
OTC During the Pandemic

Evil Lair
I called the hotel in the morning to ensure they were open for business and could give me an early check in. I was told “no problem,” so I booked online using my hotel points.

When I arrived, the parking lot was deserted. Although it was the middle of the day, the front door was locked, like they do at night. The front desk clerk unlocked it remotely. I went to the front desk and asked to check in. The clerk asked me if I was an “essential traveler” because only essential travelers could check in. Huh? I told him that I had called earlier to make sure the hotel was open, and wasn’t told anything about “essential travelers.” He remembered talking to me, but said that right after my call, he had received instructions to only allow “essential travelers” to check in.

I lied and said I was an essential traveler. He didn't ask for more explanation. He just handed me a form to sign. The form asked me to certify that I was an “essential traveler,” and that I would practice social distancing while staying at the hotel. I signed the form and he checked me in. I told him I was expecting a visitor in a few minutes and asked him if that would be an issue. He said no problem.

The girl showed up right on time. I went down to let her in. She is a very attractive, slender spinner. She was wearing a formfitting athletic outfit. The top was basically just a sports bra and the bottom was a pair of skintight leggings. She is one-third my age. The hotel was probably at well under 10% occupancy, and the lobby was empty, except for the desk clerk and another employee sitting in a chair. They pretended not to look at me as I walked through with the girl. I’ll admit we didn’t practice social distancing when we got to the room.


  • FishHawk
    4 years ago
    You are an inspiration to us all.
  • rickdugan
    4 years ago
    That's why I always use hotels with parking lot key card entrances for my OTC arrivals. That way I can let them in and they never have to walk by the front desk. Many respectable 3 star hotels (including Courtyard, Hampton Inn, Fairfield Inn, Holiday Inn Express, Hilton Garden Inn) and pretty much all of the less respectable joints are setup this way.
  • bubba267
    4 years ago
    Good info. in which city were you asked to sign a form for essential travel?
  • doctorevil
    4 years ago
    Bubba: I think it would be considered either Brookhaven or unincorporated Dekalb County.
  • RandomMember
    4 years ago
    I guess everyone has their own tolerance for risk. In my case it doesn't make any sense to get std testing 3x per year and ignore covid19. Hopefully the antibody tests will be available soon but not sure how reliable the tests will be or whether it proves immunity. I've quit for now.

    Good info on hotels.
  • Muddy
    4 years ago
    Hotels around me, I haven't done a thorough check but I know a lot of them are closed right now. So for me it's been my place, their's or car sex.
  • jackslash
    4 years ago
    Why didn't you practice social distancing? Whenever I've done OTC, the dancer has tried to stay 6 feet away from me.
  • Warrior15
    4 years ago
    You naughty little boy. Even though she is young, she could be a carrier.

    I had to bring over a sugar babe a couple of nights ago. Just had to have some human contact. When I texted her, I asked her if she had taken her temperature lately. Now, this was a girl I had been with a few times recently so there was a little bit of trust involved.
  • sinclair
    4 years ago
    I'm on the road right now as an essential worker. The Holiday Inn Express in Omaha had just me and one other guest last night. Due to Covid 19: the pool is closed, the fitness room is closed, hot breakfast is cancelled with only a couple prepacked items set out each morning, and there is no daily housekeeping. Otherwise, everything else is the same. You can still go in and out through side doors.
  • boomer79
    4 years ago
    I wish I was confident enough to risk it. I don't live in Atlanta, but am usually up there a fair bit but not now. I've gotten texts and there are opportunities, but I just can't take the risk.
  • Subraman
    4 years ago
    Definitely not even considering it right now. I may take a calculated risk at some point down the line, only with my SB who is sheltered in place with her parents and sisters, which means I at least have some knowledge that she's not breaking the SIP rules (as opposed to living with other strippers and who knows what the situation is). Even then, I might not take a risk, and probably wouldn't even consider it until May if the numbers are going down. I am jonesing to see her though, man.

    An interesting thing to note: I have a lot of strippers on my fake social media. At the beginning of this, they were making light of it. Now they are -- at least on social media -- not merely all following the rules, but constantly lecturing others to do the same, often in a superior and exasperated tone. "just stay home" seems to have become a new high status virtue signal.
  • shadowcat
    4 years ago
    At 78 years and stage 3 COPD, I'm almost afraid to watch porn.
  • twentyfive
    4 years ago
    I’m not going to risk otc, it reminds me of an old joke about an old guy who goes to the doctor with a complaint about how it’s hard to pee, and the doctors reply was don’t worry you’ve pissed enough.
  • bubba267
    4 years ago
    Doc, Interesting. I wonder if they thought that was a DeKalb County requirement. Hope the OTC went well otherwise.
  • Bavarian
    4 years ago
    That’s some gangsta shit.
    I would do OTC but both of us would have to wear a mask, wash hands thoroughly before and make sure no one has any symptoms. I think the risk is lowered.

