Why don't strip clubs do shower shows anymore? Have they fallen out of favor?
I have been to about one hundred different clubs with shower show stalls in prominent view to the patrons, but have only seen shower shows performed twice in all of my years strip clubbing.
Once was at Roxy's (RIP). The club required $100 upfront for a shower show to be initiated, so some young guy walked around the whole club and had everyone pitch in a couple bucks into his ballcap, so we could get the shower show. The two dancers not only washed each other inside, they ate each other out and fucked each other with dildos. The DJ wanted the patrons to throw dollars over the top of the shower stall. I wonder how long it took to dry out the hundreds of singles we tossed into that shower?
The second time was during a bachelor party at Daisy Dooks. The shower was more like a tiled area in the corner of the club versus an actual stall. They let the bachelor wash down a couple strippers.
Shower stalls were common in clubs for a while (I'm thinking late 80s or early 90s) but I have never actually seen one in use. You very rarely even see them anymore. I can only recall seeing two in the last 10 years. The Gold Club in Memphis has one, and Wild Zebra had one as part of its upstairs stage. I wouldn't pay anything extra to see one.
I have never seen a shower show. And I have only seen 1 shower stall. That was at the Goldrush in Atlanta. It was never used when I was going there and has since been removed.
Can't say that they interested me anyhow. I think the emphasis is on private dances now.
My guess would be the lack of shower shows is that dancers don't want to be involved with them. The water will mess up their hair and make-up. A dancer loses time drying off and retouching.
They are indeed rare. Still one at Cheetah's in Windsor. I have seen 6-10 shows there about 50/50 with dancer(s) and a bachelor -or- just two dancers. They have been actually pretty entertaining.
Back in the late 90’s there was one club that had a shower stall. I only saw one shower show. It was not that exciting at all. Just one girl with her bottoms on getting wet. Now if it was two girls interacting as the OP described it would be a lot more entertaining.
Not a shower show but there was a jacuzzi in a sort of dive club in Charlotte in the 90s. I did partake once and was totally not worth it. And yes, there was alcohol involved.
I'm sure the shower stall is gone now, but in the early 90's the Cheetah in Atlanta used to have a theme room with chains and shackles on the wall, a fake corporate board room and a big shower stall. I have seen the shower show quite a bit. FYI Pert shampoo glows like dayglow paint under black light. You would throw dollars over the glass wall and the girl would stick the wet bills to her body and then paste them against the back and side glass walls. many guys throes bigger bills ($5 and $20). The girl collected hundreds of dollars for a 15 minute show. I only remember one two-girl show. A second girl joined the main girl after a few minutes. She had a big pink dildo she was playing with. After a while about 6 inches of it disappeared up the other girl's ass. Later learned they were lovers.
@shadowcat I once saw a girl do the show at Goldrush. A waste of time. Plus, the best VIP room was right behind the shower and you could look through the shower stall and into the VIP room. I once had a girl go turn on the shower so the glass would be wet and perv row could not see what we were doing.
I recall them in going out of fashion in the mid 90's. The only one I know that still does them where I live, is Sirens in Columbus, and it's not that good anyway. Many had to stop due to various regulations. I recall one manager mentioning this in an article, that got rid of the shower when they were told they had to make it up to code, including making it handicap accessible. The cost of the updates, combined with some of the changes interfering with the view made them get rid of it.
I don’t think I would be much interested in seeing one in the States. I can only remember two back in the 80’s but they were both in the Far East and were audience participation which is probably why I remember them.
The first was in a back alley dive with two already naked girls looking for a volunteer to join them in a shower set up on stage. A guy I worked with nearly knocked over several tables racing toward the stage. He had a reputation for getting naked in public at every opportunity and that’s just what he did. Watching two girls soap down a naked guy isn’t something that I would normally watch but it was funny to see my friend so enjoying himself being the center of attention.
The second was some kind of special event held under the stars on the roof top patio of a club I frequented. They rigged up a claw foot tub and shower where a number of girls cycled through putting on shows. One girl I had known from the club but had never shown any interest in summoned me up to soap and scrub her. She sat in the tub with me kneeling at the side. I stayed clothed but as with @magicrat, there was alcohol involved on my part.
After her show she sought me out and said something to the effect of “let’s blow this popsicle stand”. Surprisingly to me, she wanted me to fuck her and had for a long time.
There used to be a center stage shower setup local to me that was employed at least bi-monthly by either a feature performer or the local talent. The local talent always performed in pairs (or more) and only with partners they were friendly with (one way or the other). It was never boring and quite often it was quite entertaining for all in the club.
Off the top of my head I'd assume that gimmicks (amateur night, shower-shows, elaborate stage-shows, etc) were probably more of a thing when there was less-mileage and it was more about looking (at the stage, the girls etc) since even touching seemed much less common back in the 80s/90s in many areas so not much else to do than look at the show - nowadays it seems going to a club to just look (including a shower-show) is not much of a novelty particularly in areas where touching is allowed - so I assume it's a case of shower-shows where all you do is look and not touch, can't compete with the one-on-one action available in many clubs.
