
Review reviewers

Avatar for funguy81

I have been a member of TUSCL for over 18 years and have written 192 reviews. I have been able to keep my membership active by doing this. But recent changes seem to have changed that. Now our reviews are reviewed by a bunch of hacks that want a page of detailed sex or they reject your review. First I'm not going to document anything illegal. The cops read this page also, and that is what happened to Backpage and Craigslist. Second you only get a month of membership for a review so you have to go to a different club every month. I don't have enough close clubs or the time to travel to keep my membership going every month. So I guess I will just expire.............


last comment
Avatar for Jascoi

i do that sometimes too...

Avatar for Icey

I think many forget that reviews are just opinions of one's experience at the club. I don't believe we have a right to reject someones opinion of a club let alone of one weve never been to.

And yes many confuse strippers with hookers on here.

Avatar for rickdugan

So in other words, you wrote 192 shitty ass reviews and now are all butt hurt because you can't get any more shitty reviews published. Even with the new format, they'll publish almost anything here. So if you can't get your stuff published anymore then it has to be some grade A shit.

But keep blaming everyone else for your own inability to clear a vault bar about three inches off the ground. Some grown men own their mistakes while some whine and blame others for their own failures - we know which one you are now.

Avatar for georgmicrodong

Write better reviews. Given some of the shit reviews I've seen approved, if the lenient readers of this site don't see a reason to approve it, it must be truly bad.

Avatar for Icey

The problem ia people like desertscrub accusing everyone of being LE or club management. While he himself writes fake reviews of clubs in every state.

Avatar for whodey

Since I go to Columbus quite a bit I have read many of your reviews. Honestly most of them are short on details but you usually include at least 1 or 2 worthwhile pieces of helpful info which is what I look for to approve a review.

You don't need anything illegal in a review to get them approved, and in Columbus you won't find much of that anyways. Most reviews are looking for a little about the layout of the club, the basic prices (cover, dances/vip and drinks) and a description of the types of dancers. This can usually be done in a paragraph or two.

As far as needing more clubs to post reviews of that shouldn't be an issue. You can get credit for reviewing the same club each month. Just wait until your 30 days is up to submit the new review. In Columbus Sirens is the only club worth frequenting on a regular basis in my opinion. But Club X, Columbus Gold and even Doll House can be decent alternatives if you catch them on a good night so try them or the other clubs in town on occasion and do a quick review to bank extra time for between your Sirens reviews.

Or do like I do and pay @founder for VIP access. The useful knowledge on here is well worth the cost and I am way too lazy to write reviews monthly.

Avatar for DenimChicken

If you can't afford less than $10 a month - to get access and support the site - why are you even going to clubs?

That said - reviews are very useful. I personally just have a small collection of clubs and have nothing to add for Joe Public

Avatar for rogertex

@funguy81 your reviews are pretty good.

They got decent intel. They are short. That's a plus.

Avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael

I believe that there are more guys on here who reject reviews because they link dancers by name to extras, and include graphic information.

The 'Not enough details' rejection reason does not relate to extras. Read the review guidelines. That should help.

Avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael

Yes. But perhaps it was rejected before getting through (and maybe more than once). No idea, but possible.

I chose to limit my comment to the belief that what we're looking for is a Penthouse Forum letter.

Avatar for JuiceBox69

Just buy a lifetime membership you cheap S.O.B.

I mean if you can't afford a membership of some kind then your to broke for the club's

Avatar for georgmicrodong

@funguy, I checked out your most recent review. I would not have rejected that one. If the review I see was the result of your modifications because of a rejection, I'd say the system worked.

Avatar for Papi_Chulo

Up to about 18-months ago or so, there was absolutely zero vetting of reviews, so anything would get posted - so saying one had X reviews in the past really does not carry much weight given that all it took to get a review published in the past was hitting a button.

Secondly, as I've posted in the past, IMO the giving of free VIP is a major catalyst for many of the shitty reviews submitted as many people write them primarily for their benefit of getting free VIP, vs writing them b/c they want to give info to others - not saying that there aren't folks that write reviews to get free VIP and also write good reviews, just that many write them just for VIP and put minimal effort so they can just get their VIP.

Avatar for Papi_Chulo

I picked a random review of yours of a few years ago b/f vetting was instituted - here's the review:

"... I stopped by Platinum Friday night after a good visit to Scarlett’s. In the past Platinum was my go-to club when I was in Toledo. Platinum had the same quality of girls with a little more lenient rules. So I get there at about 10:30 on Friday night. The cover was $10 and a Bud Light was $5. The place had a crowd but there were plenty of places to sit. I would say there were roughly 15 dancers and 15 guys in the club. I no more get my beer and they have a 2-4-30 dance special. To begin with nobody comes over, then finally a young cute, 18 is dancer comes over and to the back we go. She was real cute but here dance was lame. She really didn’t get the idea of the dance. But what the hell she was cute and it was only $30 invested. Then back to the table. So along comes this voluptuous Brazilian dancer. She says that she would do a 2-4-30 dance so into the back we go. This was the worst dance I have ever gotten out of 25 years of going to clubs. It was such an Air Dance that she got Altitude Sickness. Seriously most of the dance she was on her hands and knees crawling away from me and then would just shake her ass out in the hallway, (not even in the same cubical as me!!!). After that it was back to the table and along come a tatted up, pierced up, dancer that was real nice. We went in the back and she did a dance the way they are supposed to be. Worst time ever at Platinum, but I will probably give it another try ..."


