
Website redesign

Avatar for indyman
indymanNorth Carolina

I don't think there is anything good about the recent web redesign. Very cumbersome to navigate and there doe not appear to be a search function. Map click for location is useless and much worse than the old state by state list


last comment
Avatar for indyman

Ok i found the state list but still think the new design is a step backwards.

Avatar for founder

Awesome. Please submit all site redesign ideas here. I'll do my best

Avatar for caseyx

I miss seeing daily reviews, which seem to be gone. I travel a bunch so checking out what's happening in other locations is interesting to me. Having new reviews in one place was nice.

Avatar for davephx

I must be blind or too old, but did "favorites" disappear?

Avatar for jackslash

"Favorites" has been replaced by "Following." You will have to add your favorites to "following" again.

Avatar for tubaman

I agree with comment on daily reviews. I found the old format was better in meeting my needs. Also the added two steps to read a review is cumbersome (click to read then click to return to the list).

I am adapting to the other changes.

Avatar for twentyfive

And with the unpublished reviews click to approve or not and you go back to the beginning and need to scroll back to where you were.

Avatar for founder

You guys realize that clicking involves lifting a finger. So you're saying you don't want to lift a finger to find clubs.

Well, we have a new level of laziness here.

Avatar for willyo

This takes so long now, it is hardly worth opening up.

Avatar for founder

Much quicker to visit a club?

Avatar for funtimepete

I cannot find a way to see all entertainers. The method forces you to drill all the way down to the city to see the entertainers in that general region. That is not great in you travel a lot. I used to be able to plan visits to new clubs based on some of the entertainers at those club. It is substantially harder now. Why can’t there be an “All” selection for that part of this. Can this be fixed?????????

Avatar for funtimepete

Plus I apparently can’t type based on that last comment

Avatar for twentyfive

@founder you don't really want us to lift a finger, jes sayin lollol

Avatar for founder

@funtimepete, serious question...

When looking at the list of entertainers, do you not see the button that says "change location"?

Avatar for 623

I agree that the new functionality is much more clumsy. It takes at least 10 clicks to get to read the first review and if you want to read all of yesterday’s reviews it takes 50 to over a 100 clicks when it used to take a couple. I also find myself using tuscl a lot less.

Not knowing why a redesign was necessary makes it harder to understand what the need was for the rewrite. It seems like there is a effort to recruit more dancer participation, but that has come at a cost of riling the strong base. It’s not clear if the redesign will have that effect either.

Every redo seems to remove several useful features, some of which get added back, but I a much inferior way.

I get that spending tons of time doing changes that ultimately get panned sucks. I’ve been there, working nights on features that fall flat on presentation. Makes you want to throw up your hands and say screw it. Sorry For the attitude but in the end it’s your site and you can choose to do whatever you want with it. As a freeloader who only trades his time contributing to get access I have less say except for stating my opinion. It’s just not fair to anybody who pays money to use the site to autocratically blow things up.

Avatar for funtimepete

Yes, I see the button. But I have to pick another city/state. There is no way to just see everything. So I have to look in let’s say Connecticut, then New Jersey, then Florida. I don’t care about the region. It’s the same with the club reviews. There is no way just to see all. If I am missing something then I am at fault.

For example I looked a a review for a club in New Jersey and now all I see are reviews for Jersey clubs. If I want to see reviews for a club I can choose Connecticut but then I can see another state. I can’t figure a way to see them all. I thought it was my phone at first but it is not.

Avatar for georgmicrodong

I don't know what site you guys are looking at when you talk about 10 clicks to get to the first review. Aside from logging in, it took me three.

Avatar for Frankcastle

I appreciate the work put into the site, but I have to agree this version is a step back. I liked the previous version better, the only thing lacking was you couldn’t sort by most recent review.

Now you can sort by most recent review, but not by score. Where are the scores? Don’t see them on mobile. That was a really good way to sort wheat from chaff. Lots more clicks to read each review, too. Took me a while to find the main listings page.

Avatar for 623

@george - it takes one or two clicks to login that used to be the landing page, then several more clicks (about 5) to get a list of all reviews, then several more clicks to page down to the place that you left off reading last time you were reading. Then to read each review you have to click multiple times where you didn't used to have to click at all, you could simply scroll or swipe (both actions could be done without repositioning a mouse pointer).

Avatar for Jascoi

there’s a bit of a learning curve to the new site.

I click to see all reviews.

I posted a screenshot in my photos.

Avatar for loper

I like the redesign. It's probably a difficult hack, but it would be nice to have an edit feature. Facebook, for e.g. has a way to fix your text after you've posted.

Avatar for Jascoi

i’d love an edit feature. i have some reviews that need typos corrected.

maybe founder could allow edits for a very limited time after the original post.

Avatar for loper

One of the old features that seems to have gone away is the ability to look at all of your "contributions." That allowed me to keep track of everywhere I posted.

Avatar for Jascoi

i hope founder brings that back as well as a count of them.(like we had about a year ago.)

Avatar for TFP

I agree with every single thing 623 posted. As a matter of fact, I would give him a trust right now based on that, but those are gone also.

A redesign shouldn't remove useful features. Rather, a redesign should include the features that more and more users request.

Like 623 said, I find myself using the site less now because the changes make the place so cumbersome to navigate, unlike before.

Avatar for tubaman

Thanks Founder for now listing the reviews by date submitted

Avatar for Mate27

I agree, definitely not a fan.

Avatar for dutchman2000

As the saying goes, if it ain't broke, don't fix it. It was pretty awesome.

Avatar for Delsol47

The other day i could find local reviews and today none of that shows up when you go to “Reviews”. Only ones posted today.

Avatar for positronicbrain

Also chiming in to say, not a big fan of the redesign. It's much less streamlined and seems to take a lot more clickthroughs to get where I want to go. Most times I come here I want to either see clubs near me or search for clubs near where I'm going soon. That's a pain without a search bar up top.

The new design also displays information that is not necessary. I don't know why there's a bar of 5 entertainers at the bottom of the front page. With no name and location, what's there to interest me? There's a >99% chance they don't work anywhere near me. Both Entertainers and Listings bar don't tell my WHY they're there. Are they newest? Nearest? Random?

I like the idea of verification to cut down on spam/low quality posts though.

Avatar for sclvr5005

It takes a little getting used to, but appears to be much cleaner and easier to navigate.

Avatar for Papi_Chulo

I don't see # of reviews in a club's page as b/f - not a must-have but it was nice to have that info visible on a club's page.

Avatar for joeblow44

I've been a member of this site for a while and lived through 4 or 5 redesigns. Initially, there are many negative comments, then after a while everyone gets use to it. Founder adds and subtracts things over time and life goes on. Have to get use to it, but I like the redesign so far. Wash, rinse, repeat.

Avatar for davephx

Dumb Dave here. How do you follow a club? I had lots of favorites in different cities think you clicked something by club name but do see what to click to follow. I have a few in follow I have no clue how they get there but maybe 15 were favorites I would like to follow if I find the right thnk to click. It may be obvious but I am not getting it - Old age perhaps.

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