avatar for GeorgNzola


joined Dec 2010last seen Jun 2020

Reviews by GeorgNzola

Comments made by GeorgNzola

discussion comment
5 years ago
avatar for ArizonaMayer
Arizona update
I'm meeting up with my sugarbaby tomorrow to drop off a birthday card, bottle of wine, and a gift. Planning on being masked and socially distanced. I'm watching the health statistics before I get closer with her. I feel safer being with her than in a strip club but I don't know what precautions her family is taking.
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5 years ago
avatar for ArizonaMayer
Arizona update
tete1526: don't know where you're getting your figures. CDC and independent medical reporting showing cases and deaths are increasing. Arizona is now ranked 4th for the increases among all 50 states. No leveling but a continued increase of cases. Age is a crap shoot. Maybe you'll recover and be fine. Maybe you'll recover and spend weeks or months in rehab trying to recover. Maybe you'll die. Not worth risking my health over.
discussion comment
5 years ago
avatar for ArizonaMayer
Arizona update
Go to wikipedia and look up "sequela". These are the long term, sometime permanent, effects of disease. Given that Covid-19 can attack almost every system of the body, we will be finding out a lot about this. For Covid, some people are showing long term damage to the lungs. Coughing up black matter is the short term. Scarring of lung tissue seen in some. But we have plenty of IC beds. Sorry, not something I want to personally experience.
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5 years ago
avatar for ArizonaMayer
Arizona update
Heellover. Forget FB and Fox. Nothing but rumors, hearsay, anti-science bias, and friend-of-a-friend BS. Read the CDC website and data info it contains. On Twitter there are legit health experts like Andy Slavitt and Scott Gottlieb. These two are also often interviewed on reputable network TV. The infections, hospitalizations, and deaths are increasing in AZ. I love the clubs and feel for my favorite dancers but it's just nuts to be unmasked with a dancer who has danced with 15 people before you. I hope I'll be seeing you at the clubs after this whole thing subsides along with BigTime and Dave.
review comment
5 years ago
avatar for davindude
If you like build a body dancers this is your place
Want to point out that, yes, smoking isn't allowed in clubs, but some have hookahs for use/rent. I suppose the clubs think it's not the same or try to get away with it. In years past I've seen hookahs at Jaguars, Chicas, and Essex. Not recently at the last two