This was a marginal review IMO - it was mostly about you vs it being more about the club - for instance:

  • you didn't specify the dance cost (just the price of the special)

  • you didn't describe the dancer-crew - just the girls you interacted with

  • you didn't specify what is the typical mileage one should expect in that club

The review was more of a rant about you not having a good night, vs breaking down the club for someone unfamiliar w/ it that may want to check it out - your review read more like an entry for your journal, than a review of the club - it was more of a comment/lazy-review, vs a serious effort in describing the club.

Reviews should be about the club and what it has to offer from costs, to dancer-crew (looks, builds, ethnicity, ages, etc), to mileage available - not make the review of "I did this and I did that and me me me ..."

Avatar for Papi_Chulo

As others have mentioned, read the review-guidelines - they are there to guide in writing a proper review - yeah, a review does not have to follow the guidelines to be a good-review, but seems most reviews that don't follow them are shitty to marginal at best

Avatar for Jascoi

my reviews sometimes are embarrassing due to glitches posting from my iphone. i get so frustrated with the way seri messes up what i post.

Avatar for Jascoi

and i don’t plan on buying another lap top to replace the one that was stolen two years ago.

Avatar for Liwet

If a review gets rejected, try posting it here and people will give you advice on how to make it better.

Avatar for Warrior15

Buy a Lifetime Membership. The cost is really not that much.

Avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael

I was under the impression that lifetime memberships were no longer available.

Avatar for Electronman

If I recommend rejecting an unpublished review, I will often offer suggestions for improvement. Before you get too upset, ask yourself if you could have communicated more effectively in your review and then submit a rewrite.

Avatar for shadowcat

I'd say I average one rejection per day which leads me to believe that many of the reviewers have never read the review guidelines. They look like something written for YELP.

Avatar for Cashman1234

This is a sad rant about not getting reviews published - and losing VIP access. In this case, you should look at what you post, and determine if it provides useful information for other folks regarding a decision to go to the club being reviewed.

Ranting about dancers/dances doesn’t offer much useful info, as a lack of mileage can be due to many factors.

Try and make your reviews less about your unhappiness with dances, and more about the club. Think about what you would find useful in making your clubbing decision. If an unnamed Brazilian doesn’t give a great dance, does anyone care (beside the writer)?

Avatar for gSteph

I read 10 or so of your reviews.

IMHO most were light on useful information. Assuming one wanted more info than just your opinion of your visit.

Avatar for TFP

Stop telling him to buy a lifetime membership, as they are no longer available. I would have bought one if they were.

Avatar for Cashman1234

Interesting this fun guy has been here for 18 years - and this is his first discussion.

I’m guessing fun guy is not an actual fun guy...

Avatar for funguy81

Thanks for all your comments. First, this may sound stupid but where do you find the review guidelines? Second, I would rather read a bunch of short quick reviews that are current, than a one page review with tons of detail about the stage, the bar, the lighting, the carpet that is 6 moths old. Only to drive to the club and find it closed. With all the literary critics reviewing the reviews and rejecting the short ones we are going to end up with just a bunch of old detailed reviews. I sorry but I write what I want to read. In my experience the building, bar and stage pretty much stays the same year after year. You can normally find out the physical shape of the place by reading a few reviews back. What changes a lot are the girls, white / black; fat / skinny; ugly / pretty; and young / old. I try to give an overall flow of the club, (because management changes a lot also) and what my experience was. A lot of the time I stop in for 2 beers and am gone in an hour. I assumed somebody would want to know the club was open, what the cover charge and beer price was and how many girls were working. I'm sorry but it doesn't take six paragraphs to say that. So if the short quick review is a think of the past, I guess I will just fade away.....................

Avatar for twentyfive

^ Read our review guidelines here.

Avatar for twentyfive

^ Sorry here they are

Read our review guidelines here.

Content and length are the two most important factors to consider.

Be wordy. Fill the review box. One or two sentence reviews aren't helpful to anyone.

Give a LOT of details in your review (club layout, atmosphere, dance quality, etc.).

Your review should be at least 4 solid paragraphs, with 4-7 sentences each.

One paragraph should describe the club vibe. Mention cleanliness, thug factor, music level, dj annoyance factor, lighting, etc.

Another paragraph should describe the dancers and their vampiness. How many were there? What ethicities did you see? Did they seem happy to see you?

A third paragraph should be about value. Don't say drinks, dances, cover charge, etc. were cheap or expensive. Tell us the actual costs!

At least one paragraph should summarize with three or four sentences describing why you would or would not return to the club.

Be honest. You can go into explicit detail of the private dances. Just be careful with names if you think it may get someone in trouble.

Spelling, grammar, and punctuation count. Do not use ALL CAPITAL LETTERS! When composing a review, spell check it.

Pro Tip 1: Think about what you would like to tell your good buddy about a place he's never been to.

Pro Tip 2: Think about the business traveler that is sitting in his hotel room with only time enough to hit one club in this new town. Let him know why he should or should not visit.

We have a zero tolerance policy for plagiarism. If we find out you submit a review as your own from another site, your account will be deleted.

Avatar for Papi_Chulo

"... where do you find the review guidelines ..."

When one is gonna add a review, there is a blue text that says "Read our review guidelines here" - that is a link and if you click on it it takes you to the review guidelines.

Avatar for Papi_Chulo

"... I write what I want to read ..."

That's part of the problem - the review is not for you, it's for TUSCL and the readers that wanna know about that club - seems you have the wrong perspective about writing reviews in that they are for your benefit of getting free VIP and for your reading pleasure instead of all the other readers that need to know what the club is about.

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