message pretty girls to see if you get a hit. I'm thinking about one in 5 girls that I message, wants to meet me. Then I pick among them. But the best girls aren't on the site all the time. So you might send one a message, she might not read it for 3-5 days. So there is a timeline. Once you get hold of one you want to meet, get a phone number so you can really communicate. Plus, you dont' want to do any negotiation on the site. They will ban you.'
avatar for CJKent (Banned)
CJKent (Banned)
5 years ago


I feel your pain; I hope his is not a goodbye but a “see you some time soon” to your SB.

Be thankful and thank her for coming into your life and giving you joy, thank her for making love to you and receiving your love in return.

Be thankful and thank her for the good memories you will cherish forever.

My ATF Stripper and I developed a Sugar Baby type of relationship we had OTC almost every week for more than two years.

I would pick her up on Sunday afternoon, we would get an hotel room and make love, massage each other, have room service, sometimes we would go to dinner to nice a nice place. She would refer to me as her fiancé to other people, her sister told me.

I have thousands of pictures of her modeling cute sexy outfits I got for her. Around Halloween she was slave princesses Lea from Star Wars, Dallas Cowboy Cheerleader, Playboy Bunny. Around Christmas a sexy miss Santa, naughty school girl.

She was a baby stripper, 22 years old when we meet, very sweet and nice, the sex got better and better because she was more comfortable and felt safe relaxed and was able to let herself go and enjoy it, I enjoyed it too, she experienced multiple orgasms often and was very shy and sweet about it.

Sometimes she would spend the night and would fall a sleep with her head on mi chest like the little angel she was.

She was worth every penny and every second I spent with her.

Thank you for making me remember that relationship.
avatar for Warrior15
5 years ago
CJ. - She was a SB, not a girlfriend. I"m OK with her moving on. Time for a new one.

scrub. - it's not that bad. A little work but there are some real gems out there. I'm having dinner with one of them tonight. That only took me two days to get one. Let's hope she really looks like her photos though.
avatar for Subraman
5 years ago
"But are they lying? Just because one of you (I've never checked out SA - too many reminders of that one date I went on) wouldn't do it doesn't mean another guy won't. "

Yes they are lying. Even experienced SBs say platonic is rare, and if anyone would know, it's them. Not completely non-existent, but rare enough as to not worth putting much effort into finding
So: yes, it's a lie to get views
avatar for rudy111
5 years ago
SA is admittedly a lot of work and can be time consuming. But I have always felt the best things in life are worth working for. I guess you could call it the thrill of the chase. The girls that I have had the best connections with would never even consider stripping or escorting. They are just your run of the mill college girls who have recently figured out hey are attractive to older men. they do want to see what you look like and see if you have a 'creepy' personality. To put it in strip club terms they are more like the 'shot girls' or cute bartenders who never strip but you really wish they would..
avatar for Subraman
5 years ago
rudy, I'm perhaps a bit wishy-washy in that I think everyone's basically right ... for themselves.

Totally understand why many PL types have no patience for SA. Everything desertscrub listed is absolutely true. TFP is absolutely right that it will take most people weeks or even months to find an SB (if that's what they're looking for, vs a quick fuck). At $90/month, many PLs don't see the value.

I also understand why many tuscl PLs enjoy using SA as basically a backpage replacement. There are many escorts, and pseudo-escorts, on SA, so if you're just looking for a no-strings-attached lay, that isn't so hard to find.

And I understand why some tuscl PLs feel weeks of looking, at $90/month, is easily worth it. I don't mind putting in a few weeks worth of "work" (I don't agree that it's really "work"... we exchange a few emails that take me ten seconds to write; if she ghosts somewhere along the way, I'm out 30s of my life) to wind my way through a lot of attractive young women, to find that one who I'll stick with for months or a year. As an ATFer rather than a variety guy at the SC, this kind of model suits me perfectly
avatar for wallanon
5 years ago
"I guess you could call it the thrill of the chase. The girls that I have had the best connections with would never even consider stripping or escorting. They are just your run of the mill college girls who have recently figured out hey are attractive to older men."

Not knocking people who want to use tech to help them get hook ups. Go have fun with that. But what you just described sounds like dating. For that much effort I'd just go actually pick up chicks and date them. But because actual dating is a huge pain in the ass, when I get bored I go to clubs.

College girls who are also strippers, good. Young college girls who are not also strippers, for me not so much.
avatar for Subraman
5 years ago
wall: I'm with you, in the sense that I love strippers, partygirls, etc. The two pieces of good news:

1. Lots of strippers on SA. Some of whom you might not have ever met if not for SA, given how many clubs and shifts there are

2. Lots of college girls are also partygirls. Okay, maybe not to the extent of your typical stripper, but I've run into fun college girls.
avatar for Warrior15
5 years ago
^ That may depend on what city you are in. I have come across a few strippers, some girls that used to be strippers that didn't like that, then some girls that are scared to strip.

avatar for 3131
5 years ago
I usually include "curvy" in my search. Yeah, you gotta weed out the fatties, but I would not categorically exclude it.

