
OT: New Drivers Licenses in my state

Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
Was looking online at my state's (Florida) motor vehicles website and I saw that starting May 19 2019, new drivers licenses would no longer have the magnetic strip on the back - I assume this makes them non-scannable at strip-clubs, unless they can be scanned some other way (optical? - although the website did not mention anything about how they could be scannable in the future) - perhaps your state may have adopted a similar thing.


  • Papi_Chulo
    5 years ago
    This what the website says:

    "... Beginning May 2019, the department began issuing modified credentials removing the magnetic strip on the back of the card, adding a tactile security feature to the front and changing some of the data layout ..."
  • skibum609
    5 years ago
    They scan licenses so they can sell your information on the front.
  • Clubber
    5 years ago

    I didn't even know there was a stripe on the back. When I get a drivers license, I put it in my wallet and if I ever take it out, I never look at it.

    Now I have to go look! :)
  • Papi_Chulo
    5 years ago
    I only know one club in SoFlo where they scanned your license (Showgirls in south Miami-Dade county) - have not visited much in the last year+ but I was there a few months ago and don't recall they asking me for my ID as in years past where they would scan it - perhaps they did away w/ it since the newest licenses can't be scanned?
  • skibum609
    5 years ago
    One issue that others are going to find huge is the new Federal ID requirement. I just renewed my license and it never dawned on me that I would end up with a driver's license with my full middle name on it (they use your birth certificate name) and that I have 6 flights scheduled under my old ID. Already been informed by TSA to get there at least 3-4 hours early because I will have issues.
  • Papi_Chulo
    5 years ago
    Oh - ok - yeah - on the website they show the old DL w/ the magnetic strip in the back, and the new DL w/o the magnetic strip but w/ a barcode on the back right - I figured there'd be a way to still scan them:

  • Papi_Chulo
    5 years ago
    ^ I wonder if that would ban the person from the strip club
  • rickdugan
    5 years ago
    They can indeed read the FL licenses with the bar code. I renewed my license during the Summer and it has been scanned by two clubs since, both with a green light showing that it was valid.
  • Papi_Chulo
    5 years ago
  • rickdugan
    5 years ago
    Heaving, if I am not mistaken, the places with these scanners subscribe to services which provide the machine with authentication parameters on a state by state basis. I'm not saying that individual names are confirmed, only the format and design of the license. I have no clue if a forger could duplicate a license well enough to pass this scan or not, but I doubt most clubs care as long as they have the CYA of a green validation light. The distinction is moot anyway for most of us since I doubt that many here bother with fake IDs, so we aare handing over the real thing each time.
  • CJKent (Banned)
    5 years ago

    You wrote: “I have no clue if a forger could duplicate a license well enough to pass this scan or not...”

    Google says it takes from 3 to 6 months from the time the government starts issuing new identity cards (drivers license, passport, etc) to have the forgeries on the streets, and some at capable to pass as authentic in all the places.

    I am sure it is possible with all the information available in the inter webs, and a demand big enough to make it happen.
  • Musterd21
    5 years ago
    I use some other form of government ID to fly with but I do have the ⭐️ on
    my license.
  • shadowcat
    5 years ago
    All this talk got me interested. So I looked at mine(georgia). It does have my middle name which is fine with me because my first and last names are pretty common. It does have a bar code on the back and a star on the front. I don't have ant problems with it ans it doesn't expire for 5 more years.
  • twentyfive
    5 years ago
    Just say no to strip clubs scanning your license, if we don’t push back there will be no place left for privacy.
  • Clubber
    5 years ago
    Just looked at my license. Three "scanable" items on the back. No idea when it was issued, but I'm guessing about 12-14 years ago.

    Only one club ever asked for an ID at all, Cheetah in Hallandale Beach. I just said, nope and left. Now maybe back in my early clubbing days (50 years ago) I was asked, but I don't recall being asked.
  • Dolfan
    5 years ago
    I have the "old" FL license and was recently denied entry to Monroes in West Palm because I refused to let them scan my ID. I was also denied entry to Spearmint Rhino in the same city on the same day for a very similar reason. All I had on me was my global entry card, my license was packed away in a bag. Jackass as the door at SR told me I needed a "real ID" so I laughed and left. Spent a couple hundred at Cheetah instead.

    At Monroes, the guy didn't seem confused by the global entry card. I'm pretty sure it would have scanned just fine if I let him, but I didn't. It's not the same kind of barcode/pdfwhatever, but I'd bet if the device has an optical scanner it'll handle both.

    Either way, I'm with 25 on this one. I encourage folks to push back on the practice. At least until there are penalties for misuse of that information, including negligence for letting it get leaked.

  • Dolfan
    5 years ago
    Oh, and about the discussion on the green light. I agree, I'm not an expert on the matter but I have sat it on the sales pitch for three different options of those systems with a bar owner who considered it implementing one.