Although I had not thought about it, I can also see it being impractical for the dancers in terms of having to redo their makeup/hair etc - but in the end I assume it's mostly b/c there isn't $$$ in shower-shows to warrant the inconvenience/effort for the club and dancers - in many clubs people barely tip the stage as it is, particularly clubs with good mileage and also particularly in clubs w/ good dance value.
Only club I recall having a shower viewable to custies was Club Onyx Dallas (club closed a couple of years ago) - it wasn't my go-to club but I'd go to it periodically -I'd probably been to it a half-dozen times b/f I noticed there was a shower viewable from the floor - it was kinda tucked away in a corner, the club was good-sized and I rarely sat near that corner so I was not aware the shower was even there - one time a dancer took me to that corner to get a dance and it just so happened there was a dancer in the shower but hardly anyone was paying attention (I assume in part b/c it was not viewable from most of the large main-room) - after she finished up no other dancer used the shower so I assume it may have been something she did out of her own will, IDK - it was kinda sexy but I preferred to be watching the action on the floor - seeing a dancer behind glass was kinda similar to seeing her on a TV screen.
Diamond Cabaret in Denver has one. I think it’s something a bachelor party has to request and pay for. There was the groom and two dancers behind glass. They air danced for him, and wrote a dirty message on the glass with the soap.
One small plus to the 80's shower shows was in those days things were not as shaved and wet pussy looked better. They were just a side show, but it gave people something different for a few minutes. At Cheetah they would start announcing that so and so would be starting her shower show in a few minutes and a crowd would head to that room. Didn't have much more than a minor interest myself.
The St. James cabaret just north of the Houston airport has a shower stage above the main stage. It is very far away from the audience so you really can't see that much. It is not necessarily used every night. It is never used in the daytime. It gets used either because some girls like it or a dancer is getting punished. Some of the dancers at the St. James like stage dancing and get most of their tips on-stage. These are usually some of the hotter looking model types. They will usually do a shower show with a girlfriend. Then, they will come down with wet hair and little makeup and rotate among the 4 stages and hope to collect lots of stage tips. However, most dancers don't like the shower stage because it messes up their hair and makeup which probably took an hour to put on. These other girls only go on when the manager or DJ is punishing them, usually because they missed a stage turn or violated some policy during that night. I think it's good once in a while as a novelty but I wouldn't miss it if they removed it. In most parts of Canada there are only stage shows and no private dances. In those clubs, they often do a set with a giant clear champagne glass where you can see the nude dancer splashing away. For a dancer, it's a lot easier to not mess up their hair or makeup in what is basically a large bathtub rather than a shower.
"... They will usually do a shower show with a girlfriend. Then, they will come down with wet hair and little makeup and rotate among the 4 stages and hope to collect lots of stage tips ..."
I would like that better than just seeing them behind a glass if they subsequently went to other stages where one could interact w/ them; that would be kinda-cool especially them being wet like that.
The time I saw the shower show at Roxy's, the dancers probably pulled $400-500 in less than fifteen minutes. Those two girls put on a heck of a show: tit and pussy licking, dildo penetration, beads in the ass. Every single person in the club got up from their tables and chairs and stood around the shower stall hooting and hollering. It was quite the spectacle. And the cool part about Roxy's was after those girls dried off, you could take them into the VIP to get top or to fuck.
I witnessed a shower show in the 90s at a club near the Tennessee and VA border. It may have been the Mouse’s Ear or Fuzzy something. The price was way more than a private dance.
This club had all of the pricing backwards. The stage show was full nude and you could get very close for a dollar or two. The private dances were $30 plus and it was non contact. The shower show was something over $200 plus tips. I asked the dancer I was sitting with if anyone gets them and why. She said a few guys get it because the girl is good at selling the most expensive thing. Sure enough a girl gets up and does one while we are talking about it. The dancer told me the girls charge so much because they have to go get dolled up again after. I agree it doesn’t work in the extras environment that is available now. But honestly, it didn’t work then either.
Bottom’s up in Brooklyn, IL had a shower in the corner near the main stage until recently. I noticed that they got rid of it during my last visit a couple months ago. I rarely saw it out to use during my many visits over the last few years.
There’s a shower at Gentlemen’s Gold Club in Baltimore. It’s located in the original (smaller) main room. It’s up on the second floor, but viewable from the main level. On Friday nights (pre-COVID19), the larger main room has the young ladies on stage (for the likes of most of us) while the separate, original, smaller main room has guys on stage for bored housewives having a girls-night-out. One of the lady dancers told me that the lady customers ‘vote’ for the guy dancer who gets to take a shower at the end of the night. (Never saw it personally; completely uninterested.)