Platonic? I think there's a good number of girls that use that for plausible deniability if they are ever called out by a friend or family member . ( I came across my first wife's cousin once)

I dont have any public photos.
avatar for Subraman
5 years ago
desert, my experience is definitely the opposite. When I go to the SC and let slip that I'm looking for an SB, invariably the stripper whips out her phone and we compare profiles. And I end up running into strippers on SA (don't always realize they're strippers at first) decently often. So, nearly every stripper ITC at least has an SA profile, and lots of strippers on SA in general. I do believe many strippers let their profiles lapse eventually -- they have a hard time of it, because some of them bring stripper-type hustle to SDs who aren't having it. The interaction norms are different on SA than they are between stripper & PL; I've seen SDs talk about their experiences with strippers as SBs and... it's not pretty. Meanwhile, I'm like, "no idea what you're talking about, I love having a stripper for an SB", but of course, I'm a PL first
avatar for Subraman
5 years ago
3131: "I usually include "curvy" in my search. Yeah, you gotta weed out the fatties, but I would not categorically exclude it. "

Exactly... all the fatties pick curvy. There are some legit curvy girls who also pick curvy, so there are some gems there. But there's a zillion girls under slim/athletic/average, so no reason for me to have to go through way more profiles, just on the off chance there's a hot girl under curvy. But that's just for my particular area, no need for me to get 10x more noise just to get a little more signal.
avatar for Warrior15
5 years ago
OMG. I got Favorited a few moments ago. Her profile says 19. That is a little young for me but the lead photo is cute so I read her profile. Then I notice that she has written me a Private Message where she actually admits to being a few weeks shy of 18 and gives me her cell phone number in her initial message. Yikes !!! I ain't responding to that.
avatar for skibum609
5 years ago
Admitting to being a few weeks shy of 18, just means she gets her driver's license next summer.
avatar for Subraman
5 years ago
Warrior: multiple reports of this coming in. Don't know if it's an internal SA thing, or some sort of undercover law enforcement. I'd report & block
avatar for Papi_Chulo
5 years ago
^ hmm - didn't cross my mind it could be LE or something similar - something to keep in mind so one of us PLs don't get made an example of
avatar for Subraman
5 years ago
Papi -- yeah, if it were a one-off I'd just assume it were one misguided minor. But multiple reports of basically the same text, being just a few weeks shy of 18, etc., all within the past few weeks, is a pattern. SA is either doing their own internal To Catch a Predator, or it's LE IMO
avatar for aleccorbett
5 years ago
@Warriot15 Your kidding right? You could potentially get some fresh 18 poon and you are passing this up? Damn. I would so check a license on that though. Maybe two.
avatar for aleccorbett
5 years ago
Funny. You would think that the glut of unemployment in service jobs would especially effect young girls, increasing supply for them. Similiarly, Daddies should be in shorter supply. So the price of SBs should be dropping a ton.
avatar for Subraman
5 years ago
alec, we're all expecting (and starting to see) more SBs, fewer SDs... we're expecting allowances to fall a bunch but not sure that's happened yet.

That said, I think there's some pressure the other way. Yes, there's been a flood of girls, but as Warrior mentioned, many of the new girls have been online-only or platonic-only, none of those girls contribute to lower allowances because they're not genuine competition. I also wonder if there's a practical floor. It's not easy for most young women to become sex workers, even if SA is good at dressing things up as a relationship so that it's easier to repress it as an SB. Yes, you have all those young women out of work, and perhaps they'd flood into SA if PPMs were $500, but if PPMs drop to $200? Hell, many might choose to drive for Uber over that. I've seen similar effects at SCs in local markets -- you absolutely have the most hot girls in the club when prices are highest, and when prices drop due to recessions, you get worse lineups, even though many young women struggle for work. There's a base price below which sex work isn't an enticing option for many women.
avatar for Warrior15
5 years ago
Subra, There is also the effect of these girls not having their "other" income. I contacted someone that I had seen several months back to see if she wanted to get together now that I was available. She told her price had gone up by $100. She told me she couldn't work at her normal job now so that was her only source of income. I countered with her former price and she caved. But she tried to get more money from me.
avatar for aleccorbett
5 years ago
I wonder how things will look like in a few months as we get used to the Pandemic but younger people are still having issues with jobs and shit. I suspect that some things and costs will also decrease meaning their own expenses could decrease. So maybe then the prices could stabilize and be lower?

I guess I am a big believer in supply and demand. But I reckognize that actually living through an economy is different than the theory. I suspect that, in reality, you can benefit, as an SD, from the increased in supply of SBs but it could come with more BS.

With that said. I Am an abundance mentality guy and I don't like benefitting from others' sufering. I actually like the notion of a SB/SD relationship though since it is so perfect for older more experienced men to support younger women in exchange for treats :3
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