Connecting with Dancers
I travel a lot. Live in Texas but spend a lot of time in other states.
Not saying it is fetish level - but I really like spending time with dancers. Have spent a lot of time (and $) with escorts over the years. But at the end of the day - prefer OTC with a dancer than someone who just does escorting.
Maybe its the fact that someone who is dancing is clued into the turn on. They are accustom to reading the turn on signs and maximizing.
Over time - have cultivated contacts (who are open to OTC) from clubs. Yes, can spend times in the clubs, finding that person.
Question is - is there a way to cut to the chase. Connect without surfing through endless lap dances.
Not saying it is fetish level - but I really like spending time with dancers. Have spent a lot of time (and $) with escorts over the years. But at the end of the day - prefer OTC with a dancer than someone who just does escorting.
Maybe its the fact that someone who is dancing is clued into the turn on. They are accustom to reading the turn on signs and maximizing.
Over time - have cultivated contacts (who are open to OTC) from clubs. Yes, can spend times in the clubs, finding that person.
Question is - is there a way to cut to the chase. Connect without surfing through endless lap dances.
Also - hitting the club at peak times (Fr/Sat eve) often works against getting personalized attention - some on here adhere to hitting the club at its slowest vs most-busy - when the club if full of PLs, most dancers often go into a frenzy and wanna move from a custy as soon as she's gotten his $$$ to go hit all the other available target$ - if there are few other custies, chances are higher she'll stick to a particular custy and hope to get what she can from him.
Some on here have also espoused the virtues of buying dancers drinks and even food in the club as a way to spend some time together and make a connection - others will tip her periodically while she sits and drinks w/ you - in the end she needs to somehow see you as a worthwhile inve$tment either implicitly or explicitly.
I'm not the type to look to make connections w/ dancers although I can see the value in it (I'm a variety-guy and wanna move on to someone else once I've gotten what I've gotten) - but there are plenty of PLs on here that do look to make connections w/ specific girls and have more personal-experience.
Don’t be cheap always remember a few bucks goes a long way.
I would recommend you buy a drink for the dancer, and chat with her. Find out what is on her ITC menu. If FS or Oral is on the menu, ask her if she ever works outside the club.
Keep in mind, you may not get many offers for same night service - as the dancer is already at the club and has to deal with pay outs. So, unless you can chat up dancers like Juice, this may take more than a front room chat.
Dancers are better looking and more personable. But in my view that fact that you met each other in a f2f non-committal situation is what makes all the difference.
If not, demonstrate that you're (a) not a cop, and (b) willing to spend money. Fortunately, you can usually take care of both items during a VIP in the club. Also, don't be creepy.
With those taken care of, just ask for OTC.
After that, it's her decision.
I have tried the direct approach but does not work for me.
The ones who accept OTC are 5-7.
And 7+ mostly say no with exceptions here and there.
So back to - spending a few visits gets me OTC with 7+
This obviously is not gonna work for travelers - but if you travel to a few spots frequently - you can accumulate the requisite "chase time" in each city and club.
Every upright TUSCLer deserves OTC sex with a high energy dancer.
What can't be taught are things like the ability to build rapport or how to pick up on body language, If you're awkward with women in normal settings, I'd have to imagine that trying to connect with them cold in a road club could be challenging.
Over the years I've developed a few additional approaches that seem to help me with girls who are on the fence. But with the increasingly mixed participation on this site, I'm starting to get more cautious about tipping my hand too much and becoming too easy to identify.
The key difference being that Cash is targeting girls who are fucking and sucking ITC. I target girls who specifically do not do that stuff in the club.
I'm not sure if "respectful" is the exact word I'd use for my approach. Friendly and reasonably gracious for sure. Right or wrong, I guess I always see images of a fawning sissy when I read that word in the context of a strip club customer. Keep in mind where these girls come from and what they likely go home to at night. when you're trying to build enough rapport with a dancer who doesn't know you to get her comfy enough to do same night OTC, a little grit can go a long way.
Respectful is used to differeniate away from hypocrites who who want P2P sex but view the providers as sluts and low lifes.
I defy you to really know who’s doing what in the club you really have no idea that’s just your ego talking to you.
(1) a feeling of deep admiration for someone or something elicited by their abilities, qualities, or achievements.
(2) due regard for the feelings, wishes, rights, or traditions of others.
@gmd/heaving: Sorry boys, but I can't say that deep admiration is something I feel for strippers and my regard for their feelings and wishes are also somewhat limited. I treat them with all due courtesy, but that's as far as it goes. I save the deeper stuff for those who have earned it by being a loving member of my family or having some meaningful impact on this world. You might see a lesson worth taking from that gmd.
@25: Nobody can be 100% positive, but it sure helps when one is picking up girls from clubs where heavy duty extras aren't allowed. Remember not all of us club in places like you're neck of the woods, Detroit or N. Atlanta. I won't take a girl out of a club where ITC fucking and sucking is common. Not an ego thing - just a preference.