    None of them checked to ensure that it was a "valid" license really. They checked that the data was "well formed" which basically means they didn't just try to change the name on someone else barcode or put gibberish in there or something. But it could have "Hugh G. Rection" as a the name. One of them sold a model that did validate that the barcode matched the rest "So a minor couldn't just change their age on the readable text" but that was an upgrade not a standard feature. They all offered ban-lists and demographics though. Those were the two biggest selling points. The little green light would be red if the person had been marked as banned at another place.
  • rickdugan
    5 years ago
    Well, as interesting as this discussion of the intricacies of these systems has been, the esoteric distinctions aren't really relevant for most of us. The average club hound is unlikely to seek out a "well formed" fake ID just to fool a strip club scanning system, so if we wish to enter a club that requires scanning, we're going to be using our real licenses.

    in all honesty, license scanning doesn't bother me as much as it does some. Visiting a strip club is not illegal and I struggle to see why or how anyone could first obtain copies of the scans and then publish them somewhere. There just isn't any upside to someone misusing the information. Cameras in a back room however...
  • skibum609
    5 years ago
    VH wah, wah, wah little impotent bitch. Back on ignore where morons belong boy.
  • RandomMember
    5 years ago
    AFAIK, every single club in metro Denver is scanning IDs and I've never had a single problem. I have a feeling the clubs are safer for everyone involved.

    I tell you what *does* bother me: I've had SBs tell me that fake IDs are readily available and they scan just fine in bars and restaurants. So the threat of an underage SB is always there and checking their ID or having a restaurant card them isn't foolproof. One of my 21-yr-old SBs told me that she started sugaring at age 17.
  • Dolfan
    5 years ago
    Rick, I agree that fake ID's and scanners are a moot point. I also agree that I couldn't care less if someone knows I was in a strip club. There's nothing wrong with that, and with the license plate readers around town there's probably already plenty of evidence to prove I was there anyway.

    What I do have concerns about is everything on my license being recorded in a database with security controls that range from non-existent to piss-poor. I'm not going to get into the details, but I've personally experienced significant issues resulting from identity theft stemming from drivers license misuse. I also know a database containing license images and metadata has significant value, which is enough to tell me I don't want to be in that db.

    It's not just strip clubs I won't patronize for that reason. I won't let a lot of places have it.
  • Papi_Chulo
    5 years ago
    I don't have anyone to answer to but a strip club it's not the place I want to be handing my personal info to nor do I trust their competence in safeguarding that info
  • Jascoi
    5 years ago
    I have been scanned perhaps hundreds of times when I was addicted to stripclubs in Las Vegas.
  • twentyfive
    5 years ago
    Here I So Flo, it’s become intrusive every time you enter a gated community even if your name has been left at the gate by the person who invited you they ask for your DL it’s getting very close to Orwell’s 1984 with folks watching everyone’s move and I find it to be offensive and against our American way of life. So if I get a small chance to push back I will take it, I’m never going to allow any business that wants my business to scan my license it’s just my opinion.
  • 623
    5 years ago
    Pretty much every doctor visit requires scanning ID including DL as well as visits other places. And those places are at least a susceptible to data theft as any other place.
  • twentyfive
    5 years ago
    ^ You need to push back, if y’all surrender your rights without protesting it’s acquiescence and I’m just tired of being taken advantage of
  • rickdugan
    5 years ago
    I just can't imagine what practical use my DL info. would be to anyone. Since I am a registered voter in FL, my name, address, DOB and party affiliation are all public information anyway. Seriously, anyone could Google my name and "FL voter registration" and get everything that is on my license except for my license number.

    Don't get me wrong, I hate all of this as much as 25 does, but I have to pick my battles. It's hard to even get money out of my bank now with a DL alone, the bank also wants me to put in my ATM pin or provide a cell phone verification code when I cash a check.
  • twentyfive
    5 years ago
    Rick a few years ago I was targeted by some folks that got some of my information, a phone call at 4 PM saying that my nephew had been arrested in another state, and wasn’t going to be allowed access to a phone unless I provided a CC guaranteeing that his bond would be covered, these folks were quite convincing, fortunately I had been warned about this by someone in a position to know a lot about it.
    These folks target based on easily stolen information and the more that’s out there the easier it is for these knuckleheads to get.
    They got nothing from me, and my nephew is fine, never been arrested but there’s tons of scams and schemes out there so be wary.
  • Clubber
    5 years ago

    "So if I get a small chance to push back I will take it, I’m never going to allow any business that wants my business to scan my license it’s just my opinion."

    Couldn't agree more. Seems there is a very large case of this "ID/regulation" BS happening in Virginia and it might explode.
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