
Thumbs Up for Cub Reviews

In the wind
upvoting rogertex's idea posted yesterday

"Rating for clubs is very important especially for travellers.
At some point it would be great to have a Thumbs-up or Like button for reviews.
Just spend time on reading the best reviews for a club - versus scrolling through pages and pages.
Will improve review quality also."

Your thoughts


  • joker44
    5 years ago
    Title Fail 😫 Should read

    Thumbs Up For *Club* Reviews
  • BigPimp69
    5 years ago
  • twentyfive
    5 years ago
    I think you might be on to someting, CUB reviews are awesome middle finger up for cub reviews
  • wallanon
    5 years ago
    I tend to value recency more than quality of writing, but do appreciate a well written club review.
  • joker44
    5 years ago
    Thumbs up for reviews that provide valuable club info for locals AND visitors.
    Thumbs up for reviews where ratings are consistent with the review content, not inflated by 'this club *usually* is better'. Ratings are a snapshot of this specific visit not some fuzzy-headed 'average'

    Not for fuzzy generic descriptions that fit most clubs.
    Not for those limited only to *stimulating* Penthouse* fantasies or creatively embellished storytelling.
  • rickdugan
    5 years ago
    I support any and all ways we can further encourage club shills to prop their own clubs through the creation of more aliases. 👍
  • joker44
    5 years ago
    RE: shills. Aliases are a TUSCL *feature* not a *bug* Yeah, thumbs up/ thumbs down can be abused just like 'trusts' Like rogertex, I think it's worth trying, can always be D/Cd.

    TUSCL's light moderation already makes it easier for trolls and other malicious bad actors to operate even w/o a new attack vector.
    Other website single owner/operators dedicated to open commenting have reluctantly on the need for increased moderation/gate-keeping. But their websites are of a more serious nature
  • rickdugan
    5 years ago
    Absolutely joker. Let's give them even more shill options because they're a feature here anyway. That's brilliant stuff, really. 😉

    And if some club owners/managers take this site more seriously than we do and do what they've already been doing in the reviews, so what? We don't need to take the club intel so seriously, even if they do.

    So I say let's keep exploring even more ways to keep out club shills actively engaged. After all, they are people too, even if not as many people as they pretend to represent. Shill lives matter so come one come all I say. 😀
  • rickdugan
    5 years ago
    That should have read: "keep *our* club shills actively engaged."
  • joker44
    5 years ago
    founder points to aliases as a *feature* in his TUSCL rotating tag lines ~ 'create as many accounts, er aliases as you like'
    joking aside, trolling, whether by individuals or club managers is accepted unless grossly done.

    You've presented this supposition before. Where's the evidence? How many reviews in the last 12 months are club shills. Pick some areas. Portland O, Dallas, KCMO, S Florida. Show your #s. Concentrated on 1 or 2 clubs or affects all of them?

    Mockery and emotional exaggeration don't sub for facts/data. And don't make for a convincing argument.
    I've been on here as long as you have. I'm familiar with your *style* When you're really invested in an opinion, once the bit's between your teeth, emotional moderation and balanced thought take a back seat to 'winning'

    You've made your point; I don't propose to carry on a 'back & forth' with you to further derail this post.

    Let's hear from other members. What are the pros and cons. I still think rogertex's idea is worth a try but I'm open to being convinced otherwise.
  • Papi_Chulo
    5 years ago
    Any feature can be abused by trolls - the thumbs up/down I think is a good addition - saying it's not b/c of trolls or shills means might as well not have any reviews at at all.
  • Dolfan
    5 years ago
    I've been suggesting this sort of thing for quite some time. Rick & others often point out the potential for abuse. Despite the potential for abuse, I still think its a good idea. Along with the thumbs up, I'd like a thumbs down too, or a 1-5 rating kinda thing. With sort options for highest rated (restricted to last 3-12 months or something) or most recent, or a filter to hide low rated reviews.

    In the club reviews in south FL, I don't see much in the way of shilling, outside of a handful of clubs in Key West that are well known as being tourist traps/ROB houses. In the handful of areas I travel to, I don't notice shilling but accept the fact that it may be there and just unnoticed by me. Given that, I feel like its not a high value target for abuse.

  • PinkSugarDoll
    5 years ago
    I like it 👍🏼
    I like it for comments too 👍🏼
  • Papi_Chulo
    5 years ago
    A thumbs-down would help identifying the shill-reviews for those that don't know any-better
  • twentyfive
    5 years ago
    I'm with those that are for a thumbs up or down, RickiBoi accuses anyone that criticizes him or disagrees with him of being a troll, that's been his M.O. from the beginning.
  • Hank Moody
    5 years ago
    Eh. If Founder adds the thumbs up but still allows the reviews to be sorted by rating, number of reviews, date .... then it should be fine. I vote 👍🏼
  • joker44
    5 years ago
    @Dolfan: I haven't seen much shilling in the greater kansas city MO metro area on TUSCL.
    Maybe a few for Kansas clubs nearest to the state line, less for Lawrence/Topeka clubs.
    Way more club and individual shills on StripClubList back in the day.

  • Muddy
    5 years ago
    To me the credibility more rests with the user then the review itself. How would it even work? Just any random joe thumbs it up. Fuck that. If I was a club I could easily make a few VIP accounts but to make Joker44 account est.2006 50+ reviews. That's a lot harder to replicate.
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