What are your plans? Hit a strip club or spend it with your significant other? If you have a favorite stripper are going to go see her at her club and give her some flowers or some other PL thing?
I personally think going to a club on VD is probably not the best time to go. A lot of the girls will take the day off to be with their boy friends, husbands or girl friends. Then of course there will be the guys that don't have any one OTC and will come in to spoil the girls that do show up.
jackslash has the right idea. I"m not going to a club Friday nor am I taking out any sugar babes. I did get my wife a cookie bouquet since we are going to be in different cities. We are going to have a nice dinner next week when the crowds are smaller.
Valentine's day: cooking dinner for close by family. The next day: help my Mom pack up for her return to her (next state over) home after spending weeks recovering from medical issues/operation at our place. Day after that: go dancing with wife.
Last year a girl told me she charged more for VIP on Valentine's Day because the guys that showed up were the most desperate ones. Hey, she was honest about it.
Wife and I will lift, drive around with chocolate milk and pineapple Express; have Vietnamese take out and go to bed early because we have to work on Saturday and have a swingers event at night.
Actually considering hitting the club this weekend so thanks for pointing this out - So would theory say that Saturday is going to be popping, because girls need to make up for not working Friday night, I have to think Friday is low turnout from dancers and PL's, right?
last commentThe next day: help my Mom pack up for her return to her (next state over) home after spending weeks recovering from medical issues/operation at our place.
Day after that: go dancing with wife.
So would theory say that Saturday is going to be popping, because girls need to make up for not working Friday night,
I have to think Friday is low turnout from dancers and PL's, right?