What Sport Were You Best At?
The view from the other side of the room
We had a discussion here a couple months back about “What sport takes the most skill?” (As opposed to brute strength or athleticism)” or something like that. Lots of opinions were given, baseball was often mentioned.
But what sport were (or are) YOU best at? What did YOU enjoy the most in your ‘glory days’?
But what sport were (or are) YOU best at? What did YOU enjoy the most in your ‘glory days’?
Favorite memories include moonlit night time runs on the South Fork American (upstream from Sacramento), and the 5 days trips on the Owyhee (SE Oregon), and Grand Ronde (NE Oregon) rivers. Topping all though, was the most challenging run, 3 days on the Illinois River in SW Oregon - through amazing wilderness scenery, dozens of class 3 – 5 rapids, so isolated there’s not even a trail along river for most of the run.
The feeling of drifting toward big whitewater, always scanning, reading the currents, knowing you got this (well maybe, the river can pull surprises) was a mix of adrenalin and bliss. 200+ days of rafting gave me a lifetime of memories – a hot spring 1 step away from cold river, makeshift steam saunas by candlelight, swimming rapids in lifejacket, and mile after mile of the prettiest places on the planet. Good times.
You're on 'top', about to slide down (a form of) water, missing obstacles, finding a path that's the most fun.
2) bowling
I liked playing Volleyball and skiing the most.
From that point on I decided to stick to watching and gambling on sports instead.
2. Sailing
College and beyond, up to 5 years ago, sailing.
Lol, @Meathead. Do a Google search under Dunning-Kruger Effect. One of my new-years resolutions is to be less snarky -- but it's still 2019 and usually break my resolutions, anyway.
I used to surf as a kid in S. California. I've been swimming laps and into road cycling all my life. Road cycling is still my most important athletic activity. Was on the tennis team in high school but probably the worst guy on the team.
At least you recognize your athletic inabilities. Probably why you had to marry an Asian. They can’t handle anyone too large.
In college, my partner and I made the quarter finals of the 2 on 2 volleyball tournament one of the dorms had (they had over 150 teams), so volleyball may be the best answer. I never could do regular volleyball, though.
I always liked to ride my bike around, but that went away when I got a car for myself way back when.
My favorite sports are distance running, basketball and tennis.
The most success I've found was in playing tennis, as I was able to play several years in high school and college. But, I enjoy basketball more.