Bill to legalize P4P in Vermont
Love Canal
Finally there's some sane lawmakers:
Finally there's some sane lawmakers:
last commentGood. Nice pussy!
It haz begun......
Every city needs a red light district
Maybe even 2 in some cities. ;-)
^^^ it's finding a location that is a problem.
Article says the Bill has been proposed. Nothing has passed yet. Let's see what happens when they actually vote on it. I never thought Pot would be legalized but it has in many states. I do find it interesting that the Bill is being proposed by 4 female legislators.
There is a sense of female empowerment by legalizing sex work, and removing the stigma from women who want to become financially independent and profit from their sexuality. Alternatively, it could be a trap. Decriminalize prostitution, but keep pimping and propositioning illegal.
Isn't Vermont also floating a bill to criminalize cell phone possession for under 21 year olds?
===> "Isn't Vermont also floating a bill to criminalize cell phone possession for under 21 year olds?"
that was a stunt proposal by one Senator who knows that it will never make it out of Committee and wouldn't seriously vote for it anyway. He was just trying to make a point. Keep in mind that it's cold and often snowy up there, so by January people can get very bored and look for things to do.
The sex worker bill, OTOH, seems to have some real support. We shall see.
Free the labia
Sounds real good!
But be careful of the federal anti-trafficking laws.
And I still think there should be some new legal statutes to protect women from abuse and exploitation.
SJG said "And I still think there should be some new legal statutes to protect women from abuse and exploitation."
... and Sleepytime Rapists...
and now New York is try for the same thing....
Decrimilizing something doesn't make it legal and as such doesn't change the stigma at all. Vermot legalized weed; whoop dee do. Still have to buy it from a criminal, just like in Maine, where is is also legal and not sold.
I am sure that it would increase the safety. Might need some other rules to protect the women from operators.
But yes, sounds very good.
Most advocates no longer go for legalization, as that gives power to operators. They just want decriminalization.
If you ever read anything normal SJG you would realize that violence against prostitutes in the Netherlands is a huge problem and that legalizing it made little to no difference.
Well I think that is the reason now why most advocates want decriminalization, not legalization.
Long ago many looked to the Netherlands as the model. Now they just want decriminalization.
Legalization is still a stigma.