    I would rather do OTC now go right after the clubs open.
  • Bavarian
    4 years ago
    *I would rather do OTC now than go to the clubs right after they open.
  • wallanon
    4 years ago
    So hypothetically speaking, some OTC action would be happening with a mask that covers the nose and the mouth?
  • gawker
    4 years ago
    My ATF has broken up with her fiancé and wants me to from New England to FL and drive her back to MA. Then she wants to live with me.
    She’s been on methadone for 6 weeks now and the clinic does random pee checks and she’s clean.
    IF, and that’s a big if, I were to go get her I wonder if I’ll have trouble with Florida’s lockdown, lodging in SC and NJ, driving through NY, CN & RI? I need to identify where we’re stopping so she can arrange to get dosed each morning. She’s already made sure about a clinic near my home.
  • twentyfive
    4 years ago
    ^ Several states have mandatory quarantines for people traveling intra-state, but there must be some way around it else long haul truckers wouldn't be able to deliver goods.
  • wallanon
    4 years ago
    I think the way around it is to be a long haul trucker.
  • nicespice
    4 years ago
    It’s easier for long-haul truckers atm. In Florida, the weigh stations are being used as checkpoints for passenger cars, and those in them have to pull over and answer questions. The truckers can just keep on driving.

    Gawker, I would *strongly* recommend taking care of your health, especially at your age. Relax at home instead of waltzing all over the country and facing high exposure risk from gas pumps and mingling with essential employees of all types.

    But since I take it that’s not a concern,, then YOLO. Enjoy the national forest and beaches with the ATF 🥳 Experience take out from whatever high rated eateries are in whatever town you’re in. Make the most of that road trip and upload photos. I’ll pretend to judge you, but I’ll secretly be jealous.
  • shadowcat
    4 years ago
    gawker if you insist on continuing to let her fuck up your life, why not just buy an air line ticket. They are cheap and space is available.
  • rickdugan
    4 years ago
    It's funny that DE posts about a wonderful OTC experience with a very young lady and almost every response focused on safety concerns rather than the fun he had. Kudos to DE for showing the balls that so many seem to lack around here, despite his advancing age, and getting that shit while it was there to be had.
  • Bavarian
    4 years ago
    Appreciate the ATF updates, Gawker.
    Like you, I have spent a ton of money on a stripper. I have learned some hard lessons. The lesson I learned from you is not to have a stripper addicted to hard drugs as a CF. Way too much trouble and drama.
  • wallanon
    4 years ago
    I typed something out for Gawker, but as Clay Aiken would say he's a grown ass man. And Rick Dugan is giving props to Dr. Evil. The world's gone mad.
  • CJKent (Banned)
    4 years ago
    I currently favorite I have been pursuing for several months for OTC, answer a funny text I sent her this Wei and we texted a little and she said she might be interested.

    Immediately I called a Hotel close to the beach and asked if they have rooms available.
    The girl that answered the phone said they have them and asked if I wanted to make the reservation, I told her I will call her back after I speak with my Girl (CF).

    I texted my CF if she would like to meet after five at the hotel and she responded:

    “I don’t want the risk of getting you sick”

    “I have been out of state in four different airports”

    We stop texting after that.

    So there are Hotels available probably for “essential situations” and should not be a problem getting one...
  • gSteph
    4 years ago
    Way to act fearless, Dr.
    Way to consider acting. .?@$&?.. Gawker.

    Course she wants to live with you. Roof on house, nice bed. Might work out.

    Good luck.
  • K
    4 years ago
    "IF, and that’s a big if, I were to go get her I wonder if I’ll have trouble with Florida’s lockdown, lodging in SC and NJ, "

    I don't think anyone, even you, think it is "if"

    When you go get her, you should be fine in NJ. Hotels are open. At this time, essential travel and lodging in NJ includes taking care of a romantic partner. Cal ahead as this may change and some hotels have closed because of a lack of business.

    getting food will be inconvenient . Many restaurants are closed and those open are doing delivery or curb side pickup only. The call ahead requirement for some places is ridiculous . My favorite pizza place is requiring several hours notice for curb side pick up.

    send her a non refundable amtrak ticket. You could pick her up in NYC or she can switch to the NYC to Boston train at penn station NYC

  • Bavarian
    4 years ago
    I hope your ATF can stay clean and rock your world in exchange for food and shelter. That alone is worth at least $1,400
  • gawker
    4 years ago
    Plane ticket one way Orlando to Providence $54. One checked bag $5.
    We’ll go get the car afterwards.
    Good advice.
  • Bavarian
    4 years ago
    Make sure you quarantine her and practice social distancing for two weeks
  • jackslash
    4 years ago
    Gawker, it's good to hear from you. But I wish you would drive to Florida and pick up your ATF. Your write-up of the adventures on such a trip would be epic.
  • joewebber
    4 years ago
    It seems that most of your atf girls are recovering addicts.
    Is this your “type”?
  • BBBC
    4 years ago
    "jesus,,, did she swallow? did you use condoms?"

    Wow desertscrub, sounds like you don't like girl cooties at all, and emotionally distraught just thinking about them. Cum over here sweetie and I.can make it all better for you
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