Last time I was at Show Palace in Darien, Wisconson, I believe they still had theirs. I think it is now just used for bachelor parties and the like. They used to have shows weekly. If I'm remembering correctly it was part of their Wet Wednesdays promotion.
Pleasure Dome in Pa Still has a shower stage that gets used periodically until, recently obviously. But yea , it doesn’t really do anything for me and don’t really see the appeal.
Lust, Martinsburg WV has a shower show available. I believe it is also used for lap dance overflow. Endless Summer doesn't do them, but says a few of their dancers actively market them to PLs.
Black Diamonds 2.0 in Jackson Ms still has a shower that's left over from when Danny's was located there. I've never seen it used. Limited restaurants openings in that area, maybe clubs will open.
I think the only club I ever tried with this was Lumberyard Des Moines. I personally would not want to do shower shows at clubs because hair and makeup is not something I do for fun or in my personal life and I really hate doing it.
I heard there was a NJ club called the Navel Base that had a shower on stage. That was back in the early 90’s. I never made a trip to see if that was true.
I wonder if the movie Flashdance had an influence on shower type dances? I remember there were some watery scenes in that movie.
There were 2-3 clubs in Atlanta back in the day, agree it was early to mid 80s. The other two have already been mentioned. I think the 3rd Atlanta club was the She Club. Could be a false memory. I saw shows a at all of them...agree to the Pert shampoo would glow under the blacklight. There was often girl on girl but it was always tame.
Holy shit! The last shower show I witnessed was at ROXYS in East St Louis. Seriously, I could not watch it after the one gal stood on her head with her legs spread wide while the other gal shoved a 15 inch purple double dong dildo into Her slit. Bury the fucking thing!
Well, in the new covid-9 world with everyone being warned to wash hands, shower shows may have a comeback. In fact, they may become the only way to see a totally nude dancer.
Coincidentally, they are now doing shower shows at Bourbon street (Phoenix). I have never seen one there in the decades I have been a regular, I didn't know they even had the stall. Could have been added during lockdown, it's between the main stage and the bar on the noth wall.
last commentCan't say that they interested me anyhow. I think the emphasis is on private dances now.
Tijuana has a variation with hot tub and shaving cream shows (very messy for both viewer and dancers, showers don’t really allow too much interaction.
Stage shows in general have become less special as the focus has shifted to more hands on activities.
The first was in a back alley dive with two already naked girls looking for a volunteer to join them in a shower set up on stage. A guy I worked with nearly knocked over several tables racing toward the stage. He had a reputation for getting naked in public at every opportunity and that’s just what he did. Watching two girls soap down a naked guy isn’t something that I would normally watch but it was funny to see my friend so enjoying himself being the center of attention.
The second was some kind of special event held under the stars on the roof top patio of a club I frequented. They rigged up a claw foot tub and shower where a number of girls cycled through putting on shows. One girl I had known from the club but had never shown any interest in summoned me up to soap and scrub her. She sat in the tub with me kneeling at the side. I stayed clothed but as with @magicrat, there was alcohol involved on my part.
After her show she sought me out and said something to the effect of “let’s blow this popsicle stand”. Surprisingly to me, she wanted me to fuck her and had for a long time.
Kids today just don’t know how to have any fun.
Like you said it sounds like a huge hassle for the girls who have to redo their makeup, etc
Although I had not thought about it, I can also see it being impractical for the dancers in terms of having to redo their makeup/hair etc - but in the end I assume it's mostly b/c there isn't $$$ in shower-shows to warrant the inconvenience/effort for the club and dancers - in many clubs people barely tip the stage as it is, particularly clubs with good mileage and also particularly in clubs w/ good dance value.
I would like that better than just seeing them behind a glass if they subsequently went to other stages where one could interact w/ them; that would be kinda-cool especially them being wet like that.
This club had all of the pricing backwards. The stage show was full nude and you could get very close for a dollar or two. The private dances were $30 plus and it was non contact. The shower show was something over $200 plus tips. I asked the dancer I was sitting with if anyone gets them and why. She said a few guys get it because the girl is good at selling the most expensive thing. Sure enough a girl gets up and does one while we are talking about it. The dancer told me the girls charge so much because they have to go get dolled up again after. I agree it doesn’t work in the extras environment that is available now. But honestly, it didn’t work then either.
On Friday nights (pre-COVID19), the larger main room has the young ladies on stage (for the likes of most of us) while the separate, original, smaller main room has guys on stage for bored housewives having a girls-night-out. One of the lady dancers told me that the lady customers ‘vote’ for the guy dancer who gets to take a shower at the end of the night. (Never saw it personally; completely uninterested.)
I wonder if the movie Flashdance had an influence on shower type dances? I remember there were some watery scenes in that movie.
Her slit. Bury the fucking thing!